Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Blind Item #5

Back in the day before he learned about the dark web, one half of this magical duo used to carry around his child porn in a three ring binder. 


  1. Replies
    1. Penn Gillette looks like a creep but so does Ray

    2. @tricia13 Oh God... Which one, do you think?

  2. Sigfreid and Roy? They put on one hell of a show

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  4. I'll never believe Penn and Teller, no way either is that dumb.

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  5. My ex used to work for Penn & Teller and can tell some stories. The desire wouldn't surprise me, the level of carelessness would, if true.

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  7. The Amazing Mumford and Fozzy Bear?

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Tell us more @Tig Lilly

  9. Now that I think of it, all the magicians I'm familiar with seem kinda creepy.

  10. I am dying @totaji!!

  11. This is clearly Bert & Ernie.

  12. On the plus side, at least he's organized.

  13. Yaaaay more pedophiles thank you Enty this is so much fun!!!

  14. Rocky and Ballwrinkle

  15. Wayland Flowers and Madame.

    Thank goodness for the commenters here doing their important work rooting out the global Satanist/pedo conspiracy! The forces of evil, power, money and corruption cannot win against anonymous Internet commenters!

    1. What cracks me up is that people here think Enty needs them to crack the case for him.

    2. No kidding Krab! Glad people are calling out their over inflated sense of importance.

    3. +1000
      As if only CDaN commenters have access to google.
      Nancy Drew Does Vice

  16. @totaji Good one. Romney. Binder. LOL.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Please do tell, Tig Lilly! :)

  18. Apparently, all magicians are suspect.

  19. You're all wrong it was Edgar Bergin and Charlie McCarthy just before Edgar died. He didn't die a natural death, when the Illuminati found out he knew about the early days of the dark web, they had him killed and silenced the puppet forever.

  20. +1 for Sigfreid and Roy. I’ve heard the tiger that chomped Roy was working undercover for the Munch A Pedophile Organisation (MAPO)

  21. I'm waiting for Enty and the Enterns to start on the circus clowns. Everybody knows clowns are fucked. I wanna hear all the dirt on Emmitt Kelly, Bozo, ClaraBell, Homie D. and Doink that Enty's crew can discover😥.

    1. Well we all know Pagliacci was fucked.

    2. Trust me, you do NOT want to know about Clarabell Cow’s global teats ring.
      Such derangement, the world isn’t ready for.
      Daily milking, ffs! MILKING! How perverse is that?!
      Cows defiled all over the world!
      The Borden heirs are going down, believe me.
      It’s all gonna come out, then we’ll see who’s laughing, ya sick fuck!

    3. Don’t forget Bimbo the Birthday Clown for the Canadians!

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  23. I feel like ‘the dark web’ points more to Penn than it does Teller, though. Penn has always been big into the internet, and was a very early adopter, so it makes sense that he would be similarly into the darknet. Teller seems more analog, though I guess that would make the binder fit. Maybe Penn collects it for him and Teller drags around the Trapper Keeper.

    1. Carolyn, you aren't kidding that Teller is analog. He directed a whole documentary about a 17th century painting technique. As analog as it gets.

    2. SteveD, the guy in that documentary, Teller’s friend, made his fortune in the computer industry. The first few minutes of it are about that. Having an interest in art history doesn’t make someone analog.

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM

    My turn to be devastated, if it's Penn or Teller. I don't want it to be true.

  25. I think it is Siegfried and Roy.

  26. It's Hillary Clinton. I don't know how but it's her because smart women make me tinkle my boxers with fear.

  27. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Penn Jillette. Was accused a few years ago by a woman on Facebook of raping her as a child. It was largely ignored.

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  29. Omfg the 4chan nutbags are still here. We are aware that anything on the internet can be faked or doctored or photoshopped. The reason I believe that mark salling is a pedo is the police revealed EVIDENCE. You know evidence before we convict people? I believe Micheal Rapp because he bravely came forward after years of rumors about Kevin Spacey. He's a gay man so not some kind of weird political vendetta against Spacey. And once the floodgates were opened many men came forward. Which is what happened with Cosby. Or Larry Nassar (latest count is I think 265 girls and kids) or Winestein ( a hundred women came forward). What I'm saying is these people never operate in a vaccum and when they get away with it once they tend to continue to re offend. Balance is key as we never want to in courage false allegations fuelled by political agendas or people that are deeply unhappy in their own lives. Let's believe victims but stay judicious in our quest.

    1. No one here has said jackshit about Sailing or Cosby or Nassar.
      WTH is your problem?

  30. The woman posted about Penn abusing her as a child and adult on facebook last April. Allison Rachel Stigall, she is still very active about it and won’t take money for it either. I’m starting to wonder who ISN’T a monster that I grew up watching?!?!

    1. It gets even worse when you start to wonder which posters are monsters

    2. I vote for the ones try to tie all the pedos together in some grand & conveniently political conspiracy.
      That’s as monstrous as actual pedophiles.
      Using child-victims to attack an opposing politico is about as cheap, sleazy, and monstrous as you can get.
      It’s vicious, stupid, and utterly baseless.
      It also invites lawsuits and I hope some happen.
      Monsters always shriek the loudest while pointing at someone (anyone) else.
      Always pay attention to who’s pointing & shrieking.

  31. One of them has to be Doug Henning. You just know that anyone with a mustache like that also has a windowless van...

  32. Steve, yeah, tell me about it. I don’t much care for Penn but I absolutely love Teller, his stage plays are amazing, and I loved Tim’s Vermeer. This one would be tough for me if it’s actually about them.

  33. OMG @totaji- that was brilliant.

  34. Phil Dunphy and Glen Whipple.

    (I'll show myself out)

  35. Kno if anybody here knows I'm a sick fuck you do my partner-in-crime!😁
