Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blind Item #8

This studio should really spend some money and do some investigating about a star they want to attach to a really big budget movie. The Oscar nominee/winner has some really big skeletons in the closet that would probably have escaped notice prior to the times we are living, but one of the victims is a very good friend of the actor being replaced and he is encouraging her to come forward because the actor thinks he will get his job back. He won't because he has his own demons.


  1. Someday soon Clooney will get his. Don’t know if this is it but...soon.

  2. Joaquin Phoenix replacing Jared Leto for The Joker

    1. @DonnaMarie Sounds about right to me.

  3. +1 Donna Marie

    On the other hand, COG would make an excellent origin story for the Joker.

    1. This is an alternate universe2joke though an elseworkd story line. Jared hasn't been replaced.

  4. Sorry but confused on this one. Did they lose the job or not?

  5. +1 Donna Marie

  6. Jared Leto was a terrible Joker. We don't need a Joker origin story, no matter who plays him, however. His mystery is part of his appeal.

    Clooney, Leto, Phoenix....they can ALL go down. Please. The Clooneys rallying to the side of the high school propagandists immediately after their OXFAM pedophiles crash & burn, is transparent and infuriating. 2017 was the first year since his ER career Clooney hasn't appeared in a movie. Wonder why?

  7. Be careful, DDonna. i have relatives who go to that school and who barely made it out alive.

  8. That said, if the story is true about the kid dying on the grounds of his villa, Clooney would be wise to avoid running for any office, especially on top of everything else he has to hide.

  9. Not sure what I need to be careful about. The Clooneys are glomming on to the latest propaganda cause to run as fast as they can from OXFAM. The kid who's all over the TV is the son of a "retired" FBI agent worth hundreds of millions, and was interviewing other students from a closet while the shooting was taking place. A female student who alleges there was more than one shooter has had her video wiped again and again from YouTube. There is lockstep messaging about banning guns. Being careful does not mean being afraid, or silenced.

    1. Every single charity with which Clooney has aligned himself to push “refugees” on the rest of us are under investigation for fraud and/or child exploitation. I really think his refugee bs is a cover for child trafficking. He and Rande like them young. The IRC has had its U.K. assests frozen for crying out loud. He’s not worried about anybody’s kids just his politics, power & cash. I mean Amal’s uncle Ziad Takieddine is a major arms dealer to the Middle East. He’s killed way more kids than my guns. They should be investigated instead of standing in the dead bodies of our kids killed by a registered democrat who was a member of “The Resistance”

    2. @Ddonna that “lockstep messaging” is called respect. For the dead and especially for the survivors.

      And that kid is a school journalist who grew up around video journalism thanks to his mom’s activism, so of COURSE he’s going to do what he does best in a newsworthy situation.

      At least let the dead be buried before going off on a “it’s all propaganda” crusade.

      @PoliticallyIncorrect And I suppose that why he’s such a pro-gun nut who likes wearing his MAGA cap while shooting a gun in the yard in socks and boxers? Seriously, guys. Let the dead be buried and the survivors mourn before trying to spread conspiracy theories.

    3. Twitter is overrun with accounts claiming all the survivors are ‘crisis actors’.
      It’s absolutely nauseating.
      Parents of dead children try to talk to them and they ridicule them. So awful.

    4. @Kno Won Uno - This saddens me.

      I know this isn't "that kind of blog" but I sincerely hope Jesus Christ comes back very soon. If he does not then we are toast whether we go to Hell or not.

  10. What's the dirt on Clooney?

  11. @DDonna: Stop. children died.

  12. I think DDonna is saying how people will try to clean themselves of stank of one crisis with another. Not sure if Clooney (who is annoying) is guilty of anything but using something related as an example how some might manipulate news to "cleanse" themselves...

    Ex-Senator John Edwards, at his lowest point in stature as a person and politician needed a quick solution to restore his reputation. He was "Creep of the Month" and needed manipulate something to shine his star again. After losing an election to be VP, leaving wife dying of cancer, caught lying about cheating on her, and fathering a baby out of wedlock he was looking like a complete d-bag. Bringing some attention to the impoverished country's plight would certainly be an answer to his problems. The Haiti disater couldn't have happened at a better time for John.
    A year later...
    So what works for a troubled politician might work for a star like Charlie Sheen who was the new "A-hole of Week" champion and looking for consecutive honors. Whether today the publicity helped the people of Haiti in recovery it is doubtful because even now little looks done. With the U.N. and organizations like Oxfam exploiting women and children for sex it makes me wonder if Sheen even cared about his reputation. John went there to try to repair his status as a political being but Charlie might have gone for his sick carnal erges to be taken care of. So Sean Penn, who in 2010 joined Edwards in "working on earthquake relief", believed "Sheen's presence will bring a boost to Haiti". "I think Charlie's energies, intelligence and passion could be both of service and servicing to him, as it is to all who are touched by the struggle of the Haitian people," said Penn. PENN SAYS SHEEN COULD BE SERVICED! Good enough for him to get on board! Penn also said "Charlie is one of the very few public people who cannot be accused of using the media to his own benefit. I would very much like to show my old friend the world of needs on the ground in Haiti, and introduce him and his tremendous wit to our hard working Haitian staff." That first part I must have read over a few times in a cognative disonant loop.

