Thursday, January 11, 2018

Your Turn

What clubs were you in during high school?


  1. Ladies, I am not usually one to spill the tea, but word on the street is that Rachel Maddow is dating an Amish girl.

    I don't think it will last, though. I hear she's driving her buggy.

  2. I was in the " let's get high on the field " club.

    1. I was also of member of that club...

  3. Art, French and Student Government until I discovered boys and drinking in my sophomore year.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM


  5. I was in the outcasts clique.

  6. The Young Farmers Club. Horticulture was one of my subjects.

  7. I don't think it needs stating, but I was a Drama Nerd. I never wore a Les Miz tshirt, but I was almost at that level.

  8. Awww @Sandybrook. I was in the geek clique, we were kinda outcasts too.

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Arts. Pairing. Poetry. Big geek here

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Painting. Bloody phone.

  10. Anonymous10:35 AM

    None. Was friends with everyone but had a big independent streak in a time where everyone was trying to just fit it

  11. CBGB, Mudd Club, Max’s, Studio 54

  12. I was on the high school newspaper staff, but other than that nada. I hated high school. My best day as a teenager was the day I graduated.

  13. My school was a total of 150 people for high school. So we didn't really have clubs.

  14. Third Winger- Named for the corner of the parking lot near that wing of the school.Smokers,heretics,B.S.ers and rendezvous spot to find someone to skip with.You would have been welcome CDAN! 1980 Alum of the Mt St Helens eruption.Without whole I would have never graduated as they closed the school before finals.🤗

  15. Poppies 115: did you ever see Milk'n'Cookies at Max's or CBGB?

  16. Beta Club, National Thespian Society, and National Honor Society

  17. OH my, I was in FFA i so wanted that blue corduroy jacket with my name stitched in yellow (Future Farmers of America) I had to be in the club because I was in the High School Rodeo, so it was required. But i did learn how to drive a tractor ;)

  18. No just sayin' but I definitely heard of them, I think they played on the LI club circuit too if memory serves me...

  19. French club. Why oh why didn't I take Spanish instead I'll never know. I don't ever use my French

  20. Drama, Art, Newspaper, Video/Film (we filmed all the sporting events). Strict Polish/Catholic family. The only way I could legit socialize was through school clubs so I joined them all :)

  21. United Nations club. I got to defend, in 1979, South Africa in a state wide event. I won, disgusted. 7 years later I was arrested for protesting Mandela's imprisonment and Apartheid at the embassy in WDC.

  22. Exactly, Poppies 115!

  23. I was in FFA. I can't recommend it enough for teaching kids hard work, leadership and public speaking skills

    1. Lab lover: ever go to National Convention?

  24. Varsity and J.V. Volleyball Teams, Advanced Chorus—we sang for the pope!), Theatre (lighting crew for several plays), French Club (I took Spanish, though; French Club was just waaay more fun), Model U.N. I also played club volleyball outside of school. I was busy, but at the school I went to I was merely mid-pack when it came to extra-curriculars.

  25. Debate, drama, anything that a geek could get involved with. Yeah, arts.

  26. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Glee Club & Drama Club.

  27. Mock trial, 6-7 other clubs that don’t matter

  28. Oh. I'm glad I didn't answer yesterday's ask about the class ring because I would've said something like, "I hated high school and undergrad uni equally" and didn't want any reminders of it. But it looks like I liked high school a little better than undergrad because I actually bothered spending extra time at school for extracurriculars: I was in the school magazine (my local language/literature teacher encouraged me to write) and also was in the science club (my physics teacher also used to take me to these science fairs/contests and IT events—I sucked in class because I could never remember any of the formulae, but he liked to listen to what I had to say about the universe). And then I was also in the yearbook thing. Also probably other things I can't remember.

    With undergrad school, I would just clock-in-and-out. It even had a rough start (even before the hazing even began). I vaguely remember having to do a physical at the med school and the person who examined me took advantage of me and took my bra and rubbed my nipple. I didn't even want to enrol to that school, I wanted to study IT but my parents insisted if I couldn't get into a state school (because my grades from high school sucked because I wouldn't conform with what was being taught) I had to go to THAT particular private university (the oldest one in the country—which is never that old in a formerly-colonised developing country). My years in taht school were hellish. It was day after day of anxiety, the other students were fucking cruel. My parents knew the kids in taht school were the spoiled type, so they'd have me driven to school by a chauffeur (who waited on me) and very little cash allowance (except for a credit card) so I wouldn't start doing drugs and shit.

