Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #9

This B+ list celebrity offspring of a former A++ lister says she gave almost $10M over the years to this organization that also knows a bunch of secrets she never ever wants to get out. It might seem like she is opening up, but it is nowhere close to what she is hiding.


  1. Lisa Marie Presley

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Lisa Marie Presely

  3. Is this really a blind?? I wonder who it could be..

    1. Chelsea Clinton... $10 mil to a plastic surgeon in Tijuana (unfortunately even money can't fix "ugly to tha bone"

    2. 😂😂😂😂

    3. Ah yes, can always depend on somebody to bring in politics. And have others encourage it. Predictable.

    4. Just like Ivanka and her chin job! 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Chin job, boob job, lipo,...

  4. But she is suing her business manager, so there's probably a lot that would be available through discovery that could go public.

  5. How bad can these secrets be that they all seem to have? If it's drugs or adultery, so what? Must be horrific.

  6. Maybe Elvis used to molest her. Seems like a secret she'd unload to a "counselor". But if she came out with it, she'd either not be believed and be dragged and trashed by everyone.
    And/or it could wreck his legacy and licensing must be a huge cash cow for her mom and family.

    1. You're right, I hadn't even considered the secret might be about Elvis

    2. Ugh there were rumours that Gladys molested him, so could be generational. Lisa Marie always has seemed totbe hanging onto some dark secrets. It could be something else like he was murdered though. Molestation is worse for her to jave emerge though.

    3. The thing is, Scio auditors are encouraged to really dig for the child sexual abuse stuff, even digging for it with children.

      If she actually made stuff up because it seemed like what she was supposed to do or to make the auditing session end, she would not be the first.

      Or only.

      By far.

    4. But if that was the case she has plausible deniability..."They made me say it." She looks quite haunted. She probably saw some horrific stuff growing up. Elvis liked to shoot guns in the house. That would fuck any kid up.

  7. What happened with the child porn found on several devices of her soon-to-be-ex-husband and the father of her twin girls?

  8. I feel bad suggesting that, but honestly, there's not a whole lot that could ruin her or him at this point.

    1. Agreeing with @Sara. Not sure people really care

  9. I bet the Playboy estate has some select videos and/or recordings. Elvis has got to be in their trove somewhere.

  10. Don't f*ck with the ASPCA, they're animals.

  11. @curious
    Nobody would really care about that though. This would have to be much bigger. Whatever she told $cio in their inventory (that's what they call it, right? ) sessions.

  12. Well, let's see... she was married to MJ and NC...guessing she has some insider info on a few people.

  13. @Samantha,
    Absolutely. Who knows what she knows. But I can't imagine *she* would have to pay to keep Nic or MJ's secrets hidden. They both have big families that would have interest there.

  14. Elvis gave her amphetamines, which are like vitamins...'cept different

  15. maybe she revealed things about Michael Jackson and her other ex husbands. Now that I want to hear!

  16. @Blogger lab lover .....human trafficking , blood sacrifice, ADRENOCHROME!!!!

  17. Everyone knows Elvis went for teen girls, so that can't really hurt his legacy at this point. Have to be a lot more than that.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Many people probably suspect that Elvis did some bad stuff, but if LM came out and said that he raped her when she was little, and a teen, it would indeed hurt his reputation. Not that I have any idea what secrets she's keeping.

  20. @Sara: very, very, very close. But not him. Someone else in his group of close-knit family/entourage. Horrible as that is, he knew and didn't/couldn't do anything due to the importance of that person to E and the secrets which that abuser knew. Especially in his last years "E" was in no shape/couldn't risk having his own secrets outed, and that abuser had proof of what E had done. Even living proof, and lots of payoffs.

    So why wouldn't Lisa come out now and clear the air? Certainly no one would blame her, right?
    Well - because it would unleash a tsunami of accusations and allegations against E himself, and there's likely STILL a chance such allegations would back up many things rumored about Elvis. The kind from which his legacy likely would NEVER recover. The WORST.

