Blind Item #12
This barely there celebrity family is so good at exploiting diseases. They will do it for money or attention or to, as one is now doing pretending they are not using drugs and that it is a disease that has changed their appearance.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:30 AM
Labels: blind item
The Hadids
ReplyDeleteFirst the mom now the daughter.
ReplyDeleteYep GiGi and thyroid disease
ReplyDeleteFFS! At least she should get her symptoms and treatment right if she's gonna toss a random disease out there. You DO NOT get bloated and retain water from Hashimotos. You get tired and lazy and FAT! And they dont throw a shit ton of meds in you to fix it so you immediately get Heroin chic skinny either. They graduate you up until your levels are norm. Face palm, eye roll and smdh!!!!
DeleteSo true. And even when you get your level right you don't get skinny. I speak from years of experience.
DeleteExactly what I say about Selena’s impossible kidney transplant.
DeleteEveryone who’s ever worked with or known a transplant patient knows she full of shit.
Same with the Hadid clan.
This shit pisses me right off, while us regular people have to deal with the real disorders and look like shit. They get more plastic surgery and do more fucken drugs. Get Ta fuck! I really hope she o.d's and gets permanent damage and has to live with it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure they can be called a barely there celebrity family with the 2 hos all over magazines modelling but they sure fit.
ReplyDeleteI was taking it that they were barely there, as in strung out on drugs.
DeleteValid point, Sandy. Have the duggars been ill?
Deletelol sandy
ReplyDeleteDid anyone ever watch the episode of RHOBH where they showed the closet of Yolanda's drugs to treat her Lyme disease? Good lord, it could've rivaled the local pharmacy!! My first thought was all of them are probably counter-affecting each other!
ReplyDeleteAnd Ruby Rose backing her up... haha
ReplyDeleteKendall too.
DeleteSoon as I saw she tweeted this afternoon I immediately thought of Enty.
ReplyDeleteJust red about that. Without seeing this item I was like "NAH. It`s drugs".
ReplyDeleteCDAN is getting to me, I`m telling you :-) .
The blatant lying is so obnoxious, why can't they just not say anything at all?!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sandy. If you are/were a VS Angel, you aren't "barely there"
ReplyDeleteYes Tricia with their Lyme disease .
ReplyDeleteThey're blaming thyroid for her weight loss? I happen to have it and it's a daily struggle. Shame on them!
ReplyDeleteHey, the apple doesnt fall far. Her mother's "illness" was from leaky implants and she characterized it as Lyme's, not just for her but for all her kids too! She did the Lyme community no favors with all her lying and whacky, far fetched treatments, all at David Foster's expense.
ReplyDelete@Boldblonde...... Iknow, Hashimoto's disease is associated with weight gain not weight loss, so this is a crock, you'd think they'd do a quick google before they came up with this BS. I have an under active thyroid and weight gain not weight loss was my problem until I moved from T4 tablets to a combination of T4/T3 medication and that problem has now been licked along with my perpetually cold feet.
ReplyDelete@emeraldcity I have the same issue. my thyroid levels aren't stabilized yet and it's been a year of daily synthroid. I sleep with the thermostat set to maximum in my room and usually wear multi layers. The only way I can lose my extra 10lbs, is if I completely starve myself. I'm seeing my doctor in a few weeks, I'll ask him about T4/T3 combo meds.
ReplyDeleteYeesh, disease/condition plus substance abuse is not a good formula.
ReplyDeletehm. Bella & GiGi are A list models. Major campaigns & runway. A friend runs a NYC PR fashion biz. He says Zayne/Gigi is a fauxmance. He does not look healthy in NYFW photos. Aww, kids, get your shit together.
ReplyDelete@Boldblonde -- I had an out of whack thyroid issue (hypo) and my doctor put me on Synthroid. Made me crazy! Couldn't stand the stuff and stopped taking it. Did a lot of research and discovered that sometimes a Vitamin D deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. I was tested and was very low on Vitamin D. For a year, I took Vitamin D every day and made sure to get out in the sun for 20-30 minutes. A year later, my thyroid levels returned to normal. That was three years ago! Check your D levels!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip @Christina . I'll do that as well.
ReplyDeleteIf you've got the Hashimoto's anti-thyroid antibodies, all the vitamins and minerals in the world are not going to make your immune system behave.
ReplyDelete@Brayson87 -- agreed! There are types of hypothyroid conditions that are not caused by Hashimoto's that do respond when vitamin deficiencies are resolved. But Hashimoto is an auto-immune disorder, as I understand it.
ReplyDelete@ Boldblond. Have had Hashimotos for over 10 years and I stopped eating fast food, diet soda, sugar and bread. I have kept 25 pounds off and am so happy. I take evening promise oil, selenium and Biotin. It has been a battle. Good luck
ReplyDeleteI agree that when people fake illnesses, it invalidates the real patients.
ReplyDeleteCame here to add to the thyroid/hashimoto's convo. Sea salt is super popular now but it won't do a damn thing for your thyroid. If you use table salt, switch to the regular iodized kind.
ReplyDeleteBarely there refers to nudeness, not off the radar.
ReplyDeleteFeloow Hashimoto's disease haver here. Diagnosed 10 years ago, have lost 20 of the 50+ pounds I put on VERY quickly before I was diagnosed, have read all the books, etc., but have never been able to kose that other 30. Hashimoto's is no joke. If Gigi really does have it, I feel for her.
