Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Real List

Several months ago I wrote a blind item which I revealed stating that this back in the day A list teen actor had been compromised. The always in need of cash to support his Hugh Hefner wannabe lifestyle, the former actor took a very large payment in return for always staying silent. What he was allowed to do and even encouraged to do was keep up the noise and pretend he was going to do a huge expose. With the help of his benefactors he did compile a list of absolute nobodies. Although they were nobodies, they did do damage to kids growing up. There is one actor they messed up so badly that he didn't work for almost two decades. He basically earned a living from his wife's salary and the gay porn he did. It is only this year that he finally is doing legit mainstream work again and is also getting his revenge against the A list producer from that movie who looked the other way. That producer made tens of millions from a very hit pay cable show which later became a movie while tossing away the actor as a cost of doing business.

Anyway, it shows that nobodies cause hurt and pain and even lead people to commit suicide. What they don't have is the money to make things right for the people that are hurt. Because the former teen actor won't come through with the goods, I will.

I have shared a few via blind item, but over the past few weeks I have spoken to someone who knows the names. The person I spoke to, knew that the former teen actor was full of crap with his list because the person I spoke to has first hand knowledge of the biggest abusers of that time. Their relative was at the center of it all.

#1 - This horror director was A+ list. Whether you were male or female, you were going to have to have sex with him for any part other than a lead. If you were out of your teens, don't even bother to apply. If you were over 18, then you didn't make the cut for many of his earlier movies.

#2 - This foreign born horror director has hundreds of audition tapes which mainly involve young boys and girls undressing while he asks them a series of sexual questions. He always asks basically the same questions and always tries to get them undressed. His most recent wife left him recently when she discovered the trove. He wrote her a massive check to keep her from going to the authorities. In that trove are at least five or six A+ listers who were unknowns back when they were abused.

#3 - This permanent A list mostly movie director raped a series of teen boys who were auditioning for a a movie starring 95% men. His check to keep everything quiet was by far the largest.


  1. Cory Feldman
    1. Wes Craven
    2. Victor Salva
    3. Frances Ford Coppola-Appocolypse Now

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Salva never had a wife, i don't believe.

  2. Thinking Wes Craven for #1

  3. Wes Cravin
    Dario Argento
    And Spielberg I guess

  4. You know, these things has to go public! If the names are known, please write them! don't hide them Isn't it a crime to conceal things like this?

  5. Tobe Hooper for 1?

  6. So Feldman is controlled opposition. Didn't see that coming.

  7. Coppola Outsiders?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 3. To be different Rob Reiner and Stand By Me?

    1. He's definitely a creep. Apparently his roast included jokes about his dad bribing guys over to rape him. Can't bring myself to watch it, but he sounds like a generational abuser, like Spacey.

  10. Going with Hooper for #1 I have no idea on #2 and hate it being Coppola on #3 but I would say it probably was.

  11. Hooper wasn’t A+

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Maybe Joe Dante for #1? Not sure if he'd be considered a 'horror director,' though

  13. Other sites have been saying that Feldman is a shill

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Wes would be a good guess for the Nightmare movies but I think he only directed one or two of them. He is primarily a writer.

  16. Feldman received his largest check from Joel Schumacher while filming The Lost Boys is how I read it.

    Also guessing Stephen Geoffreys for the man who spent years doing gay porn and recently came back to mainstream movie. He was in Fright Night.

  17. The more I think about this, the more I wonder if Corey is in all three movies.

  18. #3 as Joel Schumacher is interesting since he also directed the Client, starring Brad Renfro.

  19. francis and wes? holy s***.

  20. @Boots, I heard the same thing from an anonymous insider (whatever that's worth) on another site when Feldman started his fundraiser. Feldman is pretty messed up; I doubt his plans stay the same from one day to the next anyway. Maybe not one hour to the next. It's probably pretty easy for them to pull his strings, get him to make noise one day and then clam up the next.

    I don't think The Lost Boys fits for #3. Two women (the mom and the girlfriend) makes it nowhere near 95% male.

