Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Item #15

This former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort tried to walk off with about $10K worth of clothes the other day from an event and tried to talk her way out of it by saying someone would bring them some money later in the day.


T. W. said...

Does yachting make Lindsay Lohan an escort?

Unknown said...


Terry Teratoma said...

Honestly, how has she not been killed yet??? To be clear, I'm not advocating for her murder (should be obvious, but you never know), but she has long run in some shady crowds, and I'm just surprised it hasn't hapoened yet. Damn, girl.

Anonymous said...

She probably thought that was a brilliant excuse to get out of a jam....but that's what 95 percent of shoplifters say to the store/police when they get caught shoplifting.

Don Kieballs said...

I assumed Lindsey by the description, but what rehab has $10k in clothes to steal? I already used my callback joke on the other blind, so this is all I've got)

Monsieur Pocketrocket said...

Blowhan for 5th place!

Monsieur Pocketrocket said...

Dammit! Took too long to type...

MissDe said...

Linds is absolutely an escort lol find the old video of her pole dancing on a yacht and the crazy tweets she sends people. She's a hooker but she's so cracked out and delusional I think she believes herself to be a woman of the world, cultured, well traveled etc. Absolute lunatic. She also has a history of theft while she was still here in the states.

Boldblonde said...

aww Lindsay!!! I have a soft spot for her.

Orville said...

The interesting thing is thé supermarket tabloïds do ont discuss Lindsay Lohan Boeing a hooker. No one questions in thé media where did she get thé money Her acting career is over.

T. W. said...

@Terry Terratoma - She could be a government asset. If she has been providing accurate, high-level intel the government will protect her but at some point all government assets are expendable.

Sara, Making It Work said...

What event is Lindsay even getting invited to? A LulaRoe party? Cause I would think that's as big a ticket as she could get these days.

Just4Fun said...

I can't believe anyone pays her to do ANYTHING

Hanniam said...

Lohan was at a modest* fashion London Fashion Week show the other day.

If she does have a wealthy Muslim benefactor, she may well even have been telling the truth.

*hijabs, modest neck and hemlines, long sleeves, but high fashion was the description.

Evonne said...

Poor ole Linsanity LOLhan.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay cannot be the only hooker in Hollywood. Some of these 'yachting' blinds have to be about someone else. AmIright?

Gator said...

Lohan is a klepto, she should be in jail by now.

Unknown said...

Blowhan, and she's a whore not an escort

zerooptions said...

Why is this a blind item?
Everyone knows it's her when it involves something this stupid.
When is she going to do jail time?
Wasn't that part of her deal when she got her wrist slap from the judge the last time?

Wantsapphires said...

Lularoe lolololol

lucy said...

I bet there was a time when that was highly successful for her, either through misguided clerks or designers themselves. I wonder how many thousands of dollars of unrecouped garments/jewelry she has amassed over the years

Cadmium77 said...

T. W. said...
Does yachting make Lindsay Lohan an escort?

12:19 PM

No but letting a rug rider empty his bowels on her tits for $$$ does.

Cadmium77 said...

Boldblonde said...
aww Lindsay!!! I have a soft spot for her.

12:29 PM

yeah my hard spot gets soft when i see her too...her skin has the texture of haggis

AtlantAnne said...

Was Lohan ever an A lister? I’m sure this is her but she isn’t a list to me, never has been?

Unknown said...

Yeah she was A list. If it comes down to name recognition she's still A. She was one of the biggest child stars of all time and was in a string of hit movies. Genuinely talented and looked stunning when she was younger. She pissed it all away and now has the body and fae of a 60 year old crack whore.

MattDaddy said...

Yeah, I’m sure the CIA is thrilled to read her descriptions of all those Arab dicks. Quite a valuable asset, for sure.

T. W. said...

@ Cadmium77 thanks. I didn't know if those terms are used interchangeably here.

P keel said...

Don't think she doesn't have crap on Talal she's an asset

Mischief Girl said...

+1 Saintpat

plot said...

How many yachters are prone to stealing so often?

I want to know how drunk momager Dina prevented the foreclosure on the Long Island home not to long ago.

SteveD said...

Once someone's yachting you've established that they'll do anything for money. I'd keep an eye on anything that isn't nailed down.

Unknown said...

Bitch been stealing fur coats for more than a decade...

Unknown said...
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Enthusiasm Quotes said...

very interesting topic
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Unknown said...
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cc423 said...

Why would anyone allow Lohan around 10k of ANYTHING.

Unknown said...

What kind of tweets she sends?

Gatorgirl said...

Oh Apricot Ashtray

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

That made my day. Hahaha

orangesoda said...

They should have just let her have the rags. The more covered up she is, the better.


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