  13. DDonna Tarttty... "High school propagandists"? Rot in hell bitch.

    1. See this is a problem. Donna was simply stating what she believed, but she did not call anybody who thought differently than her nasty names. Yet you feel obliged and Justified and doing just that. I wonder who you secretly are. #TellTale

    2. Exactly. If one doesn’t go with the flow and DARES to have ones OWN OPINIONS, one is ostracized here.
      Puleese. It’s been revealed Enty is FOS and gathers “secrets” from many of the countless celeb gossip sites. Then “reveals” the truth, 😒..except today ENTY IS PROVEN A LIAR. Interesting how many see this site as the “absolute truth and nothing but the truth”..
      Ok, now feel free to TRY and tear me a new one. It won’t work, as I do, and always will, have my own opinions.

    3. @randaleese Please take a moment to breathe. Then take another moment to re-read the site disclaimer.

      Thank you. That is all.

  14. Not sure what I need to be careful about."

    Putting the word shooting into quotes, for one. So offensive. It happened.

    Calling shooting survivors propagandists, for another. Also offensive. These kids have a right to demand that assault weapons be banned. NOBODY outside the military or (legitimate) paramilitary units needs to have them. Theses kids have a right to demand that enough is enough. It is. Columbine should have been enough. Sandy Hook should have been enough. Pulse nightclub should have been enough.

    And the media is putting the focus on gun control and not mental illness, which was a huge part in this case. Blame the media.

  15. My cousin's fourteen year old daughter lost two classmates who were killed when her classroom was shot into. She is traumatized. So don't tell me this was a fraud and a hoax.

  16. Yeahhhhh......I'm calling bullshit on DoTell. Anonymous claims are exactly that. We never got the full stories on Columbine, Sandy Hook or the Pulse shootings. Maybe you don't know, maybe you don't want to know, maybe you know and are here as part of the huge propaganda wave that's going on in the wake of the Florida event, in Broward County, part of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's constituency.

    I'm sure this will be a much assaulted thread. So I'll check out now. Those of you with eyes to see, you will see. Those of you with eyes wide shut will not. Those of you working for the Five Eyes crew gonna do your thing. The next life will sort it all out.

    1. Please check out of this site permanently. You are welcome to be a total crackpot, but your insentitivity to a legitimate TRAGEDY regardless of the cause is unbearable.

    2. DDonna has been trolling her for several months. Stay safe in your mobile home with your guns wierdo. Hopefully she will disappear soon. Ooh maybe Clooney is behind it. The horror!

    3. Gross.
      I just sat for lunch, and Dddonna is most def a diet aid, thanks for that I guess.
      Having a different opinion is one thing, @Her. That is fine. But where do you draw the line? Would innocent children be a good place? Or even adults who Are hurting?
      So feel free to disagree, but for shitsake choose your words wisely. I don't think dddddooonnnaaaa did that, and that is where the fury comes from

    4. This site is /pol/ lite.

      A friend told me that.

    5. I'm just going to say it. DDonna is nutty.theres a time and place for certain comments and theories, but DDonna is on another planet.

  17. Oscar winner or whatever aside, George Clooney is always and forever a fantastically mullet-ed handyman arriving just in time to save sweet Tootie, betrayed once again by her satanic roller skates. Ambiguously gay, even then. Fact!


  18. Ddonna- take your political conspiracy theories somewhere else. My friends children go to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. This false narrative that those children speaking out against guns are actors is disgusting. Take your false flag BS over to InfoWars.

  19. Yeahhhh I'm calling "batshit crazy lunatic" on DDonna. Here is a link to the story by my cousin's daughter's teacher:

    Unfortunately, even willfully stupid idiots who buy into conspiracy theories still won't believe it.