  21. Is the TV show that became a movie Tales from the Crypt? Because there are some well-known producer credits there.

  22. Enty and other sources have been saying a long time Corey will not name real names, only small time and dead folks. The big names have paid him too much.

    I figured some sh*t happened to Ed Furlong for how badly he ended up messed up.

  23. @Lurky: Craven directed a lot of iconic horror movies. Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2, 2 of the Nightmare movies, all the Scream movies, and (much less iconic) Swamp Thing. He's a prolific writer as well, but he's totally an A+ horror director.

    If it's not Craven for #1, I'd go with Clive Barker, except he identifies as gay and not bi, and the BI says both genders.

  24. #3 Spielberg/Saving Private Ryan? Tom Hanks has certainly been a wet blanket about sexual predators in Hollywood...he almost normalized it in his interview with David Axelrod.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I assumed TV show that became a movie was Twilight Zone.
    Also, adding Frank Marshall because he produced so many movies that are in these blinds including twilight zone (as mentioned), land before time, poltergeist, goonies, indiana jones, swing kids (which is like Newsies pt 2, in a way)

  27. I guess there's a #4 predator in that first paragraph: an A list producer who looked the other way while a young man/boy was abused on a movie almost 20 years ago. He also had a "very hit pay cable show" (HBO or Showtime/) that became a movie. Is that the same movie? Did the pay cable channels have hit shows 20+ years ago?

  28. also adding the interesting part that Robert Downey Sr directed the episode of The Twilight Zone that Stephen Geoffreys appeared in. (director, not producer, so not the one accused. just interesting sidenote)

  29. This only problem with Wes Craven being #1 is the rating. Wouldn't he be permanent A+?

  30. @Thursday November said "Enty and other sources have been saying a long time Corey will...only [name] small time and dead folks."

    That's what Enty did yesterday.

  31. Cronenberg didn't divorce, his wife died. Victor Salva isn't foreign born.
    #2 is quite specific: Foreign born, still alive, mainly horror, active since at least early 90s, recently divorced.
    Only one I could find who fits the bill is Guillermo del Toro, but nobody wants it to be him so I'll say Anthony Hickox merely based on what Google images throws up.

    1. Guilliermo was my first guess for #2, but dammit I don't want it to be him

  32. The actor is Corey Feldman

    1# horror director is probably Wes Craven, there are teenagers in sooo many of his old movies.

    3# Joel Shumacher

  33. David Cronenberg doesn't fit #2. His wife died last year, they didn't divorce or at least there was no publicly known split.

  34. #1. Wes Craven

    #3. Steven Spielberg...movie=Hook?

  35. After seeing photos of Feldman's parties, I knew he was full of shit somewhere. He's a Letch. And a liar. I'm sure that he was abused, but I'm also sure that he's not who he tries to pretend to be. It's starting to come out. I've seen other people talk about it.

    1. Agree. He's always made such a big hype where guy's like Anthony Edwards has spoken out. Corey would be 100% safe coming out now, but he doesn't.

  36. @Damiana, I was thinking either a war movie or a sports movie for #3, to get a cast that male-heavy. Would there have been a lot of teens auditioning for Saving Private Ryan? It's been a long time since I saw it. I guess if "teen" includes 18-19, there could have been.

  37. and the proteges of Coppola were....SS and GL

  38. For the hit show turned into a movie...

    "Producers Steven Spielberg and John Landis introduced Rod Serling’s fantasy horror show to a whole new generation when “Twilight Zone: The Movie’’ landed in theaters in 1983."

    via https://www.boston.com/uncategorized/noprimarytagmatch/2014/03/21/top-20-television-shows-that-were-turned-into-movies

  39. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Feldman was in the Jason scary movie. I think the first one...

  40. Who was the actor they messed up so badly he didn't work for a couple of decades (except porn, etc) but now is back legit mainstream work?

  41. Glue - Stephen Geoffreys

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Problem with The Twilight Zone is that it was on CBS and not pay cable.

