Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Pedophile Connections - Mr. Hedge

Just under 4 decades ago, this pedophile photographer was convicted of interstate transportation of obscene materials.  At the time of his conviction, such records could not be easily accessed, especially when the conviction occurred in another state - and the punishment was disgustingly light.  Let’s call him D.

D remained based in an East Coast state his entire life.  D became a professional photographer, and broke into the business as the official event photographer for many youth diving and baseball competitions.  D wanted to get involved in Hollywood.  Initially, D became a prominent and active member of early internet Teen Fan Idol communities that fetishized young male actors. 

D somehow became good friends with another pedophile, who lived on the opposite coast, and had many more connections in Hollywood.  Let’s call that pedophile NS.  You ALL know NS.  He was convicted of raping one of his clients for years.  A celebrity you all know has accused NS of raping his now-deceased friend.

NS worked a great deal with a certain child actor awards show.  Let’s call that Show #1.  Through his friendship with NS, D at one time became the official photographer for Show #1.  D also created websites for many young Hollywood actors. 

A little over a decade ago, a mother accused D of taking an inappropriate picture of her son while at another awards show.  Let’s call that Show #2. Through the vigilance of many parents, D was banned from Show #2, and the parents kept pressing the issue to the other shows.

Several months later, while at home, D doused his video cassettes and DVDs in gasoline, and lit them on fire.  The fire began to consume the house.  While the fire raged, D turned his gun on himself, and committed suicide.  Nobody knows for sure how crimes D may have committed against children during his life. 


NS -

Show #1-

Show #2 -

Bonus Item - What does NS stand for, and why does it describe him?


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    D has to be Bob Villard.

  2. now deceased friend corey haim/feldman?


    Jason Michael Handy, Nickelodeon producer for the other dude?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. NS - Marty Weiss? Show 1 the Young Artists Award. I am not so great with what anagrams may stand for. I will have to research that one

  6. +1 for NS being Marty Weiss

  7. The pedophile who offed himself was Robert Jamieson I think. There is also Christen T. Hopkins. That guy is probably a pedo too. Business partners with Bob Villard. I don't know what happened to him. He disappeared after Mr. Villard was outed as a pedophile.

  8. I just read a tribute Bob Villard wrote about one of his young clients Chris Pettite, dead of an overdose at age 24. Very interesting.

  9. Sorry, Pettiet is his last name.

  10. My guess for what NS stands for is Nonce Sonofabitch. Accurate description even if it’s not right!

  11. Creepy.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Villard is connected to River Phoenix and Jonathan Brandis as well. If you look up the kid that played Atreyu on Neverending Story you can see all the gross photos he took of him, also the brothers from Little House on the Prairie too.

  14. D is Michael “Max” Grassi Jr
    Show #1 - Young Artist Awards
    Show #2 - CARE Awards

    Another man, Michael “Max” Grassi Jr., attended the YAA a handful of times and served as the official photographer in 2004, according to people who saw him there and an archived version of his photography firm’s website. Around this time, he was accused by a mother of surreptitiously photographing her son’s crotch at another kids awards show, the CARE Awards, according to emails provided by that event’s organizer, Dorn of BizParentz. Grassi denied in an email to Dorn that he took the photos but was banned from the 2006 CARE Awards, according to emails and an interview with Dorn. In November 2006 — about eight months after the ban — Grassi, then 47, committed suicide.
    According to a police report, when firefighters responded to a blaze at Grassi’s Duluth, Ga., town home, they found his body and several videos that investigators believed to be child pornography. Grassi appeared to have doused the video cassettes and DVDs in “gasoline/kerosene,” the report said. Duluth Police Department Det. Teria Russell investigated the matter and determined the material wasn’t child porn, but had lingering suspicions.

    1. Great detective work, @Liz Pop! Kudos - I think you’ve got it! 👍

  15. D is Michael "Max" Grassi Jr. House fire was 2007 in in Duluth, GA according to the LA Times article in the link posted above. Suicide and videotapes part of the scene as well.

    Participated in the Young Artist Awards. Organizer of the YAA is Daniel Kitchel who has been executive producer of the awards show show for 30 years.

  16. The Young Artist Awards is so disgusting to read about.

  17. Ugh! in Duluth, GA w/a son in travel baseball. Ugh! Too close. Glad he burned himself

  18. @Don Kieballs - right? Grown men "autograph seekers" - ugh the LA times article skeeved me out.

  19. we must have been reading the same article -

    I can't find anything else about Michael Degrassi jr online, other than obituary/cemetary info, which is sad.

  20. Did Feldman out the guy? Since the guy is dead and that is his MO.

  21. Anonymous9:50 AM

    NS is Marti Weiss, who went to prison for molesting Evan Henzi. Corey Feldman has named him in his book as being one of Corey haim's molesters.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      "D somehow became good friends with another pedophile, who lived on the opposite coast, and had many more connections in Hollywood. Let’s call that pedophile NS. You ALL know NS. He was convicted of raping one of his clients for years. A celebrity you all know has accused NS of raping his now-deceased friend." Definitely Marty Weiss. Not sure what NS means, though.

