Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Mr. Hedge - The Lawsuit That Kept The Secrets Hidden

You all remember a couple years ago, when that former child actor filed lawsuits against the now-disgraced A-list director, and 3 of his friends.  He was part of that film that you all know about, which was released for free online a few months ago.   

Those lawsuits ended with a public apology to at least 2 of the accused, and allegedly paying a low 7 figure settlement to them.  There was never even a fight before the lawsuits were dismissed. One day they were there with a huge public splash, and seemingly the next, they were gone.

What you don’t know was the real plan behind this, and how well it all actually worked for the parties who orchestrated the whole thing. 

The former child actor was not lying.  He believed what he told the public.  His accusations look much more credible these days, given what we now know about the disgraced A-list director, and his recently exposed serial child molesting friend. 

Obviously, it would be very difficult to prove in court exactly who raped him 15 years earlier, given that he was being force-fed drugs and alcohol to the point of being barely conscious, if at all.  The former child actor had previously taken his case to others, who turned the case down for those very reasons.  Despite the case being very thin, the publicity surrounding the announcement was huge.

The motivation for such a public announcement was the expectation of more recent underage sex victims, with more solid evidence of their rapes by these people - to notice the huge amount of press, and get legal representation.

This succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.  At least 4 victims came forward.  The public is not aware of this yet, but there is incontrovertible proof. 

The private settlements are rumored to have totaled over $10 million dollars combined.  The A-list director and his legal team were quite happy, because it resulted in these even more disturbing accusations being settled privately, and never seeing the light of day. 

That lawsuit which you all heard about just a couple months ago, against the same A-list director, accusing him of underage rape - it’s the same game being played again.  The one alleged to have taken place on a boat in the Pacific Northwest.  Just a thin, old lawsuit with no witnesses, designed as public bait - in hopes of luring in more recent big money victims, with much more proof.  This time, there was no press conference, just leaked news of the lawsuit instead. So, thankfully, this victim will not have to be publicly embarrassed if the case doesn't move forward.

The former child actor was offered a mere $100k by the A-list director to keep his mouth shut forever, but turned it down.  There is also incontrovertible proof of this. 

Former Child Actor:

A-list director:

3 friends of A-list director:


  1. Devon St Alban
    Apt Pupil?

    1. Obviously-Singer (director)
      Ian Mckellan(friend)

    2. Maybe Don Murphy and Ryan Murphy other friends ... no clue

    3. Singer - Director
      Feldman - former child actor
      Film - An Open Secret
      Friends - Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shactly, Brock Pearce

    4. +1, think your spot on

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

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  3. Michael Egan

    Bryan Singer
    Garth Ancier
    Gary Goodard
    Marc Collins-Rector

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

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  5. What's the free movie?

    1. An Open Secret. Find and watch. Was brilliant yet terribly sad. It opens your eyes.

  6. Michael Egan
    Bryan Singer
    Marc Collins rector
    Chad Shackly
    David Neuman,

  7. Incontrovertible evidence, not incontrovertible proof. Once again, Enty shows he's not actually a lawyer.

    1. I’ve been saying that for years. It’s so obvious.

  8. Is Mr. Hedge a source, like Mr. X or Himmmm?

    The general sloppiness of the writing of most posts points away from an attorney writing them. But maybe that's the point.

  9. Anonymous9:04 AM

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  12. At this point, is this even a blind? At least to the CDaN'ers Good job Enty!!!!

  13. Yes the whole Open Secret thing. That sounds like a pretty risky ploy though, I thought these guys preferred to quietly snuff/bribe their loose ends?

  14. Can Singer just fucking drown himself already.

  15. Cesar Sanchez Guzman lawsuit filed in Dec.

  16. again with the Egan push...Enty are you and Gabe besties? (I like him, honestly, but the constant push is a bit much).

    An Open Secret
    Michael Egan as the first lawsuit, a fraudulent one - used to draw out real victims
    Bryan Singer
    Friends with Collins-Rector and Shackley, and Gary Goddard

    Garth Ancier and David Neuman were named in suit against Singer, but got the apology for the fraudulent lawsuit.

  17. Bryan Singer for the director. Victim is Cesar Sanchez-Guzman

  18. Preposterous! Inconceivable! do you people really think Enty has any working knowledge of something to this magnitude? The details alone would show that it's lies! You're all goofy goof balls wearing tinfoil hats! Peasants, the lot!

