Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Blind Item #14

This foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award nominee who didn't win. It was probably her best chance too. Anyway, she has a long time significant other who has no idea the actress casting couched her way to her most recent role. The director thought she was too old to play the role, so she had sex with him to change his mind. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha Joan Crawford taking over her daughters soap opera character. Nah. Just had to say it..I love that movie.

  3. Marion Cotillard

  4. Isabelle Huppert?

  5. How old is too old? Isabelle Huppert?

  6. Marion Cotillard won for La Vie en Rose...
    Ruth Negga/Dominic

  7. Forget my guess, she actually won.

  8. Huppert is 65, and she still looks pretty good. She just finished a film with Neil Jordan (co-starring Chloe Moritz and Stephen Rea). I don't know if Jordan would be a casting couch type.

  9. Rosamund Pike?

    "Too old" is usually pretty young...

  10. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Sally Hawkins was way too old for that part in Shape of Water! She was nominated for Blue Jasmine in a supporting role a few years ago, and that was probably her best chance because it's a Woody Allen film!

    Her long-time significant other is a civilian back home in the U.K. and the Director is, of course, Guillermo del Toro, an occasional guest himself of the Blinds. In the press they've been doing, the theme is she was his muse, i.e., he's seen her naked lots and not just on set.

  11. Charlotte Rampling?

  12. I didn't think Sally Hawkins was too old for Shape of Water. I was un-surprised a mute woman would be a slightly "old-erish maid." Since del Toro wrote it, and presumably cast the leads or at least had final say, then Sally Hawkins is the right age.

    Now, did he use it to have sex with her anyway? Maybe. But I feel like Sally Hawkins was right for the part. And she's an amazing actress.

  13. Guillermo's on the record saying he wrote Shape of Water for Hawkins.

  14. yeah, that was her movie.

    for this one, i like the ruth mega/dominic cooper guess. is the blind referring to her new movie not out yet?

  15. Tricia, you leave Ruth Negga/Dominic Cooper alone lol, love Preacher.

    I'm going with The Shape of Water.

    1. Sorry dude!! I think they are adorable,as well... it’s likely someone else

  16. @Scotty. Nonsense. Del Toro has stated numerous times he wrote all the parts for the people he cast.

  17. Hot British chick who did I Tonya?

  18. Can someone explain to me how this even works? I mean, you are a businessman working on delivering a product worth tens of millions of dollars (or much more) with a purpose of making money (plus maybe winning some awards, but money is the key factor in any business, including entertainment). I can imagine that you have a few people eager for a certain role to choose from, and all of them can do it equally well, and look the part, so you have to pick one somehow. In such case choosing the one who will sleep with you seems as good a method as any (mind you, I'm not talking about ethics, just about business decisions). But if you have an actress who is not, in your opinion, fit for the role??? Why would you jeopardize the project for a little action? Why would a business person employ someone they think is not good for the business only because they had sex with you??? Boggles the mind, really.

    1. Men are pigs?

    2. Me thinks it's because you are a woman and thus can't relate. Men work hard solely to get laid by young hot women. Why doesn't that fact sink in year after year after year in women's brains? How do you think the earth got populated anyhow?

  19. If del Toro is ever the coucher in a casting couch blind I'm gonna personally take a tar covered stick to Hollywood and burn it all down.

  20. Robbie co-produced I, Tonya via her production company, Lucky Chap, so I doubt she had to persuade the director to cast her.

  21. Naomie Harris, nominated for Moonlight.
    New movie Rampage. 41 is downright ancient (for a woman) for an action flick.

  22. These are the worst guesses. I don't have one either.

  23. How can it be Robbie when this year's awards haven't been given? SMH

  24. Where do all of you get this Del Toro nonsense from?

  25. Pike was just cast as Madame Curie but the director is a woman. The director in the blind is a man.

  26. Anonymous5:03 PM


    how in god's green fucking hell can this be Robbie or Hawkins who are CURRENTLT nominated and could still actually win on March 4? I mena seriously, it's not someone who is NOMINATED AT THE MOMENT, my god...think before you post.

    the best guesses here are Negga and Harris. Both have high profile leading lady roles coming up (AD ASTRA for Negga, RAMPAGE for Harris) both are "older" without being old, both are probably unlikely to get the kind of roles that netted them nods to begin with.

    Given that she is arguably less famous and less likely to score plum roles and that she has an actor SO, this sounds more like Negga than Harris.

  27. IDK if she was nommed for an Oscar but what about Alcia Vikkander, she is playing Lara Croft.

  28. Jessica Chastain? For this poker role she got. She is an oscar nominee but didnt win.
    "she has a long time significant other" not sure about this part tho

  29. @Mag - because playing pretend for a living isn’t difficult (unless you’re Justin Timberlake apparently) and the movies success doesn’t hinge on a super special person getting thr role. Decent actresses are a dime a dozen. I mean think about it; what other profession can be done by children? To the point they compete against adults for awards and win!? It’s embarrassing.

