Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blind Item #1

This A list height challenged mostly movie actor recently told his wife he was going out with friends. He did, but then went over to an apartment he pays for and hooked up with his latest mistress.


  1. Hmmm, I can only think of Tom Cruise or Peter Dinklage. Tom's not married (except to David Miscavige) and I refuse to believe Peter would cheat on his wife. Can't wait to see who Tricia says.

  2. Initially thought Dinklage too.. but as Tricia said, Kevin Hart checks out more.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    If Kevin Hart, an apt is maybe the solution to avoid getting filmed w a mistress

  4. I thought Kevin at first too, but if it was Kevin wouldn't it say comedian then mostly movie actor?

  5. How about Danny devito

  6. Aren't all actors height challenged? I think the Real clue here is... "told his wife he was going out with friends"

    Which , if any, actors actually have "friends"??

    1. What, no! Why would you say all of them are height-challenged? Some of them are very tall. 💛

  7. At this stage, I'm beginning to suspect that "Tricia" is Enty's way of circumnavigating the blind as a device for dishing dirt on these people. That, or she's real and sat next to him in the office.

  8. Is Hart mostly movie actor now instead of comedian/actor?

  9. Happily, Tricia is Louella Parsons re-incarnated. We couldn't get by without Enty and Tricia!

  10. No not Michael! I'm triggered by that comment, literally shaking right now!!!

    1. Enty, I'm really sorry about the trolls. 🙏🏼

  11. @Drama Trisha can't be Enty, because she isn't always right....

  12. drkdragon777, Trisha has to bowl the occasional one in the gutter to maintain the illusion....

  13. Kevin Hart, out with Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock and Chris Tucker.

  14. How tall is "height-challenged"? I ask seriously -- what is the Enty standard for this? Verne Troyer? Danny DeVito? Tom Cruise?

  15. @Vessimede

    probably not Michael J. Fox, although I hear he shakes a great martini.

    I'm on board with +1 for Hart.

    1. That’s an awful thing to say. Grow up. I got those same jokes thrown at me when I was a kid because I had seizures. You should be ashamed of yourself for picking on someone with a horrible
      disease like Parkinson’s.

    2. Wrong, but so right. My husband has been in the hospital for a week(got out yesterday) for seizures, when I read him this, he will laugh his ass off. He also had a life long stutter til he met me, and it dropped. I'm going to bring up martinis for now on, because laughter is the best medicine. @melissa Lyn, you need to get over yourself, stress won't help your condition, but if it makes a good martini? Have 3!

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Your an annoying troll who disguises as humor. Your the person who says, oh you look good today in your new hat, but we all know count is a special jerk who praises oneself in the blinds too and you don’t like my fucking hat. Yes let’s tell that person to chill out and get over her disease, get a grip right? On your high horse again. Put her disease and her mental health down and uplift yourself again as the “special” person your are. I think your more than special, a real......

    4. Court b, did you just tell someone to get over their (fill in the space)
      I fucking can't with some of the idiots around here. Fucking apathetic at best and this is downright cruel. My God, your husband has seizures and a STUTTER and
      you think it's fucking funny?? So everyone should enjoy your humor?? Fuckouta here with that
      It was NEVER funny when I was young and had speech issues. I bet it's downright hilarious when it's not you?
      Ugh this infuriates me
      It's amazing what some of you people praise around here.

    5. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Karma is gonna kick your ass.....maybe in the form of your mom tomorrow with a cancer diagnosis, you get in a car accident and it destroys your face so badly that even 10 operations still make you fugly

  16. Enty likes to bash Kevin Hart's height, plus Dinklage doesn't seem like a mostly movie actor until GoT is over.

  17. Tom would never have a mistress @cheesegrater15

  18. I hope it’s not RDJ.

  19. Hey Dickwad you belong at an Evangelical website with those fucking links not here. GTFO! Namaste!!

  20. lol @ Sandy.
    This is not RDJ.
    And if Enty has multiple accounts to help us clueless readers suss out the offenders then so be it. Just like the Himmmms, let it be.
    Who cares???

  21. @Court b - laughter is the best medicine. Best wishes to your husband and, cheers!

  22. @Expensive Louise Hobutt - really?!?!

    1. @Deborah Frueh That poster is fake, fyi.
      I mean, real person but not worth your time 🙂

  23. You want to screw around, fine — but why be married?

  24. I love the conspiracy theory that @Tricia13 is Enty! Best one yet!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Not Dinklage - Dinklage is mostly TV