  44. @Cail, I was thinking "Private Ryan" would need a lot of young male extras for battle scenes, assuming it was long enough ago that CGI fill-ins wouldn't have been the way to go. Any boy tall enough to fill a uniform and be filmed in a large group and/or at a distance would do...and plenty of underage kids are 5'10" or taller. But yeah, some sort of war or sports flick comes to mind first.

  45. I think Feldman is agreed as the back in the day A list
    Twilight Zone was my guess as the TV series that became a movie (except as Tim pointed out is was on CBS).
    Spielberg will always be one of my guesses.

  46. Thanks Don!

    Woah! Just looked up Stephen Geoffreys. He was in Heaven Help Us (movie about teens rejecting authority at St. Basil's Catholic School for Boys), Fraternity Vacation (teens looking for hot blondes during spring break). Two movies completely centered around teens, especially teen boys.

  47. If the TV show that became a movie is the Twilight Zone, there were usually new actors for every episode, right? Looks like Geoffreys had just one episode. So wouldn't all of the actors from the TV show have been "tossed away" for the movie? I don't get that part. It sounds like he had an expectation of being in the movie, but why would he?

  48. This is exactly what I thought Feldman was up to. Only announced a couple nonfamous names, while getting paid to continue covering for everyone else.

  49. Anonymous11:22 AM

    So Friday the thirteenth was also a horror tv show starting in 1987... the movies has many different directors and I didn’t delve far enough to look at producers but plenty of young men for the summer camp scenes

  50. Feldman already named who he has to name. When he asked for money for security, then started posting pictures of him and his wife on the streets of NYC walking around, it was too hard to take anything he said seriously. And I did try to believe him at first.

  51. Feel sorry for Feldman - he never stood a chance. Never had parents worth a damn, no guidance, no advice on how to manage his life until it was far too late. He's damned if he does name people, damned if he doesn't name all the way to the top (names that many otherswith way more power than Feldman know and won't name either, why aren't they getting the accusations and abuse?), one way or another, whether by how much he didn't do, how much he was compromised by the powerful years ago and his own, less than impressive lifestyle which seems to me the natural result of someone whose only male role models were pedophiles, abusers, pathetic old arrested development degenerates like Hefner and all the other Hollywood user types who wouldn't know love or real human affection of they fell head first into it. His parties show a forty-something man whose idea of sexuality is stuck at around age fourteen, which honestly doesn't make him stand out in the entertainment industry, where permanently arrested development seems to be the absolute norm. I think he's trying to do the right thing but is not entirely sure what that is any more. I don't have any hate for him at all - just those selfish, degenerate lowlifes high up the food chain who abused him and all the other lost and vulnerable young people instead of nurturing and guiding them to be better human beings.

    1. You're spot on, but Feldman is the only one trying desperately to become relevant by naming abusers as the poster boy for abused child actors while scamming average joes out of money for his cause. He's a product of his environment, but he's a disaster. On another board, a poster that suspiciously comes off like feldman keeps going on about connecting to FFC. Whether it's his atonement or way of speaking out or a scam I have no clue. But I've been hearing it for months

  52. The first movie Corey was in was Born Again directed by Irving Rapper. A foreign born director who made a ton of horror. Was a he a big name back in the day?

  53. @Bear Galat - Del Toro's first meaningful Hollywood directing credit is for Hellboy (2004) (or Blade II in 2002, but I'm not sure that was woth much), and he didn't really become a household name until El laberinto del fauno (2006) - that makes it 11-13 years in which he would be taping those auditions in US. True, I don't want it to be him, but I think the timeline just doesn't seem right. The "five or six A+ listers" taped before they were famous would need to be quite recent cinematic wonders if they were still unknown at that time.

  54. Stephen Geoffreys was in "Fright Night" which was directed by Tom Holland, who went on to produce "Tales From the Crypt", a "very hit pay cable show which later became a movie", so that seems to fit.

  55. " He basically earned a living from his wife's salary and the gay porn he did. It is only this year that he finally is doing legit mainstream work again and is also getting his revenge against the A list producer from that movie who looked the other way. That producer made tens of millions from a very hit pay cable show which later became a movie while tossing away the actor as a cost of doing business."