  30. Anonymous7:20 PM

    +1 @Gia

  31. Julianne Moore? I don't know her country of origin.

  32. Most actresses and actors are fungible...there are dozens (if not more) people who could play a part. Most are solid actors/actresses, nothing more, despite the hype some get.
    That is why the casting couch works. The directors/producers know it, and the actresses/actors know it.

  33. I like the Naomie Harris guess a lot. Playing a crackhead in the Best Picture winner is definitely someone's 'best chance' to win.

  34. Just to be different, Keira Knightley.

  35. Amusing that people who comment on Blinds actually believe the Press! I'm sure every word a director says to sell his film to the public is Absolutely True. Why, the DGA guidelines forbid Directors to lie!

    What sweet kittens you are. I hope you're all tucked in warm in your Midwestern beds, with glasses of water on the nightstand.

  36. Margot Robbie produced I Tonya, so maybe she had to masturbate to get cast in the lead.

  37. Salma Hayek sprung to mind. She was cast in The Hitmans Bodyguard. Director Patrick Hughes. Going out on a limb here though.

  38. @Gia - Awards, at least the most "important" ones, are given based on several factors and the actual quality of performance is way down on the list. First and foremost, there's the whole marketing machine in place to get a movie even noticed and sort of position it for a specific awards season (this applies even to foreign language movies). Productions without serious money to spend on professional marketing alone, like indie productions, will only get recognized if they meet a specific need, like that for diversity or a specific topic, and/or have become so popular that they cannot be ignored (this is probably the case with Moolight and Get Out). About specific roles: the surest ways to get nominated have always been to make yourself ugly and/or play a "difficult" character; and - until this year - ideally, have the Weinstein machine behind you (JLaw and your string of Oscars nominations, I'm looking at you). Recently it's also about diversity and inclusivity. Take all these factors together and you have the long list of nominations and wins which make you wonder if these awards mean anything any more. This year the politics of awards giving has gone a step further yet, so that no matter how good you may have been, you're not getting nominated if you've been publicly accused of sexual misconduct.
    I could go on and on, but to make it short: there are some great actors, many poor excuses for actors, and a whole bunch of decent actors out there. But most film awards are not about the quality of one's work any more.
    I never understood the nominations ad awards for kids, though, but that's just me.

    Oh, I like the Harris and Negga guesses, but Harris plays "Dr. Caldwell" in Rampage, a genetics expert, and 42 should definitely not be too old for a scientist, even by Hollywood standards (but maybe I'm being naive again ;)) She also has another film in post-production and the next Bond movie announced, so I'm not sure Rampage can be called her most recent role. Meanwhile, Negga has only Ad Astra listed right now, and it seems that nothing specific is known about her role there, so maybe she's playing a someone younger, indeed. I vote Negga.

  39. PS: Alicia Vikander did win that Oscar and she's not even 30 yet.
    Margot Robbie can still win, and she cast herself.
    Julianne Moore is US born, has an Oscar plus 3 nominations.
    It is really so hard to google these things?

  40. Rosamund Pike (39) was nominated for an Academy Award for Gone Girl but didn’t win. She’s just filmed Entebbe in which she stars as the lead who in real life was aged 29 during the hijack incident. Just a thought.

  41. Pike and Negga (depending on Pike's BF/Husband) are the only two suggestions that work, of all those pitched. "Didn't win" means past nomination, not current.

  42. The fact that an actor "produces" a movie they're in is not an indication of anything. Yes there are actors who are seriously involved in the development of material. However, in many cases the producer credit for the actor is simply a negotiating point/ego salve after the actually producing work has already been done. "We'll pay you a million dollars". "No I want two million dollars". "We'll give a million fifty thousand and a producers credit". "OK I'll make the movie".

  43. You can also pay an actor the guild minimum as an actor and also pay them as a producer to avoid other required payments under guild rules such as to guild benefit funds. Useful on a film like I, Tonya financed on a small budget by a non-traditional player.

  44. Gotta be Dame Judy Dench.

  45. @Mag
    I'm not going to die on this hill or anything, and yes, 41 or 42 SHOULD be reasonable to play a doctor.
    But this is HOLLYWOOD. Where doctors are often played by women in their 20's. Especially in action movies. Let me remind you that Nicole Kidman, Anna Kendrick, Uma Thurman, Denise Richards and Jennifer Love Hewitt all played doctors well before they were 30.
    And with a 49 year old man in the lead, that usually translates to a 30 year old leading lady.
    And as for Harris' Bond role. It us recurring. If she is in the next one, it'll be her third.

    Anyway. Rosamund Pike is a good guess. She was too old to star in Gone Girl, too. Seems to be a thing with her.

  46. Diane Kruger? She's old, she cheats and she had a recent role in a big German movie.

  47. Probably not Sally Hawkins, as she is probably the favorite to win at this year's Oscars, and her movie was nominated for a bajillion awards.
