Saturday, February 03, 2018

Blind Item #2

Talk about being jealous. This review site has been taking heat for the promised bad reviews about to flood its site of this upcoming superhero movie which is going to make tons and tons of money. It might even make $200M the first weekend. Why would it do this? The site is owned by a rival studio/comic book series. Oh, and making sure all of the bad reviews and trying to link bad reviews to the soon to be blockbuster is this cable news network owned by the same movie studio. 


  1. Errr... Black Panther? And DC fans are the trolls? It's all over the web. Has been for the last few days.

  2. Black Panther. Rotten Tomatoes owned by Fandango which is owned by Warner which owns DC?

  3. Adrian’s got it.

  4. just when you think dc fanboys couldn't get any worse

    1. DC fanboys are sore losers who hate that what they see as perversion of the comics art form (bs) is more popular than their “pure” DC.

      Personally, I think they need a few lessons in comics history, but they’d probably just ask me to name all of the artists who have done Iron Man in chronological order and dismiss me as a fake fan when I tell them I could not give three hoots which artists have done Iron Man.

  5. The FB group is ‘Down with Disney’s Treatment of its Franchises and Fanboys’. The same group targeted The Last Jedi.

  6. Movie: Black Panther

    Website: Rotten Tomatoes (partly owned by Warner Bros., which HELD BACK reviews for "Justice League," also Warner Bros.)

    "News" Network: CNN. They are disgusting not-journalists, and this is actually the least of their countless sins.

    The crazy thing to me is that they're even trying to tank this movie. They won't. They can't. All it does is further sink their credibility. So short sighted.

  7. Adrian Zmed was great in Gresae 2 and Bachelor Party

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Grease 2 is awesomely awful. So much fun watching it.

  8. Is it really not possible to like *both*?

    I guess the incels need some way to fill their time...

  9. It's even easier to like "neither".

  10. It’s tough to like both when your view of a “good superhero movie” is either gritty and dark fantasy explicitly for adults (DC) or set in a fantastic version of the real world with lots of lighter moments to keep things from getting too grim which kids can safely enjoy too (Marvel).

    But some people do like both.

  11. So DC couldn't get their own movies good reviews so they're gonna get others bad reviews even though Thor and such got great reviews? This isn't a blind but a rehashing of bulls hit story. And I'm a DC fan, don't know why theyd attack thus movie. Everyone seems excited about the movie and it's obviously gonna do well and get rave reviews. I haven't seen any DC fans attack it. Sounds like a bullshit story.

  12. Anonymous11:48 AM

    most of the posts on this site are made up nonsense, but this one just doesn't even know what its trying to say. the 'campaign' that the idiots of the internet was trying to affect with BLACK PANTHER was to affect AUDIENCE SCORE (as they did with Star Wars), not actual corrupt negative reviews—which, to add, is not a real thing. What a stretch, by this dumb site, where most everything is finding a few facts that are public knowledge, and making up a nonsense story around them.

  13. Will some of the profits from Black Panther be used to help drill wells in Africa? Provide much needed health care, education, etc.?

    1. Do other Marvel Universe or Disney-owned IP movies do this? Why single out BP?

    2. The film claims Africa's poverty is a hoax designed to protect Wakanda. Yes, I know this is a fictional story.

      My point is black people are seen as dollar signs. We spend a pretty penny on those Jordan shoes. Michael Jordan doesn't wear them himself. You get the picture.

      I wonder how many of us who buy those shoes will sponsor charities that provide clothes and shoes to the poor. An American dollar goes farther in developing nations.

  14. I don't care about either superhero franchise, they're both past their prime for me.

    I also don't think there's much chance BLACK PANTHER is going to have a $200 million opening weekend. Only 4 movies have ever done that (SW:TFA, SW:TLJ, Jurassic World, Avengers but not Avengers 2), and this just doesn't feel like the 5th.

    1. It could get close. Black nerds (which there are more than many people realize) are hyped about this. Many viewing events are already sold out in my area and theatres are continuing to add additional shows.

    2. Black people in general are stoked about this movie. Not just black nerds smdh.

    3. I am aware of this. I noted “black nerds” because a) I am one and b) I have heard a lot of commentary about how surprised tptb (Mass media, Disney, marvel, etc) are about passion and breadth of the black cosplay/geek/nerd community. ‘Tis all.

