Monday, February 12, 2018

Blind Item #14

This past weekend our favorite A- list mostly television actor/Comic Con drunk broke up with his foreign born actress girlfriend even though he was the one cheating. At first the actress seemed OK with the breakup, but now she wants another chance with him. Really? Show some pride in yourself. 


  1. Replies
    1. And Diane Kruger-they still an item?!!

  2. Oh no such a shame.😮 I was reading about him last night, he messed up his eye socket and face in a car accident in Germany many years ago. He has a titanium eye socket and
    screws in his nose 😣

    1. Is the titanium water resistant!? Maybe not and that’s why he doesn’t shower 😰

    2. Omg, @Tricia13 ha ha ha 😂

  3. Meh...She's not the nicest person on the block.

  4. It is they make water resistant watches out of titanium.

  5. Kruger and Reedus. And that better be true, fingers crossed he finally got rid of this toxic woman who brought nothing but shit into his life.

  6. If it's those two, let them devour each other...
    read about the a hole here

  7. Definitely Reedus and Kruger. She was so mad she removed all her likes from his IG and unfollowed him. She must have had some regrets bc she followed him again when his fans started saying he blocked her.

    1. When you block someone all of your likes are removed. Your comments stay though.

  8. What's the deal with Pacey that he was with her for so long?

  9. I thought she had a cola problem?

  10. So obviously Reedus and Kruger. How pathetic it is to act like a scorned teenager. Desperate. Hasn't enty written before that SHE has also cheated on him...covering up sex bruises just a month or so ago? These 2 really need to grow up and stop carrying on like 9th graders.

  11. I don't think they were ever really together. I think she kind of just moved in on him and took over and he was complacent for a bit then decided to run and run fast.

    I hope he can find real happiness. He seems to be adrift...maybe he is happy, who knows, but the booze is going to kill him if he's not careful. I love his acting and love his DD character but worry about the real NR. I also think he should do whatever it takes to stay employed with TWD. He shouldn't push for too much more as he needs that gig to stay occupied, vital and busy. He seems like the type that could have troubles if he isn't working on something all the time.

    1. +1 on the ‘only together in her head’ thing.

  12. I remember when i was younger, like teens, and i thought to myself i can't wait for all of us to grow up and for this petty drama to be over with.... how naive of me

  13. @amerianpanda 1++++++++++ I know, right?!

  14. Diane Kruger and pride don't go together. She dated Pacey. She's a lost cause - long ago.

  15. When I read gossip about people's relationships breaking up regardless of who they are, it feels just a little over the line. Let's talk about pedophiles and murders.

  16. Aww, that's too bad, I like them both. But in all honesty, judging only by pictures - so, you know, reallt reliable stuff, lol - she always seemed more into him than he did her.

  17. @Sandybrook he screws in his nose or has screws in his nose? lol...

  18. He was such a cute little thing in Boondock Saints
    How time Marches on...

  19. Woah @Adrian zoned!! What’s wrong with spacey?!!

  20. And she was trying so hard to be really cool and relevant!
    She's trying very hard to land Selina Kyle/Catwoman and if anyone falls for that I will choke.

    I honestly can't stand that woman.

  21. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Reedus & Kruger. She is desperate to hang on to him. He is desperate to hang on to his young fans. Both of them are fading stars. TWD isn’t what it use to be and Kruger isn’t that talented. Really, let’s be honest, In The Fade is better served on LMN.

  22. I totally believe he cheats...yet with as many fans CONSTANTLY in his face, snapping pics, why don't we ever see even a creeper cheating pic?

  23. There are just too many Comic Cons for him to find women at. Even the ones who have left TWD are still going to them, like Jon Bernthal. Who has been gone since season two back in 2012.

  24. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Thought Reedus got back his ball. Didn’t take long. In time for VDay. He followed Kruger back on IG the first step back with her begging. He’ll cave and they’ll be back together for the Oscar Red Carpet walk. Reedus can than go cheat again at the next Con and Kruger can continue to pretend she’s in a happy committed relationship.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Pics of them apartment hunting today. Not them, I guess.

  27. They seem to be turning into tabloid queen and her jester. Never thought Reedus would stoop this low.

  28. Anonymous6:02 PM

    @Working on mysteries Agree, I didn’t think Reedus would go that route as well. Also Didn’t think he would be a cheater considering he was all about claiming honesty in relationships. Than again, Reedus has never actually called Kruger his “girlfriend”. Guess that’s what he’s using a his “hall pass’ every time they fight.

  29. Anonymous11:49 PM

    This thing seems very fake to me. You must be extremely stupid to have instagram tantrums and then in a matter of hours be like nothing happened and a day after looking for appartments. Or they both have 0 brain cells or their PR teams for some bizarre reason put them to it.



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