Thursday, February 15, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Lots Of Audio And A Little Bit Of Video

Want to hear this permanent A++ list icon discussing on the phone what he did or wanted to do with children? Want to hear him telling parents their children are liars for accusing him of doing those same things? Want to see a short 30 second video of him where he appears to be naked in front of a tween boy wearing a striped short sleeved shirt looking up at the icon? Well, if you have at least seven figures, then you can own it according to the middleman shopping it around.


  1. Hmmm where were all these tapes during his trials, allegations and/or while he was alive? Not that I don't believe this just asking.

  2. Nope nope nope nope don't wanna know
    lalalalala 👉🐵👈

  3. William Shatner. I think I'm supposed to guess that when there's no way to know.

  4. Sheeit, this could be anybody. Sounds like a J. Edgar Hoover file though.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Jeeeeeez. I wonder how this person came to own this material. And why the hell hasn’t it been turned over to the police? 😔

  6. Jokes aside, I don't know if you could get a million bucks for tape of a long dead person, not even Michael. I think it's someone living.

  7. Not surprised if it's Jackson

  8. Do I want the people involved in this drenched in gasoline and set on fire...

  9. Because it would be really hard to fake a video/phone call like that when the payoff is seven figures.

  10. I guess they didn't hear everyone in media is pivoting to video.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I still hope MJ didn't do anything inappropriate with children. Call me naive.

    1. I'm with you. Plus, it reminds me of when Hard Copy/Diane Dimond claimed that they had video of MJ molesting one of Jermaine's kids and that turned to be a big fat lie.

      I suspect that Pellicano is behind this. Unfortunately, he is too late. MJ's been dead for nearly 9 years, the estate made money moves years ago and those people, like Robsen who tried to sue, failed. It could be an attempt to get Paris or Prince to shell out some cash, but their level of celebrity isn't as dependent on MJ anymore. And it's doubtful that the tabloids would pay for it either, especially if there's chance that feds would want to do some forensic analysis to ensure it authenticity.

      Plus, the Me Too movement is in full swing. I'm sure that there will be backlash against the person who held on to this evidence and only released it for money.

  13. @Krab, could be a like Wilford Brimley rapping lol

    1. HA! Who doesn't love them some ICE ICE Brimley? That guy's a total baller. Hit us up when he drops his next track, @Brayson87!

  14. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Maybe one of the seedy rags will buy it, although I can’t see any paper putting up seven figures. The vile person selling the material will have to make do.

  15. Actually yes, I want to hear who the hell it is, but 7 figures? lol

  16. Michael Jackson, the person selling the clip is probably Anthony Pellicano.

    1. Yes! Called it yesterday. I knew this guy was up to something.

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Schneider? Just a random guess. I have an iq of 50 and little reading comprehension, so in no way do I think it is right.

  18. The phone taps and scant video evidence suggests either a PI or some enforcement agency acquired them. Most likely illegally and most likely before cellphones.

  19. I think @Sal Salington may be right - this person is still alive.

  20. Seeing that when it comes to audio and video everything and I mean everything can be faked nowadays (ESPECIALLY if appears to be low quality), I wonder what guarantees this middleman can give on the origin of this material.

  21. I can think of a few CDAN blind regulars who might be the buyer, not because they're him, but because they'd like to watch that sort of thing.

  22. I think it's Jacko too, but just for fun lets try to name as many living A++ 'icons' as possible...


    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Is this an old news story about MJ? It’s odd that the ranch was raided in 2013, but the gross material found is only being mentioned now.

  24. With the new advents in face mapping onto video, I'd be very cynical about any low res "previously unseen" scandalous clips coming to light. They're so easy to fake.

  25. This needs to be given to the cops! Put the pedo in jail if he isnt dead

  26. Hey,

    Just food for thought, what about that blind that Himmm wrote that some listeners thought was about Hefner's tunnel safe? Maybe some footage is escaping out to the general public???

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Yeah! That’s possible. MJ used to go to the Playboy mansion often in the ‘80s “to see the animals” according to LeToya. ☺️

  27. I would buy it and post it on the internet for all to see. Wait, would that be considered buying and disseminating child porn? Well, someone else should buy it and post it for all to see. The R. Kelley tape got shopped around at flea markets and such...

    1. @ TW, best comment on this thread. LOL

    2. @Cherry Coleman thank you for your kind words.

  28. @Drama

    From what I've seen there hasn't been a deepfake that looks completely real. They all still look fake at some level. Though it's certainly possible that professional deepfakes look more realistic. I just haven't seen any.

    Also, the blind mentions audio as well.