    I wanted OUT SO BAD, you guys... I was enrolled in the law school for an LL.B. degree, and I picked the notoriously difficult International Law. It was so hard taht some people are known to spend like 6–7 years trying to graduate (some would end up dropping out) and many students ended up 4.5–5 years in school, and regretting they picked International Law. Normally it would take 4 years to graduate. The fastest you could get a bachelor's degree was 3.5 years and taht was pretty much unheard of in the international major (the teachers were tough and stingy with grades, there were so few enrolled taht at one point I was the only girl in Air & Space Law). It was good taht so few were enrolled in the same class as me, because it minimised my contact with bullies (but my God, some people would be so determined they'd yell from outside the class and the professors would have to get involved).

    Well I graduated in 3.5 years (as I said, this was pretty much unheard of—only in very rare cases did anyone manage taht major in 3.5 years). THAT'S HOW MUCH I HATED BEING IN THAT SCHOOL.

    I would take 24 credits (the maximum) each semester, and if I got a C on something I'd fix it during Summer school (so I wouldn't have to fix anything I failed during regular semesters). And I did it. I left that school in only 7 semesters! I couldn't wait to get out of there. The last 3–4 semesters were pure terror and anxiety everyday...

    By the time I came back from Europe after getting a Master's degree, some of the assholes who bullied me were still trying to get their bachelor's. I wasn't even smug, I was just glad to have gotten away of a campus full of arseholes.

    So yeah, high school was definitely better than undergrad. I'm glad I didn't say I hated them equally in the last "Your Turn" thread about the class rings because I was feeling introverted yesterday. And I probably need therapy for my anxiety... 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

    Sorry for the rant. I needed to let that out finally...

    1. Oh, I forgot: In 10th grade I was also chosen (by the teachers, not elected by the students) to be head of the "Political Section" in student government whatever taht meant. Everybody hated me for it...

  29. New Beginnings, for potential high school dropouts and druggies who went on ski, mountain climbing and white water rafting trips instead of taking Gym, a mandatory req for graduation.

  30. Good deal, Kikibunny!

    Scandi: good girls can't win. I'll bet the teachers loved you and the kids thought you made them all look bad. 😉

    1. The teacher was a former Woodstock hippy turned psychologist....GOOD TIMES!!

  31. Early in HS: drama, French, student govt, community service, etc, pompous ass, etc.

    Senior year, halfway thru which I moved out and had my own apartment: dancing at trashy clubs, getting very high on very good weed, drinking, working full-time, becoming free from a childhood of abuse- that's an amazing moment. Oh, and acquiring debt.

  32. Anonymous7:26 PM

    the "Tri-Hi-Y" - an offshoot of the YMCA that all the jocks belonged to. the joke was, the Tri-Hi-Y was all the kids who got high....

    I was the class nerd but my divorced mom let me smoke pot at home. after I told a few friends, overnight I became the most popular kid in the 11th grade.

    everyone (as in, ten or more people) would come to my house most mornings before school to do bong hits. my mom could never figure out why so many cars were parked in front of our house.

    one morning, ten people showed up, but nobody had any reefer...

    1. I bet everyone loved your mom and will never forget her as long as they live....THANKS MOM!!!

  33. Jen s I belonged to the let's get high club too, back in the 70's and it was FUN!

  34. All of the clubs 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

  35. I was in the math club, the Latin, and the physics club... physics club.

  36. I was in a club called A.W.A and I turned to April and asked what it meant and she said ass wipe an asshole and I was like wtf what does that even mean? but she was April and tallest girl in class and she lived close and we sometimes walked to school together and she had that aura and I can't say I was a big follower I was more neutral like ok I will join your club so long as it doesn't interfere with my after school cartoons etc and maybe it will be fun (Sweden?)

    anyhow AWA really took off and April wasn't as kind as me. I would more than likely allow anyone who wanted to join my club in, but not april she excluded Heather S. and Michelle (yes their real names) well they grew upset and teamed up and went to complain (cry!) to sister barbara and shit got real. I said to April there is swear word in your club name and when my mom and dad find out they are going to kick my ass. (April I think was in total denial over severity of situation) her dad used brill creme and my dad sprayed hair with Dry Look™ yet I was way more freaked out than her.

    ..was late in the afternoon and after a couple days of anxious lunchtime meetings we knew we were going to be called down to answer for ourselves and that's when it came to me and no I am not proud of instantaneous deviant mind but when confronted by sister theresita (principal) that's by now how much this had escalated, I had answer as to what AWA stood for because the way they were all over it was like They Knew or maybe it was that guilt so fond of instilling anyhow without hesitation I stated AWA stood for A Wild Animal. no asses no butts. no wiping. harmless animal
    well harmless as a wild animal.

    AWA was my first and last club I ever joined. aside from T.A.L.A.J lmao



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