Sunday, February 18, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly movie actor who is a current Oscar nominee is even more of a jerk than usual because of his drug issues. 


  1. Just between best actor and best supporting actor, there are too many to choose from. And it cold be an actor nominated for other categories like directing or best fake #MeToo performance.

  2. Woody was on I think Bill Maher recently saying he had stopped doing weed. Maybe psychological withdrawals? My first guess would have been Rockwell,but I haven't heard if he's a jerk or nice IRL.

    1. Over a year ago

    2. Weed isn't a psychedelic and there are no withdrawal symptoms.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      This is incorrect. There is considerable academic research that shows it is addictive and that there are withdrawal symptoms.

    4. Lala: i am sure there is, and if i pay someone enough moneyn they will produce a study that says quitting weed will add an inch to dick size.

      There is a 99% chance that any withdrawal symptoms were already there in the subjects before they started smoking weed, and the weed was just medicine for them.

      And weed is not addictive, it is habit forming. People who show an addiction to weed are just as likely to show an addition to Mallowmars or a tv show or or hand sanitizer or religion.

    5. Idk lala, im with erin...ive smoked weed everyday for 3 months and then nothing for a year and never noticed coffee on the otherhand, yikes!

  3. Or Gary Oldman, always a jerk. Though he really wants the Oscar so he may be minding his behaviour.

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Please not Rockwell.

  5. It is sadly funny how Gary Oldman is getting a hard pass in the climate of #metoo this Oscar season. And his performance wasn’t even that great.

    1. I don't condone his domestic abuse but he was fabulous in Dark Hour

    2. Agree to disagree 😉

      For some reason, I felt it was too much of a caricature. I was expecting his performance to be superior to John Lithgow’s Churchill and was disappointed.

    3. Did Lithgow win an Emmy for that? He was definitely the part of the show.

    4. *best part of the show


  6. Oldman was a great old man, but the film was a couple of dark hours taken out of my life. Terrible.

  7. i don't think woody is A-. he's not to me, anyway. and i don't think this is him anyway because i never heard he was a jerk, and i don't consider him to have 'drug issues.'

  8. Pretty sure it's not Rockwell - I've heard that he and his girlfriend Leslie Bibb are total sweethearts IRL.

  9. Gary Oldman was phenomenal as Churchill. Also don't know how anyone going to see "The Darkest Hour" would complain that it's dark.

  10. Oldman. And he'll win, and we'll all pretend that that industry is serious about change.

  11. OH, re: Rockwell - he was filming the Poltergeist remake in my hometown and I worked out on the treadmill beside his at the Y. He seemed laidback & just minded his own business. This Y is not known to cater to fancy folks - hence why I was there - so I have to assume he's a regular guy, no attitude or airs, etc.

  12. I'll go ahead and say Willem Dafoe since nobody else has yet.

  13. No clue whether he's back to drugs but Oldman was brilliant in "The Darkest Hour" which was riveting. I honestly had no clue how much we owe to Churchill and what he did during that time

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Something was off when Rockwell was on Kimmel...I hope it's not him

  16. Who got him hooked? That is the question.

  17. @ Saintpat: not Rockwell. He's our hero since the Golden Globes.

  18. Finally someone got the hook seated in him for drugs so finally he's become that full on asshole we've always expected he might be/

  19. Not Woody. Cool guy. Oldman for the win.

  20. Rockwell seems super cokey, but in a fun way.

  21. Gary Oldnan's case is the best example that women make false accusations about DV. If you don't believe ask sb who works in family court. And this blind is typical one rival contra second during award season. This young man from Call me by my name and his agent plus fans is doing everything possible to discredit Gary Oldman.

  22. +1 Agnieszka B.

  23. @I so agree on Lithgow - love him in EVERYTHING he's done and his Churchill was incredible. For those who may not have seen it, his turn on Dexter was literally the most incredible portrayal of a serial killer I've seen yet. The Thanksgiving episode was BRILLIANT!

  24. what 'academic research?" totally wrong. there may be psychological addiction but that can be said of a lot of things other than pot----but not physical addiction. no DT's from pot withdrawal.

    never killed a single person either.

  25. "Weed isn't a psychedelic and there are no withdrawal symptoms."

    Tell that to my many friends who have laid off, cold turkey, for three months for a hair follicle test. They were bouncing off the walls, literally in withdrawal.

    If you say it's only psychological, that is in the brain, right? And the brain is having a physical reaction to being without pot, right? There is an altering of chemicals, right? So there is a physical withdrawal from pot.

  26. Sounds to me that the weed was medicating anxiety and other issues in your friends, plot.

    I smoked 5+ times per week for ober a decade and the only noticeable difference w/o weed is i had a hard time getting to sleep, which i had before weed, and i often used weed to time when i wanted to sleep. Smoke at 7, be stoned for 3 hrs, munch out, pass out by 11.

  27. That could very well be the case, Count. I have friends with chronic migraines who use weed to ease it. When they've gone off, their anxiety could be related to the migraines they expect around the corner with no relief.

  28. Anonymous12:34 PM

    And not all pot makes you high. CBDs don't. Instead they reduce pain and inflammation. People with real use daily without issue.

    Re Rockwell and Kimmel interview, I agree. He looked rumpled and at times you can see his belly through gaps in his shirt. Plus I got the feeling there was bad mojo between Kimmel and Rockwell hence discomfort.

    I still say this is Oldham. Troubled folks get worse - not better - with age.

  29. look, i hate woody allen, but this isn't him. i don't think enty would've called him an actor... from my memory the previous blinds about him didn't use that terminology.

    i feel like this blind is just BS from the top down. it's not that the idea of any of the potential subjects being addict assholes is far-fetched or anything, but this blind is pretty much saying nothing interesting whatsoever and it feels like a planted blind to generate bad publicity for someone's client's oscar competition tbh

    i don't often call fake on blinds, but

  30. @laganja estranja, the actor Woody Harrelson, NOT Woody Allen. Although I would consider Woody Allen to be a Director/Actor.
