Friday, February 02, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Stood Around And Laughed

A few years back there was a movie made starring a group of women who were all probably equal status in the movie. There was also an A- list mostly movie actor involved. He got involved simply because he knew the director and knew the movie would be filled with teen actresses. The group of women were probably all A-/B+ list actresses who all of you know. They stood around and laughed while the teen actresses and walk ons were subjected to constant sexual harassment and groping by the actor and director. If the extra allowed it she would get a walk on role. If she had sex with one of them she would get a speaking part. The actor and the director were like kids in a candy store. The wife of the director was around but didn't say anything either because that is how she got her start and said it was just the way things were and if the extras and walk ons didn't want to do it, they could leave. A few of those extras are speaking out and really calling out the group of A-/B+ list actresses who didn't care because it wasn't happening to them and never said anything. They would encourage the actor and director by laughing and clapping when some random actress would have her top ripped off or groped from behind when she wasn't expecting it.


  1. Spring Breakers? Harmony Korine and James Franco. Ashley Benson as the spouse.

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  4. Spring Breakers was my initial thought too, Florin

  5. Spring Breakers is an excellent guess

    I'll just leave this right here:

  6. Spring Breakers. Rachel Korine who is in the movie is the spouse of Harmony Korine. Franco is the actor.

  7. Ya Harmonie and Franco.

  8. Did Spring Breakers have a group of women in it? The main cast were teens/young adults. The way this reads is a group of older women then younger. My initial thought was Now and Then but it was directed by a woman

    1. Harmony is a man. It was about a group of women. 18+ equals women. They were in 20's...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. First Wives Club, Stephen Collins

  11. Fried Green Tomatoes :P

    1. This made me think Steel Magnolias?

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    3. STEEL MAGNOLIAS THEIR GRILLED CHEESES BEEN PURCOLATING SINCE CHARLETON HESTONS IN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Omg no one would try to grope their flap jacks unless they had a spatula... if they unleashed the Pandora’s juice box out of any of them seasoned veteran actresses I don’t think anyone would be uh hootin n hollering lol

  12. If not a group of older women then Spring Breakers, the actresses were in their twenties.

  13. Charlie's Angels, McG and Bill Murray?

  14. @Uhhhh... that is his wife tho

  15. Yeah, the lead actresses were all around 20-21 or so, which isn't what I got from reading the blind.

    Spring Breakers does make sense with "ripping their tops off" since that's much easier with a bikini instead of a normal top.

  16. I can't fit this with Spring Breakers. The director's wife, who got her start the same way, doesn't fit Rachel Korine. Her first movies were directed by her husband, Harmony Korine, who also directed her "big break" in Spring Breakers. I don't think casting couches are required for your spouse - unless it's with financial backers maybe.

    1. Some men actually marry their whores. Makes it easier to creep "I'm married, I'm just being friendly..."

  17. It made me think of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but I can't figure out who the known actor would be. I'm a bit out of the loop on such things though.

    1. The mothers in that movie wouldn't be considered A or B. Thought that one too

  18. GHostbusters remake ?

  19. Not Fried Green Tomatoes - Director's wife was married to him before her first gig, which was a special thanks to her and her husband.

  20. It's probably Spring Breakers because we had BIs here before about Franco's wanting to be in it for the girls he could screw.

  21. Bridesmaids came to my mind but were there younguns in the movie? Not sure of the director but Hamaconda for the actor.

  22. Mona Lisa Smile - directed by Mike Newell, who’s married to an 80s actress. Stars Julia Roberts and several big-name actresses (Dunst, Gyllenhaal, Stiles, Goodwin) followed by a ton of unknown actresses playing young students. Only real possibility for the A list actor is Dominic West, though, and I’m not sure he gets that high...?

    1. What about John Slattery, he might be TV wise

    2. Yeah, I wondered about him. He has a very recognisable face but I wouldn’t know his name (personally speaking).

    3. Yeah - Also Topher Grace is in it though I'd be hard pressed to call him A list

    4. That’s what I thought. I hope I’m wrong - Newell directed Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...

    5. I would say Topher Grace would be A- or B+. His is the only male name I recognized in the movie.

  23. This is without a doubt Spring Breakers.

    1. Yes!!! and every other guess is ridiculous.

  24. Spring Breakers is a fairly good fit, but again the directors wife got her start in her husband, Harmony's, movie. (It was from 2007 and they married in 2007, so maybe her casting couch was good enough to score a role?). I was also trying to see if this was something Chloe Sevigny was in, since she was discovered by Harmony as a high school senior and cast in KIDS, but nothing fits for her movies.

  25. So the girls from Spring Breakers are considered A-/B+ list actresses? That's a sad state of affairs. I could see those girls laughing about it - "Better them than us" mentality.

  26. Girl's Trip. "who you all know"

  27. Entry has a blind about
    how the directors wife was way underage when they started sleeping together and he married her to shut her up this is spring breakers

  28. First movie I thought of was the remake of THE WOMEN.

    1. If ever a movie didn’t need a remake, it’s that one. If they remake Casablanca, I might off myself.

    2. I totally agree. Two of the most boring so called classics I've ever seen. I could never understand the hype about them.

  29. Doesn't matter if Harmony directed Rachel in her first *credited* movies. She could have started in theatre, commercials, modeling. Or in unbilled walk-on parts. The same type these girls (harassment victims) are trying for. Not to mention, couching for the agents and managers just to get the *chance* to audition.

