Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

February 13, 2018

Another payday for this A+ list mostly movie actor from a modeling agency. They wanted their star to get some attention and paid extra for some PDA from the actor.

Leonardo DiCaprio/Camila Morrones


  1. It's got to be a hard life to be paid to hook up with models lol

    1. When you're allegedly not straight it is

    2. He is bisexual. And has legal contracts with these barely known models. Its a public relations service contract where he in return for her service enchance her career by being associated with her as her boyfriend. Its nothing more than a oublic display of affection. He has been in an open relationship with Lukas Haas for years. This info was shared with me by a former lover of Leo.

  2. Best part is these whores are so desperate, they cant say no to anything he tells em to do. Anal, ass to mouth, 3 sums, bang his friends, be a piss mop, everything imaginable is on the table.

  3. Am I alone in thinking "ATM" sounds dirtier than "ass to mouth"?

  4. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Bloody hell. How much more money do these people need?

  5. Jeez cheesegrater, what kind of bank do you use? ;)

    1. LMAO thanks, just spit out my coffee.

  6. He's got to make up for the money he lost from all his charities which the Malaysian money launderers donated to him that he had to return. $50,000 here $50,000 there adds up eventually.

  7. Leo is not attractive, he doesn't have a personality and he's awful to women. What is it with these guys that worship their mothers but treat every woman they're in a relationship in like scum, closeted or not.

  8. Leo used to be insanely attractive and he even used to have a personality. Sadly, he lost it somewhere along the way. He's like a robot now in every interview. Scary. Well, who knows, he's probably (hopefully!) different in real life. But he can't act anymore. He has pretty much sucked ever since Titanic. And he looks bloated af.

    I don't believe these gay rumours, but I do believe that he has some serious issues.

    1. @trufflepig
      Do you have any photos of "insanely attractive" Leo? Would love to see them. In this universe we've only ever had squishy pie-face Leo. Cool that he's insanely attractive in some alternate universe tho

  9. Leo should demand her to do ATM. Treat her like a whore.

  10. Ever notice his acting in Gilbert Grape was a little too good?

    1. Your perspective sounds interesting. Please share...but make sure to duck if you type the word c.l.o.n.e....LOLZ.

  11. Model agencies don't have the funds to pay already-mega-wealthy male movie stars to hang out with their models, LOL.

    It definitely doesn't work this way.

    If anything, the celebs circle the agencies to find fresh meat to f-ck.

    Leo may be puffy and pathetic these days, but he is still an A-list actor, and any young model will be more than happy to be his arm candy. There is no exchange of money needed - he is a horn dog and will chase any hot girl he sees.

    Anyone thinking he is gay, or that he is getting paid to hang with models, is delusional.

  12. @Sally so true!! I dont see how agencies could pay celebrities for that, neither big agencies could, seems more like a trade of interests of all parts (agency,model,celebrity)

  13. Not good since Titanic lol pathetic loser...if you don't like the guy ok, lots of people don't like a lot of celebs. But those claims are a stretch lmao

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. My God, I love the delusional fangirls. LOL People, when will it get through your skulls? Do you remember the drama club kids in High school and college? The "fags" and the "sluts"? They are the ones in Hollywood perfecting the proverbial closet and casting couch. Period.

    They're still either full gay or bi or at least occasionally homo for a role. Actors don't fall from the sky, they come from the drama club. Also, most actors don't even hide who they like. If you can afford to go to the places you'll see your favorite star getting shitfaced and fucking whoever. It's not even a secret.