    So if you're Lisa and your income/lifestyle in dependent upon Elvis' legacy and your income derives from his name remaining in good fashion? That's a boat you too would be hesitant to rock. Especially when you're $30mil in debt right now and leveraged to the hilt. She's used her annuity revenue to secure a LOT of loans world-wide. (None of that is any secret).

    But...even worse? When she was younger, her own mother allowed certain things to happen to Lisa. Even encouraged it. Sure, her mom was drugged/insane and mostly incoherent at the time as she herself was being used/abused by LOTS of people. That woman was struggling to literally get any money at all for anything, and was "trading" every favor she could muster up including herself and...others. Then numbed herself to survive through it. Bankers, executives in music/film and TV (especially a pig named Jim Aubrey at MGM), politicians, agents, lawyers - everyone in a power slot who could help ALL wanted a piece of the "King's" lady. You have to recall how young an naive she was too back then. Anyone who could help 'Cilla get revenue in? She'd let it happen to herself or another.

    If a certain really big shot or two happened to promise certain massive amounts of help to her? She'd get wasted and let ANYTHING happen. Including...yes. But that's no excuse for inviting those monsters to prey on your daughter AND invite your own child into the middle of the mess. "Cilla" allowed, encouraged, and condoned the abuse of her own child. Sexually, through drugs, etc. Even FROM PRISCILLA'S OWN BOYFRIEND. Yes, people can change and families can be reconciled and forgiven and ties mended.

    So if you are Lisa, and you're not too smart and not too strong on your own - would you rock the boat and risk:
    1. Destroying your only source of income, including the income which you've borrowed heavily against which would ruin you and your own offspring? Would any book deal and PR tour make up for the income she'd lose by killing the golden goose? Doubt it. Especially when her own offspring depend on those same revenue streams (Logan Lucky residuals won't pay off forever).
    2. Would you risk destroying the only relative whom you still trust and have a relationship with and who protects you? (And whom you've forgiven for what she allowed and did to you when she was a mess back then)?

    Nobody can make those choices but Lisa. It's gotta be tough, and (not being mean here but honestly) she's really not too equipped to make big plans and intelligent schemes for her life. Which is why she was easy prey for $cientology to begin with. So it's unlikely she'd let those secrets all out and cut off her nose to spite...well, you know. Nobody would win, so it is truly tragic.

    (DISCLAIMER: I am not a part of Lisa's world so I cannot vouch or verify anything I've heard. But Lisa has admitted ALL of those things to many people over the years, and it's not a big secret - just not publicly acknowledged I don't think).

    1. A reveal to a blind item in the comments. Interesting approach.

    2. Himmmm, $cn is being sued/investigated in several foreign courts/by several foreign governments for invasion of privacy, for their policy of maintaining extensive written documentation of personal information on members, past and present.

      Their policy of pursuing the personal information on non-members (family and acquaintances) through auditing of their members, even so far as credit history, social security numbers, credit card accounts and banking information, is illegal in nearly every Western country.

      If I were advising Lisa Marie, I would suggest she get in touch with some of these foreign govts and see what she can do to assist "behind the scenes".

      No one should be blackmailed by a so-called "religion."

    3. Kno Won Uno does not seem to Kno much about how this place works, yet I notice they have no scruples in mouthing off about other posters.

      Perhaps the name should be Kno Won Uwon Uno

    4. Yeah... it’s been observed and also I think that new “moniker “even suggested.
      Alas, they all crawl back.

    5. Someone "in his group of close-knit family/entourage"?! You don't say! Sacrilege!!!!!!

      [I'm a Southern Belle today] ☕️

  21. Great to see you here HIMMMM! It would be pretty difficult not to reconcile with Priscilla considering what she is worth and the fact that she has the ability to support the grandchildren when necessary. I don't know who was in Elvis' entourage or family, but I do hope they know we all know they were plenty messed up and won't be surprised at much. I really hope Lisa Marie can give up drugs and that Priscilla has given up Sci :( Send the next generation to higher learning and real employment, please!

