Friday, February 09, 2018

Blind Item #8 - Burglary

You know that actor who recently was killed but made to look like a suicide? His place was recently broken into and that of a girlfriend. Yes, apparently someone was willing to be his girlfriend. She called police, but no one made the connection. No one even bothered to call the police for the break in at his old place because it had already been cleaned out by relatives. His girlfriend said nothing had been taken, but two of the screws for air vents had not been replaced. They were on the floor in the kitchen even though the screws went to air vents in her bedroom and living room. It looks like someone had installed recording equipment in both of the vents and had to retrieve them. It is assumed the same thing was done at his old place, but no one is sure that I spoke to.

What is very interesting is that this A+ list television producer of shows all of you know did the same thing once to a former lover. The lover discovered them when he was trying to hide some money from his current boyfriend. This story was big talk about two years ago. 


  1. Is this Jeopardy? Do we have to phrase answers in the form of a question?

  2. Montana +2 Fuccccccking weird

  3. Even if you didn’t follow this blog, all the strangeness surrounding Glee is suspicious. Two of its stars are now dead, even though they are very young.

    1. Not really, drug addiction is more common than you think, especially in certain circles like Hollywood where no one tells you when enough is enough. Filled with enablers and hangers on. Give an addict money, fame, and no one to tell them when and that is a recipe for disaster. Drug addiction rarely ends well and when you have funds and people giving you drugs just to hang out ending up dead is probably going to happen a lot faster. It’s very easy for the average addict to find enablers imagine how much easier it is for someone with even the smallest amount of fame? Then you have a guy who was a pedi facing jail time and the end of life as he knew it kill himself and that seems suspicious? Not really.

  4. Ya, also Mathew Morrison connection to Singer/Geffan.

  5. Can we get a blind linking Glee, the Kennedys, and Mena, Arkansas? Perhaps this is a job for A J Benza; he could mix in some made dudes

  6. M Selling

    Pervert Murphy

    but who is the former lover? And which " story" was " big talk" two years ago?

  7. I read an article saying that his case/the pedophilia case is being filed (therefore no more investigation will be made and no more names will be brought up) which is quite interesting if we think back about the previous blind about Mark. The people fearing their names would be exposed for selling him pedo paraphernalia can now take a chill pill and go on with their miserable lives.

    1. The case against Salling is being dropped because he is dead, which would always be the case when someone dies. However, the victims can still sue his estate and they will. This also does not mean that authorities will drop all charges against any other people involved. That is not how the law works. If he named names, which there is no proof he did, that information would still be investigated and those people would still be pursued. Salling’s death does not negate any information or evidence found during the course of the investigation. If the authorities uncovered information on his computer they can still use all of that. If he named names, he most likely signed an affidavit or did so as part of a deposition or recorded confession, which again would still be admissible in court or as part of an investigation. If he was read his rights and gave that information after as part of a plea any information obtained after that would be admissible. His death changes nothing if they found information on others. The only thing they can’t do is call him in to testify but if he gave enough info to lead them in the right direction that wouldn’t matter. These blind items are bullshit.

  8. So....that's it? Another shady "suicide" that goes by the wayside? Sickening.

  9. Did they drop the investigation into Salling or was there an overall investigation that they dropped? Either way it is appalling. You'd think that with these kinds of things, just looking into one guy would bring you a slew of other creeps to look into.

  10. I can’t find a thing on the former lover.

    Comment please if anyone else does!

  11. A young boy is molested/raped by older homosexual man & become sexually tormented & questions an identity that wasnt even formed yet. That mentor convinces him he "sees the homosexuality in him." So they get stuck in a time period of man-boy false love. Every homosexual male freind I have had was molested...period. I never pointed out the obvious binding thread to any of them. Some of these older gays are predators---rich, sick fuck perverts spreading generations of abuse. Enough people stand up and call them out & they will run for the hills.

    1. In my lifetime, every gay male friend I’ve known - everyone of them - was molested by an older man growing up. most did not grow up near the business.

    2. All of the men I know personally who were molested by older men are straight. All of the gay men I’ve known personally (of my age and younger) were not molested by older men.

      I’m not saying it doesn’t still happen, obviously. But it’s nowhere near the 100% correlation. I’ve tended to liken the phenom to the straight/bi women I’ve known who were molested or taken advantage of by older men while underage or quite young-looking still. In THAT group, I’ve known many.