  20. There are bodies, people need to grieve. You come up with real evidence later by all means post it.

  21. The school victims have a completely honest experience to live and tell. Clooney on the other hand is an opportunistic narcissist and those victims don't need his big head getting in the way.

  22. ugh, i give up on cdan. can't discuss one fucking thing without this absolutely insane, ridiculous conspiracy theory bullshit raising its ugly head.

    don't you have enough sites where you can rant and rave and sound like a crazy person? leave the GOSSIP sites out of it.

    1. Enty could add a mute button.

    2. Absolutely!!!... there should be NO place for gossip, here-say, conspiracy and rants on a gossip and conspiracy site.

      Tha Nerve.... SMH

  23. If Duhhna ever stepped out of her lttle conspiracy cave into the real world, I imagine it'd be something like Dorothy Gale's experience post-tornado, when she first opened that door.


  24. What about Affleck/Gyllenhall the Batman role for this?

    1. Afflek was my first thought as well.

    2. @The Woodsman

      Just how many major roles is DCX suddenly recasting?

      It probably won’t matter how problematical the actor’s past as long as they do a “good job” with the character in the eyes of the fanboys. That seems to be the main DCX criteria for actors and directors.

    3. They were going to cast Jake Gyllenhaal as Batman?

      Let me think, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale...

      I would take Gyllenhaal over Clooney any day. Can't stand Ben Affleck.

  25. I suspect I'm not alone in saying that I prefer to keep my crackpot thinking restricted to celebrity gossip, not school shootings.

    1. @Few Views

      Def. not alone in that here. I don’t mind debate, but in order to debate successfully, you have to agree on which reality we’re living in. Also how one defines “fact” and what kind of verification holds any kind of authority*.

      *in the information sense, not the control sense

    2. I think if someone screams something really loud exactly 3 times, it becomes fact to 10% of the population, who then scream it at each other till the end of time.
      Near as I can tell, anyway.

    3. Like Trump Russian collusion story?

    4. @Kno Won Uno - Didn't the Nazis do something like this?

  26. Billy graham was a pedophile cocksucker who will roast in hell

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Add DDonna to the asshat, sociopathic pool, with the other reactionary batshit people attacking those children. Seriously, bottom of the barrel. The irony in some of her words about being blind is just icing on her crazy cake. What a POS. I thought this site was fun/funny and relatively free of that kind of abhorrent behavior, so I'm really hoping that she's an anomaly.

    1. I’m pretty sure DDonna is writing from RRussia.

  28. "he Clooneys are glomming on to the latest propaganda cause to run as fast as they can from OXFAM."


    The Clooneys have little to do with OXFAM other than donating money to it. What is your fucking InfoWars bullshit on this now?


    You are now officially a piece of shit.

    Using a tragedy, a massacre to fulfill your conspiracy orgasm is disgusting. What? Is your life so empty and sad that this is the only way for you to feel involved? That's all I got for your InfoWars bullshit and the secrets you invent and relish like diamonds.

    You have turned yourself into a piece of shit, nothing more, no insider, not truth teller, just a piece of shit.

  29. "Donna was simply stating what she believed"

    And what she believes is utterly disgusting garbage.

    Not all beliefs are equal.

    1. +1 @plot.

      You can believe anything as sincerely as you want to, and state it as confidently as you feel the need to, but that doesn’t put it on the same footing as verified fact.

      And if your beliefs and opinion are as patently offensive as claiming that people who have just been through a traumatic experience are hired actors out to brainwash the masses, you can expect blowback, from those of us out here who have some compassion.

      From people even closer to the tragedy, nothing less than excoriation is to be expected, really.

    2. Believing something and calling other people liars are completely different things, and some people don’t get that.
      Believe WTF you want, but calling CHILDREN liars is absolute bullshit and should always be shouted down.

  30. Clooney can be very generous to causes, friends and workers but it always needs to be publicized to the highest degree. He seems ego driven, power hungry but needy to look cool and collected. I have nothing on him but he makes me feel that something is there. So is he or isn't he somebody to look at with a suspicious eye? Defense of his ego is the opposite extreme of him in infowar talk. Neither feels right to me.

    1. Blah blah blah blah . DATONEBONE.

  31. Anyone who is claiming the Stoneman Douglas shooting is a hoax has immediately lost all credibility and is also just straight up a horrible human being. No respect whatsoever for these people. Either you're one of the trolls pushing this fake story or you're gullible as sin for buying this narrative. And I do mean sin.

