Sunday, February 18, 2018

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family had sex with her possible future sister-in-law while being watched by the boyfriend of the actress. Yes, the boyfriend was watching his sister and his girlfriend have sex.


  1. Rooney Mara, Joaquin Phoenix, and one of his sisters? Gross.

  2. Ewwww. Gross. WHO CARES?!?

  3. There would not be enough room, for all the vomit!!

  4. Kate Hudson, her bf and one of the Foster girls

  5. I just can't deal with the name "Joaquin." I don't care what culture he stole it from, I don't care if it's his real name, and I don't give a shit how you pronounce it.

    As a result, I cannot care about this blind.

  6. Yeah, that family sounds like a mess. I remember when his name was Leaf!

  7. Should have kept his original name - Joaquín Rafael Bottom - more appropriate

  8. @Nawlins Jim They were part of the Children of God cult which promotes incest with extremely young children. They even had a handbook which was basically child pornography to teach members how to engage with children. They would also pair up the children together into partnerships so they wouldnt have sex hangups (ugh). Doing all this to tiny little kids like two or 4 year olds.

    Rose Mcgowan also grew up in this cult

  9. Poor River couldn't deal with it.

  10. @Sierra +infinity 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  11. Joaquin also had threesome's with Casey Affleck,who was married to Summer Phoenix at the time. Rooney Mara must be kinky herself to go along with it. Years ago Children Of God used to recruit members in don't of stores, they didn't even hide that they were into children.

  12. department stores. Don't of?

  13. Joaquin, Rooney and Rainn. Disgusting. He and Casey Affleck used to watch each other have sex.

  14. Was the "Children of God" cult a CIA Mind Control operation?

    I find it interesting that even one member of this cult is a celebrity who has had success in Hollywood
    unless the cult was operated by the CIA?

    1. @xyz Do a little research before you go off on CIA mind control. CoG is well documented as one of the cults that rose out of the hippie movement. And the only “Hollywood people” to come out of it are the Phoenix kids and Rose McGowan.

      And the kids were GROOMED in that cult, according to former members who grew up in it.

      The Phoenix kids ended up in show biz because that’s what they had been doing since they were small children as street buskers. That’s how their parents kept food on the table: the kids’ busking.

      Their abuse at young ages by CoG probably just set them up to not Run away screaming and quit when they encountered the casting couch.

    2. Han Niam: THANK YOU.

      Some people just can't handle that sometimes the people who don't want a book about child abuse published is an ex-spouse who was trying to protect their minor child. Not the Vatican, not the government, not a powerful institution, or megacorporation.

      So now these trolls want everyone to think that all the pedophilia in the world is CIA/FBI/MI-5/MI-6 when most pedophiles are just low-level low-lives but theirs narcissitic selves can't handle the truth.

    3. It's all THEORY either way. Both you all need to get a grip.

    4. @Wendy: I’ve got a grip, thanks. What part of the well-documented (with photographic evidence) facts I cited in my reply are “THEORY”?

  15. wow what a blind! pretty dang twisted. I wonder if this was a one time indiscretion or a thing. yikes that is deep

  16. Anonymous2:59 PM

    how would anyone know this? you people are insane sheep to even slightly believe anything like this that takes place in private. what???

    1. You’ve never heard a bro brag about his sex life?

  17. When do we get the reveal about whether or not JP slept with Kate Mara?

  18. Anwar Nicole and Bella? (Hadid)

  19. Whoever it is, I feel very sad that they need to go to these lengths to become sexually aroused. Watching your sister have sex is just really extreme.

  20. I cannot imagine any circumstances under which I would feel compelled to watch one of my brothers having sex. Just blech.

  21. @Haim Nan: NB, one must try to have patience. Takes some effort to acquite critical thinking skills... And -- sadly -- few consider it worth the effort.

  22. Sorry! @Han Naim. SO much paedophilia here. It's destroying my vision.



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