    4. I’m hyped for this movie too. At least black people are hyped for a good project and not a Medea pt 12

    5. I don’t know any black person that gets hyped for that shit. I’m sure in some places, yes, but not in my neck of the woods. We. Are. Not. A. Monolith.

    6. Check black twitter. It’s a big hit there.

  15. I'd like to see exactly how this is supposed to work. RT is just an aggregate site. They only report what other people are saying. They don't do their own reviews.

  16. Black Panther isn't going to open at 200m though - this feels more like Infinity War

    1. IDK, Sparkle. If there's one Marvel film I'm genuinly, honestly-from-the-bottom of my heart excited for, it's BP. If I could only have a choice of picking one Marvel film in 2018, it would be BP.

      Not even "Infinity War" (and Doctor Strange is in that one—and I'm obsessed and identify mostly with DS). I wouldn't read too much into the fact that the trailer was viewed over a million times on YouTube—Marvel basically threw EVERYONE in there. By the end of it, I was like, "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!" I feel manipulated and emotionally-blackmailed to see IW. I haven't even seen IW and already I feel some resentment. Marvel should cut that crap, it builds resentment and is bad in the long run IMHO.

      But then I never really liked the "Avengers", too straight-laced... Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Please don't hate me for saying this, I'm just being honest.

    2. Okay, I feel a bit guilty and bad saying I feel "emotionally-blackmailed" to see IW. I don't mean to imply Marvel are greedy. But they don't need to do taht anymore do they? People already like Marvel films, they don't need to throw everyone's favourite superhero into every film ever. Sorry if that came off too harsh...

  17. Christ! I wish the world had had enough of all this fucking cape shit no matter what pile of shite studio it came from.

    1. No wonder you are a lonely bastard. My son and I have a great time at superhero movies. Certainly more fun and entertaining than a lot of other “for kids” titles.

  18. 🎼 "JEALOOOOOOOSSSSYYYYYYY is such a lonely word... Everyone is so untruuue, Honesty is hardly ever heard, and mostly what I need from youuuuuu... 🎶

    I can always find someone to say they sympathize, if I wear my heart out on my sleeve. But I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies. All I want is someone to beliiiiiiieve... 🖤

    I can have security until the bitter end! 💰
    Anyone can comfort me with promises again... I know, I know..." 🎵

    It's only not a "primer for the dark arts" if I get to score the sequel... Excuse me while I insert myself and pretend to like the right people so I can suck up to them.

  19. If you want to know what I think............ this isn't about DC vs. Marvel. This is about creepy miscreants throwing temper tantrums over a successful project that doesn't center white guys. But, the creepy miscreants are smart enough to know that their campaign will be more successful if they don't say that outright. It's the dog whistle tactic.

  20. Jealousy is a light word for racist and misogynist. The founder of the group that planned the Rotten Tomatoes event stated himself he didn't like female roles being added to films (Last Jedi) and BP has powerful women and a lot of blackness.

  21. am i the only one who thought"Howard the Duck" was awezzome??Anyways,if BP is anything close to the great Jack Kirby's late 60's/early 70's version(mostly in Fantastic Four,but also a short lived BP series)it could be awesome.And redpills should abound..after all,T'challa had aYUGE wall to protect his people

  22. Not DC fans, they actually raised $5000 for school kids in the Bronx to go see Black Panther. This is the work of the same bigot who spammed the Last Jedi with negative scores from bots.

    1. Awwww? That is so fucking sweet! 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  23. Honestly I’m excited about BP because it’s finally a different take on this genre. Not because of race but because it’s just a really different kind of superhero.

  24. Disney has bought enty too?

  25. Grease 2 is awesomely awful. So much fun watching it.

    @ Normal - Grease 2 is deliciously bad and for me a guilty pleasure. Michelle Pfeiffer is the only one who came out of that steaming pile with any dignity.

  26. FWIW, I've got Black Panther at $165mill opener. Happy to play over/under with other CDANers.

  27. It seems to me that Rotten Tomatoes has been pretty proactive in condemning the bad review campaign, as well as setting up a strategy to take down the phony bad reviews as they come in. It may be that the fanboys feel like RT is "their" site because of the chain of ownership, but I don't think RT itself operates that way.
    It's just a fanboy racism stunt, just like the Sad Puppies did to the Hugo awards by rigging the voting system against books and movies featuring women, people of color and gay characters.

  28. It's not just the Black community that's pumped about Black Panther. The Asian and Latino communities are rallying to support this project. I'm trying to line up a sitter that weekend, but having trouble because it's a 3-day weekend.



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