  32. If this is J Phoenix replacing Leto as the joker I am confused. I can see Phoenix doing dodgy stuff but isn't Leto supposed to the be the biggest d-bag seducer out there? Would he really want to kick up dirt on JP and think it wouldn't have some backlash or illuminate his own bad behavior?

  33. Why does this site attract so many whacko, out of their gourd, infowarrior morons?

    1. +1 These nutcases need to take their tin foil hats and go back to Infowars!!

  34. @DaToneBone

    Why not look it up yourself, if you care?

    Clooney has never seemed anything but genuine in his philanthropic endeavors to me. You might think differently. I don't think he seems power hungry at all. What power do you think he hungers for? Could YOU give examples?

    Defence of his ego? What does that mean?

    1. @plot +1 again. I’ll go on record saying he seems sincere in what he’s trying to do getting involved with causes and organizations known (AT THE TIME) to be aboveboard and doing good works.

      Even with what we’ve heard about so dam, I’m pretty sure the MAJORITY of people involved with, donating to, and working for it are genuinely trying for a better world.

      I feel the same way about the Catholic Church even though it and I have serious disagreement about what entails a better world. Yes, even after the pedo priests were dragged into the light.

      I refuse to see bogeymen lurking around every corner of this world. And I refuse to believe completely illogical paranoia about the who and how behind political power.

      Jesus, there’s enough real espionage and machinations. You don’t need deep state/Masonic/Illuminati BS to make politics “interesting.”

      Go read a good history book.

  35. Donna, you are a pathetic crackpot.

    Shame on you for bringing up conspiracy theories when 17 kids have died. SHAME on you.

    I think Enty needs to start banning the InfoWars lunatics from commenting here so they can stop insulting the memories of kids who die from gun violence (from Sandy Hook to Parkland). And for anyone screaming "freedom of speech", only the government protects that right; private entities can censor the crazies as they wish.

    Your move, Enty.

    1. +100000 truthsayer. We Have to chase her ugly ass out of here

    2. Omg this would be GREAT. Not just extreme conspiracy theorists, but the political bullshit too.

  36. Plot: You like him, so you defend him nothing wrong, with that.

    I don't and think he is a phony. Nothing wrong with that. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings that I doubt him. I'm allowed to not think he is genuine. I've read the nice gifts he gave to people but money isn't everything. I don't think he is what DDonna says he is raping kids or whatever. I don't trust that he is genuine and some folks come off that way to me. The vibe I get is what gets attention is more more important than what the message is. In other words he's a narcissistic person as many in Hollywood are. I looked up enough on him and believe some and not the other. Unlike the conversation here it isn't black and white but a lot of gray area and I've concluded I don't trust him.

    I agree that unless conspiracy folks have some goods on him they sound stupid. I can see why your upset about the criticism of the students but your letting my dislike of him get you upset more and I'm not tying to throw gas on that fire. I'm not a "gun guy" so I hope those kids get something out of this. They just don't need Clooney getting some narc supply to do it.

    1. VERY well stated.

    2. I agree. Just because Clooney calls Gerber "baby" in bed does not make him a child molester...

      Relax, just some satirical comic relief.

  37. "You like him"

    I don't KNOW him! There is no way of liking or disliking Clooney without KNOWING him.

    "I don't and think he is a phony."

    Based on what? KNOWING him? What has he been a phony about?

    See how that works?

  38. " one is ostracized here"

    If one feels ostracized on an anonymous board, the problem lies within oneself.

    Ain't no parties or events you are being excluded from. Perhaps you should get over yourself?

    1. SAD...
      pathetic the interpretations when some try to defend others..
      Oh..and an acronym here, not a word to define feelings. 😏

  39. SO I should trust someone I don't know? Do you trust everyone you don't know? Enjoy him all you want. If you like him who am I to care. I don't like him. Why does this upset you?

  40. Who you trust is entirely up to you, but I would suggest it be someone you KNOW.

    So, how is this person you KNOW, named Clooney, given you evidence of being a phony, and egomaniac, or some power hungry would-be tyrant?

  41. Look Plot you seem genuine and likeable but Clooney doesn't. Is that better?

    1. The fact that grown adults are passionately fighting tooth and nail over the virtue (or lack there of) of George Clooney is an extremely sad indicator of how petty and meaningless ppl's own lives have become.....

  42. I feel like I almost bought a car.

  43. Wait a minute, donna, are your initials A.J.?
    Does the name infowars mean anything to you?

  44. @TruthSayer You cannot possibly be serious about cdan banning folks *you* disagree with?

