Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Blind Item #3

Apparently this A+ list news anchor who was in a very long term relationship met someone on his travels and dumped the boyfriend for a new guy. Our anchor was in the Southwest celebrating the birthday of the new boyfriend and things were to the point where get a room was heard at the party.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      You sure it’s not Dan “What’s the frequency Kenneth” Rather?

    2. Michael Stipe raped River Phoenix.
      Oops did I just say that?
      Happy Purim to my fellow goyim, asalaam calecykuum!
      Look to the stars and catch a really neat planetary alignment coinciding with a full moon.
      When was the last time you did that anyway?

  2. I don't care who Anderson is giving a rim job to. Ok I'm lying, yes I do care. I understand he has a 8 inch long glass butt plug inserted up his tight sweet grindle while reading the news, you can tell from the slight furrowing of the brow when he's talking about Trump.

  3. Whoever he is at least had the courtesy to dump his boyfriend. Can’t say much for other celebs lol

  4. Although Shepard Smith is out as well, they'd make an awesome couple.

  5. Anderson and Don Lemon...oooh!

  6. Anderson has been in an open relationship for years. If it's him, it's not like he 'dumped' one guy for another.

  7. Ah, well, good for them. Enjoy!

    Slow news day, I guess.

  8. Definitely not Ted Baxter

  9. Andeson Cooper is CIA, duh.

  10. Has Muir broken up with Gio Benitez?

  11. Replies
    1. He’s definitely married. Wouldn’t it say that?

  12. Geraldo (you can never trust a guy with a mustache like that!)

  13. Lloyd Lindsay Young?

  14. Anderson Cooper. Saw this rumor in Datalounge (the only place I've seen it). Now we know one of Enty's scoop sources!

  15. I think Anderson Cooper and his boyfriend reached their expiration date they had an open relationship. There was a story about Anderson boyfriend making out with another man in Central Park a few years ago.
