Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list stand up comic who has been in Hollywood jail for almost a year is in line for an acting gig on a new almost television show. She has been kissing the butt of this A list showrunner who is moving from television to almost television for this one.


  1. Damnit...thought I finally got you Tricia! lol

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Kathy Griffin is A-list?

  3. Is she A list stand up? I thought he usually has her down in the Bs or Cs....although everything else fits of course. Must be her.

  4. Hasn't there been a lot of chatter about how Ryan Murphy may be exposed for some misdeeds as part of the #metoo movement? Hiring Kathy is not something I'd do if I wanted to fly beneath the radar.

  5. What is the deal with Ryan Murphy. Does he have skeketons?

    I'm OK with Griffin coming back. Cohen was so awful. Best thing that happened to her.

  6. Shonda Rhimes for show runner? She moved from ABC to Netflix

  7. Could be Griffin, Schumer or Monique

  8. Kathy Griffin is A list? Based on CNN's NYE show? Maybe.

    Just to be contrarian, how about Amy Schumer? She got canned, er, "dropped out" of the Barbie movie March 2017, did "Snatched" which bombed, er "disappointed", then did an Almost TV special for Netflix that was controversial.

  9. Neither 'A list' nor 'comic' describe Griffin.

  10. +1 Youtoo

    I thought Schumer as well, but if not her then Griffin.

  11. Has "been in Hollywood jail for a year" LOL. That sounds more like Griffin than Schumer.

  12. Griffin isn't A list by any stretch of the imagination. Schumer was in Hollywood jail for being an untalented joke thief who made a career out of bawdily repurposing other people's material.

  13. I thought Griffin was D list? http://www.bravotv.com/kathy-griffin-my-life-on-the-d-list

  14. Netflix just announced a new Ryan Murphy show yesterday. I can see Kathy getting into his circle with half her standup material being about her gay friends more than I see her and Shonda relating.

  15. Boy, who is more hateful, Kathy Griffin or Amy Schumer?

    The producer is Ryan Murphy for his new show, "The Politician" on Netflix. Saw Meryl Streep might be attached too, which means somebody thinks her career is in trouble, maybe.

    Amy Schumer is hated by the majority of America at this point. They even cancelled her Bud Light campaign early last year when sales dropped after she was made spokeswoman with Seth Rogan. That was karma for all her joke theft, which she never admitted.

  16. Kathy Griffin is a better fit, for me. Friendly with goop and they both were on the same episode of Glee

  17. Amy Schumer
    Comedy Central basic cable
    was her niche

    She should have stuck to it
    But she believed her own hype
    Expanded her horizons
    Chased the Big Bucks
    Dragged Goldie Hawn through the muck with her
    And failed

  18. Kathy Griffin for sure. I don't personally like her, but I would argue that being a comedian, isn't it safe to say anything goes? It was about as tastless as most high level comedians can get. Amy schumer should be literally jailed for being so yuck. No idea how she made it through the very lowest comedy circuit, let alone as high as she is. Not funny AND fug? Blech

  19. My vote goes for Kathy Griffin. As a stand up comic, she’s VERY successful and is money savvy enough to be very wealthy from it, too. Her recent Hollywood Reporter cover would indicate a return from “exile” and the interview she did in it mentions meetings which could fit the run up to this blind.

  20. Boy, nothing brings out the hate like female comics. Smh

  21. @Henlo... ain't that the truth.

  22. I like Kathy and feel she needs to be forgiven. Wish they'd treat some is the jerky male comics the same. At least Kramer has disappeared off of the circuit.

  23. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Kathy Griffin is not and never was and never will be a stand up comic. Period, end of story, this isn't her.

    This is SCHUMER. This is them trying to revive her career, which is dead in the water.

    Problem is, she can't act. This will be interesting.

    1. Kathy Griffin definitely did stand up. Period. End of story🙄

  24. @Henlo -- totally agree. @Unknown -- you may not like KG, but she does standup all over the world. Good for Kathy if it's true. Punishment did not fit the crime, to say the least.

  25. I think Kathy Griffin must talk to Enty and that's why there are lots of negative Andy Cohen blinds and now he calls her A-list. Maybe you could argue it when she had her own talk show, but even then it's a stretch

  26. Agree that it's Kathy Griffin - and I'm glad for her. I was always sort of ambivalent about her (and I still am, for the most part), but the punishment definitely did *not* fit the crime and she definitely deserved better than she got.

  27. It's even more fun the second time you break them.

  28. Agree with Tricia that it's Kathy Griffin. Ryan Murphy makes sense as the showrunner. He's great at reviving the careers of Hollywood castoffs, especially women.

    I realize her brand of humor is an acquired taste, but I thought her HBO specials were pretty funny. Catty, but funny.

  29. Kathy Griffin has done stand up comedy. I have seen her shows so I don't know why someone claimed she doesn't do stand up comedy. Kathy will definitely make a come back. If she is not the subject of this blind then the Monique guess fits too. Don't cross Oprah.

  30. I vote for Kathy here. Never want to see another schumer bit again. Kathy was excommunicated for a very stupid reason (on both sides).

    And she is hilarious in her stand up specials.

    Team Griffen!

  31. The never funny Griffin did herself no favors with that Hwood Reporter trash. Yikes. This is Schumer, cautiously creeping around the gossip columns.

  32. Schumer is not in "jail," just not hot right now. And KG go the star treatment with Hollywood Reporter. She's obviously on the way back up.

  33. This is Griffin and J.J. Abrams.
