Friday, February 09, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 2, 2018

The whole concert sales strategy for this A+ list singer is to make you think she is the most popular singer on the planet when it is basically just a smoke and mirrors trick to have great sales numbers even if the concerts are half full.

Taylor Swift


  1. My buddy and his wife took her niece to a Taylor Swift concert. He was telling us about it. Said he was in line for a beer when some 13-14 y/o girl came up to him and started yapping about how she didnt think her mom was gonna get tickets then her mom surprised her for her birthdays and blah blah blah. He said he tried a couple time to end the conversation and tell her she better find her mom, but the girl kept yappin away, and he only ditched her by getting his beer and darting into the crowd to get back to his seat. He was all bugged out about it. When i said it was probably a pedo sting, cause how many 40something dudes were walking around solo at a Taylor Swift concert, he was jaw dropped stunned. He asked if i really thought so, and i told him i hoped so, or that lil bim probably left the concert in some creep's trunk.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    If you people actually think that Taylor Swift has only half-full concerts... then there is no hope for any of you to live in reality

  3. Wait a minute, do they send out girls to "fish" for pedos at concerts? I never knew about this

  4. Oldest entrapment play in the book @Mcdermid, it's not new at all.

  5. Jeez, Jerkula. You could be right about that being a sting.

    Well, if Taylor Swift isn't #1, who is?

    This is an "old enough to..." thing: Remember when the Jacksons demanded that fans send $120 and then, maybe, six months later, you might get four tickets for the Victory tour? Oh, man, everyone thought that was the ultimate in dishonest fan abuse. Good times, eh?

    1. Hey..that was me! Ticketmaster days. ha ha ha. We got them in mail-all good. But tix my Mum was gifted from her Pepsi Co freind were better. Saw him 2x in Jacksonville, FL. Stayed at same hotel as fam...I have goood juicy stories. Maybe one day I will share? ;)

  6. Sounds like some kind of Sting, either they wanted to get him as a pedo or nail him for buying her a beer?

  7. I need photos of these half empty venues to believe this. Taylor Swift is the hottest star in the tweeter set.

    1. Twitter followers does not equal ticket sales unless the tickets are under $20.

  8. Hard to buy this one.

  9. @Seachica

  10. Swift is slipping from her pedestal simply because she made an album to her critics and not to her fans.
    Not a lot of people are willing to pay a shitload of cash to watch her perform these "almost hit" songs, be subjected to her verified fan system and have a bunch of her useless merch shoved down their throats.
    While her previous album 1989 was a great success with many good decent pop songs (I could tolerate them on the radio while driving), Reputation simply isn't. Some of her old fan bases grew up and are now in college, People also got tired of other people victimizing themselves, especially someone as fortunate in life as TS.

  11. Sound like a troll blind, if swift was sweating ticket sales then the the full p.r operation would be in action right now or she'd be selling tix at half price.

    1. Not how it works, you sell at half price, and media gets wind, your worth goes down. Like stock, only worth as much as demand.

  12. SC thank you for the link. She sold most of her seats and they are much more expensive than her previous tours. I do not buy this blind

  13. Swift fills arenas, sure. This up coming tour is stadiums though, and high ticket prices. 20k in the Prudential Center, sure. 80k in Giants stadium? I dont know abkit that. If she gets 25k, and gives away 15k tickets to church groups, etc, she will still make a lot more than in an arena though, plus gets the write off. Ticket brokers will be the only losers.

  14. Wait, you mean Taylor putting out 5 different versions of her album as "collectable" items is really just a ruse to artificially inflate sales numbers? I'm shocked.

  15. Anonymous12:59 PM

    This kind of thing happens all the time in the concert industry, they'll drape off half a stadium, and call it a "sell out". Swift doing it would be surprising, though. But then, Enty claims that Katy Perry isn't selling records and is about to be dropped from her label, which my music industry friends laughed at, but what so I know?

  16. Katy Perry tickets were on Groupon, so there's that.

    1. Even jayz had hell of a time moving tickets

  17. "Let's admit America gets the celebrities we deserve"

  18. Katy Perry ISN'T selling records. Her last album was a failure of pretty epic proportions. She had one single that hit the top 10 for a week on the strength of being the new Katy Perry single, and then disappeared from the charts almost immediately. The others barely scraped the lower reaches of the Hot 100. They were so desperate to try to generate a hit that they resorted to trying to create a viral video challenge a la the mannequin challenge or Harlem Shake. If I remember right, people were supposed to spray themselves in the face with water while playing her song Bon Apetit. It was pathetic and embarrassing.

    Her record label may not be about to drop her, but if her next album performs the way this one did, they sure will be ready to.

    1. I aomt never heard of no Harlem Shake, but the Harlem Struggle is the greatest finishing manuever in porn.

  19. No one is making big money on concerts these days.

  20. I don't know about this one. Her sales seem to be just fine and there are still several months to go before her tour starts. I think in the end she is probably going to make a whole lot of money...and then disappear for a few years with a lady "friend."

  21. There was a Taylor Swift silk scarf at the Goodwill today. Priced at $2.99. Left that "treasure" for someone else to find.

  22. I have a question. This blind was revealed. So wat came out recently about it? I thought these things were revealed when statements came out from some source.

    1. @RockSword, good question. I'm not aware of anything that makes a reveal official in any sense, although a lot of them seem to coincide with news stories that explain the blinds. I am also not aware of any bombshell reveals where CDaN was ahead of the news and possibly putting itself at elevated risk. I'd be curious about such reveals if they have happened.



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