Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #7

This A+ list mostly movie actress made a statement about a relationship with an A+ list mostly movie actor, but there was one very big qualifier to the statement. Like most of the things she denies, people know the truth about what happened.


  1. she's on the DM today about those leaked pictures. Eye roll.

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  4. Can someone please break out the Bitch Be Gone spray and make this ho go away?

  5. I heard she show titty in this Red Sparrow movie. That right there means it will be profitable and probably earn her a Skincademy Award, or what ever creepy Mr. Skin calls em.

    I will hold out for screen caps before sitting through the entire thing.

  6. Was the qualifier "on Passengers" ?

  7. Come on now! She's woke. I'm sure her takin a break to learn all the rubes about the politickin will invigorate her soul and really help our country. Maybe she was distracted or somethin.

  8. Is Pratt already mostly movie? Doesn't take long, I guess.

  9. Are most of us CDAN readers in the minority or does Lawrence actually have a likability problem? I'm not sure if the general population of moviegoers feels the same way yet.

  10. she's dating Joel Egerton according to DM.

  11. she has a middle school education and she's going to save Democracy!

    1. That appeals to most Republicans.

    2. Lol +1,000,000,000,000

  12. I didn't have an affair with Chris Pratt... on Passengers (wink wink)

  13. Pratt has Passengers, Jurassic Park sequelbloat franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy... Parks and Rec was a long time ago. He's most definitely "mostly movie".

  14. Doesn’t the studio know better than to let her promote a movie?

  15. I think that the qualifier is her using the word 'affair' when they were just boning.

  16. She is a desperate hot mess. Anyone who watched her on Colbert last night can attest to that.

  17. Joshua: JLaw is young, pretty, talented, successful and rich, of course broads are gonna hate her.

  18. No, we love those who are genuinely talented. This bish Weinstein-ed her way up out of nowhere.

    1. Sure, Samantha. Someone link the blind where Meryl Streep boned every co star she ever had. Think that happened and she wasnt spreading for every exec who would stick it in her?

    2. Gross man. Who the fuck would want to fuck Meryl Streep. I’d give a part just so I wouldn’t have to fuck her

  19. Not to mention she enabled Weinstein to keep preying on actresses by keeping her mouth shut about what he was doing and what he was capable of.

  20. (i like her)

    scurrying away under the rug like a cockroach.

  21. @timebob don't forget the 'and stuff'. @Count that has nothing to do with it. I have no patience for Horrorwood's fools.

    1. I dont see her as a fool. She played the game and won, over and over.

  22. I will say that JLaw is not #1 on the list of current actresses that can't act who probably boned their way to stardom. Mickey Rourke (god help us) called out one a while ago and most people thought he meant someone else.

  23. I personally feel ambivalent about JLaw but I think the reason so many women do find her grating is because she seems to have that “cool girl” persona that was so well-described in GONE GIRL —

    “Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
    Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much! And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be.”

    1. Past 35, men know there is no such thing as a Cool Girl. There is only tolerable and batshit crazy girls.

      Also, if ya gonna hate on jlaw for being "fake" then who do you like in Hollywood? Who is someone w/o plastic surgery/smoke and mirrors for their looks and is genuine while interacting for public consumption? Can probably count em on 1 hand.

    2. I disagree, and any man that uses those two options to describe women has a pretty shitty outlook... you mad brah?

    3. Agree with Jess and jx. I do think newly divorced men...and women...tend to look for the fantasy. Cool girl or Prince charming.

    4. Agree with Jess and jx. I do think newly divorced men...and women...tend to look for the fantasy. Cool girl or Prince charming.

    5. Jessorella, +1000000

  24. heh heh heh....you said Mickey Rourke....heh heh heh

  25. Anonymous9:23 AM

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  26. I didn't mind her til she started fawning over the Kuntrashians.

  27. Pratt was also in bride wars lol

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      That was when he still had his original face

  28. Margo Martindale

  29. Yeah, I don't get the Pimp Mama love either. JLaw should be warned that PMK will eat her alive and leave her for dead if her family can make money off it.

    But hey, at least JLaw is honest and not pretending she reads Tolstoy (ahem GOOP) or goes to church for her superior values (Mz. R Poon.)

  30. I thought she was really good in Winter's Bone, but since then her roles have either been boring or maybe her true talent is more apparent. The Hunger Games series played last weekend and she was pretty terrible.

  31. Uh, "Cool Girl" is guy code for "she's not a bitch." It has nothing to do with whether she acts like a bro, is uninhibited, or never gets angry. For any gender, it's someone you can relax around and not have to heavily monitor what you say or pretend to be someone else.

  32. Huh. I’ve found her vaguely irritating since the days when she was talking about her weight as if she was the world’s first actress not to be a size zero. It just seemed weird and off-putting with her, like she didn’t get enough attention from it and then brought it up even more to convince the world that she was anything remotely resembling overweight.

    Aside from that, her films haven’t been movies I was interested in watching, so I know her more from her appearances on talk shows and red carpets.

    Now that I think of it, if she was in a story, I’d clock her as a Mary Sue* by the first chapter. Maybe that’s it. Gone Girl’s “Cool Girl” as the Mary Sue.