    3. Ugh ... you gave me flashbacks to a case I worked once where this poor boy had been molested from an early age and he broke down crying because he felt guilty for becoming aroused at some point. He told me he felt like he had to be gay because how could he ever explain that. Crushed my soul to feel his agony :(

    4. The worst part is the old predators that think their sick motto, "homosexuals aren't born, we make them," is humorous & somehow justifiable.
      As I said in a DB thread, I volunteered in abuse shelters for 3 decades. The boys who were homosexual or thought themselves to be queer, almost every single one had been molested by a family member, a community leader, close family friend, teacher, etc.
      The very people they should've been safest with. They often told very similar stories, which is where I came to understand what "grooming" really meant, and the vile, insidious nature of that behavior.
      Unfortunately, this behavior is either excused or ignored or even seen as a common bond story in the homosexual community and bcause of the somehow sainted and "untouchable" position they have been afforded, no one is allowed to police their behavior in any way, despite the fact that it allows predators to hide within their ranks, blending in and never being brought to justice.

  12. So they successfully staged a murder to look like a suicide, but forgot to put screws back in the wall? Makes sense

    1. OJ allegedly left bloody gloves, Lufthansa heist driver fell asleep & forgot to ditch the getaway van...criminals aren't bright always.

    2. The landlord/cleaning service cleaning out the vents. This stuff works it self out.

  13. " but forgot to put screws back in the wall? Makes sense" it does, if you are sure everything will be covered and you don't care about consequences

  14. Mark Salling’s family already cleaned his place out? That was quick.

    1. I remember seeing something in the news about his family cleaning out his house almost immediately following them finding his body. I thought that was strange but it all makes sense.

  15. Nothing was dropped. Anyone who possessed, manufactured, transferred or aided and abetted child porn will be investigated. Saling pled guilty. However, a conviction is not final until after the direct appeal, so the case is being dismissed. This means victims can not rely on the criminal court order for restitution but instead will have to sue his estate civilly.

    1. Thank you chopp, finally someone who pays attention and knows how the law works. Sometimes I wonder if Enty is really a lawyer or if that is also bullshit 😒.

  16. @Karma and --said

    Same here, and lesbians as well.

    Not molestation though... let's call sex between a grown ass damn adult and an innocent young person who cannot possibly consent nor comprehend what is about to happen what it really is?

    It's rape.

    1. @patience All the lesbians I’ve ever known who were taken advantage of, raped, and/or molested were the victims of men. And I’d bet I’ve known a fair few more than you.

    2. I can see being assaulted by a man turning me off of that gene pool forever:( ugh I hate abuse and it's lifelong impacts.

  17. Well this thread got crazy faster than usual.

  18. Ah the old Russian propaganda that all gay people molest kids. Ain't it interesting it rears its ugly head on CDAN.

    NONE of my gay friends were molested or abused as children. Not ONE, as far as I know. The higher percentage, in my experience, is women who were molested or abused while children or teenagers by...straight men.

    Wonder who is trying to pass the buck there?

    Salling succeeded in committing suicide after several failed attempts. End of story.

    If anyone put recording devices in these apartments it was most likely gossip news source that could then hold any revelations for ransom. That's an old technique.

    1. Can you please Read everything before you post? All you want to do is inflame the peeps, light a flame and then you stand back and say What..? Whoooo..? Meeeee??? ("Where oh where did that FIRE come from??")
      Reading comprehension is your fucking FRIEND.
      Go ahead and read again.
      Yes, two people stated an ignorant comment regarding molestation and being gay. But there's a couple more up there, one of them a self-decribed GAY(lesbian), who said she sees no correlation, as a matter of fact even stated the correlation YOU see. Meaning, women molested by straight men.
      I will second this. So there ya go, Plot.
      Try to stick to what is really being said OK?
      Instead of always trying to ignite and inflame.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Lol Russian propaganda. I can't even deal. Funny how it's not ok to be racist, but is ok to blame Russia for everything.

    4. Even more likely, people were just hoping he hid some cash on there. We never checked the walls of my grandparents house before it was demolished, but the homeless squatters did, and found $30,000! They did the work, and got the cash, period.

  19. what was the story that was "big talk?" does that mean it was among hollywood people or was there an actual article about it?

    i like Ryan Murphy a lot, but i wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a monster. he is rich, after all.