    1. Just kidding.
      This is awesome, let's keep it going and get this more exposure!
      To hell with them all,and swiftly!
      As Diego Montoya says :
      Prepare To Die!! 😈😚😘

    2. @rosie riveter: Hard to tell whether you were just kidding or not. Your question about Enty's detailed knowledge of the situation is important, at least to those who are curious about who or what Enty really is, and what CDaN is. I would say that either the information is made up or it comes from a source that has surveillance powers. The middle ground, namely that it comes from a variety of people in the know who communicate with this supposed entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles, is much less plausible to me.

    3. I was kidding.
      I forgot this

    4. I think enty, is a few employees at rehabs, nightclubs, shrinks, all the places where people are chatting, confessing, or lonely, and dying to be heard.

  19. Here's a thorough write-up of many of the scandals plaguing Bryan Singer from projects as far back as The Usual Suspects. Speaking of "the usual suspects," it covers Goddard and many of the other ancillary posse members within Bryan's inner circle.

    INDIEWIRE: The Bryan Singer Timeline

    1. @Ernie Thanks for that link! I’ve been trying to get the Singer timeline straight, and that was a good read.

  20. Singer needs to cut his own dick off and bleed out

  21. I don't think Feldman fits, this blind states the former child actor was raped and Feldman says he had been molested although not raped like Haim was (unless he's lying..).

  22. Jeff Herman is the lawyer who represented both Egan and Sanchez-Guzman. So if I'm reading this correctly, someone is orchestrating these victims bringing forth allegations against Singer et al publicly that they know they will have a difficult time proving in court, knowing that they will have to withdraw and possibly pay damages to the accused. The point of this is to draw out those with actual proof so that a more airtight case can be built in court. The first round of accusers were all bought off, but the next round seem to be less inclined to accept any hush money.

    Am I reading this correctly?

  23. Most of the details about the Egan case in this item are from a 2014 Vulture article. Google "What Happens When You Accuse a Major Hollywood Director of Rape?". Although in that one the settlement is said to have totaled $20 million.

  24. I like the present weak cases you know you can't win to draw out legitimate victims strategy. It is interesting, but dangerous. Wouldn't the attorney's (who already have little respect) be knowingly filing frivolous litigation and committing abuse of process?

    Egan was proven to be lying with solid facts (although I do believe something did happen to him, it didn't happen the way he told it).
    I have no doubt Singer is guilty of many sexual assaults/rape. Collins-Rector, obviously is, and Shackley had to at least know, if not participate or enable.

  25. If Enty is a lawyer he knows you go to trial with uncontestable proof or like we've seen many many times, but especially with OJ and Casey Anthony you lose. When it's sexual misconduct, the person taking the case to court opens him or herself up to questionable conduct in their past which always makes their case harder to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. So cases like this are extremely hard to win and extremely hard on the person. You really have to have been squeaky clean all your life to even have a decent shot at putting the accused in jail.Thats why the rich have high-powered, highly paid legal teams.

    1. @sandybrook Not even just sexual cases. Any time you have a “nobody” going up against somebody or an organization with money, the “nobody” has to be prepared for every tiniest transgression to be hauled out in court. Whether it’s personal injury, worker’s compensation, whatever.

      Defense lawyers protect their wealthy clients by trying to smear and discredit their accusers. It’s a nasty system.

      But it’s also my understanding that civil cases have a lower bar than criminal cases where the US has a very high standard for “proof” before convicting an individual. OJ is an excellent example of that. As is Anthony. I’m still surprised that woman who was convicted of murdering her sometime boyfriend was actually convicted.

  26. I figured that latest one might have been a limited hangout. Intentionally publicize a minor (by comparison), he-said-he-said type of scandal about yourself, which people will shrug off as ugly but not so bad that heads need to roll, in hopes that future accusations will fall under that umbrella in people's minds. There's been a lot of that going on.

  27. @Rosie - It's not like this plan came out during the initial accusations. It could be that this is being revealed now because they have real meat in the trap that can't be denied once it sees the light of day.

    If you tie this to the blind that hinted at the death of James Dolan being related to his attempt to expose BS due to his abuse of a relative in England, it seems possible that real physical evidence could exist.

