Sunday, February 25, 2018

Blind Item #12

I feel sorry for this B- list celebrity offspring who is probably getting a generous rating from me today because of what she went through this week while out of the country. She was out partying with friends. Lots of pills and coke and booze and she was a mess. Her friends let her go home with a guy they knew would force himself on the wannabe model even if she said no. That is exactly what happened. Our model says she says no and was so wasted she couldn't give consent but he did what her supposed friends knew he would do and then slapped her when she vomited on his carpet after.


  1. Guess what. That's what happens when you live that lifestyle. Those people don't care about you the way "friends" do and shit happens.

    1. Guess what? Nobody deserves to be raped. Getting wasted is not consent.

    2. Thank you Karen.

    3. Right on Karen.

  2. I think Kaia would be A+ right now.

    1. Aside from her name I couldn’t tell you who she was at all.

  3. Hayley Baldwin is in the DM today and she fits the description given by Entern

  4. @Karen. Thank you.

  5. As far as modeling, Kaia is Alist. But I find these blinds difficult because I don't want to guess who was raped, but I would like to know who the raper and the horrible "friends" are. But Khia and the Hadid's are A list, particularly during runway season - like walking for Versace in Milan.

    I also had a slight brain cloud and first thought you meant my neck, my back Khia.

  6. I think it might be Paris Jackson. She was in the UK for London fashion week. I’m not sure she has anyone truly loyal and trustworthy in her life atm.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Paris Jackson? She seems sweet, but has no direction & friends that use her.

    1. I hope it's not her, but then again, Paris has been known to be very candid about some $hit, like being sexually abused by a family friend. She didn't name names back then, but we weren't in the Me Too era. She would name names now, IMO.

  9. Paris is considered B+ list offspring according to Enty. I think it's Hailey Baldwin as well. She is probably C+ list at best, but Enty is being generous with the B- rating because of her being raped/taken advantaged of this past week. She's still out of the country in Milan for Milan Fashion Week. It's definitely not Kaia.

  10. I mean vomiting on someones carpet is pretty bad manners and some action needs to be taken against the person who has vomited!

    1. @justenough Appropriate action would be holding their hair back and getting them some alka seltzer and saltines.

      Maybe a polite inquiry about payment for carpet cleaning a day or two later.

  11. I don't know, ENTY - including such detailed info seems unnecessarily salacious. Expose the perpetrators if you can, but please reconsider detailing the attacks. I kniw gossip is what we do here, but this seems like particularly malicious gossip masquerading as concern.

  12. Why not name the rapist? Pretty shadey to only name an alleged victim and not the aparently well known abuser.

  13. Jeez, with “friends” like that who needs enemies

  14. I have carpet in my living room and if you come and vomit, well lest just say it wont be pretty for anyone. Cleaning a carpet in costly and tiresome, if she wanted to vomit she could have stepped outside, like a decent person!

    1. Before or after the guest is raped?

  15. I think with some of these blinds the easiest way to figure out the rapist's identity is to figure out who the victim was. Things like this makes one ashamed to be human

  16. @Karen SOOOO not the point. Yes, of course, rape bad. We all know. But there are certain circumstances under which one can reasonably expect something bad to happen eventually, and this is obviously one of them.

    1. Wrong. No one should expect to eventually be raped under any circumstances.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. No way Cindy and Rande will let Kaia fall in with the party/yachting crowd.

  19. *even though they were part of it, lol.

  20. If Kaia is an "A list model" I'm Brad Pitt.

  21. Hailee Baldwin. Poor girl. Sigh.

  22. Yeah, it's a Baldwin. Paris is more well-known than either of them. Sad.

  23. Atleast she wont be messing up anymore carpets I hope. Every dark cloud has a silver lining!

  24. Ireland Baldwin? Sailor Brinkley Cook?

  25. Hailey Baldwin. She didn’t post on her IG for days before today.. seems strange when she posts daily.

  26. Poor do they not know about rape to let themselves get that far drunk and go home with someone? Stay away from people's homes and apartments when you're drunk!

  27. Kaia is not a 'wannabe model' and if it was her, I think the blind would have mentioned that she is still underage.

    1. I dont see her parents letting her go out unattended with shady friends.

  28. I don't know what is more tragic. the fact that four or five names could fit into this mess or the fact this girl will continue on with her "cool chick" persona and wind up in another preventable circumstance. and yes it absolutely could have been prevented

  29. I don’t want to live in a world where Kaia is A+. She may have modeled in Milan, but isn’t A+ for sustained celebrity/success?

  30. My first thought was Paris. But the rating scales are so off lately. Based on MJ as her dad she could be an A list offspring since it's more so based off the parent verses their accomplishments at times. Some of them have no accomplishments.

  31. It's not Paris - she's not a wannabe model. If it's Hailey I don't get it. She's a really pretty girl. She could do a lot more with her life.

  32. What about Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlins girls do they fit?

    1. +1 they both are just starting and seem to have huge egos. I could see some shitty "friends" wanting to bring one of them down. People suck.

  33. I would accuse the “friends” of being cunts, but they lack the warmth and depth. Why so little on the scumbag rapist though - no matter if he’s not a celeb, even narrowing down to the industry might ruffle his feathers, although he should get plucked.

  34. Whoever it is needs new friends. They should not leave someone in that condition, even if rape wasn't the expected outcome. According to this, it was an expected outcome, therefore they are partially responsible.

  35. Good call on the Rinna-Hamlin girls.

  36. Anonymous6:31 PM

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  37. How about you get people to guess the perpetrator rather than the victim?

  38. Hailey. She wore HUGE sunglasses while walking in show and even walking into the show

  39. Hailey Baldwin was hanging out w/Lewis Hamilton as reported by the daily mail

  40. Nothing funny or fun about rape. This is a rape story. Anyone who knows info about it should report it to the police ASAP, not write coy little blinds about it.

    1. My direct comment is a hypothesis nothing more.I definitely do not think rape is funny#metoo

  41. Hey everyone. Just saw this on Voat. Had to share. Wow!

    What Happened to this Little Boy? Open Letter to Steven Spielberg - YouTube

  42. @ Alle Gator wow. And you'll hear and see other celebrities like Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and Meryl Streep defend Steven Spielberg's name to the dire end. My take on pedophiles, rapist, and murderers is::: they should all die. Save tax payers the money. Kill them all. There is no rehabilitation for evil.

    1. I agree. I want to see them hanged.

  43. I'm not going to play 'Guess Who Got Raped?' I hope that carpet was really, really expensive and irreplaceable though. I'd tell the rapist cunt to sue me and far worse than vomit would come out.

  44. @Allie, yeah my movie collection gets reduced every time I read this site.

  45. When you mess with the bull sometimes you get the horns.

    Seriously, now drunk sex is rape? If so 1/2 of you probably wouldn't be here to comment. Keep your shit together and stuff like that doesn't happen. Life lessons, move on and hang out with better people.

  46. Unconscious sex is always rape.

  47. Slapping her was totally out of line. He should have rubbed her face in it, like a dog who pissed on the carpet.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Is Christian Bale the one who penned that open letter to Spielberg?

    Anyway, he must have stories to tell. I want all these former child/teen actors turned rich, powerful A-listers to spill. Their stories could really make a change.

  50. Poor girl. Maybe she puked on the carpet in retribution, but didn't expect to get slapped.
    I would have taken a shit on it too.


  51. Self-destructive behavior sometimes ends very badly. Whoever you have described, they need help. They need intervention. Drugging yourself and drinking, in a foreign country, with so called 'friends' (Probably people she met in a club, thirty minutes earlier)?
    That's high-risk behavior. It's a cry for help .



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