    1. Ah, but if it was that good, you would not know it’s a fake, correct? For all you know. You’ve seen a fair few.

  29. Cmon guys. If this was Trump they would pay 9 figures in about 5 seconds.

  30. If it's Anthony selling, it is probably authentic.

  31. Of course this is MJ. Who knows if the peddler really possesses such things, though.

  32. CNaD has clearly gone the Radar Online way. I will send a seven figure cheque to CNAD office if there exists such a video of Michael Jackson.

  33. Pellicano and Michael Jackson

    apparently they found CP involving torture at Jackson's neverland ranch, but then it disappeared from headlines....

    the only thing that made me think for a while MJ was just really weird and not a molestor was when he did the curse on spielberg and geffen....I thought it might be he found out what they were doing and using his ranch for, and so he got manicly mad (rightfully so) and did the hex.

    and then maybe they paid that doctor to overdose him. who knows.

  34. Eh, the biggest thing I doubt in this blind is that whatever the guy is shopping around is the real deal. Audio is especially easy to forge, and 30 second poor quality video that “appears to be” so and so and such and such is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    I admit I’m in the camp of Michael Jackson was a really weird guy with a warped and abusive childhood, and because of his experiences with adults and as a child, would never harm a child.

  35. I used to love MJ when I was a kid...

  36. Enty,

    Its bad enough you get shilled here regularly, but the lack off critical thinking among the majority of posters here is alarming. Michael Jackson is everybody's favorite celebrity and then he makes a song that uses the word kike, and buys the rights to his music catalog from Sony and all of a sudden he's a pedo how weird

    I'm guessing no one knows that the first kid that came forward, I said repeatedly Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate with him and only after being ripped from his family and placed in state custody for months, then being interrogated by police for hours without a lawyer or adult present did he make an accusation.

    You can't just read headlines people you have that read the body of the articles and for that matter read a good cross-section of Articles reflecting both sides of the aisle as it were.

    I read a lot of bunk on here and let it slide but this is just getting ridiculous

  37. This is NOT Michael Jackson. This is Neil Diamond.

  38. Google "rentboys" and "Datalounge"

    Also - what A++ icon has a song called "A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You?"

    The weird way Enty phrased the blind was part of the clue.

    Trump is certainly not an icon. I do not believe most people would describe him as such.

  39. MJ really did try to protect many kids due to the horrific abuse he suffered in the industry. His dad inflicted torture and abuse on all of them - especially Michael.

    There was even a blind the other day about Joe getting at least 1 daughter pregnant. Joe probably raped the boys too along with his industry friends.

  40. Which icon announced he was retiring last month in the middle of a 50th Anniversary Tour?

  41. Lady Lurker for the win.

    1. +1 Sadly. Lyrics to YB Road are so creepy.

  42. I like beebops comment. MJ hated Geffen and Speilberg. Sounds good!

  43. I felt MJ was emotionally stunted and would always be like a child. Yes, he was inappropriate with children in that he did not respect common adult-child boundaries like sharing beds and such. I do not believe he did anything sexually with kids and I bet after what he endured he was unable to have a real sexual relationship. He prob felt he really was doing good for many kids and protecting them, but everyone around him took advantage of his childlike mentality.

  44. Jokes aside, I don't know if you could get a million bucks for tape of a long dead person, not even Michael.

    If it's being shopped around it's to sell to the highest bidder who will destroy it. Jackson's estate and Neil Diamond both have enough money make sure the tape, if it exists, never sees the light of day.

  45. Living A++ icon...Mick Jagger? Prince Charles?
    Ralph Lauren?
    I mean, A++ really narrows the field. That’s the top of the heap.
    If it were a politico, we’d have seen or heard of it in 2016. Or Robert Mueller would have it.

  46. oh damn @ladylurker is right on the money

    also...the 'sweet caroline' is that not about ped0philia?????? Im too young for when he was at his peak, but I just recently heard the song sung and Im is with these lyrics????


  47. David Geffen was my first thought. @ladylurker is Neil going on tour? I know Elton is doing his final tour

  48. What about Cruise...he always had a pack of fixers and handlers

  49. I'm showing my age. My first and only thought was Walt Disney.

  50. Globe Magazine claims Elton John most likely has Parkinson's Disease.

    I had not thought of Neil Diamond. Good guesses.

  51. Being this is 2018, I would guess Charlie Sheen, but it's not.

    It's Michael Jackson, according to that blind item revealed site. That should gone straight to the police from the get go.smh

  52. call me crazy but i saw permanent A++ and my mind went to trump? never thought him to be into BOYS but idk, i didn't even THINK MJ. mostly bc now that he's dead i don't think there's as much to be gained. like why not shop it during his trials? it's probably not trump either but i really dont think it's michael jackson.



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