  28. @sandybrook - I agree with your comments about OJ and Casey Anthony, but those were criminal trials. Aren't these sexual abuse cases brought to court under civil law, which requires only a 'preponderance of evidence', which is a lower bar? That said, it would still be difficult to even get to that point without some kind of corroboration.

  29. Former Child Actor: Micael Egan

    A-list director: Bryan Singer

    3 friends of A-list director: Garth Ancier, David Neuman, Goddard

  30. You need a lawyer to answer that for you @Bia but a rape trial should be a criminal case but still they are going to try to present ample evidence to muddy your reputation.

  31. Here is something crazy interesting. On Jeff Herman's Wikipedia page, the following statements were recently added by several users who have made no other wikipedia edits: "However, according to the Hollywood Reporter and a leaked police report, Jeff Herman was himself accused of rape by his teenage receptionist in 1998. He escaped prosecution despite what the police recommended.[1][16] Jeff Herman was also disciplined in two distinct incidents of misconduct involving dishonesty.[17][18]"

    On January 10, 2018, Jeff Herman was nominated in the Yahoo Entertainment "running list of all dudes accused of sexual misconduct since Harvey Weinstein"[19]. The users are Lexlegis1979 and AudreyGlover.

    These accusations against him may be true, but given what is happening currently, it's very odd that these changes have been made so recently to his wikipedia page, which previously had no mention of any scandal or controversy. The story cited as reference is a December 2017 Hollywood Reporter article, which cites as evidence of his lack of credibility two previous incidences where he was disciplined for dishonesty. Those two instances? The two accused in the Egan case who were issue a letter of apology.

    It certainly smells of an attempt to attack his moral character in preparation for a coming legal battle, or it could be that this guy who does seem to go after abusers has an instance of abuse in his own past.

    1. You're right. Both scenarios are possible. I believe the smear campaign scenario is more probable, given the circumstances. But honestly, it could be either way.

  32. "Those lawsuits ended with a public apology to at least 2 of the accused, and allegedly paying a low 7 figure settlement to them. There was never even a fight before the lawsuits were dismissed."

    I don't know about you all, but if I come forward to finally get justice for my abusers, these lawyers wouldn't be on my list to hire. (Maybe just consulting fee.) That outcome is a terrible advertisement. The worst.

  33. Mark Collins-Rector is still at large and fled the US for somewhere overseas with no extradition. He was as of 2014 in Belgium. Unfortunately, he will never be prosecuted. The one that's scariest (they're all scary) is the little entrepreneur/techie guy/former child actor that now sits on the board of Bitcoin - Brock Pierce. I can't find any prosecution of/for him. They were able to nail Brian Singer, Marty Weiss, and Brian Peck who were all in the movie. It's up on youtube in its entirety. I was very shocked that in the middle of it, Fred Savage shows up for a party - he was a teen by then, but still a child.

    1. that was his little bro ben savage from boy meets girl

    2. And the guy he hugs when he arrives grabs his butt. I thought that was very telling...

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "Proof" is what Enty used, so you just bolstered Krab's assertion.

  35. Evidence and proof are synonymous. The shills are getting desperate.

    Weird, if all these pedos were catholic or muslim it would be news, but alas, theyre almost exvlusively jewish, so crickets....

  36. A dumb idiot - the wiki additions may be new, but the original police report filed in 1998 is not:

    Pierce and Neuman didn't do anything (at least not in regards to Egan)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. @Krab- I have been thinking this exact same thing. last week he used a pseudo legal phrase, that convinced me he wasn't a lawyer, since no lawyer- enve one who can't pass the Cali bar, would use such a phrasing.

    I was just afraid to say so, because you can get attacked here in these comments for suggesting ENTY is wrong or should do something more with the information received/gossiped.

    So, thanks!

  38. If you go back to Louella Parsons and Hedda Hopper, many folk in the industry whispered in their ears. Sites like this are a more up to date version of those ladies. I think stories come from many sources.

  39. @sandybrook, Bia is right that Egan & Sanchez-Guzman suits were civil. Only a DA or Fed prosecutor can bring a criminal case. Proponderance of evidence is the appropriate standard for both cases, but evidence is hard to get in rape cases, especially years later. I can't remember if Egan was underage at the time, but Sanchez-Guzman was of legal age in WA, so Singer could use consent as a defense.