    1. That’s what I was asking before the responses all derailed.

      I can’t find anything about Murphy and a former lover?

  20. @Krab LOL ikr
    FWIW: I have a rainbow child in my family and he was never sexually abused.

  21. Wealth has nothing to do with being a monster. Ed Gein was never well off. John Wayne Gacy was never rich.

  22. @karma may I respectfully disagree? The reason why I'm so militantly pro gay is because my younger brother is gay. Because the family I grew up in is very liberal ( I know, I know, library's and all that) he was able to come out at the relatively young age of 16. Many of his friends envy the age he was allowed to come out and be fully himself. He never had a fake girlfriend/beard and had a boyfriend ( the same one) all through high school. Most young women/girls have a story about a much older male being inappropriate with them, ask any woman you know! We are bordering homophobic territory when we take the focus off where it belongs: older men throughout history and all societies preying on young men AND women. This is a problem that men have to take control of and be the catalyst for change. If your a man if a certain age and the only porn you watch is tight teens in heat or whatever, you're part of that energy. I can see an excellent example in my bro of a gay orientation ( from birth he says! and quite frankly there is science to back that up but that's another long winded post no one wants to read) that was ALLOWED to develop naturally the way straight orientation is. My mom, god bless her , says she knew my brother was gay by age 7 and that she made sure never to say disparaging things about gay people ever around him. She was very kind and loving and accepting of him as he naturally is and in conversations with him always made sure to say that gay people were just like anyone else and were beautiful in God's eyes. Therefore my brother always knew it was ok to come out to her and my dad( tho dad wasn't thrilled, he was accepting). I really believe if my brother grew up in a typical American household where homophobia and heterocentric ideals prevailed, he would have been MUCH more vulnerable to predators and to going on grindr or something to be himself. I did not have sex till I was 19. My brother tells me he didn't have sex till he was 18. Growing up in an open loving tolerant family resulted in two kids who delayed sex till emotionally ready. Btw this the exact way hubs and I are raising our two sons. I am careful to say "partner or wife " when talking with them about their futures. We are careful to let them know that sometimes girls grow up to marry other girls and that's ok. They are a family too. Some of the stunted sexuality you mention might be caused by heteronormativity forcing children who have a gay orientation from a young age to subvert those feelings into feelings of being weird or "wrong ". Basically shame. If homosexuality in kids is innate the n these disgusting predators are picking up on that. That's why depictions of gay images as wholesome and normal for kids is of utmost importance i.e. The animated movie on YouTube with the heart ( very cute) I forget its title right now as I am in mid rant lol. But consider that normalizing gay kids feelings and equipping them with strength and self assuredness will go far in actually preventing this type of abuse. And the more we are able to prosecute and charge these grown men with sentences that actually fit the crimes they are committing the better. In closing ( so sorry for the rant) letting young gay boys have crushes on each other, and take each other to prom, and date throughout high school and come out of the closet will ( as in my brother's case) delay the onset of sexual activity. Allow gay men to form a sexual identity which is open and not "in the closet and in the shadows and only on Grindr" ( my brother recently tweeted that sentence to me). So this is all tmi but I hate to see homophobia increase because of the crimes of some.

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Halloweenie

    2. Amen Halloweenie. Sounds like you have a lovely family

  23. Ehi, calm down, i have read like two or three ( at most) comments about Gay and sexual molestation of kids, so, it's not like this site has been" infected" by some desases coming from Russia

    Predators have no sexuality, period

    Now, someone had any idea about the" former lover"?

    1. lol you're right. I need to simmer down. I think it gets personal if you have a gay sister, brother, cousin, best friend, child, parent because they are basically equating homosexuality with abuse. One out of every four girls is sexually abused before the age. And one out of every six boys and I'll say it till I'm blue in the face Jared from subway had 3 kids, was married and ran a children's charity. Are we gonna say he's the cause of heterosexuality? See how silly that sounds but yet people get away with saying stuff like that when it comes to lgbt people.

    2. Two or three is still too many. That stereotype is flat out dangerous, as well as being offensive. You know why? It prevents LGBT kids and teens forming healthy friendships and support systems with healthy and well adjusted LGBT adults. Both for fear that people will insinuate what isn’t there.

      Growing up gay is like growing up in a culture you’re not and never will be a part of, usually with no support system of people like you, even outside of your family.

      But you are correct that Predators are predators. And That’s not a sexuality.

