Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Item #8 - He Hit Me

This permanent A list singer is not being allowed to go public with her story about the abuse she suffered at the hands of her A list ex. She says at least once every couple of weeks he would hit her or grab her by her hair and throw her to the ground. He said she was ruining his career and taking all the attention. Several times throughout her career she has thought about calling him out for it. He threatened her once when she told him she was going to do it and the threat was scary enough that she backed off. She was going to have others do it for her but they were too scared she would not back them up when the time came. Now, she is ready, but her own people won't let her because they just want to let it go and not have a bunch of other dirty laundry come out that she would not be able to control. This is as close as they will let her speak for now.


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