  45. What's with the Clooney hatred? He is a very nice and charming man, very well liked, very smart, and with a social conscience. I wish he decided to run for office, because than we'd have the most popular president ever. He won't though, more's the pity

    1. Right hh314. I think someone got rejected by George or is not in his league!

  46. The "kid" David Hogg, who claims to be a student at the Parkland high school, graduated in the Class of 2015 from Redondo Shores High School, Redondo, CA.

    1. Keanu Reeves is a secret immortal.

      And I have more pictorial proof than you do.

      People look like other people. There’s only so much you can do with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth across a population of billions.

  47. Look, you can't shame me. It's impossible. Insults only make me more determined. I know all your tricks and games, I've played them myself in my lesser days past.

    But since I respect Brayson87 and DaToneBone, and I know Enty & Himmmm and other "watchers" read this, AND I'm seeing the first calls for censorship (which I don't believe would ever happen): I'm NOT saying nobody died on Feb 14th (certainly a traumatic Valentine's Day + a satanic holiday if you check their calendar, FYI). I think people died, but the event did not happen the way we have been programmed to perceive it, any more than any of these previous mass shooting events.

    Here we have a student witness talking about there being more than one shooter. She also mentions "army people." She was interviewed on a local Florida station:

    Here another student says there was more than one shooter. She also was interviewed by a local Florida station:

    Here we have a collection of David Hogg's TV appearances. He's been everywhere:

    Here are a variety of clips from students from the school who were told there was going to be an active shooter drill that day. It then segues to David Hogg being coached for his CNN appearance. Several clips that were ONLY of Hogg being coached have been pulled from YouTube. This clip probably won't last either:

    Here's David Hogg's famous "closet interview" video that has him identifying the time as 9:32am. Yet the shooting took place after 2pm in the afternoon:

    Here's David Hogg telling former CIA intern Anderson Cooper ( he's not an actor "In any way shape or form," even though we just saw him getting coached by CNN producers in the previous video. And that he's part of theater group at his high school. And that his father was a former FBI guy.

    There are so many shady angles to this event, it didn't surprise me at all when the Clooneys rallied to the cause, though it appears that didn't work so great since I've not seen much follow up today. But there are sinister fingerprints all over this thing.

    If you want to attack me, I don't care. In fact, it brings me succor, in way. I've followed the comments of many posters here for months, as others have apparently followed mine. I know who is genuine and who is not; who I respect, even if I disagree with them, who I don't. Brayson87, DaToneBone, Enty, Himmmmm, I don't want you to think I believe the Florida shooting was a total hoax. I think it was a sacrifice, a ritual, with multiple purposes to serve both the spiritual and material realm. If others disagree, that's their right. You won't see me telling people to censor them. Just ignore them.

    1. @Ddonna You probably already know I think the conspiracy you believe in is highly unlikely at best, then.

      But it’s worth pointing out that “army people” in High School speak is the J/ROTC kids and kids already planning their enlistment after graduation. More than one of Cruz’s fellow ROTC members went out to try to stop him/rescue people/get people to safety.

      Re: Valentine’s Day as a Satanic holiday: this is the first I’m hearing about it. And, no offense, but you don’t seem very well or accurately informed about Satanism.

      Confirmation bias is when you look for evidence that matches your theory, which is how your arguments and proof appear to be put together. It’s well known to lead to fallacious conclusions which appear, to those unfamiliar with research technique, well-founded.

      I already know neither of us will change each others’ minds, but we’re not the only people here and reading, so fallacies are still worth challenging.

    2. @Ddonna, I’m not sure if you are a troll or if you genuinely believe what you are saying. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but you are making accusations that have no basis in fact. Seventeen kids were murdered in cold blood, and to say it’s a hoax is downright cruel to those families that lost their child. I suppose you think Sandy Hook was a hoax too??

    3. @Han Niam - you are my hero today. Everything you e said has been so eloquently explained. No insults, no judgments, just logic. Just when I think I’m done with CDaN because of the trolling, you come around and show me that YES, there are still some sane and respectful people out there who are capable of a civil debate. Keep on keepin’ on, my friend! ❤️

  48. Do tell Donna de Troll how much do you get paid for your posts. Go suck on some Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Go have some sex with the Dumpster or maybe he'll pay you $130,000 just to get out of his fugly face. Alex Jones is awaiting your phone call.

  49. Oh right people that are morally bankrupt are incapable of shame right Donna De Troll

  50. DDonna please stop. JUST STOP. No more crazy YouTube links, no more farfetched theories. If you choose to believe this shit, it's on you. Please don't post this garbage here.