  24. Krab +1

    Halloweenie, just stop already with your incessant, boring virtue signalling. I have amazing, mind-blowing, earth shattering news for you:

    I am politically and fiscally conservative, yet PRO GAY!

    Amazeballs, right? And there are millions like myself. What Karma wrote is total bullcrap, but stand down from your self appointed soap box already, nobody cares. Most people don't care about gay.
    Meanwhile you should go and write your next essay-comment on the great gift of female genital mutilation, child rape and forced marriage of little girls of your favourite culture of the moment, you self righteous little liberal, you.
    You know what Muslims do to gays, don't you?

    1. If you're politically conservative then you are not PRO GAY

    2. Boredatwork, your full of doody.

  25. What do you mean by predators having no sexuality? That doesn't make much sense.

    At this point in the Western World, most people know that gay people are not automatic child molesters. On the other hand, this line of thinking is being pushed hard by authoritarians in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnya, as an excuse for terrorizing all LGBT people. To see it pop up on CDAN (and other comment boards) is kinda interesting, no? It isn't like US Fundies hang out on CDAN, who are the only ones in the USA who might be stupid enough to perpetrate this myth (while sacrificing their daughters to their ministers.) Watching this line of thought suddenly light up across many forums is...very unusual.

  26. @Karma... As a real live gay person, I can tell you that you are full of crap.

  27. "I am politically and fiscally conservative, yet PRO GAY! "

    But still vote for homophobes and serial sexual assaulters if they have the magic "R" next to their name. Ur so speshul.

    " Most people don't care about gay"

    Evidently you don't, not even a little bit, not even when their very existence and rights are threatened by the Fundies and regressives of your own party. Speshul.

    1. @plot👏🏻

      Correcting harmful homophobic bullshit is not “virtue signaling”

    2. Nobody’s “existence” is threatened by Republicans you hyperbolic fucking clown.

  28. Pedophilia is a WHITE MAN crap.

  29. Shut it, Rafael, you ignoramus.

  30. We need more real live gay people on this site *sigh* Between the Alex jones people and now virulent homophobia, things are getting ridiculous.

    1. The animated movie is 'In a heartbeat ' on YouTube. I remembered the title once my blood pressure came back down.

    2. Thanks for the name of the movie. I need to go look for that now to bring MY blood pressure back down. #reallivegayperson

    3. I think We do have a ton of real live gay people on this site! ✊ and we know best that the stereotypes presented here are outdated and silly.

  31. " What do you mean by predators having no sexuality?" I could have been more specific, but it seems pretty obvious what i mean...there are no ( just) gay predators, there are predators.

    Hence, Predators are not of any specific sexual orientation, gay , bi, straight, whatever...actually, i think that most predators. molesters,are straight, seen the straights are the major part of the population

  32. I don't think this is a gay or straight issue at all. This is a criminal network of collaborating pedophiles. Seems like the Salling evidence is being quietly tucked away and the criminal ruling is being rendered void by the suiciding(?). Victims will have to go to the mattresses to get the ruling at great monetary and emotional expense. Pedophiles operate amongst like minded people who encourage and facilitate the predators (50000 child porn images-some rare and recent-do not happen in a vacuum). Salling and Morrison are both associated with Singer and Murphy. It seems as though RM has covered his tracks very very well-better than the others and is more connected with more powerful and discreet pedos. I have a feeling there's more to come.

    1. ++

      If this stuff is real, than it is a massive operation that has been around for a long time and had infiltrated major areas of life... government, entertainment, business. It would be a group of people who are in it to control. They like to control the children and they like to control the famous and powerful. If this group exists, you can bet that their favorite things to do is to tempt and corrupt... because that is how they get their power.

    2. @RockSword, I think there's a lot of evidence of high-level nefarious control, but I also see evidence of factions at that top level, and recently it looks a lot like the fighting between them is very intense. I don't accept the idea that the whole world is already locked up by a monolithic power group. But I do think the factions would like to prevail over each other and become that monolithic group.