  22. WOW. thanks Himmm must be one of the Memphis mafia. Good ol.boys. so many to choose from.

    1. Priscilla herself was a victim too. Its not an excuse but thats how things were then.lots of teens getting married to grown ass men and they all crashed/burned. Kind of thought that boyfriend of hers did something with Lisa allegedly.

    2. Please tell me it wasn't my favorite Memphis Mafia member, Hamburger James.


  23. $cio has been built to ensure nobody wins but $cio. How they can continue to maintain tax exempt status as a religion is mind blowing and disheartening.

  24. @Himmmm Thanks for the incredibly depressing information. That answers my questions about why LMP and Priscilla have been so “one foot in, one out” with Scio this long.

    Sounds like the Presleys and Miscavige have finally reached a good old fashioned Mexican standoff.

  25. The one think Priscilla did was wrestle Elvis's estate away from the likes of Colonel Tom Parker and kick Elvis's crew out of Graceland and his other properties. She is considered, by many, to be a success story in the managing of the estate and image of a dead legend. People took notes on how she aggressively fought for the reinvigoration of all things Elvis and followed her example. Really, she did it all for Lisa Marie.

    Unfortunately, she was all tied up in Scientology too and raised her daughter on that horse shit. Lisa Marie never stood a chance batted back and forth between addiction and an ugly cult.

    Interesting factoid - Lisa Marie and Pink are good friends. Who would have thunk it?

  26. How horrible! You knew he was pathetic in the end but to allow this to happen and do nothing? Shameful.
    I wish I could follow you Himmmm. Can we have a way of being alerted when you post?

  27. Was there ever any reveals about her and MJ?

  28. MJ and LM were all on the surface. It was obvious she was bait for Scientology to get their hooks in MJ. Give the freaky guy some credit - like Elvis, he rejected them out of hand.

  29. Fuuuuuuuck scientology. As if she hadn't been through enough, they exploit it. I don't have enough expletives for them.

    Thanks @Himmmm, but also, DAMN.

    Also, I have NEVER believed that Elvis' relationship with young Priscilla was as chaste as they said it was.

    Everything is terrible and HOW do you know so much??

  30. I kinda suspect that his relationship with young Priscilla was chaste actually. Elvis was a strange dude, sexually. He had all sorts of hang-ups about purity and a very deep Mama complex.

  31. @plot: I agree 100% about 'Cilla's miraculous reversal of fortunes yo gain control and build that legacy into a commodity. She did it and deserves praise. Of course, there were a lot of parts to her deals that'll never make the official bio/story but that's usually how it goes. Forgiveness is between she and Lisa (and God? or Xenu?).

    @Kno Won: No worries my friend. Just FYI: I didn't write the blind or know anything about it until reading it here - just like you. But 10 words into it? It screamed out to whom it was referring. I'm just sharing what I know/have heard (as stated in my disclaimer above).

    Okay...I'll probably catch hell for this but...what's new :-)
    VERY OFF TOPIC, sorry. You asked so I'll tell. I'm not trying to start any fires here, bait anyone, or anything. Don't wanna overshare and I'm sorry if this comes off as pompous and douchey. Not my intent. You asked? I'll tell.

    @Sara: Family in the biz since forever. I grew up on movie sets, locations, at studios, concerts, and industry events. Always backstage and learned to H-A-T-E being in front of cameras (but it still happened). Dragged along by family, so the people I met and knew were my friends. If your parents drag you to fancy dinners and business socials as a kid? You hear everything. You grow up fast and learn to listen. You also get to know and love some amazing legends. Few kids on sets/studios except actor kids and teens, so that's who you befriend. Some even grow up to be A+ listers in different fields (tha bastaads!).

    After my own (give or take) 50 years inside the entertainment industry, politics, tech business, and sports business is how I know so much (or so little). Still ignorant at math :-) But my families had enough sense to keep us kids out of the spotlight (mostly), and force us to experience life outside the bubble (and make some "normal" friends too). So I was lucky to have best of both worlds, inside and out of the biz. It's complicated to explain.