    I wouldn't focus too much on Enty's legal terminology. Entertainment lawyers are more PR/contract oriented. Most never see the inside of a court room, so they don't talk or write like trial attorneys. Not throwing shade at non-litigators, just the truth.

  40. Did I read this wrong, or is this saying that the public cases were made public on purpose BY the Singer camp? So they let one or two (true) cases go public to hush up as many others as they could at the same time? Seems a very bold move if that’s the case.

  41. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I hope the kid on the boat gets his due.

  42. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the video footage taken by the “DEN crowd” resurfaced showing some of the identifiable victims being assaulted-that would be real proof....

  43. @ jessorella

    it is a bold move, but it has always worked. disgusting.

    notable the same lawyer is repping both men...and was paid off last time.

    1. Try facts vs bullshit. The lawyer is also a rapist.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. The blind says the lawyer is working with Singer's camp, but Egan wasn't in on it. They chose his case because it was weak, probably because Singer could dig up stuff in his background. I'm not sure about the second plaintiff. Here are the

    "The former child actor was not lying. He believed what he told the public...Obviously, it would be very difficult to prove in court exactly who raped him 15 years earlier, given that he was being force-fed drugs and alcohol to the point of being barely conscious, if at all. The former child actor had previously taken his case to others, who turned the case down for those very reasons."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Does it bother you the lawyer is actually rapist who crusades as a protector of abusers while concocting extortion and shakedown schemes? Curious...

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I don't understand.

    If the purpose of the first lawsuit in 2014 was to identify more victims with solid proof...and that incontrovertible evidence was found...why didn't Jeff Herman try to get the lawsuit moving forward?

    Is it because his young clients preferred to settle for the millions instead? Or is it because Herman was more interested in getting a payout than going to trial?

    I know he was the guy who helped highlight the Catholic Church abuses, so I assumed he could be trusted. But given that he's faced financial trouble recently, should we be suspicious that he cares more about getting a fee than obtaining justice?

    I really hope this is not true, but it certainly seems so.

    BTW, Bryan Singer's back on his Instagram after about a two-month absence, flashing pics of his vacation in Dubai. Maybe someone's feeling confident...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. A shill victim, that's new. #MoneyOverJustice

  48. @ Jewelled Skye: totally agree on Brock-Pierce....

  49. @TruthSayer, It's the client's call to settle. Maybe the victims didn't want to deal with testifying, or the inevitable intrusion into their lives? Also, if this is CA, there is a thing called a CCP section 998 offer. If the plaintiff cannot recover an amount greater than the Defendant's offer, the plaintiff must may the Defendant's costs. If Singer was offering 7 figures, that's a tough offer to turn down.

    If the blind is true, that's quite a chess game Singer was playing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. the original ENTY was (and is) very precise, very clear about the terms he uses, he OR SHE, is also very clear, and uses very strong sentence constructions, grammar & syntax. (edit- lmao i suck at those things but the difference in writing is glaring.)

    the entard (s) that took over were obsessed with reality tv, teen moms and were obviously posting the blog from their phone on the fly.

    it was good to see original enty posting over the holidays and taking the blog back from the spyware/malware/ad infested nightmare it had become.

    my grammar and syntax SUCK I hope the original enty continues to make his or her presence known here.

    1. @Me2, whoever writes these blinds is usually clear and comprehensible, but his or her grammar, usage, and punctuation are very sub-par.

  51. Child Star: Michael Egan
    Director: Bryan Singer
    3 friends: Garth Ancier, David Neumann, and Gary Goddard.
    Movie: An Open Secret
    The 3 friends and Singer all invested in a company called DEN (Digital Entertainment Network), which was run by Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley, and Brock Pierce. Those 3 lost a case where they sexually abused Michael Egan and 2 others. One of Whom was Alexander Burton who is in the first X-Men movie as "John" (precursor to pyro). Ice Man outs out a flame from his finger in the first X-Men. If you blink you'll miss it. Collins-Rector, Shackley, and Pierce all settled a case but declared bankruptcy and fled the country. Shackley and Pierce somehow got away with things. Collins Rector was sentenced, promised the US Government some great technology involving Submarines, and they let him out of prison. He is a convicted child molestor who no lives overseas. Pierce now helps to run Bit Coin. Alex Burton got the role in X-Men over Michael Egan because he gave Bryan Singer good head in a hot tub.