    Or as suggested, he couched her and then married her. Certainly wouldn't be the first.

  30. Frozen, it's totally Frozen. Those toons go wild when the animators put the pens away.

  31. Here's where Kids gets strange(r) (and a sign to stop searching). Harmony Korine was asked to write the screenplay for KIDS by Larry Clark, who was known (and celebrated with exhibitions at big galleries) for his Teenage Lust images - made up of mostly runaway/homeless teens in NYC paid to be nude or engage in sexual activities - i say activities because some had needles (drugs I assume) and one was a girl they found tripping on acid in the park that they brought home and had (probably unconsensual considering her state sex with).
    Kids was produced by Cary Woods who was still with Miramax (Weinstein) at the time.

    1. I saw KIDS at the time. Critics raved about it but it was just disturbing.

  32. This is straight up HORRIFYING. The women who encouraged it should go to JAIL.

  33. Spring Breakers is a great guess! I will also let you guys know that Harmony TOTALLY is into young girls. And yes he even married a young girl. He hung out with Franco and David Blaine a bunch.

    Also, Harmony is some what of an egotistical 'hip' jerk around these parts. First hand knowledge.

  34. As if directing a bunch of movies featuring sexualized children and teenagers isn't a big enough red flag. Aka woody Allen and his grown male protagonists going after teen girls. When pedo perverts reveal themselves over and over again let's all agree to believe them.

  35. I'm going with the women remake

  36. It's becoming clear that one reason this has gone on and continues to go on is that actors and actresses have an attitude of, "Well, I ran that gauntlet and no one spoke up for me, so why should I speak up now? Why would I do a favor for these hot young things who are out to replace me and put me out to pasture?"

    1. Psychology 101 - it fits. The psychology of survival and being on top.

  37. @Cail Corishev: Very good point.

  38. It is Spring Breakers totally. Harmony Korinne's met his wife when she was a minor as an extra in a movie he was directing. I didn't even need to read the entire first sentence to know this. Him and Franco are gross pedos

  39. The "NEW" Stepford Wives with Glenn Close, et al

  40. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Kids was Larry Clark ands extremely fucked up just like Larry

  41. Mamma Mia.
    Director Phyliddia Lloyd is a lesbian.
    Pierce Brosnan as A-

  42. I don't has to center around a group of older women...with some male lead. Then be surrounded by a bunch of teenage girls where walk-ons would exist. So I am thinking something like a high school movie. Teachers (older women) then teens for background. Since I hate movies about women, I am drawing a huge blank. I saw Spring Breakers but I don't remember any older women in it. This blind says they are well known (A/B) actresses, which means it had to be a decently budgeted movie to pay them. So it was some ensemble cast. Since it was gross and full of nasty behavior it might of been a black cast. I also thought maybe something like Pitch Perfect but I wouldn't call those actresses A or B list. More like C. And we don't know them.

  43. Spring Breakers Cast:

    James Franco A-
    Vanessa Hudgens A-
    Selena Gomez A-
    Ashley Benson B+
    Rachel Korine B+

  44. Spring Breakers

    Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson & Rachel Korine (director's wife - didnt say anything cause thats "how [she] got her start")

    Harmony Korine (director) & James Franco (actor)

    so, this PLUS the whole acting school w/a cleanup crew'd rape room....two pretty big stories still in the dark. The LA Times piece on Franco was embarrassingly tame considering what hasnt been revealed.


  45. yes plus spring breakers was the time SG split with Justin B..there were big rumors and stories at the time Selena had guuci main and Wacca in her trialer and was always tired

  46. "Since it was gross and full of nasty behavior it might of been a black cast."

    Racist much? Spell much?

  47. Franco is A+ isn't he? Bunch of women who were all equal status doesn't sound like Spring Breakers. Yet, since Franco is the current whipping boy, write the BI to fit him, sure. Anyway, Rachel's first job was on a Harmony movie. Not exactly sure if she was with him before that.

  48. I first thought that this was “Bridesmaids”. Though, I’m going to throw “Bad Teacher” into the mix. Another guess is “The Neighbors, Sorority Rising”, I googled the casts & the directors of both. They could possibly fit, it’s late & I’m too tired to type the details, sorry.

  49. Weird that the first movie that came to my mind with a bunch of similar caliber actresses was the baseball one.

    1. However, I looked up League of Their Own, and Penny Marshall was the director, so it doesn't seem to fit the blind.

    2. I then thought The Women, but no male actor and again a female director. Not that this blind can't have a female director, but that director would need to be gay and have a wife to fit the blind.

  50. Lol this is so Spring Breakers.

  51. This 100% spring breakers, the blind doesn't say anything about the women being older and the actresses where all in their 20's which is an adult woman and 'older' than teen girls/women.

  52. What about Bad Moms?

  53. Bad neighborhoods

  54. Sucker Punch, to be different.

    Zack Snyder was the director, and his wife was the producer.

    Cast is mostly A/B actresses we all recognize. A- actor would be John Hamm.

    Lots of young girls/women playing sexy parts and dancing.

  55. Totally Spring Breakers. The movie was made in mid-late 2000s. Vanessa Hudgens & Selena Gomez easily were A list at the time from Disney (and Vanessa's pix). Franco was probably A- b/c of Spider-Man. If he knew the director was the same guy who did Kids, he probably would've jumped on.

  56. Straight up Spring Breakers was my first guess. Then a rethink Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. And Kids as posted by others
