Monday, February 26, 2018

Blind Item #11

It is always about money and this most famous member of a reuniting group wants the most money for agreeing to participate but wants to also do the least amount of work. Between her demands and the money another member desperately needs, there is a lot of fighting and things could still end up falling apart.


  1. Posh Spice and the Spice Girls.

  2. MelB for the desperate one?

  3. Jeez Posh, they had to mute your mic back in the day so you never really earned your share, did you? Greedy slag.

  4. I just hope they remember to oil her joints or she's going to be like the Tin Man on stage.

  5. Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
    So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
    I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
    So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
    I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
    I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah

    I used to think that "zigazig ah" meant sex, but now I know better.

    Money, money, money ah.

  6. Let's hope it falls apart.

  7. Who is pining for a Spice Girls reunion so much that they think there is money to be made? Buncha washed up hags lip synching on stage. They could sub in tranny impersonators and no one would know the difference.

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      What. They don’t sing. But I liked the spice world movie. Meat loaf was in it. At first I thought something wrong with my cochlear implant because it sounded like the chipmunks with a cockney accent

  8. Nostalgia always sells and 90s kids love their Spice Girls.

  9. Weird, a manufactured group is fighting over money?

  10. Sounds like Spice Girls, with Scary's money woes and Victoria's attitude. I'm praying HARD that this isn't Belinda in the Go-Go's. Please, Janie I know you're reading - say it ain't so, go-go? I'm sooo looking forward to the Hollywood Bowl show. Just send us a sign, stable genius, that all is well.

    1. @Himmmm Love you chiming in on non-Himmmm blinds! Can you see us all gathered around the campfire for more of your stories?

  11. As many people want a Spice Girls reunion as want an "Avatar" sequel or "Death Wish" remake.

  12. The Spice Girls music reminds me of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live stage show music.

  13. Money Spice I mean Posh Spice, obvs.

  14. @DDonna, I see you read the blinds backward like I do🥂

  15. Victoria want to do the costumes and a fan line with one of the high st retailers, e.g. H&M, top shop etc. The clothing line needs the money.

  16. I'll tell you what i want
    what i really really want

    i want to build "the wall" around the spice girls!!

  17. Destiny’s Child tbd...

  18. They better not ruin the reunion. I was planning on going.

  19. Everybody bashes the Spice Girls, but they sold 85 million albums worldwide, obviously there are a lot of people who like them.

  20. Good for Beckham, shake them down

  21. Why does Mel B have money woes? She seems to work a heck of a lot more than any of the rest of them. Mel C I could understand, I guess she was a lot smarter with the windfall she got during the Spice Girls years.

  22. The Go-Go's aren't reuniting though, they've been playing together - saw them just a few years ago. Def. The Spice Girls.

  23. So himmmm knows that jane wiedlin is a rumoured old school fan/poster on this site? cool! i know which re-union i'd rather see, especially if they did 'rush hour' as well.