  51. @ Amy C Wright

    I am not proposing CDAN ban comments from folks I disagree with.

    I am proposing CDAN maintain a certain minimum set of standards for commentary on the site. No different than those maintained by many reputable news sites that place limits on spouting overt racism or other bigoted comments. That is a form of censorship that is widely accepted.

    In this case, the minimum standard can be "not insinuating that kids who are interviewing other kids about a school shooting are acting as part of some gun control conspiracy." The fact is that the kid interviewed other kids about a major event at the school. Questioning his intentions is just vile, despicable and beyond the pale.

    So no, I have no problem with Enty banning that kind of behavior from the site. Like I said, a private (i.e., not government-owned) has the right to institute its own standards (regardless of where they lie on the political spectrum) and apply them accordingly. Call it censorship if you want -- that is a fact.

  52. David Hogg grew up with an FBI agent as his father. He is a slumped, well-spoken young person. Parkland is an argument community. Believe it or not, some kids are very intelligent and invested in their future.

  53. People are calling out Ddonna, with whom I don't agree, but is anyone calling out the vile creature Xpensive Hobutt who has posted his filth on nearly every blind?

    1. @glitter: Hobutt is a repetitive cut & paste troll right now. The kind you ignore. (And this coming from someone who thinks BG was flat out evil)

      Ddonna on the other hand keeps doubling down on some pretty offensive conspiracy theories with paper thin “proof,” while implying or saying outright that people who disagree are naive at best.

      That’s worth challenging.

  54. Is anyone concerned that this woman's links, whatever you think of them, might be more convincing to your average lurker than the various versions of ,'Go away we hate you' that you've offered so far? No one has an actual argument against what she's saying lying around, do they? It might rid you of her if you could prove her wrong.

    1. @Unknown Plenty of us have countered her arguments with our own.

      Ignoring counter-arguments does not make them disappear.

      To sum up: no, I am not at all concerned that Ddonna’s links are more convincing than the many rational, though often irritated, counter-responses.

  55. It looks like "I know someone who was in the Parkland shooting" in the 2018 version of "Hey, I knew someone who went to Sandy Hook." Funny how these comments are always show up to silence discussion. Obviously you are not allowed to express an opinion that goes against the official narrative because someone somewhere might be offended.

    1. I think they’re more to at least ATTEMPT to get conspiracy theorists to understand that there are real human beings involved and an awful lot of actual evidence.

      I don’t know anyone who was in a school shooting, but I do know someone who had a very lucky escape with a separate mass shooting. But I was both (responsible) pro-gun ownership AND pro-gun control long before that.

  56. wish jared leto's day would come already. he needs to be exposed, its long overdue.

    I cant even imagine how high the number is of underage fans he picked out of the crowd and took up to his hotel room for him and his brother shannon to enjoy, then kick them out.

    joaquin phoenix taking over for leto for the joker role (better choice)

  57. I would say to these conspiracy theorists, what if you're wrong, what if David Hogg and these other kids aren't actors?
    How do you sleep at night

    Not everything isn't a conspiracy it's one thing to believe that the government is lying to us about area 51 or exposing people to chemicals. But this attacking the victims of these all to often tragedies is disgraceful parents really lost their children at sandy hook and these kids really witnessed their classmates murdered in school, the people who perpetrate these lies are just toxic human trash.

    David Hogg use to live in California before moving to Florida, he was there visiting friends when he was interviewed about some confrontation with a life guard, he wasn't being coached by a producer he was being reassured by the producer that he could take his time and restart when he fumbled his words in regards to reliving the most horrific thing that has happened to him so close to it happening.

    You're so set in your ways you can't even see the immorality of bullying and harnessing the survivors.

  58. I can't stand George Clooney as an actor, I couldn't stand him in ER and was shocked he became such a big Hollywood star. I think he comes across as quite smarmy in interviews personally, but I think he does genuinely care about the causes he supports and I don't think he's using charities as a front for human trafficking.
    I don't know if or care if he's gay, I do think he married Amal to be taken more seriously for a future political run, I think he regards himself as a modern day JFK mixed with Ronald Reagan, given that you someone as unqualified and morally bankrupt as Trump can get elected Clooney would be a a huge step up for America but then so would a slug with a cabbage patch doll as his vice President.

  59. @DDonna

    "Look, you can't shame me. It's impossible."

    No shit. Look at the garbage you spew.

    You are a sick sick piece of shit.