  52. Paul, your info is way off. The Egan case was dropped and his lawyer had to issue apologies, which is not a good look for an attorney. Brock was never accused, arrested, tried, sued or convicted for sexual crimes. He was named only as the 3rd partner in DEN.
    Brock did pay a settlement of $20,000 to a previous employer who accused him of embezzling $200,000 (why would you settle for $20k if you have proof of a crime?)

    I still recommend watching An Open Secret and I'm a fan of both Amy Berg and Gabe Hoffman. But watch it knowing all of Egan's lawsuits fell apart, he has a history of false accusations, and his attorney has a history of dealing with accusation lawsuits that lack merit (not to mention his own history of shady lawyering)

    Alex Burton I think is telling the truth. Honestly, anything I hear about Singer I believe.

    1. Alex Burton signed an under oath declaration calling Michael Egan a liar. Filed in Federal Court. That might tell you something that all is not as it seems? This article might surprise you too, read it carefully. Is far more to it than this below. Was written a few weeks before Egan was indicted in late 2014. Also made before massive edits to the film Egan was originally far more featured in. Take special note of the paragraph about Burton most of the way down but it is just a small part.

  53. Great article explaining why the doc was built around lies.
    Also, you'll notice the article says Ancier and Neuman are shown in slides in the doc, but after the initial screening she had to remove them (or face her own lawsuits).

    1. Yep. Rector was and is gross. So is Egan. We will see how things play out from here but any lawsuit filed by Herman is a sham or extortion or shakedown. Did you see this btw?

  54. If you read the SEC filings that were published on Digital Entertainment Network, Alex Burton was supposed to sign for Enron. They also had the name of Ancier's personal chef being used to sign for Enron too. Those two were committing fraud for Enron. Transparent fraud.By the way that same chef said that Egan was lying.

    Anywho, Alex Burton starting talking about his hot tub experience with Bryan Singer to the press during the time Superman Returns came out, and people were thinking he was trying to imply that Brandon Routh had sex with Bryan Singer for a role. I don't think he was referring to Brandon Routh. Look at the actor Stephen Bender, the kid that played young Clark Kent. Who was representing him at the time he was cast as Young Clark Kent?
    Artists Management Network, the talent company that was founded by one Bob Villard, the pedophile who has apparently molested half of Hollywood. His buddy, Christen Hopkins, who is probably another pedophile, was Bender's agent and was able to get him a one on one audition with Singer after finding him at some meat market and supposedly thinking he looked like Brandon Routh. That is what I think young Alex Burton picked up upon, and that is why he was blabbing to the press during Superman Returns.

  55. @BayAreaGirl, thanks for the explanation -- great insight. It just saddens me that there was a strong possibility that people with hardcore evidence could've brought Singer down (and prevented him from abusing others). But I guess it would be hard for any of us to turn down a million dollar payday.

  56. Bryan Singer 3 friends: Ian McKellen, Patrick Steward and the teacher from Glee.

  57. I have actually been to a party at Lester (the yacht owners house). He's a microsoft millionaire and it does not surprise me that he runs with these pedos. We called him Lester the Molester. He had a Sparkletts 5 gallon water cooler filled with Cape Cods and his Capital Hill mansion was filled wall to wall with shirtless twinks wearing puka shell necklaces.
    My best was 19 at the time and we were joking that he was too old for the party. We sat in his living room, away from all the "boys" because we all were creeped out. This was in the early 2000's. I can only imagine the "settlements" that pedo has paid out.

  58. Don Kieballs

    This is the lawsuit that Burton, Ryan, and Egan filed.

    All 3 actually fled the country, but Spain only arrested Rector.

    Rector is currently alive living out of the country:

    Article from 2005 on where Burton got his job from sucking on Bryan in a hot tub:

    The Egan lawsuit about getting raped in Hawaii was false. It doesn't mean he wasn't raped in Encino at the M&C Mansion by all of those men. He tried to find a way to get around the statute of limitations which is why he chose Hawaii. It wasn't well thought out, but Singer was ready to settle:

    You'll notice that the blind talks about the 3 friends of the director accused. Wrongly or correctly accused they are Goddard, Ancier, and Neumann.



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