Saturday, February 17, 2018

Blind Item #3 - He Tried And Failed - Mr. Hedge

As a young actor, he played a supporting role in a small-budget horror film, about 4 decades ago.  Let’s call this person C, and the film Film #1. Film #1 was financially very successful for its time.  It became a cult-classic, and launched the career of its director, who we will call F.  F became A+ list for the rest of his long career.

Several years later, C became a director himself, while in his early 30s.  The 1st film C directed for American audiences was a low-budget teen comedy.  Let’s call this film SB.

During SB, C attempted to molest one of the young actors.  Thankfully, the young actor was able to escape his attempts.  Unfortunately, this was because the young actor had been abused before.  The horrible experience scarred him enough to vigorously fight off C’s attempts.

C was good friends with a couple of serial child molesters.  One of them finally went to jail about a decade and a half ago.  A short time later, C won his first major award as a director.   Although C was only about 50 at that time, he suddenly retired from the business.  It probably had something to do with his past.  It is highly unlikely that this unsuccessful molestation attempt was C’s only misdeed.

If anyone knows anything more about C, you know who to contact. 

Film #1 -
F -
C -
C’s friend / serial child molester -
SB -


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