Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Blind Item #11

Things really are bad between these two long time co-stars. I wrote a week or two ago about how they went from hating each other to liking each other and it is now back to hate. Oh, and a note to the wife of the male lead. He did find 30 minutes alone with the foreign born co-star, so your plan to keep him faithful didn't quite work out. That foreign born co-star loves to brag when she foils your plans.


  1. Lena Headley/Nicolas Caustee-Waldau?

    1. Nicolas seems to have more sense than to get mixed up in that ball of crazy. But I wouldn’t be shocked if he hooked up with Gwendoline Christie.

  2. Imma going with a former show and say Ian Soderholder\Nina Dobrov\Nikki Reed from Vampire Dairies.

    1. Oh, Sandy... I didn't know who the fuck Nina Dobrev was until I saw her in a "Funny or Die" skit where she plays Melania's wife coach:

      IT'S BRILLIANT. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣

  3. Dakota Johnson/Jamie Dornan and Rita Ora for the foreign-born co-star he hooked up with

  4. @trufflepig

    +1 yep

    who goes and pays to see these movies?? what embarrassing idiots. just like Twilight.

    1. I was thinking this, cause of the interviews recently and how Rita was talking about jamie's family being on set!

  5. Dakota and Jaimie. Rita for the foreign born.

  6. Steve Wenn, Miss Piggy, and Siegfried

  7. Wasn’t this blind put out here a few weeks ago with the majority deciding on Johnson/Dornan/Ora?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wasn't Lena's sidepiece Pedro Pascal? I had heard back when she was pregnant and everyone thought he might be the father.

  10. Why does everyone out there date the same damn 17 people?

  11. Can't be Dornan and Dakota. They had stars in their eyes and couldn't keep their hands off each other at the Fifty Shades Freed premiers.

    1. Exactly! And it wasn’t the kind you could fake either.

  12. @Hanniam I thought it sounded familiar too with the same guesses for the blind, so this could be a repeat.

  13. Rita Ora and Jamie Dornan,

  14. Yesterday, Dakota didn't have anything good to say in an interview 50 Shades, it was obvious there were some sour grapes there.

  15. Considering her rep on this site and elsewhere, it's clear that Rita Ora can suck a lawnmower through a garden hose if she keeps getting movie roles and invitations.

  16. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous3:09 PM

    While I know this is probably supposed to Dornan/Johnson/Ora. I don’t believe it. 1. If Dakota hated him she sure is a great actress because you would have never known 2. Jamie’s wife was so far up his ass unless she par took where did he find the time 3. Why would Dakota hate him for cheating? He’s cheating on his wife not her. 4. Jamie talked about how he’s married and loves his wife in every interview...Enty are you saying he’s a lying d-bag? Too bad we didn’t get to see a cat fight between Mrs. D. And Ora...would have been so much better than those movies!!!! May I just say I wish Ora would write a tell all, I’d buy the book!!’

  18. @sandybrook just out of curiosity, I've seen Nikki Reed's name quite a few times on these blinds recently. Is she divorcing again?

  19. I haven't heard anything like that femisapien, she can't get work, so he's the meal ticket right now. (Enty's people have no use for her though so she will appear in blinds a lot).

  20. @sandybrook thanks!
    I remember seeing her name a lot before she got married. I don't think current husband can get work either...she should have married Derek Hough, lol

  21. He can always get work on DWTS at least whenever whatever leads he leaves that show for dry up, he always comes back.

  22. So, we are supposed to believe that, in public, with 300 people (and 300 cameras), his wife, his coworkers, his producers, and his friends there, Jamie snuck off with Rita somewhere. That's hard enough to pull off. Then he didn't get a speck of lint from his velvet suit on her white Elvis jumpsuit and not a smudge on it from the janitor's closet or wherever he took her.

    Jamie's either amazing or someone has been making shit up about him. Since none of the supposed "Dornan" blinds ever make sense or show up anywhere else, I think someone is making shit up about him.

  23. If someone wants to cheat they will find a place and time to do so. I mean I’m sure he could have been alone at some time or other. I thought it was funny in that French interview, when Rita was talking about Jamie’s family on set she called her “the wife” instead of by the name. Knowing how Rita is, that’s a little dig. Especially after Jamie dissed her a couple of years ago saying I don’t even know her, she was on set for 2 days. WE ARE NOT FRIENDS! Hmmmmm. I mean Enty did reveal a blind about them, and I don’t think he reveals blinds unless he has a lot of proof. As for other blinds he doesn’t, some could be made up or sent in my crazy fans. Who knows?. But now that FS movies are over, I’m sure the blinds won’t be as much. But then again Dakota will be working on a movie with Chris Hemsworth and John Hamm, I’m sure we’ll be seeing some blinds soon about her. As for Jamie, he seems to mostly do movies predominately with men . Maybe he’s not allowed to have love scenes anymore (since he says his wife helps him pick scripts).

  24. For those interested in seeing Jamie Dornan speak for himself--thoughtfully and articulately-- as opposed to accepting the fake blind items sent in by a crazed "fan", there's a 45 minute interview of Jamie by Irish journalist Eammon Mallie on YouTube. Funnily enough, it can be found by searching "Eammon Mallie Jamie Dornan Face to Face" on YouTube.

  25. Tom Hardy and Charlzie?

  26. Or Dornan's wife is a doormat or easily fooled. Rita is after all the expert of the quickie. Sorry Dornan fans but time to learn a lesson most actors are dogs. Weren't the Dornan fans fighting over whether Dornan should leave his wife for Dakota. So that side is not to big o fidelity.

    You will be less disappointed if you stick to whether you like his acting and don't expect much of anything else.

  27. Yes, because no actor or actress has ever given a heartfelt interview and was lying through their teeth!!! This is what they do for a living. 98% of actors/actresses cheat and 97% of their spouses/significant others look the other way. Honestly the only person who really needs to worry about this is the wife, you know the person he may or may not be cheating on. But the said part is a lot of the Dornan fans will scream that all these blinds are made up, except the one's that he is cheating on the wife with Dakota.

  28. The person who has posted almost three years of DCaN Jamie Dornan cheating blinds is currently (17 Mar 2018, 10:35AM) having a full psychotic break in the CDaN thread dated TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2013 and entitled
    "Today's Blind Items - She Is Not Letting Go." She posts under Astral W. Third Eye Girl (3EG) Burn Bitch Burn (BBB) Levi, Hermes, Original Aunty and dozens of other names. Currently she is unleashing insane anti-Semitic rage and answering her own posts. She overly identifies with Dakota and hates Jamie for not leaving his wife for Dakota. Therefore, any CDaN blind on Jamie Dornan should be seen as the psychotic ramblings of a deranged fan.