    Now multiply what you learn from all that X/times having cohorts, coworkers, friends, relatives, girlfriends/wives, and others who've been around (some even longer than me). The #1 commodity in ANY industry is business "intelligence". Intelligence is just information. Everyone from governments to Fortune 500/Wall St. use intel/info to make decisions, forecasts, and plans. Nothing new there. So people who know a lot end up either dead or considered a valued person. I'd like to think we're the latter since we're not yet the former ;-) In a bizarre way CDAN is kind of like WikiLeaks that way (not politically but info-wise), by sharing the reality to combat the "spin".

    Like D.C. or Wall Street (or even working in an insurance office), Hollywood is ALL about relationships. The most honest song ever about this biz is "Don't Mean Nothing" by Richard Marx. Read those lyrics. They should be on every warning sign when hopefuls come into town. "Welcome to the big time, you're bound to be a star. Even if you don't go "all the way"...I know that you'll go 'far'." Written in the 1980s. Rings true before and since.

    For those lucky ones who got to grow up in a "normal" town or city or wherever? You and your family (and friends and childhood pals) probably know lots of gossip, history, and truths about "old families" in your town/area/neighborhood. Especially if they're successful, rich, powerful leaders, employers, clergy, or business owners in your area. Or even school Principals and local politicians. So you know "intelligence" (info) about them and that world in which you were raised.

    That's how it is with us. Except our "small town" and neighborhood just happens to be "Hollywood" (entertainment industry). We don't get to pick to whom we are born; but we can steer that bus in our own direction once it is our turn to drive. Sorry to ramble, hope that helps somewhat.

    1. Please don't end up dead. Thanks.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. And I personally hope Scientology burns to the fucking ground in a pile of ashes. (metaphorically, kinda sorta).

    1. +1 🔥

      Yes, please.

    2. Seconded @Scandi

      From your keyboard to god’s ears, as they say, @Himmmm.

    3. One of the Himmmms should make a movie loosely based on Scientology. I'm sure it would be a MASTERpiece!!😜 Seriously though, thank you all for the secrets and memories you share with us over the years and for trying to get the truth out there and fighting the good fight.

  33. 💗Himmmm💗

    Col. Parker seemed kind of pervy.He would've had most control for the longest time.
    Speaking as a single parent, I would've done anything to make sure my kid had everything she needed even if I had to sell it, but luckily, I was fortunate not to have had to.
    I don't feel sorry for Priscilla.She already sold her soul to continue to live that lifestyle. To not fight for your child is horrific. Now it seems like LM stuck.Honestly, I hope Priscilla carries this stone of guilt forever.
    Nothing and no one is more important than your child's safety.

    Ok...hopefully, I haven't irritated the OG's here. Done with my soapbox.

  34. God, I love when Himmmm chimes in. Makes me feel so much more enlightened about Hollywood. I would kill to just sit down over drinks and listen to him talk. Thanks for shining a light on the truth, man.

  35. I have to wonder what is so lacking in someone's life that they turn to Scientology. Sam thing with cults, Moonies, etc. How do people turn off what is happening around them and think that this is the way to go?

  36. You ask why people do these things. Fund such organizations. Stay silent on horrible things. But the fact that it happens everywhere takes it into the realm of human nature.

    It is sad but it will never end. But perhaps it can be ameliorated somewhat (like school shootings).

  37. *Same, not sam. Sorry about that. @Adrian Zmed, it won't end. There are people who need direction and control in life and find some place to get it. Most of them are probably kept in place with mind control. Look at all of the teens/young adults who ran off to be Krishnas and Moonies. Some of them were lucky enough to have parents who were able to have them deprogrammed. Manson followers, Jim Jones...there are so many charlatans out there, yet people still will gravitate towards them. Then their friends and family follow. It is mind boggling, especially in the age of internet where everything is exposed.

  38. @Truth: thanks, it would be fun.

