Monday, February 19, 2018

Blind Item #10 - Guess The Athlete

There is another athlete out there whom is similar to one of the athletes discussed a while back. “Real” sport. Fairly popular sport worldwide. Very popular popular sport in certain parts of the world. Big money sport. Big money athlete. This athlete is currently the best at their sport, has been for sometime and it isn’t particularly close. This athlete is active and just getting better. This is a big money athlete.

And of course extremely big money athletes play by the rules, right?

This athlete strived for big things at a young age with moderate success. Enter pro-hormones. Available over the counter in their country at the time, these pro-hormones have been banned by every athletic organization for some time. These are the supplements that can turn an athlete into the type of athlete that makes the people with the stopwatches and notebooks drool at the potential. A big money athlete.

This athlete quickly rose up the ranks, went professional and started to get in the public eye. Professional sports have drug tests. Very, strict drug tests. Many people at this point were concerned. And a solution was agreed upon. This athletes continued success was good for EVERYONE. Luckily there were no whispers of any wrong doing. This athlete is revered by all and has a sterling reputation.

Since the athlete had experimented with pro-hormones at such a young age, their endocrine system was severely compromised. The corrective measure for this was to allow a series of specialist to “prescribe” (legally) anything they felt necessary to keep this athlete going. Hormones, research chemicals.. anything. SERMS, SARMS, IGF.. you name it.

Since these items are “prescribed” by medical professionals due to an endocrine imbalance (or, “undetermined illness”) it was agreed upon that this athlete could legally use them without any threat of recourse from the governing athletic organization. It’s in the best interest of everyone, including the governing athletic organization, to keep this athletes sterling reputation in tact for the future.

The problem is, as great as this athlete is in their respective sport, they aren’t yet a household name. And the pressure is on to change that. You need an athlete to be marketable to the masses and the need to turn big money athlete into a money making machine was on.

So, another plan was agreed upon between two athletic organizations and a fairly interesting move was made. This move raised more than a few eyebrows at the randomness of it. Most people disagreed with this plan or opposed it all together. Not our big money athlete.. this move is going to give them all of the exposure they need on an international stage to become the one of the most marketable and beloved athletes on earth... and the people behind the scenes counting their money wholeheartedly approve.


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