    *Mary Sue for the uninformed: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue

  33. She was on 60 Minutes last Sunday and talked about leaving school at 14 because she wanted to be an actress. Her parents (educated people) sacrificed their life comforts to take her to LA so she would have a chance. I think she is very pretty and very savvy when it comes to doing what ya have ta in order to attain your dream. Because she started in the biz so young, I think she is already experiencing burn out. If she does take a year off as she says she wants to do, it may save her life. She allegedly has a drinking problem already. Five years from now she may be on to a new career or just not relevant. I have seen so many actresses go that route. Usually it is because they gave up their career for some guy. I remember all the talented gals who threw it all away for a young Al Pacino. Show Biz is a mean mistress.

  34. @Han "It just seemed weird and off-putting with her, like she didn’t get enough attention from it and then brought it up even more to convince the world that she was anything remotely resembling overweight."

    Yeah, I thought the same thing. She was fishing for compliments when the press was already falling all over her. It was one of the things that started to make her irritating to me as well.

  35. There's not much JLaw could have done for those awful Hunger Games movies.

    Winter's Bone was great.

    I loved her in American Hustle, didn't think much of Silver Linings. Not going to touch Mother with a ten foot pole because I despise Aronofsky as a director but will probably catch Red Sparrow at some point.

    1. Winters Bone is her best work as far as I’m concerned

  36. She has talent - lot's of it. That's why you'll never see her in a movie with Streep, because Streep wouldn't tolerate the competition. She isn't dumb, just uneducated, and she's been working on that.

  37. @Jerkula I actually used to like her a lot, up until I found out what kind of person she really is.

  38. She's very smart in her profession. Very smart. Her problem is that she believes that hustle translates to lecturing to rubes concerning life choices, politics, etc. I predict she is going to find giving up her pussy and burping with the fellas isn't going to cut it in her new area of interest.

  39. After seeing her interview Sunday and her denying she had anything to do with HW, I am more convinced she is guilty. It was all over her eyes she was lying.

  40. I think she is overexposed and overrated. And I think most of us picture her doing “favors” for HW which is a real turn off

  41. @fred leblanc- Keep running with that champ.

  42. Faux outrage over these "leaked photos" PR stunts irritates me. How can so many actresses have their iCloud accounts hacked unless their access password is their own birthday or "password123?"

    1. Ernie, the dude is doing long time in jail.

    2. Yeah, but the hits keep coming in spite of his incarceration. It's like a rite of passage - reach a certain age or stage, leaked nudies. Same with every tween actress graduating into adulthood with a princess or Freaky Friday style movie.

  43. I think after her promotional obligations are up that JLaw could handle taking some time off. She can disappear when she wants to and it will give her a chance to recalibrate personally and professionally and give people a chance to miss her. She has demonstrated that she has chops and she could come back with a movie that showcases that.

    1. @Eupheme: I agree. And as others have cited, she has talent and hustle. Perhaps time off would let her maturity catch up with her and she could return a more well-rounded, healthier, less irritating person.

      @DoTell: Glad I’m not the only one who found that so grating. You said it well.

  44. @Joel T, sure it does.@ Fred, it appeals to a lot of men, regardless of political affiliation.

  45. She has said that she is taking a year off to work with students on ways to engage in political causes - helping to give them an outlet and to organize. something like that

  46. I'm pretty sure that pussy of hers isn't going to be available for a ground and pound to all the dudes who didn't vote the way she liked so that power kinda gets diminished doncha think? She opened it up to the movie clowns bc she knew she'd get parts. 'Organizing' or whatever requires a different skill set than any she's shown or used so far in her life. And frankly, for the past year of so, she's said mostly things that would classify her, in my eyes, as a dipshit. But maybe she'll surprise me.

  47. i really think that red sparrow movie looks bad but if she gets naked in it i'll be there tbh

    1. That accent is enough to make me not want to watch it. I thought she was the Russian villain from the rocky and bullwinkle show

  48. Han Niam: Excellent observation. She never had a chance to mature naturally. Leaving school at 13? How does that prepare you for adulthood? Based on everything she has said publicly, I think she might have some quirks that need looking into. Falling down on the Red Carpet in front of Kim Kardashian, falling down on the stairs at the Oscar ceremonies. Look at me! Look at me! She doesn't need to do these things to get attention. Hasn't comeone told her she's a star!? And drinking Rum last night on Colbert. Those shows are taped in early afternoon! I know she has an alcohol problem, but please! Instead of screaming look at me, she needs to be screaming help me!

    1. @Boo Thanks for that. I feel like lots of people forget just how much maturing happens between the late teens and late 20s.

      I have to keep reminding myself of that before I judge some of the younger ones.

  49. @jessorella - that's my favourite quote from that book. Have yet to see the movie because Affleck's face makes me vom, but goddamn I love that book. And that quote was so spot on.

  50. Perhaps she'll ride David's Hogg. That would be his ultimate reward for "acting"

  51. Wasn't JLaw suppose to be taking a break of a year or two? When is that happening?



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