Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Blind Item #6

This A list singer needs rehab right now after her tour but won't go because of a new commitment that is paying her a fortune. She is going to crash and burn and it won't be pretty.


  1. Lady Gaga (Vegas residency)

  2. Yup Gaga....supposedly in so much pain to tour but has a residency.

  3. Trisha has it. Katy and Idol.

  4. Lana Del Rey. She`s touring and seems a little OFF.
    More that usual that is.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm leaning Gaga but Katy is also a possibility.

  7. I hope it is not Gaga because she is truly talented, unlike Katy

  8. I want to say something about celebrities honoring commitments even though they shouldn't be. It's not all about selfishness and greed for them. Often times, their act is about much more than just them. There are many people affected when a tour gets canceled, i.e. band members, technicians, roadies, contractual considerations (i.e. losing deposits, etc...) The talent is typically the President of their own company, and there is a lot of pressure placed on them as it affects many people's livelihoods as well. Not to mention the disappointment of the fans, which losing their devotion will topple the entire enterprise.

    1. Yeah it took me a while to realize that sometimes when a young soccer player cries when they lose a game or their spot in a big tournament it’s not just that, it’s that they lost the money they needed to buy their parents a house, put their siblings through school, get them out of a dangerous country...

  9. +1 Katie S, you got it.

    The Gaga tour ending early is a sign, as is releasing a doc that exists to push the message of vague "constant pain" that isn't her fault. Still, Britney somehow kept her shit together in Vegas, and Gaga is twice the artist so here's hoping it all irons out.

  10. I thought Gaga for sure for this one.

  11. Presumably the dr feelgood in vegas can keep the show running.

  12. I love Gaga and all of these blinds are scaring me. I don’t even care what it is, that she lied about having lupus or possibly faked a hip implant. I just want her performing and not about to die! I hate that she wants to switch to acting but when she put out Bad Romance, I knew it was near the end because it was so good that the song is impossible to top.

  13. gaga cant shake her 'fibro' pain medication problems
