Friday, February 23, 2018

Blind Item #5

The person who was being accused of inappropriate groping is best friends with the A list director who does a lot of inappropriate groping. The two have definitely engaged in some of this together.


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    The HFPA guy

  2. Brett Ratner/Janes Toback? Or someone and Ratner?

  3. berk/singer? unlikely since singer is accused of much more than groping.

  4. Related to this prob:

    It's Berk.

    1. Yeah, we were discussing that yesterday under the last blind of the day.

      What Fraser described was an experienced gripe maneuver. There’s no way Berk’s version of the story (“a light pinch”) is accurate.

  5. Ah I saw those headlines but didn’t read up on it— I like Brendan.. he was a nice guy when I met him and I’d have to say he’s brave for doing it. The HFPA is a big outfit to speak out against and he probably feels like nothing to lose now..Bring em down

    1. Thank you, @Tricia. I just read that article and felt really drawn to him, like he was a truly good dude. I’m really relieved he was a nice guy in real
      life, too.

    2. @google sleuth... very soft spoken and humble. It was at the Chateau Marmont and he was meeting a director I had work d with and I ran into —so technically he was on an interview I guess(a bit nervous)- but so sincere that he stood out in the sea of a holes. No doubt he is speaking his truth right now👍


  6. +1 A dumb, Kevin

    Berk, so many touchy directors

  7. Philip Berk taught at my high school. Some black students said he made comments about how they’d be treated in his country (apartheid-era South Africa) and made fun of how they spoke. I wasn’t surprised to hear he’s an all-around pig.

  8. I just can't believe he used the word "taint" in the interview. Although I guess he got the point across.
    Anyway, this director could be anyone. Singer did more than grope. I think it's someone older anyway.

  9. Franco/Singer? Spacey/Singer?

  10. Looking up pictures to see who his best friend might be. I have no idea, but Chris Klein surely got some groping action.

    He seems to be an equal opportunity groper, male or female. (This is Alfre Woodard's daughter Mavis Spencer, possibly she was Miss Golden Globe that night. ) Other pictures from the same event show Alfre & husband to be somewhat repulsed and glued to their daughter. They know what's up.

  11. The picture with Chris Klein makes me feel sick.

  12. I always wondered what happened to Brendan Fraser's career, and this GQ article was amazing. I loved the "F*ck it" attitute-

    you want to hear me say "taint" in print? done.
    want me to name names? Suck it Globes, - DONE.

    1. La-Juice I felt the same reading his interview! I want to see more of this kind of “suck it, culture of shame and coercion. I’m telling my story and naming names” reporting.

  13. Does this also mean James Woods is going to be called out for more shit? Because I sure hope so

  14. Fred Savage came to mind. You know he's got stories to tell.

  15. Love him. A very appealing actor, great dancer. I've missed him; sorry about his troubles. He seems very genuine.

    Wish I wasn't so disgusted with most performers these days. They reveal so much about themselves (to their detriment), that I can no longer watch them. I don't expect them to be perfect, I just wish they'd shut the hell up and act.
