Friday, February 23, 2018

Blind Item #2

I guess this closeted A-/B+ list rapper hasn't learned his lesson. Two nights ago he was having sex with a boy who was nowhere close to 18.


Anonymous said...

All of them. Aren’t all the rappers closeted gay guys.

Tricia13 said...

Soulja Boy?

filmfanb said...

Tyler ??

Hmax17 said...

Maybe but I doubt they all have sex with kids

WickedBee said...

50 Cent

Unknown said...

Rick Ross?

Brayson87 said...

Gay rap will be the next big thing.

Anonymous said...

Tyler's not closeted. His last album was basically his big "coming-out." And despite his (and most of OF's) shock image, they're all pretty tame in their personal lives. I highly doubt he would sleep with anyone underaged.

Anonymous said...

I remember this movie Fear of a Black Hat. It was hysterical. Larry B Scott playing this closeted gay rapper who has cultivated a hard core gangster gun toting image.

Shawny said...

So whoever this is got caught before and is still doing it.


I know too much about Usher and Scooter Braun and THE LEGEND OF THE DIDDY WAND
oops did I just write that?

Ticky Ticky Toc said...


Nathan said...

Normal. Yes indeed. said...

Great movie, but Larry B. Scott's character in it wasn't gay (you're probably thinking of him in Revenge of the Nerds).

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Is Usher considered a rapper?

Don Kieballs said...

I'll just guess Soulja Boy because of his association with Danny Flores, but tbh I'm not doing the guess the closet part, just making a guess regarding the sex with a minor part and didn't learn the first time. I found a lot rappers (singers,actors,etc) with underage girl histories.

Benz B said...

50 cent

longtimereader said...

Hasn't fiddy got a thing for asian twinks?

Benz B said...

Soulja Boy nowhere close to A list

Maude Lebowski said...

My money is on Fiddy

Jennifer Slopez said...

It is Diddy. He was investigated by the FBI in 2013 for the same thing.

thecatwhisper said...

I don't know the answer to this, but I want to say yes, to fear of a black hat, who ever mentioned that. I watched that back in the day. I didn't think anyone else did but me.

Nathan said...

thecatwhisper Fear of a Black Hat was one of our "Its 3 a.m. and we just got home from bar hopping" movies back in college. For a while I could recite it word for word. Soundtrack is awesome too.

Miss Tia said...

Fear of a Black Hat is a movie that is totally underrated!

"My peanuts come alive when you open that sack." And that take on a De La Soul song "Just a Human". So funny!!

T. W. said...

@Low Key - Usher does not rap. I agree with the Diddy guesses. That man is gross. There's a reason he used to call himself Puff Daddy.

waterlily said...

Victims often become perpetrators. It seems that no black man is given the green light to make it in the music industry until they've had it up the arse by the 'right people'. These are men who could lead by example and speak out for their people and their plights. But that opportunity has been taken from them by the get-it-up-the-arse-or-you-wont-be-famous mafia. They're then owned; they lose their independence of thought because of what's held over their heads.

Remember Jada Smith tried to speak out about the lack of black nominees at the Oscars? She quickly retracted when an Arquette spoke about Jada and Will's sham of a marriage. Wasn't Will Smith Medina's bottom boy before he got the gig on FPOBA. He did his time.

I used to love R&B and black music. It's all shite now because it's manufactured. Any black dude who now has a hit record I simply assume he's had it up the backside by black men in power.

Orville said...

My guess is Tyler The Creator he has hinted in songs he is bisexual. Usher is also bisexual but he is too smart to do something like that.

Michael said...

Most of the molesters are Jewish.


ohhhh helllll nooooo!!!
no U dinnt!
imma ignore wat dem trollz sayin cuz thay aint nuttin but still any brotha gonna hurt a chap?? step yo fucct up azz bacc in my hood nigga.
let MAMAZ BOYZ sho yo what U done fogot!!
errrybody kno FIDDY a sissy.
hell he been sissy since juvie.
but if he trippin on some chaps??
yallz gonna hold my earrringz 'cuz momma bout 2 chip a nail on a nigga up in dis bitch! buncha sicc azz muthafukkkkaz.


an why tha hell dis blog alwayzz be askin me 2 clicc on sum road signs an shizz?? erry time i type they ask me clicc on sum road signz. da hellz all dat?
am i at dayum DMV or sumthin??

Ligeia said...

Omg I loved fear of a black hat! I totally forgot about that movie. Im gonna guess birdman but possibly diddy

pfg powell said...

I've never heard of Fear of a Black Hat, but looked it up, looks like a great film and have must bought the DVD on Amazon. See how good it is.

As for the crap posted by Water Lily about rappers and such having to 'get it up the arse' from someone before they are allowed to have a career, well pull the other. I don't doubt the rap industry is pretty artificial as are the other industries, but I don't buy that line for one minute.

Unknown said...


Danilo said...

I've read something similar about Diddy, it would not be shocking.

Anonymous said...

Everyone's heard about Diddy's 'parties'.

Picklehead said...

Its Birdman. Obviously 90% of these commenters don't listen to rap at all and are choosing the most famous rap names they can think of.

MissDe said...

Birdman is disgusting. Usher is not a rapper. But he needs to be better informed of their backgrounds. If you were writing about puffy it would be more accurate to say hip hop producer/mogul or something to that effect. He's in the rap and r&b game but him personally rapping is tertiary to his career. Soulja boy is not A list. 50 also has been making Power for years now and has made more $$ from business investments than he has just from music at this point.

Urban Rosebud said...

Yes Normal. That movie was quite ahead of its time

Urban Rosebud said...

Ughhh I have so much compassion...especially if young & bright eyed. Some people deserve a pass on judgement...but messing with sympathy.

From reading this blog, one thing is clear; these stars believe they exist in different Universe & the rules don't apply. Sometimes, to get perspective, I imagine a world with absolutely no rules, then I understand the chaos & how these individuals can smile & laugh & joke with absolutely no remorse. We are their food...


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