Monday, February 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 27, 2017

Speaking of bad mistakes by people who should know better after many strikes, this former A list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows is back on the pill and booze train. It feels like it has been a decade of her going to rehab and then hooked again.

Heather Locklear


  1. You didn't need Miss Cleo to see this.

    As well as her arrest today.

    1. The honourable mention for Miss Cleo, tho. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🖤

  2. She was arrested yesterday for beating on her bf and a cop; meanwhile, surprising no one, one of her co stars (Jamie Luner) was accused of molesting a 16 year old back in the day:

  3. Amanda should have stayed on her island lol

  4. I guess we will get a ton of these. No one wanted to believe she was this bad, in spite of these stories popping up every year or so.

  5. Heather Locklear walks into a bar with a couple feet of macadem rolled up under her arm.

    She says to the bartender "One for me, and one for the road".

  6. Heather said to her young daughter, "Honey, if I have 5 bottles of wine in one hand, and four in the other, what do I have".

    Her daughter replied "A drinking problem".

  7. The answer to the blind about an Old Hollywood actress who gave birth to a bi-racial baby is Dinah Shore.

  8. My comment didn't post, so I'll try again.

    I hope Heather can straighten her life out. I don't get a good vibe on this longterm, and I hope I'm wrong.

  9. Heather and Charlie reportedly engaged in sex with minors so I hope she finds herself on a nice comfy road to Hell.

  10. For a broad as hot as Heather was, I can understand turning to booze and pills to cope w/ becoming an old bag.

    1. LOL. Count....even though I'm 2 years younger some of us look better....nut ok.good one

  11. Hey Count! Muuaahhh
    Anyway Enty I had to comment on your "hooked again" in the original blind. Clever...

  12. Sheen's probably been making lots of calls from Casa de la Winning all night.

  13. @Samantha maybe Enty will reveal that blind! *crossing fingers*

  14. John Doe recounted a lot of the alleged Charlie Sheen threads on Twitter which I read through today - and the super-disturbing one about the co-star and her daughter seems to ring true with one of the people mentioned in the comments here (not the one who was most guessed).

    1. Do you mean that lady being investigated for g giving an annoying teen a BJ? I don't even know who she is.

  15. Very sad, especially the picture. My older brother had a big crush on her back in the day (went to the same high school). Some of God's greatest gifts are...well, you know...

  16. Didn't Heather have a domestic violence incident with Jack Wagner?

  17. I believe that blind is true about heather &Charlie. No one gets to their 50's and is this messy without dark demons and skeletons in their closet. This is next level shit

  18. Well if she is the answer to that blind about sexually abusing her little girl with a male co-star she has reasons to drink and drug.

  19. @Guesser: Yep. I don't think she's gotten through any relationship without violence.

  20. Auntie: You must not have decades of coke & hard liquor abuse on yer resume.

    1. No I do not Count! Keep an coming. You are hilarious!

  21. Per the Mail, a bad day all around for MP alums. I wonder if they let women at the director's parties.

  22. and again, she'll walk away with a slap on the wrist until she kills someone while driving.

    Newsflash: her bf was busted a few hours after her.
    Maybe they'll get a shared cell.