  60. Xpensive HoButt, You. can. go. eff. yourself. Billy Graham had more class in his pinkie finger than you ever will. Pathetic looser! You spread viscious lies and slander about an honestly Godly man who would never do what you claimed. Shame on you, especially for saying something like that here on this site. You can go hang!

    1. @Ali Bi - Thank you! Scriptures tell us (Christians) not to sow discord among the brethren and that anywhere there is strife and contention you will find every evil work.

  61. I knew it. I knew DDonna would go crazy on a thread like this. Enty just posted all his triggers in one paragraph: "do some investigating", "attached to a really big budget" project, "really big skeletons", "one of the victims is a really good friend", "replaced", "encouraging her to come forward".

    And COLOUR ME SURPRISED that on today's episode of "Extreme Trolling", he's working other commenters up and getting them all enraged and outraged about "how dare you call children liars!"

    Guys, he's not "simply stating what he believes".

    But yeah, I think it's fucking gross to say "children lied" (and use this massacre for his own agenda), because even if the children were telling the truth, the only thing that matters now is how the adults behave. The adults should be held accountable for what they did as adults.

    That's all.

  62. Are ya trying to ruin my happy place!
    Because this is how ya ruin it.

    1. Which "happy place"? The one where you're screwing your "best friend" (and his true friends' marriages) over, and his fans still love you for it?

  63. So my question is (to get things a bit back on topic), what are the big skeletons in Joaquin's closet? He's always struck me as an odd duck, but I don't remember anything too horrible about him? Admittedly, I left for a few years when CDAN went to the other format, so I may very well have missed it.

  64. Could be. I've seen them in stranger places. Lemme check its syntax next time it posts.

  65. Can we please get off the crazy train and back to gossip?

    Joaquin Phoenix - Terrible idea for the Joker. Bloated and looks like hell if you look at recent pictures. Although my understanding is Leto didn't lose that job, he's still attached to Suicide Squad 2 and the Joker/Harley movie. Sounds more like they're just going a different direction with that particular film and/or scheduling and/or Scorcese doesn't want Leto?

    It does sound like JP but of course Affleck is a good guess too. His closet's pretty deep and has more skeletons than the Thriller video.

  66. I can't stand fake as fuck slippery Clooney, who's always doing the George Clooney show in every interview.

    As to the poor sod who said he's intelligent: he's a bloody cretin. He had the biggest career in Hollywood and threw it away because he's so stupid, he thinks people care about his uninformed opinions. He can't even sell Nespresso capsules in Italy anymore, let alone a film, he's so disliked.

  67. Oh and regarding Ddonna: I think you have a mental illness, but I got to say something:

    While in the US people are screaming to ban guns, in Europe most massacres of innocent (CHILDREN included) are perpetrated by Muslims, and I don't hear any big loud mouthed American social justice warriors calling to ban them. And guns don't just shoot themselves, while an ideology is calling for people to commit massacres every day - which they do, without guns, or with illegal ones.

    Think about that for a second, you fucking phoneys.

  68. " I don't hear any big loud mouthed American social justice warriors calling to ban them. "

    Cuz the USA ain't in Europe.

    Did you somehow imagine it is? Or that the USA should solve all Europe's problems? Is that what you want?

    The number of kids killed with guns in the USA is vastly more than the number of people killed by terrorism in Europe.

    1. Is this a joke plot? My God, you're slipping.
      "The number of kids killed with guns in the USA is vastly more than the number of people killed by terrorism"
      "Do you REALLY believe this?"
      "Really" ??
      "Wtf are you on? "
      "Did you just throw a statement out there and hope it would stick? "
      "Just wondering"

  69. WTF are you on plot? The Madrid bombings in 2004 alone killed nearly 200 people! Over 2,000 injured.
    You ignorant troglodyte. Instead of spending your days on cdan and surfing conspiracist bullshite websites, why don't you learn some facts, before talking nonsense?

    This isn't a number's game you turd, if you want to ban the weapons that perpetrate these atrocities, which criminals GET GET HOLD OF ANYWAY, why not actually ban the CAUSE, being the CRIMINALS THEMSELVES in our case?

    Or are European kids' lives less valuable to you fucking liberal all-including hypocrites than American ones?

    1. Oh. I see you have this handled. Carry on.

  70. Yet the gun deaths of children in the USA are even higher, what does that tell you?

    You made it a numbers game with your initial post, 'member? What, wanna take that back now?

    Do you want the USA to be in charge of EU politics and policies now?

  71. They ARE NOT higher! And it's not a number's game, I did no such thing, I asked a legitimate question, which you fail to answer. Every child killed is a tragedy. I'm just amazed at the double standards.