  22. NS is obviously Charlie Sheen, accused of raping Corey Haim.

  23. Or obviously not, and is the other guy Feldman accused of raping Haim. Forget his name now.

  24. So we do have the
    D- Michael “Max” Grassi Jr
    NS - Mary Weiss
    Show 1# Young Artists Awards
    Show 2# Care Awards

    I am still struggling with what NS stands for, we need some experts for this one. ;)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Anonymous11:20 AM

    revenge of the cis - I think you hit the nail on the head with what NS means.

  27. I remember in the Dancing Boy blind, he mentions that after he was cast in the big movie, he started getting pictures taken, and "awards" even though he hadn't really done anything yet. I dug through the YAAs, and didn't see anything he would have won (even taking into consideration a stage name). So I assumed it just meant he attended. These awards must have just been crawling with pedophiles.
    This is the first I've seen of the CARE Awards, so I might try to look through those. Any other kids awards from the 80s? Even local to the LA area? I wonder if DB had Marty Weiss or any of the usuals for an agent. The network was obviously vast.

    Good job figuring this one out, folks!

  28. Ok, CARE awards didn't start till 2005. About 20 years too late for Dancing Boy.

    Speaking of DB, anyone check his Facebook lately? His latest (public) post was that he was watching Billy Elliot (ahem, a movie about a dancing boy). He is for sure trolling us. Not saying I don't believe him. He just knows we're watching him and is playing along, making certain posts and details public.

  29. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Sara, who is Dancing Boy? Or do I have to go back and check the comments of the blind? Pretty please :)

  30. D = Donald Trump
    It´s obvious

    1. Or more likely

      D = Hillary Ro(D)ham Clinton
      Much more obvious!!

  31. Bob Villard is still alive I think. The description sounds like him but I'm sure he's not dead

  32. These pedo blinds suck the soul out of me. I wish I were religious so I could seek comfort in some kind of retribution in the end for these lowest of the low.

  33. Could NS stand for "Nickelodeon Slime"? In the context of Weiss managing a lot of Nickelodeon actors and being a slime back to say the least.

  34. *slime bag

    Screw this phone, jeez.

  35. D=Max Grassi
    NS=Marty Weiss
    Celeb=Corey Feldman
    Dead friend=Corey Haim
    Show 1=Young Artist Awards
    Show 2=CARE awards
    NS=Nickelodeon Studios?

  36. Read that Los Angeles Times article, and -- wow.

    This Daniel Kitchel guy, the main organizer of the YAA awards, doesn't seem at all concerned about the potential for danger at the event.

    No formal background checks for volunteers, because he and his staff "know" them?
    No presence of uniformed security guards (which would serve as a visible deterrent to those who might misbehave)?
    A history of staff members who have been accused/convicted of child sex crimes?

    It is ridiculous that more pressure is not being put on this guy to put more stringent standards in place. Makes me question the intentions of the awards in the first place.

    If I had a kid in entertainment, I wouldn't touch this event with a ten-foot pole. I'd probably avoid the Kid Choice and Teen Choice Awards too, given the abundance of predators that make sure to stop by those every year. Pretty sure Dustin Lance Black and Bryan Singer were regular attendees.

    I swear, no one is protecting kids in Hollywood, and a lot of people in power would very much like to keep it that way. Sad.

  37. NS=Martin Weiss, NS stands for "TheNeverEnding Story." You can see it here:

    Obviously, Revenge Of The Cis had posted something and then deleted it. I guess that is out of fear of people figuring out that Mr. Hedge is Gabe Hoffman, but that's obvious.

    Dead Celeb: Corey Haim
    Friend of Celeb: Corey Feldman
    D=Max Grassi

    Show #1: Young Artist Awards
    Show #2: Care Awards

    Source for award shows and Grassi=

  38. Pedophile Connections sounds like a really creepy dating site.

  39. FUCK.

    When I was a kid all I wanted to be was a child actor. I was OBSESSED with the Young Artists Awards and tried to get my parents to take me year after year. I thought they were THE SHIT! Like you had really made it as a child actor if you won one...

    Man... Dreams Die Hard.

  40. If you want to figure out what "NS" is, you can find out. I know what it stands for. Go to the 1 Hour and 5 minute mark of this video and you'll get the hint on how to find the "NS" reference.

    #1 = YAA
    #2 = NIckelodean Kids Choice Awards
    Bonus = NS stands for Neverending Story (Marty Weiss wears an Auryn medallion)

  42. @Revenge Of The Cis -- nice plug. found your show thru here. dig it. thanks for sharing...
