Sunday, February 18, 2018

Blind Item #4

This foreign born former singer turned oft married reality star train wreck of epic proportions who basically burned herself out five or six years ago and blew a chance at a massive fortune with her actions is using drugs again. Honestly, I don't know if she ever stopped, but she has begun over the course of the past few months using heroin. The crazy thing is she takes it by having it inserted anally. Now, I have heard everything.


  1. You can put coke in the butt, so...why not, I guess.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. dat booty bump is more common than u think. especially wit rich white folks who dont want no track marks or needle risk. i seen hoes put acid in thay coochies too. people crazayy!

  4. well everyone puts coke on his dick while having sex sometimes, right?

  5. I watched an episode of Intervention where the addict used heroin anally. I had so many questions...

  6. Cheryl Cole Tweedy Versani (insert next family name here)

  7. but whats her fortune she missd?

  8. Being booted off as a judge foe American X Factor?

  9. Cheryl Tweedy Coles fits somewhat except I'm not sure she's an ex-singer yet. Or a complete trainwreck. Maybe Mel B. fits too.

  10. Mel B seems like a better fit.

  11. Mel B isn’t an “oft married reality star” or “former” singer.

  12. Cheryl Tweedy Cole Fernandez-Versini Not-Payne Suppository-Scene From Trainspotting-Trainwreck?

  13. Anal coke is the best coke.

  14. Is that why people get come bloat, because it plugs them up? I don’t understand these things.

  15. Not come bloat, I meant come bloat. Ugh

  16. Jeez Louise! Coke bloat! There I did it finally!!!

    1. I love you Shawn.

    2. @shawn laughed out loud. Thanks for that

  17. LOL @ Shawn! Your autocorrect just made my day.

  18. Several articles floating around about Cheryl and Liam splitting. I hope for his sake it’s true! But take baby Bear with you Liam!! Poor thing

  19. Mel B has been married at least twice and lived in at least with 2 others so that's 4 at the very most. Depending on what long term live ins are considered here with a lack of research done by Enterns.

  20. Your body absorbs drugs very quickly in the rectum, so if this is Mel B (my guess), she's feeling the heroin almost immediately. I really hope it isn't Cheryl, as she has a young baby and that would be too eff'd up for words.

  21. Kerry Katona fits as well. She's well known for her drug issues whereas Cheryl likes to keep a clean image.

  22. I saw that Intervention episode! And somehow or another this is actually the THIRD time I'm hearing about doing H anally. Kids and their fads, I tell ya...

  23. This is one where I can't laugh. When we were in seventh grade, my close friend's mother was murdered by her husband via cocaine inserted vaginally. The overdose he forced into her was massive. It wasn't their first time doing this, but he set it up to be her last. Guy's name is Lowell "Ed" Amos, a serial killer. He also killed his mother and two previous wives.

    Prison is too good for this waste of space. He deserves to die in the same way. Liberally coat a dildo in coke, ram it up his ass, then smother him to death with a pillow while he's convulsing.

    No anal or vaginal drugs or alcohol. Please don't do it. Please try to dissuade others from doing it.

  24. No way this is Cheryl. Plus she is still singing and releasing a new album.

    I’d go Mel B??

    Tulisa is a good bet too.

  25. Yeah; this isn't that outre. Many drugs are more bioavailable when dissolved and taken rectally. It's just a tad less dangerous than intravenous, and while only having witnessed the latter (a LONG time ago!), IMO both methods are equally gross.

    Also, ew--don't you suspect she makes an assistant do it? Hence the, uh, leak...