Delete@Terrt T - understood and thank you for sharing. I am no stranger to the thyroid issue myself and I totally agree. I think think the point is, however her weight LOSS. If you read up on GH & her claims - they are the exact opposite symptoms of Hashimodos, save an earlier dealing with bloating and water retention. Neither of which are symptoms of that condition. Body shaming is not cool on any level. The blind points to 'her' blaming the effects of drug use on an illness. All in all - this BI became more of a who the hell cares" blind once Enty dropped the daughter raped blind today. If attention seeking vapid wanna shoot drugs - whatever. I really dgaf at this point. IMHO
DeleteI've always thought barely there meant super skinny.
ReplyDeleteI'm still waiting for Selena to show us the scar...
ReplyDeleteI going to tell you as someone who lost 1/2 their hair in 3 months, had seizures for weeks, lost the ability to walk, had multiple teeth pulled due to pain, couldn't raise my arms above my head without passing out,fevers for years had such excruciating body pain I wished I would die, Chronic Lyme Disease iS fucking REAL. @msdirtmover my closet looks very similar to what Yolanda's did and I'm a patient who couldnt afford IV treatments. So many pills and yes, unconventional treatments because NO ONE WILL HELP YOU and you are desperate. It's amazing what a person will do when they feel like they are dying. I know so many sick ppl who have gone bankrupt trying to get their kids/spouse/self better. Gave up EVERYTHING to get treatment. This is a brutal and lonely disease that is not helped by stupid comments from uneducated, emotionally stunted idiots. You all think you fucking KNOW if a person is "faking" illness? It's called invisible illness for a reason. Maybe you'll be unfortunate enough to find yourself in the same position. Stop assuming a person is lying about pain pretending that you fucking know what the medical community is finally coming around to understand. John's Hopkins just released a study last month detailing the finding that so many of us have had to live with for years. Chronic Lyme disease is real. It's a bitter reality to lose the use of your legs and be told by conventional doctors they don't have a clue why you can't walk. Or just wake up with Bell's Palsy and stutter for 3 days, can't remember your kids names or feel like an ancient cripple at 37. For any you who act like you know better than the person trapped in a body overtaken by disease, I'd love a front row to watch you work your way through the medical system when your brain can barely function and your body is in excruciating pain so severe narcotics don't touch it then be told you are a liar. Or maybe sit and watch as you desperately search for help for your child as they lose more and more function and are confined to a wheelchair. You know, because that 6 yr old is a faker and you are an enabler. @Texas Gal you don't have a CLUE. Yolanda has done more for the grossly underfunded LYME (No "S" Honey, your ignorance is showing) than anyone out there. Google yearly rates of LYME disease infection vs funding. Now Google the same for AIDS. You or someone you know WILL be effected by this bc it's an epidemic. Best of luck!
ReplyDelete@Boldblonde.... I recommend a book called "Recovering with T3" by Paul Robinson.... Many, many doctors including top specialists refuse to prescribe T3 because it's much harder to monitor than T4. T4 has to be turned into T3 by the liver but T3 is a direct to the system med so needs to start low until the correct dose is found. It's a good idea to read this book and be armed with all the facts before your doctor dismisses the notion of T3 and the blood tests need to look for an extra element than the normal thyroid tests , to give truely accurate test results with T3.
ReplyDeleteMine is very low dose Oroxine 100mg(T4)+ Tertroxine 10mg (T3) each day , no side effects but good results the dosage may increase later.
Good luck on finding medico who will be prepared to do the T3 hard yards with you, but it is gaining ground in mainstream medicine.
Hey all, Gigi claims that her thin body is in its stable normal state now. She says that people think she got skinny only because she USED to be bloated and retaining water from Hashimotos. She's not saying it made her skinny, she's saying it made her fat, but she's now resolved that problem and has her natural figure back.
ReplyDeleteThe whole family lies. Yolanda tried to cover for Bella when she got a DUI by saying that Bella's Lyme disease made her mind foggy, when truthfully she was drinking and driving.
ReplyDeleteI am loving all the comments. God bless you all for intelligently calling out Gigi and Selena on their lies.
ReplyDeleteCelebs lie about diseases because they know most of the public is ignorant on said disease and it's treatment. Some people are like me, we know better and we are either too lazy to say something or we just don't care. People still believe Beyonce is telling us her true age so why would they believe anything else.
On her threat at the SkinnyGossip forum, someone said to have worked with her and asked how she managed to lose so much so quickly and her response was a huge laugh followed by "coke!".
ReplyDeleteIt's not the first time she tries to pull this thyroid disease trick, truth is she wasn't built for runway like some of the other HF models, she was only getting booked for shows due to her family links to the industry (her first big break came with the Guess campaign, and Yolanda is a close friend of the Marciano brothers) and being called out for it. Lots of models got pissed because they had to starve to even have a chance at castings while Gigi was out of measures and got a free pass, she was called fat, bloated and such, but the big turning point was the VS casting. The moment she saw she could actually have a chance, she began working out like crazy and dropped weight like never before.
The relationship with her without direction boy probably didn't and doesn't help either, it's hard to share the bed with a junkie and stay on the wagon.
And just to be clear, while I don't think she was the best fit for HF, I really liked her as a commercial model. She looked stunning before, had such a natural glow, and now she looks haggard, gray skin, hair with no shine... it's a pity.
Dahling - I hope my comment didn't sound like I was addressing or challenging you specifically! I wasn't at all, haha. :)