Monday, February 05, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly movie actress had a good 2017. She is not foreign born but sounds like she might be. She was also wasted beyond belief at an event over the weekend and made her former boss ticked off to the point they didn't speak for much of the night even though they have been pretty good friends for some time now.


  1. Replies
    1. +1 and A+ for spelling

      I think her boss she upset was Jodi Foster thou.

  2. Greta Gerwig for the boss

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Yeah, Saoirse Ronan. Lady Bird was a hit that got her her third Oscar nomination. Technically born in America, raised in Ireland. I agree with Greta for the boss, i.e. director.

  4. This is Saoirse but the boss isn't Greta, it's Joe Wright. He directed her big debut in Atonement and he's pretty out there for directing Darkest Hour, the Churchill movie.
    Greta and Saoirse are pretty clearly on good terms, but it makes sense to refer to Joe as her "former boss" who she's been close with "for some time now" since he's known her for a decade.

  5. Haha so they didn’t speak for most of a night.. big drama over here..

  6. Hey that's an Irish tradition, it's not like she tore down a traffic light.

  7. isn't that the worst though? a drunk when you are not drunk. a drunk girl even. obnoxious

  8. This doesn't look like "wasted beyond belief".

  9. The girl had a big night out, someone needs to lighten up; you’re only young once. If she didn’t pass out/puke all over/ piss herself, then that’s not “wasted beyond belief”.

  10. There are rumours that saoirse and Greta are close.

  11. longtimereader-no ,Saoirse's dating Jack Lowden. Before that Hozier.