  33. Pedophilia isn't a white man crap. It doesn't have a race.

  34. News flash: gay haters exist on all sides of the aisle. That is all.

  35. Yikes! This thread turned as uncomfortable as the extremely racist one about Salma Hayek a few weeks back...

  36. I agree with what everybody is saying. And I do apologize in my rant for ranting. It's just the predatory older gay man thing does my brother a disservice. He's already at higher risk of someone bashing him or murdering him. And @boredatwork I agree with some of your points about conservative Islam. I cried off and on all day after the pulse nightclub shooting. But I would expand that to include ALL conservative forms of ALL religions. Including Christianity. There are moderate and even liberal ( there's that evil word again) and yes gay muslims. I have friends from almost every religion. My uncle is married to an awesome Jewish lady. The problem is humanity taking gods word of love, tolerance and the golden rule (do unto others) that is present in the texts of every religion and perverting it into a means to divide, dominate others on earth. All major world religions have nutbags who take things literally and not figuratively, as was meant by the writers of the holy texts. I assume you are a caring person who is concerned about the safety of kids, same as me.

    1. @halloweenie Please don’t apologize for your rant. The attempt to equate being gay with pedophilia needs to be challenged EVERY time it rears it’s head.

      It’s so harmful and still forces people into the closet for fear they’ll be viewed with the worst suspicion our society has.

      Thank you for speaking up.

  37. News Flash!

    Only one side of the aisle is consistently fighting for the rights of all LGBT.

    Only one side of the aisle wants to curse all LGBT to lives in the shadows again using the Dept of Justice.

    Guess which is which.

  38. ex - Bill Condon and longtime bf Jack Morrissey?

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Thanks Peggy Ham. I lost hope of anyone addressing the scandal from two years ago.

    Look! A comment that doesn't disparage conservatives or liberals! IT CAN BE DONE.

  41. Halloweenie: there is no such thing as "liberal Islam", hence there is no conservative Islam. As Erdogan said only a couple fo years ago 'There is only 1 Islam'. Sadly this is the truth. And it allows no deviation. That's why makes it so dangerous.

    We can sit here and discuss humanity as a whole until we're blue in the face, but fact remains that today, as the world stands, the lowest common denominator for most wars, most armed conflicts, most large scale injustices, most terror, most persecution on gays, minorities, most oppression of women, enslavement of children and races deemed inferior, etc, that span over 4 continents, dozens of countries, different skin colours and languages, yet all have 1 ideology in common.

    Anyway, my opinion, as unsavoury as it might be to most of you, stands, but I don't want to go down into plot-territory. I have semi-ranted enough for a Friday.

    People are born gay imo, and Rafael is a turd.

    Goodnight everyone and have a nice weekend.

  42. Sigh...let's hope that Enty writes another blind about this fact, and comments keep it on the topic

  43. Grabbing the popcorn.

  44. Yep, and remember the guy we’re talking about here was, when alive, heterosexual. 🙄

    So let’s skip the “all gays prey on kiddies/were abused by older gays” bull crap next time this topic comes up and then you won’t have to “deal with” our rants.

  45. @ Kate, This is a true phenomena that does happens to abused kids, both male and female. Their bodies may betray them by exhibiting a physiology response to external stimuli. It's a response based on the extra nerve endings that are all our bodies in certain areas, the groin , for example. Unfortunately, predators may view this not as simply a physical physiology response but as a child "liking it" or consenting. That's why pedophilia amounts to the destruction of children's minds. Also happens sometimes to grown female rape victims, the body may respond physiological as it is programmed by simple biology to do , and the female victim may be ashamed or horrified by this. My point still stands that homosexuality is not a creation of pedophilia just as heterosexuality is not a creation of pedophiles who rape female children. Infact many of these repulsive predators don't care about the gender of the child, as long as they are young and innocent. They are like evil spirits who are attracted to innocence, so that they can defile and devestate that innocent light.

    1. Thank you for your insight Halloweenie. It's well stated. But man some of it's sad (true/but so sad) anyways, THANKS!!

      I'm going to take my Happy gay self and go get my sweet young son and give him a BIG HUG 👩🙇

    2. A+ as usual Halloweenie. Also worth noting that the practice of so-called “corrective rape” (often arranged by the family) is still a thing.

      Yes, even in America.

  46. "Let's stop praying for someone to save us and start saving ourselves
    Let's stop this and start over
    Let's go out - let's keep going"

  47. Salling pleaded guilty and his agreement included not being able to file an appeal as are most plea deals.
    Page 16

  48. Thank you @Halloweenie and Plot. It's true what they say, you learn something new everyday and hopefully the two racist commenters will learn to.

  49. @PLot - I will give you $5,000 right now if you tell me what rights homophobic Trump has taken away from the gay community.