    Sounds like Stephen Geoffreys with Producer Roland Emmerich. Moon 44 was Geoffreys' last legit movie before gay porn began. Not that gay porn isn't legit. ;)

  56. @SarahElizabeth: The Friday the 13th movies came before the TV series. There is really no connection between the two other than the name.

  57. @Boogieman, that makes the timeline work, and there aren't many pay cable TV shows from 20+ years ago to choose from. So if the movie was Fright Night, can we match up any of the "nobodies" Feldman named as being involved with it? I only heard the two names he gave in all his interviews, Grissom and Weiss, but I assume they aren't the "absolute nobodies."

  58. Can't find better fit for #2 than David Cronenberg, foreign born, divorced in 2018 and he made a lot of well known horror films in 80's

  59. Nope, I just read Bear Galat comment, his wife died. Nevermind then lol.

  60. David Cronenberg's second wife, Carolyn Zeifman, died in 1997 still married to him. He did divorce his first wife, but that was in 1979

  61. I can’t think of a single Cronenberg movie with ANY kids in it, let alone kids that grew up to be A listers.

  62. Didn't Feldman name Sheen as the one who raped Haim? That's a big name, maybe Sheen didn't give him enough money.

  63. If you can't trust Corey Feldman's integrity, who can you trust? In any case, I know he's a profoundly messed up sleaze but I also know he was abused. I also know he's out to exploit that for cash, which is icky. I do wonder if he actually knew Brad Bufada's secrets, given he was so much younger but you never know. He might have heard stuff.

    1) I'm going with the obvious, Wes Craven.
    2) No idea.
    3) I think Joel Schumacher and The Lost Boys - even thought 95% male is stretching it.

  64. Trying to make John Carpenter fit, although I would hate to think it, but he's the first name that springs to mind for "A+ horror director."

  65. I'm still on the episode of Twilight Zone that Stephen Geoffreys was in directed by Robert Downey Sr. If RDJ is one of Himmmm, then he would fit this part of the blind:
    "the person I spoke to, knew that the former teen actor was full of crap with his list because the person I spoke to has first hand knowledge of the biggest abusers of that time. Their relative was at the center of it all."

    Again, not saying RDS did or knew of anything bad (at the time it was happening), but it fits as a source of the story.

  66. Corey Feldman is 100% the one being paid off to name nobodies and protect the biggies, namely Steven Spielberg and Michael Jackson. His money-raising stunt, to make a documentary in which he reveals names has been vile. He's a pedoenabler himself, as bad as anyone else in Hollywood.

    How about Goonies for #3? The IMDb has mostly male cast members. And this would be Steven Spielberg as the director.

  67. 1. Friday the 13th director

    2. I want say to say Cronenberg but leaning more to one of the dark movie Asian directors

    3. Joel Schumacher (lost boys every make actor in movie gas some kind of issue)

  68. At least one foreign born horror movie director is out then lol. But we have fundamental problem here hehe, the blind doesn't say it's A list director. Maybe it's someone not very well known..? Because for exemple I'm going through "50 greatest horror directors", I'm wondering if he's on the list.

    1. The premise of this blind is that Corey named nobodies. These people listed are the big names who did the bad stuff.

  69. I'm still sure Dominick Brascia was the guy who raped Haim and Feldman knows (or even encouraged it). That's who they were talking about in that reality show scene. I still don't think that means Sheen is innocent at all, I'm sure poor Corey Haim was passed around by a few molesters.

    1. this. they were just two of a few

  70. Throw Kurosawa in the mix just to piss people off

  71. Executive Producers on Tales from the Crypt movie are Donner, Zemeckis, Giler, Walter Hill, Joel Silver.

  72. I had no idea they listed video-work-of-a-certain-kind in people's IMDB entries. They really do.

  73. Waiting what Himmmm will say, he was and still is omnipresent lol, he must know.

  74. Scott Schwartz called out Corey Feldman on social media. Could he be entry’s source? He also does many appearances on the convention circuit, meaning he speaks to a ton of people,


  76. Stephen Geoffreys has a "partner" not a wife, his partner's name is John, and i can not find any record of him being married, I also do not see that he is in anything so major right now that it would be a revenge against the A list producer.
    Sigh. I cant do any research on this one thought.. NSFW. lol.

