Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blind Item #6

It looks like this foreign born A- list director has fully emerged from Hollywood jail. There was talk about sending him back to Hollywood jail even after last years release because of the #TimesUp movement. He had done too much bragging about having sex with teenagers when he was filming a movie outside the country and it caught up to him. There was also the A- list mostly movie actress who said he forced her to have sex multiple times when they were together.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ratner's not foreign born.

  3. Ratner's not foreign born, and I think supporting Polanski now would be a bridge too far for Hollywood (at least I hope so).

  4. Polanski?

    On a similar note, do we think Spacey will ever re-emerge?

    1. I hope not. Spacey allegedly took someone's virginity just to brag about it and never talked to the guy again.

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Mel Gibson? (he fits except would he also have former A list actor attached?)

  6. James Cameron is Canadian

  7. Guillermo del Toro?

  8. Billy Graham can roast in hell. Fuck you, Billy Graham. Cocksucker.

  9. Polanski makes movies with Euro financing.

    Gibson is A+ at least. His Passion of Christ is the most successful independent film ever made. Braveheart still packs a wallop with young men as well has his Mad Max films.

    Continuing to think on this...

  10. Mel Gibson was also born in New York.

  11. Gibson is not foreign born. He also already came ba k as as a director.

  12. Del Toro again? Geez, some of you must really hate his guts. :P

    The blind clearly states it is someone who was in Hollywood jail before but was released from it (probably last year, but maybe within recent years - Enty's spelling is problematic as always: "last years release"). The would be someone like Gibson, except he was allowed back into the business earlier than last year.

    So no, this is NOT Del Toro, because he doesn't fit. And it's not Polanski, because he has been working for decades and nothing special happened to him recently that would qualify as "release from jail".

  13. @plot "Braveheart still packs a wallop with young men" - those "skirt"-wearing Scots have an appeal for some reason

  14. Anonymous8:37 AM

    This is a stretch, but Kim Ki-Duk?

    Arguably that list level in his native South Korea, and if we're talking "Hollywood jail" holistically, as in the entire movie industry worldwide, he gout swept up in the MeToo movement last year when he was accused of sexually abusing an actress on his 2013 film Moebius, and was just allowed to speak at the Berlin Film Festival to great controversy after Korean prosecutors dropped sex abuse charges against him for lack of evidence (but kept physical assault charges for slapping said actress.)

    1. Damn, idk that. He is possibly one of the best directors around. Him being an ass explains why he isn’t bigger. Moebius is so far out lol.

  15. Mel Gibson was born in America.

  16. What A-list actress is accusing a dire for of rape? Everyone is ignoring that clue. Not that Enty isn't being vague,but it sounds like they may have been a couple?

  17. Director, not dire for!

  18. How about Luc Besson? Not sure if the rest fits yet..

    1. Nooooo. I had no idea Luc Besson was ever in Hollywood jail? I loved the "Taxi" trilogy! I even named my golden retriever Petra after the character!!!! 💔

  19. A pig director in Hollywood, throw a rock you're bound to hit one.

    The clues are foreign born, previously in Hollywood jail and controversy around a movie filmed outside the country.

  20. Maybe California - including Palo Alto - briefly seceded in April, 1978. I'd have been too young to remember. (I still think they should take away his GG [which takes on an added and in this context funny meaning by way of a different spelling if you know any Mandarin - I learned this from a Chinese-American friend in grade school, because of course this is the kind of thing that you learn from friends in grade school] and give it to GO, and I confess in part to thinking that this is because the latter was a better flick.)

  21. UK director Stephen Daldry has been awfully quiet lately.

    1. Why? What about him? He directed "Billy Elliot", I need to know.

  22. Sounds like Polanski.

  23. Polanski has never been in Hollywood jail though. They all love him. He is just threatened with real jail if he comes back to USA

    1. Yeah, in hindsight, I can't wrap my head around how "The Pianist" and "The Ghostwriter" ever happened?

  24. Paul Haggis. Canadian born, accused of rape by an ex, but clouded in accusations it was a plot by the cult to destroy him. No idea if he ever bragged about banging teenagers though.

    1. From all I’ve read about him, there was no banging of teenagers or bragging thereof in the Haggis case.

      I’m reasonably certain from first and second hand accounts that he’s aboveboard and being (crudely) framed by $cio in revenge for kicking off the biggest $hitstorm in their history when he quit in such a public fashion and then refused to disappear and shut up.

  25. It's obviously not Roman Polanski because he didn't have a Hollywood project released last year. His film was independently produced and in French.

    Good to get another indicator Do Tell is a bullshit disinfo force here, though. Totally hope DT's daughter's cousin's friend's half-sister's neighbor's part-time plumber's dog's owner's step-daughter who is anonymous and totally unverifiable is okay though! I'm really worried!

  26. Keep displaying your abject stupidity, DuhDonna. Make sure the entire world knows what an ignorant asshole you truly are.

    Another batshit therory of Duhnna's: "The Holocaust liberation photos were staged by MGM, who put a casting call out for thousands of the skinniest people they could find."

    1. Thank you, Do Tell. 💛


    2. @Do Tell - this made me laugh for all the wrong reasons. I want to know where and how MGM found people that thin. Perhaps they found them at Fashion Week...

  27. Luc Besson and Milla Jovovich

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Billy graham was a pedophile cocksucker who will roast in hell

  30. Ugh, yep.
    Definitely Luc Besson. Last year's release being Valerian after a few years hiatus. He's got a couple things coming up this year.

    He's pretty terrible, impregnating a 15 year old to start with. ..

  31. Yeah, take another swig and a Xanax, DDonna, and imagine sex with your other gay frogs of InfoWars.

  32. Xpensive Hobutt,

    Take your meds and then go fuck yourself.

  33. note: I realize Woody isn't foreign born, BUT these are the moments when I reach for Enty's disclaimers:

    Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies

  34. The perv director should be a republican politican then. Dumb republicans love to vote for pedo, abusers and all the kind of criminals. lmao

  35. luc besson emerging from hollywood jail for the fantastic bomb that was Valerian (after the weinstein thing I believe some accusations came out about him? then faded away?)

    his name is also on the polanski petition, of course

    along with scorsese, wes anderson, and many more! wes anderson has that japanese dog animation flick coming out. and scorsese, well.

    somebody should ask them about it......

  36. Could this be the creepy Stanley Kubrick? If not maybe it's Mel Gibson...

    1. He died in 1999, so probably not.

    2. I wish there was a “like” button for this comment.