    @SdAuntie - you ARE a doody

    @rosie - you're black and white stance is funny, especially considering that you liberals were (and are) marching for women and gay rights with somebody who advocates sharia law: cutting of little girls' clits and throwing gays off buildings! I am sure you have absolutely no idea what cognitive dissonance means, but you're suffering from it.

    You might also want to look into the killings of gays by stringing them up by their necks from cranes IN PUBLIC SQUARES in Iran - the country liberal Obama and Hillary gave US billions tax money to.

    Not to mention the hounding and executions of gays that followed in Egypt 2 seconds after liberal Obama and Hillary installed the Muslim Brotherhood. -AGAINST THE WILL OF THE EGYPTIAN PEOPLE!

    What great advocates for LGBT!

    You democrats are the ones who are full of shit, it's like when you call others racists, while your party was vehemently against the abolition of slavery, and still wants to keep the Black community inside ghettos, living on handouts.

    What democrats, degenerated into a far-left violent mass of national socialists, have shown, not only America, but to the entire world, is that they are not anti-homophobes, or anti-racists, or whatever the fuck they claim to be, they are actually Anti American, first and foremost. Not to mention anti brain and anti common human decency.

    1. Ok, so... Plot's going to be way too humble- did you want his/her PayPal account? or were you just going to write a personal check you arrogant imbecile.
      Also, I'm not a Democrat.
      When you say "cognitive dissonance" do you mean the same over-used phrase thats been thrown around here way too many times in the past few days? New material please.
      And WHY would I want to look up all that depressing stuff? Omg wait, you actually think none of us know any of those bullet points? Of course we do - it's regurgitated by your type ALL the time, not an original thought or statement in any of it. Blahblahblah
      "They throw GAYS off buildings"!!! *gasp*
      Oh really, dipshit?

      Enlighten the Savages, please.
      Entertain us with more of your dazzling, original facts

    2. @boredatwork LGBT is the group we’re talking about and Trump signed away the right of trans people to join and serve in the military, defending our country.

      Trans students lost the right to use the restroom matching their gender, leaving them vulnerable to assault. And those of us who are NOT trans but who do not look or dress in a manner stereotypically linked to our gender lost the right to use the damn bathroom in peace.

      LGBT population information is no longer going to be counted in the 2020 Census, leaving us the only oppressed group in the US who don’t even get to know how many of us and where we exist.

      I’d say “cash or check?” But you’re going to argue none of that involves rights, ignoring or disingenuously redefining our self-evident rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to ignore LGBT’s diminished quality under this administration.

      And we haven’t even had the opportunity yet to watch Gorsuch’s anti-gay prejudices in action on the bench yet. What fun.

      I’m not even getting into the question of whether there is spectrum in Islam as there is in every other world religion. But I will call bullshit on a couple more of your straw man facts.

      They money given to Iran wasn’t American tax dollars. It was Iranian money the US had frozen, returned in a political exchange you may or may not agree with. But it was not taxpayer money.

      Have you seen any hardline Muslim extremists marching in gay/women’s rights marches? I haven’t. And I’ll bet women’s rights groups have been fighting infibulation a lot longer than you have.

      The “Southern Strategy” evangelical Christian Democrats turned into the “Moral Majority” Republicans. They’re your problem now.

      None of your arguments are new, original, or even compelling because you can’t resist name-calling, straw man attacks, exaggerations, and long since debunked partisan claims.

      But you probably know that and don’t care, because you’re just out to raise blood pressure and “trigger” people, I’d wager.

  50. "Nobody’s “existence” is threatened by Republicans you hyperbolic fucking clown."

    Oh yeah? The King of the GOP threatening to use nukes against N. Korea. What? Is that one of those GOP jokes?

    " if you tell me what rights homophobic Trump has taken away from the gay community."

    Here ya go -

    "while your party was vehemently against the abolition of slavery,"

    Gosh, and things change in 150 years! Fancy that! The GOP has been deeply racist since pre-WW1 and only become worse over time.

  51. JFC people. You need some cannabis gummis. Calm the F down with the politics. Educate yourselves on policy before you start spewing alternate facts and if you don’t love gays GTFO

  52. @rosie: you literally wrote nothing to dispel any of my facts. Just more empty hysterical ranting. Brainless clown .

