Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Item #13

This A+ list singer with a ton of Grammy Awards and a ton of number one songs continues to cheat on his long time girlfriend with any woman that shows an interest. The only good news for the girlfriend is that according to recent women who have tried to hook up with the singer, he has "molly d**k," and is unable to stand to attention. Apparently when he does manage to stand to attention, he doesn't use protection, so she should get tested.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kendrick Lamar? Whitney Alford is his high school sweetheart.

  3. If molly dick is anything like meth dick, as soon as you stop the stimulation to try and get a rubber on it, it deflates and ya gotta start over. I think that is the reason a side effect of meth is "Risky sexual behavior."

  4. Apparently Bruno has a longtime girlfriend named Jessica Caban

  5. I thought he was gay!!

  6. If it’s bruno then it’s coke dick cus coke gives you dead dick ... glad I stick to herb lol
    It might not be Bruno cus it says Molly dick... maybe thFs the.clue

  7. Well, i didn't know about the Molly dick but I know coke dick is no fun! Every Millenial is taking Molly, trust me. I thought Bruno Mars was gay btw!?

  8. This is the first I've heard about Bruno having a coke problem. I know he got busted years ago but uh don't know about now.I also know I've never seen him with a girlfriend. Please spill!

  9. There was a blind last week, about him being back on blow. @pinotgrigio

  10. Guess he hasn't discovered the joys of hammer heading yet, probably for the best.

  11. Question: how did ya'll think he's gay?? cause he short?? did you see how he was looking at alicia keys and cardi?

  12. Bruno is not gay? Or should I say out? He looks like he likes it really hard while he's stoned.

  13. Bruno has a girlfriend?

  14. Bruno is not gay but loves his drugs. Guess he got groupie love! Hey

  15. I also always thought he was gay.

  16. @cura938, Bruno Mars wears A LOT of leopard print and other really loud prints. I don't blame people for thinking he might be gay. I guess Bruno just has a lot of "Aloha" spirit.

    Coke & Molly are both party drugs, so pretty common for people to use both, especially your creative types.

  17. I'm going Ed Sheeran on this one.
    He's got a longtime gf and a bunch of hits. Also rumored to be the one that gets the "party favors", so would fit the bill.

  18. Molly dick? Isn’t Molly ecstasy? That doesn’t make sense. Coke dick a real thing though.

  19. Bruno's girlfriend (or "girlfriend") was sitting with him at the Grammys...gorgeous girl.

  20. Bruno Mars doesnt have "a ton" of Grammys

  21. Bruno's girlfriend is OLD and AGING which is why he's chasing after women 10 years younger than her.

  22. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I used to get molly dick until I discovered the ultimate cocktail of ecstasy & viagra. After that I developed a fabulous reputation for being able to go all night long while being extremely romantic and sensual. It was amazing even though I felt like a complete fraud.

    1. E and viagra aint a total heart attack combo?

  23. Bruno was never off the drugs

  24. This is about Bruno Mars but why does Enty want us to have sympathy for the girlfriend? Do you really think she does NOT know he sleeps around? A lot of these so called girlfriends are gold diggers. These sluts and whores want money and fame. Do not feel sorry for Bruno Mars girlfriend.

  25. Is Bruno's gf really long term though? ED Sheeran is known for the longtime gf. Hmmmmm. It's one or the other

  26. It can't be Bruno Mars. I could have sworn he was gay and came out a few years ago!

    1. @NicQ You're probably thinking of Frank Ocean.



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