    @lutefisk & Adrian: I agree wholeheartedly. It's crazy that many young people today still don't know where the term "drink the kool-aid" comes from and never heard of Jim Jones or his crimes. But yes, there's so so so so many different people and groups masquerading as religions, political movements, self-help groups, and even pyramid/multi-level marketing scams. Rarely, but still a rare few of those companies are legit and offer legit products and honest rewards to customers/sellers.

    The most revealing thing I've ever seen is in a leaked report about a MLM pyramid scheme company who - in their own internal materials - specifically state for their "company people" to target housewives/moms who are "VERY ACTIVE IN ANY RELIGION (regardless of type); and those who VOLUNTEER IN COMMUNITY; and those who EVANGELIZE to others; and who are VERY POLITICALLY ACTIVE" as recruits for their fraud scam business.
    Because they say: "these women lead the household and husbands; they have a pre-installed belief system of accepting things on faith; and can be convinced by spectacle and show. Women are easier targets because they allow emotion to form decisions and don't seek facts. If targets start questioning things we can use their own religious beliefs as examples of believing based only on faith. It is easier to train them to defend our company by invoking their political belief system; and they would defend our company just as they would defend their political beliefs"

    This is what angers me, because these fraudsters/criminals manipulate and use and target their victims based on the victim's desire to want to do good and help others. They pervert it, corrupt it, and use it against the victim. Very soon? The victims are in so deep their pride and ignorance won't allow them to question their own choices, and the product they've been selling, and they are then "brainwashed" so much they'd have to be de-programmed to emerge. When it results in splitting apart families, draining savings, and harassing/abusing/killing their victims? It's no longer "sales"... it's $cientology.

    (Again, those are not MY words, but the MLM company's words).
    $cientology is so much worse than even the MLM outfits because they know exactly what they are doing, and they know the damage it causes. They have elected officials paid up and comped enough to look out for them, and they have an endless supply of not-so-genius victims to choose from. Plenty of struggling actresses/directors/musicians right off the bus WANT to join their cult, mainly because they feel like part of a club and they think the celebs in Scio will help their careers. So they take the $100 saved for acting lessons or new headshots and pay the cult. It's not as much revenue for the cult as Danny Masterson's latest $200k check - but when you have TONS of those $100 fees paid all over the world? It adds up to great revenue. Even the leaders in $cientology don't believe in their bullshit. David M. is only interested in power and money. THAT is HIS faith. I just wish Cali-Florida and D.C. politicians were brave enough not to be intimidated and go ahead with revoking their non-profit status. THAT is the real shame.

    "Never believe a person promising you heaven...with a telephone number on the screen for where to send your money."
    - Frank Zappa (his thoughts on televangelist Jim Bakker).

    "Scientology, how about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions, and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How's that for a religion?"
    - Frank Zappa, Rolling Stone Interview 1969

    1. @Himmmm I can add a bit on the Scio front. *Allegedly, Little Davey M doesn’t even get auditing, the ONE defining “sacrament” of the Scientologist.

      They’re not picking up as many kids fresh off the Red Line these days as they are importing impoverished people from abroad under “clergy” visas.**

      Either way, their membership is in decline, and DM’s exit strategy appears linked to the way he’s pumping Scio money into real property holdings world wide.***

      It was loathesome enough under Hubbard. Under Miscavage, there’s not even pretending anymore.****

      *All allegedly.****
      **Yes, allegedly****
      ***Only allegedly. ****
      **** And via Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder with a lot of first hand accounts, of course.

  39. @Scandi & Han: Thank you both. Yes, we're planning to live until we die. Uhhh, oh wait, Duh - that didn't come out just right....


  40. @Adrian Zmed

    I'll chime in here. I agree with Hmmm about how insecure one can feel in a place like LA, where everyone seems connected but you, where people seem very nice but would just as soon stick a knife in your back, and it all is amplified if one is a new young person trying to be an actor.