  53. @boredatwork (I'm thinking, not)
    You're fucking insane.
    And, now I'm even more convinced that you are that batshit poster on imdb. Are you Marlo and Marmot? I think so.
    Matter of fact, I'm positive of it.
    I don't expect you to acquiesce.

  54. @mary lamb: Yes I am Marlo, and it's not a secret either, but who is Marmot?

    Thank you very much, it's always a compliment when a libtard with no arguments, and zero capacity to counter argue anything I write, like you just did (or rathe did not do), insults me hysterically. It means I said and did all the right things.

    I am still awaiting the list of all rights Trumps took away from the gay community btw.

  55. someone should write a movie about this because this is some A+ drama with all the twists and turns and the tension and the thrill.

  56. Marlo vocabulary is much more sophisticated than bored troll. Not unless Marlo is now on Meth!

  57. I don't think anyone but a small subset of people bel8evr "all gays prey on kiddies/were abused by older gays," HOWEVER, as a society we have NO PROBLEM vilifying the Jerry Sanduskys and the Jimmy Savilles, but there are predators that are outwardly identifying as gay, that do groom boys and do feel invincible, because the LGBTIA community doesn't "out" them as predators and in effect is providing them a shield,however inadvertent.
    No one that's a decent person, straight or gay, should be ok with that or accept having their identity used as a shield to provide cover for monsters.
    This is HOW people in the community get painted with broad brushes, by not purging the rot from their ranks.
    It does not reflect badly on any individual member of the community, if they are willing to stand up and refuse to be linked in any way to vile behaviors.
    In fact, they should see it as their moral duty.

  58. @Halloweenie

    So you brother's gay and he is a nice guy. B.F.D. I can make very broad generalizations about gay people because I have interacted with and seen a very large number of them over the last four decades in SF and elsewhere. I have seen everything. And heard everything. And I mean everything.

    Some background. My best friend when I was growing up was openly gay at a time and in a place where openly gay people got attacked and had the shit beaten out of them on a regular basis. He and his gay friends were always fun to hang out with and they loved having me as part of the group because I am a very big guy, think line backer build, utterly fearless, and obviously very straight. So my friends circle felt physically safe when I was around. So to me gay people and their milieu have never been anything exotic or unusual. Just another social group. So I have never seen them through rose colored glasses or bought into the special pleading as a "victim" group or as anything other than what they are. A bunch of usually very mixed up, sometimes mentally ill, mostly unhappy people.

    Although the twink/chickenhawk boundary is fairly fluid I'd say that at least 10% of the scene at any particular time is very much in this territory. Which no matter how you look at it is a very predatory environment. It was a lot higher and a lot more open about 20 / 30 years ago but stand at the corner of 18'th and Castro any weekend evening and you will see quite a few older guys with very young looking guys. The younger looking, the more pretty boy, the younger party is the higher status for the older guy in that scene.

    Other simple stats. Gay males, open or closet, are around 2% of the general population. But they make up around 60% of the perps of sexual abuse of underage boys. Although these particular stats have become harder to find in the last 10/15 years. For purely political reasons. It seems the age old "prejudice" against predatory gay males and young boys is very much based on reality. As I said, maybe 10% of gay males might have those inclinations but gay males are disproportionately among the perps of rape of underage boys. Thats just the reality. No amount of feel good ideology will change them.

    Based on a huge sample observed in SF and elsewhere over the years I came to the conclusion that with about 90% of lesbians it looked like a straight personality disorder. Not full DSM but so few seem well adjusted in other parts of their personality. With gay men it seems that it is often part of a broad spectrum disorder in at least 50%/60% of them. They seem to disproportionately have other DSM disorders like NPD, BPD, bipolar, APD etc. Over the years I have got to know several gay men who have been in long term, stable, loving relationships, with well rounded personalities, but they tend to be notable precisely because they are so unusual. In my experience.

    Of the other groups in the scene although usually not strictly gay the TV's have always been a really great bunch of people. Often teasing and outrageous but never ever nasty. Trannies, non bio (which is very rare), on the other hand are straight mentally ill. Usually very nasty people. Because they are so tortured internally. Post op does nt seem to take the edge off them. They have a very high suicide rate / hospitalization rate and the current pandering to their mental illness does them an immense amount of long term harm. You dont feed the delusions of schizophrenics so non bio tyrannies should be treated the same. With deep compassion, understanding and firmness.

    Just some observations from the front line. Over many decades. So to speak.
