Friday, February 16, 2018

Blind Item #6

This permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor has a differing problem than the aging racist mentioned earlier today. This actor, who is also old, but not nearly as old as the actor earlier was going through staff at a record pace because he was always asking for sexual favors. They would quit and he was writing checks and then finally just arranged for a "masseuse" to come over every day. 


  1. Again, isn't this everyone's grandfather at some point? lol

  2. At some point in the aging process, I imagine you'd get the same amount of pleasure from a massaging recliner (or not be able to tell the difference).

  3. Deniro, since he dates and marry outside his race, he would cheat interracially too.

  4. This one is Michael Douglas, the other one is his dad.

  5. Damnit I plugged the bitch up the ass and her ass started puking assblood all over my damn rugs

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    @John theory is they go so far down the rabbit hole with fame, power, and recreational substances, their mentality is something we can't even fathom. Why would someone in his power not shower? Because he can. Because he's "Al Pacino". Because we can't even imagine the personal hell and attendant demons someone in his position would be controlled by. Why? Who knows.

  7. Sounds like Michael Douglas

  8. How the hell do these ancient relics manage to perform in any way. I hear stories from nurses who have patients in homes that behave in this way. Luckily they can swat them away.

    1. Because insurance companies cover viagra & cialis.

    2. Annie Roo, we were just talking about this and it happens after a stroke , dementia or anything else. Shy, religious elderly men grope their nurses, say inappropriate things and are just nasty. No viagra, No cialis. it's sad . It happens all the time.

  9. @Ann I was wondering the same thing. All they can really do is just look at it.

  10. Viagra people.

    A theory on Pacino not showering, as people age their skin thins and showers can become painful. Two of my grandparents gave up bathing or showering for sponge baths for this reason. Water can have a bad effect on older skin.

  11. Just to stir the pot... am I the only one who immediately thought Travolta when the word “masseuse” was mentioned?

    Apologies if I’m way off, I haven’t read the previous blind yet.

  12. Travolta was smart enough to go the masseuse angle instead of molesting staff (I assume, I don't know all the allegations and tbh one of his accusers has become a bit sketchy lately-I still think Travolta is guilty of the accusations, just maybe not that 1 dude).

    Travolta's problem was hiring legitimate masseuses (massuesers?) instead of hiring an escort to give him a massage. Or just go on Grindr like normal people.

  13. I thought about Travolta too, so I wonder if "masseuse" is a clue that the actor is gay/ closeted &/or staff is male?

  14. plot is people age the amount of fat padding they have decreases (very noticeable in areas of hands & limbs) and their skin is so much easier to tear (and what's underneath bruises more easily).

    People with dementia (or any disease) can be bathed without using a shower or tub (these can become scary places to someone with dementia because of weird things that happen to their vision along with their brains). There is a book & DVD called Bathing Without A Battle created by people at the University of North Carolina that can help keep people with dementia clean & hygienic. Lots of ways to get people clean besides showers & bathtubs.

    I really wish someone would clue in the people working with this actor that he doesn't have to live this way. It says more about us than it does about someone who is likely sick & has a brain that is dying before the rest of him.

  15. I don't understand your last paragraph. sounds like he's getting on just fine aside from propositioning people who choose not to put out. he got smart and hired himself a "masseuse" . brain works just fine. apparently, dick does too

  16. @Sd Auntie
    "Shy, religious elderly men..."
    LMFAO! They just have no more fucks to give!



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