    Actors are naturally extremely insecure people. Many have little to no education (Tom Cruise and John Travolta never made it out of the 9th grade.) They are stuck in productions where they are the face, or even the star, but while filming they are the dumbest, least necessary, people on set. They are surrounded by experts, people with degrees and highly trained technicians who certainly have more influence on the final product...even though the actors are the face of the whole deal. What does an actor have to do? Memorize their lines? Not even that if they want an earpiece? Sit still for made up? Stand quietly to be dressed? Hit their marks? Oh some might want to take some stunt guys job and do their own stunts. Bully for them. But you can bet every actor on set is aware that they could be replaced in no time while everyone else is much more essential to the final product.

    What Scientology does is it makes a safe space for these actors where they can feel essentially special and deserving. At the same time, Scientolgy is filling them with nonsense which is supposed to make them smarter than any PhD, more special, even gives them superpowers to control the whole universe for billions of years. Boy, with all that in one's pocket, one can plow through auditions, callbacks and movie shoots with full confidence after a while! Insecurities GONE.

    But naturally, one has to stay on course with Scientology, constantly working their courses and donating huge amounts, or it all could disappear and one could be a losing failure again and the whole of Scientology could be working against you rather than for you.

  41. I've actually dealt with this concept for some time and can understand (sort of) from whence it comes.As y'all note this damned name that I cannot change lol--I have been dealing with working on large organizations profiting off of animal rescues for some time, so I can understand the lure of Scientology, to an extent.
    People seem to feel the need to belong to something greater than themselves. We see it on CDAN, as well. This is a sort of village, and people feel free at home here, and it is sort of a fun loving place to come and people spend their days here as part of a "whole."
    As a nurse I saw many people searching for answers to God when the time came that they realized that they were dying, even some atheists. They wanted to believe they were part of something greater. I experienced it myself when I was diagnosed with cancer, yet I know that when I die, I will simply dissolve into dust, so it was hard for me to reconcile myself looking for God.
    I've always felt sort of sorry for actors, actresses--anyone in the spotlight of fame. Others think it would be wonderful and it is their dream, but I look at them and feel sort of sorry for them. It looks to me like they must get awfully lonely, when they are surrounded by people for various reasons, and I am not sure that anyone is there hanging out with them just for "them." Ergo, Scientology offers people who seem to value you as a person, are intensely interested in your life (even though it is just a chance to take you over as well as your bank accounts), are a large enough organization to protect you from adverse publicity, and you have celebrities in the group who are known from one of the world to another, so therefore you are part of the "elite." I can understand, but it doesn't make me pity them any less.
    (Yes, I am probably the one person in the world who feels sorry for these celebrities when everyone else worships them lol. I'm a soft touch, what can I say?)

  42. @ Hmmm - two things

    1) Literally Monday I had the conversation with two people what "drinking the Kool Aid" means. A 45 year old and a 32 year old. Neither knew where it was from.

    2) As you talk about MLM I recall one of my favorite albeit very obscure movie scenes. From the movie Go. The scene with Scott Wolf, Jay Mohr, Jane Krakowski and William Fitchner. "You want me to sell Amway!"...."Confederated products...It's a different company. Different quality of product"



  43. @ Plot

    Very interesting thoughts on why actors susceptible.

  44. I'd love to read a warts-and-all autobiography of her life. Elvis, Jacko, Nic Cage, Scientology......it's like the recipe for the craziest soup ever.

  45. @Himmmm

    Do you have any inside knowledge of MJ? Was he the innocent eccentric that never grew up or are the rumors true and he was a pedophile?

    Also, thanks for all your insight!