    You defend fucking Clooney, the poster child for leftist hypocrisy, whose wives' family made their fortune by selling arms to kill people, and who said that he'd never live in a Trump US. Well, 5 seconds after kids got blown up by his wives' religion, in Manchester, he announced he'd move back to the US cause he did not feel safe anymore in the UK.

    After he preached for OPEN BORDERS!!!

    You're all fucking mentally ill, cognitive dissonance at its' finest.

  72. "I did no such thing"


    "While in the US people are screaming to ban guns, in Europe most massacres of innocent (CHILDREN included) are perpetrated by Muslims,"

    Gee, I didn't post that. Who made that comparison and expected everyone to eat it?

    "he announced he'd move back to the US"

    Source please? Cuz Clooney still lives in the UK with his family as far as any of us know.

  73. So bored, it still sounds like you want the USA to fix all of Europe's problems.

    Am I wrong?

  74. I no longer have a clue what this is about and now I have a sudden urge to purchase an assault rifle so I can hunt wild turkeys for food.

  75. Where did I say that in Europeans are killed MORE than Americans?

    I stated a FACT: in Europe we don't have school shootings, our attacks come from Islam, even though guns are banned, surprisingly they get hold of AK47s and built bombs...
    You were the one who wrote "The number of kids killed with guns in the USA is vastly more than the number of people killed by terrorism in Europe"

    YOU made it a number's game, and an inaccurate one at that. Total bullshit. I feel sorry for you. A grown man who needs to defend George fucking Clooney on an internet gossip site this badly, can not be of sound mind.
    Let alone all the other bullshit you desperately try to shove down our throats.

  76. Really? My figures, which YOU call for, are wrong? 1300 kids a year in the USA are killed by guns, 5700 are treated for gun injuries.

    Come on Miss Faux Euro, let's follow your premise, did that many kids die last year due to terrorism?

    Also, you want the USA to solve all Europe's problems, I take it, since you haven't answered the question.

    Are you paid to bask Clooney this month? Who is next month's victim

  77. Fuck off plot, you sad sod. You're mental and there's no point in talking to you.

  78. "you sad sod"

    Look at you trying to be all British!

    "there's no point in talking to you."

    If that is the case, then the one who can't stop responding to me is....crazier, right?

  79. @Donna don't let these people bother you. They drank some Kool aid at some point in their lives and now they believe asking questions is somehow wrong. They just accept whatever propaganda they are given and and lash out at anyone who dares question it. It is sad really. That shooting is shady for a number of reasons. Most of all the fact that the guard stood outside and so did some of the police. That was not right and a huge red flag.
    @Plot Do you live on this website? I mean damn you are constantly posting. Do do even have a life? You are so ugly and the crap you post is just not needed at all. I don't know what is wrong with you but for real you really suck. Your opinions suck, your logic sucks, pretty much everything you post is just vile and sucks. I for one think that anything you have a problem with must be a good thing bc you are a really horrible person.

  80. That's really interesting. According to you, Sandy, horrible people don't distort and play with the deaths of children for their own conspiracy ecstasy. Horrible people are the ones who call them on their disgusting habits.

    Very interesting.

  81. No Sandy 2319,

    The only thing that is ugly is people who would try to suggest that gun control activists would actually stage a school shooting in order to further their cause. The only thing that is vile is having the gall to attack children/shooting survivors themselves. That is truly bottom of the barrel, and you people have gotten there.

    I think it is sad that the election of Trump has emboldened the likes of Alex Jones to spread their crap. I think it is even sadder that the likes of you have swallowed up all the Kool-Aid spread by the likes of Alex Jones, when he himself has said that he is just playing a character. You suckers don't even realize that people like him and Rush Limbaugh take advantage of gullible fools like you with their fake outrage so they can make enough money to buy their mansions. But the ruse continues to work well.

    You talk about propaganda, but you don't even realize that the spreading of these theories is being encouraged by the NRA and guns right activists to try and counter the growing call (and massive need) to stop the insane flow of guns in this country. That it is being used to try and resist the calls to make it harder for anyone to buy guns (e.g., the way Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to buy guns despite saying shootings are a problem of mental health). Their deception and manipulation of your kind is obvious. You are the one who has drunk the Kool-Aid.

    You people are truly sick in the head and don't even know it.

  82. SHUT THE HELL UP. All of you off topic- sit down. Enty, when will you start banning all of these people? You're losing more and more readers every day because y'all let this shit go on. Anyone who's gotten off topic or abusive needs to go NOW. Enough.