  77. Like The Outsiders guess. Very big names starting point.

  78. I try to keep in mind that not EVERYTHING is going to fit perfectly because this is a site of conjecture and fiction.

    Sometimes all we have is our best guess.

  79. Anonymous12:48 PM

    The Kurosawa joke made me think...if media-saturated Hollywood has been this bad, can you imagine what other, less scrutinized Movie Industries might be like?

    The Mind Boggles.

  80. It has to be Roland Emmerich for the A list producer. The series he made millions on was Stargate (but the movie did come first, IIRC) and he worked with Geoffreys on Moon 44, which you can tell from looking at the spaced out eyes of all the youngsters in the cast was a total molest-fest. His later producing partner Dean Devlin was also one of the young boys in that movie.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I feel bad for Feldman. I supported him big time until he started demanding vast sums of money in exchange for naming names. At that point it became obvious that he was going to get dough in exchange for silence.

    In his defense, he has stated several times that he feels his life to be in danger. We've seen plenty of blinds about people being murdered, so taking that risk is a lot to ask. Hard to blame anyone.

    I'm just glad that Enty is still pushing this hard. Keep it up, let's flush these bastards out of the bushes!

  83. I can't quite figure out how he fits in with the other people in the blind, but Darren Star produced Sex in the City which was a mega hit on pay cable that became a film. Could he be the producer?

  84. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm a horror guy so I have some street cred here.

    Craven? NO. You people are goofy. Craven was never an A+ director. Not even post-Scream, which was late in his career. His movies were essentially indies. Look at his casts: nobody underage in them. The Elm Street movies were chock full of the standard 80's 'I'm 25 but I'm playing a 16-year-old'.

    Hooper? Anyone who said Hooper needs to stop guessing forever and turn in their login credentials. Outside of Poltergeist, I can't think of one of his movies that even HAD teenagers in it. Hooper had vices, all related to chemicals and trusting the wrong women.

    Barker? He directed a handful of movies. All based on his novels. His novels are wildly successful. Almost all of his films were box office bombs.

    Y'all are just plucking names you associate with horror out of thin air.

    You've gotta remember something: using terms like 'horror director' in a blind like this is NOT going to involve actual horror industry folks for one reason: the horror industry has never been a center of power. It's very close knit, to this day.

    Y'all mention Geoffreys and Holland: they're doing cons together today, for crying out loud. Still friendly. Just saw them last year at one, in fact. If Geoffreys is part of the blind, Holland isn't. (Especially since he's another true horror guy who never held an ounce of industry power.)

    Polanski is a horror director. Spielberg is a horror director. Forget the "horror" directors and look at directors who made horror films. I can't think of a single actual "horror director" that could conceivably fit this blind, not the guys who made their names directing horror films, because NONE of them ever rose out of the genre. If they had, they wouldn't still be identified with it.

    Victor Salva is the only guy I can think of associated with the genre that's had this kind of thing associated with him, and within the horror community he's SO divisive that horror sites either refuse to cover his work or run disclaimers when they do.

    The thing about the horror community in Hollywood: by and large, they're really decent, hardworking people. There are douchebags, abusers, and lousy people...and they start finding it really hard to get work.

    Want a horror blind? What iconic killer actor was on track to be the next horror legend but derailed it due to being a generally abusive, drug-addled douchecanoe? After headlining two hit films, he all but vanished due to his terrible behavior on set and at fan events.

    THAT is how the horror community handles people like that. We don't tolerate it.

    1. Lmao you're a horror guy but you can't think of a Tobe Hooper film with teens in it besides Poltergeist? I guess the victims in Texas Chainsaw were all elderly eh? Not to mention Funhouse.