  46. @Himmmm, I totally agree with you on this. These pyramid groups/cults/fake religions, etc. know exactly who to target. There is a weakness or longing that can be picked up on. I think many celebrities suffer from terrible insecurities. They can change their looks through plastic surgery, wigs, weight loss or weight gain or even change their accents. In a way I feel sorry for them that they can't accept themselves. Character actors have it so much easier. They can be homely, goofy, misshapen, bald, wrinkled, or whatever but that is part of their charm. Look at Danny Devito. No one expects him to look like Cary Grant. Then look at the abuse aimed at Elizabeth Taylor once she lost her fabulous figure. Katie Sagal is a great example. She always struck me as such a secure person. Beautiful, talented, gorgeous figure...then I read her book where she revealed all of her insecurities.
    I think some people go into entertaining knowing they can reinvent themselves on the outside, but on the inside they are still quite needy. In swoops scientology and suddenly they feel like a big deal.
    As far as people not knowing where "drinking the kool-aid" comes you have to wonder if they ever bother reading a newspaper or watching the news. Shows like South Park and Family Guy reference a huge amount of past culture. I give hem credit for educating a new generation on so many news-worth happenings.

    1. It's not just via real-life interactions. I frequent mental health blogs and I can tell you that Scientology's "starter organisation" (they don't openly state they're actually Scientology tho) advertise on those sites. As in: THEY TARGET VULNERABLE PEOPLE.

      That's what grosses me out about the cult.

  47. I completely agree with the rationale that these types seek out the vulnerable but what dumbfounds me is their ability to net the “normals”. in the interest of MLM I witnessed it firsthand. many years ago my sister was dating this dude, very wise inventor type that still holds a patent for something every single one of us uses at least once if not several times a day and he himself makes 6¢ off each use. anyhow they hooked up with this sales guy that sucked everyone into what was clearly a scheme. I went to his mom's house to view this flashy presentation video and it was wild how instantly the room buzzed and how giddy everyone became over the sight of this guy. it was truly bizarre the hold he had on the room and when he called live for a conference call. you could hear pin drop as all the ladies and men sat transfixed bug-eyed hanging on his every word. when I was caught making ‘hm wha?’ faces eye daggers pierced my soul

    we left out and my sister, nearly hopping, excitedly asked me “what did you think? what did you think?” I was honest I said I think you are all nuts and you better not give him a dime and don't you dare get dad involved in it either. when she mentioned said-gurus name I would follow with blank stare and all slow like robotic response ofyou mean
    “t h e l e a d e r”

    became rather a joke and many weeks later I asked whatever became of t h e l e a d e r. “oh that didn't work out” hm really..was weird too, not much later when I saw the family again they acted different toward me like I was some sort of savant for instantly seeing through the bullshit and not at all I just wasnt submerged in total influence. these were normal well adjusted people that somehow became completely enthralled with a total shyster. amazes me to this day

  48. I just re-read this when it hit my email and first let me say didn't realize how long stuff is, never seems that way when typing, but I didn't mean to imply I was some sort of super sleuth Einstein it was just that blatantly obvious that it was a total scam. I think one or two people get hooked and spread The Word and it just creates firestorm that gets everyone on board ,excited and rolling with it because it really was total obvious scam. lol so awful . I will shut up now

  49. Nah lucy, your story was great. Please don't shut up!

    I worked an Amway "formal" dinner when I was in college. It made my skin crawl, and I was a youngin'. Some people are susceptible and some aren't. Where but for the grace of god, and all that. Thankfully, your sister had you there to plant the seed of doubt.

  50. I met an actress who was on Babylon 5 hoping it would be a useful career connection and got myself dragged to a seminar for some legal services MLM. Apparently she was making a shit ton of money on it because she got all of her rabid fans to sign up. She won the car and went to Hawaii and everything. The pressure was amazing...they got you in a small group and wouldn't let you escape, argued with everything you said. I agreed to sign up to get out, then killed the credit card before they could charge it.

    This was when I was very new to L.A. and probably did not realize you weren't rich forever because you'd been on a TV show. Hahaha.

    1. Kittens, was this "legal service MLM" you got sucked into the same one that Jodi Arias (and her murder victim) were involved with: https://trialbypictures.wordpress.com/2015/12/05/prepaid-legal-and-its-part-in-the-story/amp/

      They were called PrePaid Legal, but I believe they renamed the group "LegalShield" or something now.
