Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #8

After getting another woman pregnant, this former A- list singer was told by his current girlfriend/future stalker that if he wanted to make things right, they need to be together 24/7. So much for that tour he was planning, not that anyone really was showing an interest in it anyway.


  1. Replies
    1. I think there was a blind about someone who sounded very much like him yeah:(
      It was around the time he was losing it on interviews (aka/Charlie Sheen and his “tiger blood” rants)

  2. Wouldn't be surprised if he's HIV+.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Whoever it is, what a prize. Who fights to keep someone like that??

  5. Y'all see the NY Post article about the Bachelor? Says #1 reason someone doesn't make the cut for the show is herpes.

  6. I'm laughing @CountJerkula

  7. You mean the bims who want to compete in a cattle call aren't pure as the driven snow? lol


  8. @blonde and gee where did you guys hear that about Chris brown???


  9. Chris Brown is a woman beating punk a** b***h that needs to just go away

  10. The rumor about Chris Brown has been making the rounds for years. He looks ill. A security guard from my NYC apt. mentioned it based on personal knowledge of knowing a lot of rappers personally. He said I should look at all the former playahs who are no longer dating anyone seriously. He said that's because everyone knows they're HIV+ and don't want to get near them. Remember my post last year about overhearing music agents at a table next to mine at Pastis talking about a world-famous African-American singer who had just tested positive? I couldn't believe they were talking about that out loud inches from my table!!!

    1. That's interesting insight, @Boo - I'm going to look at former playahs who are single for prolonged periods of time with a raised eyebrow in the future. And really, gotta love those 'private' conversations in a public place *shakes head*

  11. I thought Boo and her/his/it's made up stories left for good. Not surprised it's back tho, what else could it possibly have to do.
    Speaking of HIV still waiting on "the HUGE breakup due to one partner having AIDS" you talked about all last year, that you supposedly had insider info on, to come out Boo. Or are you gonna claim it's Jen and Justin?

  12. bitch dump him. trust me, you dodged a bullet when your cervix dodged his rotted psychopathic sperm

  13. for the record, chris looks unwell, but he looks like every douchebag trash dude from my midwestern neck of the woods buying dip and monster energy drinks at the gas station at 11:30 pm. HIV somehow isnt rampant around here, so clearly it's not required to get the look. i think chris brown is probably doing crack or some other drug that makes you look greasy and strung out and makes you act volatile. (i think he started doing it pretty recently tho) would explain a lot

    1. lol I RRALLY enjoyed your post laganja lol it's a funny observation. Not just in Midwest tho, I've observed it in parts of my state. And I think you're right

  14. No Boohearn, I can't say I remember your post LAST YEAR droning about someone you heard talking about someone you don't know doing unspecified things to unknown people. Sounds like I missed something great.

  15. wow! Didn't take long for the Night Of The Long Knives to come out on CDAN! And one of you said how happy you were I was back! LOL! As I mentioned, I am only back in NYC a few days this week so you won't have to put up with me much longer. Promise. Dannette: Goodness girl, take some Valtrex and calm down!

    1. Notice how you ignored my question, so when's your big INSIDER INFO story about the HUGE H'WOOD COUPLE DIVORCING because one gave the other HIV breaking? Thought so. Man lying to get attention on a gossip site to get attention is so lame.

    2. Boo, if it helps, I enjoy reading your posts:)

  16. Raspy: I never said this would come out immediately. Never said that. I am not a man. If you have a problem with my comments, when you see my name, just don't read them. And the comment by another CDANer about my sitting next to people I don't know, listening to gossip etc. If anyone on this site went to lunch at a celebrity cafe (Pastis was famous before it had to close) and overheard three obvious talent agents (If you worked in that area you know who they are) say: Did you hear about ___ ____? The other man says no, what happened? Then the woman (who looked like a fat Sandra Bernhard) says, "He's sick. You know what I'm saying? S-I-C-K!" The man said, "Are you surprised? OMG! He's so talented!" You wouldn't mention this on a gossip site? What we are all doing here is commenting on salacious gossip Enty puts out there. We are supposed to guess who the person is. I know some of these people, you may know some of them.This site is cotton candy for the mind. All of this hatred pointed at someone none of you know who has never done anything to any of you.

    1. I believe you. Not that it matters, but I do.
      The same people that put down women here are the very ones who blush and giggle with glee when a (regular) male poster gets up here and disrespects and devalues females daily. Chin up boo, and consider the source

    2. It's not hatred. It's irritation at your overstaring. The above comment is actually interesting, overhearing a comment like that. It's annoyance at all your OTHER stuff, your supposed book etc

  17. Today someone I know from high school posted that she has herpes. Quite a bizarre post to put on facebook. She was overly distraught about an older man who has been very sadistic yet she keeps going back to him. It was one of those "too much sharing" moments.

    1. I feel like Facebook exists to remind us what NOT to do. At least she doesn't share Buzzfeed quiz results constantly like one of my loser friends. "Lol I was Marilyn Monroe in a past life!"

  18. @Raspy, I have a facebook friend who starts 7:00 in the morning sharing every memory that shows up for her, usually at least ten/day. Then she posts about 10-15 more videos, memes, jokes, etc. I am not exaggerating. I have to unfollow her. My feed gets clogged up with her posts, and most are repeats that I have seen previously. Then she likes to post about sexy time with her husband. I don't know what goes on in these people's heads.

    1. Oh LAWD!!! I know the type! You did the right thing by unfollowing just brace yourself for "you never like any of my posts" those types have no shame!

  19. Oh, I know Raspy. She is someone from my neighborhood. I run into her quite often. I will probably be embarrassed when I have no idea what is going on with her. I guess it beats knowing when she and her husband are off to a hotel for their sexty times. Seriously, who posts things like that??

  20. @Boo, ignore the haters - I enjoy your posts as well!

  21. I had an APB out on Boo and after having difficulties logging onto CDaN for quite a few weeks I see I missed Boo! Hope you'll return. Some do miss you!!
