Thursday, February 22, 2018

Blind Item #13

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who has been a small part of at least two movie franchises has a new movie out and a brand new face. Seriously, she looks completely different even from a year ago.


  1. Kiki Dunst? SpiderMan wasn't small though but it was the original set.

  2. Replies
    1. Movie is HalfMagic.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Here for it and seeing it tonight w friends. That B looks amazing whatever she's doing, as in "I'll have whatever she's having x 1000 please."

    4. +1 she has always been hot.

  3. Kirsten Dunst now looks like Sam Kinison.

  4. I'm with the Olivia Munn guess.

  5. Heather Graham looks great. Olivia Munn now has that surprised look and lip filler so going with her but at least she didn't go full Renee Z.

  6. Olivia Munn has a totally new face. It's awful. When will this big lip trend die?

  7. i saw olivia munn got them lips pumped up but she doesn't look that different. Just like Olivia Munn eating wax lips.

  8. Since when is Olivia Munn considered A-list?

    1. Never.
      Maayyybe B- when she bearded for Aaron Rodgers, but not as an actress.

  9. It's not just the lips. Check out her skin and hair. She's looking like a Meghan Markle impersonator.

  10. What film does Olivia have out? I just a few in ore production..

  11. I saw a pic of Olivia today and did not recognize her. She needs to get her money back because her face is still forgettable.

  12. Olivia Munn. I think they were talking about it on Lainey Gossip or Dlisted

  13. Olivia Munn claimed her plump lips were from lip liner! So how come it doesn't do that on me? And if it did,I would assume I was allergic.

    1. Lol!
      I’ve always thought that when people claim to have overdrawn their lips.
      Anyone who’s ever tried it knows it’s a crock.
      Overdrawing ones lips THAT much = obvious clown face

  14. Bryce Dallas Howard looks completely different. She had a small part in Twilight. Not sure if it's her but the plastic surgery part fits.

    1. Oh, I hope not, but it makes sense given her problems with her physical image.
      I like her, think she’s a good actress and her face & body are fine as is. Or was. =(

  15. Replies
    1. @Bradford Lupita looks just as fabulous as she always has.

    2. Lupita was a gorgeous, radiant being in Black Panther

  16. Bryce Dallas Howard does look her face is too tight. I feel like celebrity offspring would've been mentioned, though.

  17. Olivia Munn looks like an entirely different person from when she was on Attack of the Show. It's pretty sad that she felt the need to do that. I know they all have their teeth done, but the rest of her face had an exotic look to it. Now it's just obvious injections.

  18. Munn looks ridiculous now. I can't think of a franchise but I still want this to be her because she looks so upgraded.

  19. Olivia has small parts in several franchises and the facial change is striking, but she doesn't have a new movie at the moment. X-Men, Predator, and Ocean's installments coming later this year. Damn, that's a lot of couch time.

  20. It could just be odd angles, but the photos posted yesterday of Megan Fox looked very different than she used to.

    Everyone is looking different these days thanks to either filers or drugs, it seems.

    Kat Von D looked pretty different too.

    And somebody had a new nose but I’m blanking on who it might be.

    So I’ll go with Megan Fox for this one.

  21. These actresses need to stop putting things in their mouths.

  22. Kristen just looks old, her face is no different ...

  23. I thought of Megan Fox too ... She has always been exalted by beauty, Imagine the pressure to always be beautiful...

  24. Holy Schnike I just Googled "Olivia Munn plastic surgery" and 1 day ago there are articles everywhere...Yeah she is seriously deluded if she thinks we are stupid enough not to notice she went under the knife.

  25. all these names seem really young to be messing with their faces so extensively. what is the long-term effect of constant injections and fillers and the Botox (lol 'the' Botox) I am not 80.
    seriously, it just seems to me that once you start this ride how can you ever stop?

  26. + 1,000,000 on Olivia Munn. Oh my f'ing god. WTF? Poor man's Meghan Markle.

  27. Ugh!!! Olivia Munn used to be pretty. Now...I don’t even know. Inhuman.

  28. Bryce is believable, she’s in Jurassic Park and was in twilight. Doesn’t look totally different tho, but a little bit. Idk what the new movie is

  29. Can't be Olivia Munn. can't even think of a single show or movie she has been in.

  30. Bryce DH, if you haven't noticed, is the lead in a current franchise. I know there are no small parts, but . . .

  31. Now Olivia Mann looks exactly like Megan Fox. Ugh.

  32. *Munn (damn autocorrect)

  33. I also saw Heather recently on something and she looked hot as fuck. She was promoting that stupid Menendez Brothers show for what I don't think was that big of a part, and I was wondering how she doesn't get more work. She looks great, is a decent actress and still has some name recognition and fondness from her earlier roles.

  34. Anna Kendrick seems to look different. 2 franchises being Twilight and Pitch Perfect.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. just who is olivia munn's agent/manager/Publicist? she just cant go anywhere but up and won;tt let a lack of talent or looks stop her
