Thursday, February 08, 2018

Blind Item #10

Apparently this A list singer and this A list alliterate model are best friends now. That is really bad news for this A+ list singer for keeping things quiet because whatever the model tells the singer will end up in a tabloid, including the big secret.


  1. Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss.

    We all know what the big secret is.

  2. Karlie Kloss as the alliterate model, and Taylor Swift as the A+ person it being bad news for? And idk... Katy Perry?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What's the big secret?

  5. I think people say Taylor Swift is secretly gay. I think that's giving her a little too much... The secret is probably more along the lines of her being an alt-right fan.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Obvs Taylor and Karlie. Karlie was hanging with Katy Perry. I wonder if she's trying to provoke Taylor. I feel bad that they can't just have their relationship out in the open.

  7. taylor has always struck me as asexual.

    1. Same! Her and Natalie Portman will always be asexual 12 year old girls to me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I just do not understand Why is she more likely asexual than lesbian... Maybe Taylor just does not like dating, I've read some sexual blinds about her, an asexual person does not act like that ...

  8. Hahaha all over the DM+Perez today!

  9. Maybe Karlie is hooking up with Katy. Taylor is frothing at the mouth and her head is gonna explode. Being a control freak will have people turn on u at the drop of a hat.

  10. right, good one Enty !! like Katy doesn't already know TayTay & Kloss are together lol : of course she knows, it's been 4 years for god's sake !! the only ones who don't know or see, are their blind teenage fans.

  11. So if they break up, will Nazi-Barbie write her usual revenge song and will she change the pronouns?

  12. Nice try, Entern. There's no way Katy Perry is gonna out Taylor. Taylor is gonna come out in 2019 in the precise, perfectly timed way she wants and has been planning for years...I can't imagine anyone would ruin that for her, much less a self-confessed "flop" like Katy Perry.


    katy perry & karlie kloss hanging out. I love this and I hope alllllllllll the tea gets spilled. Swift needs to learn you can't bully the truth into hiding forever.

  14. @whateverpants

    whats up tree paine, how YOU doin

  15. What is it about Taylor Swift's face that makes people look at her and assume she's having deep thoughts about anything, let alone political theory? That doesn't happen with most singers. Usually they have to work to convince fans they're not vapid airheads, but somehow she's the reverse.

  16. I think what's really important here, above all else, is that "alliterate" is a goddamn verb. The adjective is "alliterative." And, yeah, I hate myself for knowing this. On the plus side, I'm willing to copy edit CD&N for a mere $250,000 a year. Which, if you're a regular reader, you know is actually kind of a bargain.

    1. That bothers me every time, too. I hope you get the job ;-)

  17. Tay tay knows how to catch'em, but Katy knows how to keep'em.

  18. Katy looks so annoying, she makes me sleepy...

  19. Maybe Tay Tay is just a gigantic B word and that's why her relationships fail

  20. I know that Taylor was a beard for hire in her Red record days. She accompanied Jake Gyllenhaal around NY. Wouldn't shock me if she's gay, but as with others, I think that there's no room for her to love anyone as much as she loves herself.

  21. It's weird how people keep saying she's alt-right. Uh, does no one but me remember her OBSESSION with the Kennedy's? She didn't just date one. She read biographies on them, she talked about their history incessantly, she wrote at least one song about the Kennedy matriarch...this would point more to her being an ardent Democrat than anything.

    1. Thaaaaaank you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. It's execution by twitter. Her crazy teen fans asked her (amongst a million other things) to denounce Trump back in 2016. Being smart, and realising that a girl with a country following would stand to lose a lot of middle America Target record sales, she declined to comment.

    No answer means an endorsement in the court of social media, so she's a Trumper / Aryan supremacist / agent of HYDRA. She has Teutonic looks, so the snide posts write themselves.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. If Taylor is a lesbian she is a great actress and deserves a Grammy ... Seriously, she's not gay, the way, the speech, the style, she's so straight. A woman can be very feminine, but will always have a lesbian way, gay look, Taylor does not have it. For example: Karlie Kloss has ​​lesbian face hahaha and the way she looks at women, the same with Kendall Jenner.

  25. Maybe Katy will make the move of "dating" KK in public, it would be a good publicity for her and I think she wouldn't oppose. None will be shocked and would drive Taylor crazy.

  26. For whatever it's worth, I know a guy who was on tour with Taylor as a dancer and he had a real hard time thinking she was a lesbian when I mentioned it. He said a lesbian wouldn't have looked at the buff sweaty guys the way she did but that's all he had on it. I was surprised he was surprised so I don't know what to think.

    1. Speaking as a gold star gay woman (aka lesbian), I’ll watch dancers of any gender avidly. You don’t need to be sexually attracted to someone in order to be fascinated by look or movement.

      It’s been my experience that people frequently interpret being stared at as being a source of attraction. When I watch someone, it’s because they’re interesting to watch. Same reason I watch cats, dogs, squirrels, birds...

  27. In this era in which we're supposedly all about strong women who do as they please there is so much spite when a strong woman does as she pleases. Do you not hear yourselves? Also, do you not hear yourselves stereotyping lesbian as well as straight women in your comments?

    1. @Amartel If they can’t hear themselves, I’m still hearing them loud and clear.

      Lesbians have a “look”? That would be a surprise to a lot of the lesbian and bisexual women I’ve known through the years. Not to mention the utterly straight women with “artistic” or gender-neutral looks.

      While it would be really cool to have a Taylor or Katy out and on “our team,” I’m pretty neutral of opinion on the whole thing.

  28. This isn't even blind.

  29. There's a conspiracy on 4chan that Taylor Swift is a 4channer.

    1. That is hilarious!!!!!!

      [Mutters under breath] She probably is...


  30. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Of course lesbians have a look. They all have flat boring butts. Apparently munching rug makes your butt atrophy. ;)

    1. That sound you hear is my wife laughing at you.

  31. Okay so on Taylor not having found "the one" yet, maybe it's because she's in her 20s, was too busy touring the world as a teen and hasn't or doesn't want to settle down yet.
    I mean we all had relationships in the past.
    (Not the biggest fan of hers, I wouldn't buy a ticket but I would go if given one to her concert).
    I do concur it has to be KK and TS though.

  32. I do think she is a lesbian or bi. But regardless, I think she's a high maintenance friend and wants her people to basically choose her and then isn't open to other friends in the mix unless she approved them.

  33. I honestly don't know what to think about Swift. What fascinates me about her is how tightly she controls her image. Like, I feel as though she's so bound by her public image, that if you were able to break thru it and actually get to know her as a person, there would be nothing there. Like, she woupd have no opinion or thoughts on anything. Any question you ask her would be answered in the context of her fame. She's like staring into an abyss.



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