Thursday, February 22, 2018

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly television actor turned A+ list mostly movie actor who doesn't really do much of either lately has one big movie franchise under his belt. He also has been verbally and physically abusive to his significant other in recent months and it is getting worse.


  1. Bruce Willis? Has multiple franchises though

  2. Pierce Brosnan? Which I absolutely don't want to believe, but I can't think of anybody else who was A+ to A+ with a big movie franchise.

  3. Clooney has Oceans, but I don't know if I could see him knocking Amal around.

    1. George is pouting because AMAL
      won’t do ANAL

  4. B Coop? But what franchise? The Hangover?

    1. @cheese That would be two franchises for Cooper. He’s also in Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

  5. Dammit Kermit, you be nice to Miss Piggy!

  6. Will Smith/Jada maybe

  7. @Tricia, they fit, but I feel like the blind would have mentioned he was also a rapper/singer, unless that would be too obvious.

    1. That’s true.... not sure though?

    2. WS has 2 franchises. Bad Boys

  8. Ugh there's so many that fit, but I hate playing "Guess the Wife Beater"

  9. The one thing that says The Smiths to me is that recently I saw a headline quoting Will Smith saying something like "it's not up to me to make my wife happy". I could have sworn in the past we all had to sit thru syrupy, get-yer-boots-on rounds of how in love they were and how they satisfy each other and it's up to them as a couple (and all couples should hold themselves to this standard too) to uplift and support and do anything & everything to please the other.

    Maybe it depends on which area of the sky Xenu is in?? Hmmm... they're fake, fake, fake.

  10. I can totally see Chris Pratt behaving like this.


  11. Blind says "ONE big movie franchise." Doesn't mean he might not have another one that's not such a b.o. juggernaut. Also "under his belt" sounds like it could be no longer active.

    Is "Die Hard" an active franchise? Is "Men In Black"? Is "Oceans [##]"? What other A+ TV actors have become A+ movie stars? Not a lot. My likelihood guess for this would be Willis, Smith, Clooney. As much as I dislike Clooney, he just doesn't seem to fit the bill (though you never know). Smith is creepy now, but Willis actually comes off as nasty, phony and self-hating, wasting himself in all those shitty direct to DVD films, plus the "Death Wish" remake looks awful and is made by that (hopefully) pretend snuff film guy. So gross.

    1. Ddona, I agree with this.
      I want to mention that I appreciate that you didn’t politicize any of the Clooney or Smith guesses.
      Thank you. Really.

  12. Denzel ? Equalizer now a franchise, but 'big' I don't know..

  13. Han, you're right. I completely forgot about those movies. I'm so superheroed out I haven't seen anything since the first Avengers movie except the first season of Jessica Jones.

  14. Denzel was never A+ tv.
    Chris Pratt is working all the time.
    Bruce Willis works regularly and has multiple franchises.
    Coop was never A+ tv.
    Ben Affleck was never A+ tv.

    The only guess that works so far is Clooney.

    1. I missed the Pierce Brosnan guess. It works but I really don't see this being him

  15. Denzel was on St Elsewhere which was very popular when it was on. That said, don't think it's him. What was his franchise?

  16. Def not Brosnan, he is a very devoted husband. He was devastated when his first wife died of ovarian cancer, then remarried many years later and is clearly still smitten with his second wife even though she put on a significant amount of weight years ago. (Just pointing it out because that is rare for an actor.) He's one of the good ones.

  17. Clooney fits the blind....but I can't see Amal taking any b.s.

  18. Anonymous8:59 AM

    What about Martin Lawrence? big TV star that became big movie star, has a couple of franchises under his belt (Bad Boys and, *ahem* BIG Momma's House hint hint hint) and actually has a history of abusive behavior behind him. Doesn't act that much anymore and got engaged last April.

    1. I hope it is not Martin Lawrence. I always liked him and had hoped he had his ego and issues behind him. I am rooting for him.

    2. Plus Martin has two big franchises.

  19. Replies
    1. Wasn’t he movie, tv, movie?

  20. This isn't Pratt, because he was never A+ while he was on tv, and he has Jurassic World 2 coming out in June, and they just announced Jurassic World 3.

  21. Just to reiterate the "one of the good ones".....Pierce Brosnan was at Disneyland several years ago while I was there. I saw him multiple times in the park, he was always talking to people and very friendly. I approached him, we spoke briefly, I said I liked him as 007 and certainly Remington Steele, but thought his performance in "The Matador" was phenomenal. We also talked about how weird but fascinating Disneyland is. He had kids with him who rode the rides, but I never saw him on one or waiting for one. Wanted to get my picture with him, but that seemed really gauche.

    But honestly, I noticed him maybe a half dozen times or more that day around the park and he always made time to talk to people.

    1. Nice story. I always liked him since Remington Steele.

  22. Pratt does NOT fit this blind, he works constantly and has 2 major franchises going currently.

  23. Replies
    1. Good guess.
      He’s got 99 problems and most of them are women.
      Wasn’t there a BI about his weight requirements for an SO?

  24. Sounds like he's not married, since Enty said "significant other".

  25. so now clooney is gay AND a wife beater. ok.

    1. He's beating his wife because she's not a man. Or is she? Kinda looks manish from certain angles.

  26. Definitely not Will and Jada. She's from Baltimore and used to hang with Tupac; she wouldn't take that s***.

  27. I like the late Murphy guess here.

  28. Depp? Was he A+ from 21JS?

  29. Always have thought Clowney was gay - this new family mode is definitely because he's got his finger in the wind for public office. I can't see him living on the same side of the house as Amal, for some reason.

  30. I've met Pierce Brosnan, and I definitely think it isn't him. He came across as sensitive and caring about his kids and wife who had cancer. I've also met Clooney, and although he seemed like a player, he seemed mellow and non-violent. I like the other guesses better.

  31. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I'm from Malibu - grew up on Broad Beach Road and my mom's BF lived in the Colony. She had the same personal trainer as Keeley (Pierce Brosnan's wife) and they all were close friends. No way in hell is this Pierce Brosnan. No way. Nicest dude ever. I can say with 100% certainty that's it's not him . . . I just wanted to put that out there for anyone speculating it's him.

  32. Okay, I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Bruce Willis. I could imagine him having anger issues.

  33. Definitely not George. IMO, always had respect for women. Willis, I could believe.