  85. Robert Manuel directed School Ties without Affleck, Damon, Frazier and lots of other boys. He directed many horror flicks and x files. Not sure if he is right but I think he fits

  86. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Oh, and anyone mentioning Del Toro in this is an even bigger idiot than those mentioning Hooper. Seriously? Look at the man's work and find me a teenager. Guillermo is well-loved by everyone who knows him and works with him, for a reason. And he doesn't even remotely resemble anything in this blind, so y'all need to give it up and get better at this.

    1. Which is it? You want us to give up or get better?

  87. MrDarkDC, even though I guessed Craven as a shot in the dark, I agree with you and I take it back. I know nothing about him but what I heard on Fresh Air, and he seemed thoughtful and decent. Not that that means everything, but I'll take it with what you've said. I know a few people who have worked on indie horror films and spoken well of the experience.

    My guess is Enty is, like you say, talking about an A list director that did horror but that could be a number of people.

    I'm also glad to hear Del Toro is one of the good ones.

  88. Interesting to note in the "Thanks" section for Geoffrey's movie "Emerging Past" (nobody ever reads that far!)

    William Peter Blatty ... inspiration
    John Carpenter ... acknowledgment
    Sean S. Cunningham ... inspiration
    Corey Haim ... special thanks
    Tom Holland ... acknowledgment
    Joel Schumacher ... acknowledgment
    Steven Spielberg ... acknowledgment

  89. Tales from the Crypt (British) movie came out in '72.
    The cable shows premiered in June of '89 to '96.

  90. Also worth noting- Polanski pleaded guilty to "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor" in the late 70s. The victim was a 13-year-old girl.

  91. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I’m going to go with Wes Craven for the first one. Even though he did more than just horror, that’s what the public at large know him for. I’d wager for most people of a couple of generations, he’d be the only horror director they could name. A list, definitely.

    Also, looking at his 80s work, the younger cast members all would have been under 20 at the time of release - Nightmare On Elm Street, for instance. The adults-as-teens thing is more prevalent in the Scream series.

    Oh, and in the 60s, Craven left what appears to have been a promising career in academia (he was a humanities professor in New York) for the world of porn, making “”many hardcore X-rated films” under pseudonyms” according to Wikipedia. A move from teaching college students to grot. Hmm. Anyway, I expect those are the “earlier movies” Enty mentions.

    His first feature film was Last House On The Left (seriously go and read the wiki synopsis NOW). One of the two teen leads was a young porn actress - to this day it’s her only film credit.

    And he directed five episodes of The Twilight Zone, for what it’s worth.

    1. The Twilight Zone reboot was also most likely the TV show in the Judith Barsi blind, revealed yesterday, on which she was first assaulted. Her episode was the pilot, which aired in ‘85.

  92. Anonymous2:28 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Forgot to say - Enty says “was” A-List, past tense. Craven carked it in 2015.

  94. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I feel sorry for Feldman and he was obviously messed up from his abuse, however, he is trying to profit from this, which is wrong. Haim's real close friend, Greg Harrison and his mother have both named Brascia as the molester and what is worse is that Feldman was very close to Brascia and gave him a job on a movie, Busted, after the abuse took place.


    He lied about hail being fired, Haim left when he found out brascia was in the movie. he turned up and saw brasica and he asked why he was there. Haim's friends say that he threw Feldman up against a wall confronting him about it. Feldman started laughing, and said, "Oh, c'mon man, I thought you'd like it." he was not fired because of drugs, he left.

    That's not really the sign of a good friend, is it? he just tells far too many lies about his friendship with Haim, and there really was not a friendship. But yes, he is a product if his environment, for sure as Bitters said. But he should not be heralded as some kind of hero and some of his behaviour is questionable, for sure.

  95. @MrDarkDC - Thanks for taking your time to explain this. Not to much avail, I'm afraid, but thank you anyway :)

    @InCatNeto - Polanski's FIRST marriage (in Poland) ended in divorce, his second wife was murdered by the Manson gang, and his third wife is still very much married to him and stands firmly by his side. I know RP is a rapist, but inserting his name into every teen abuse related blind is simply stupid. Just check your Wikipedia sometimes.

  96. I'm not saying it is Wes Craven, but he was absolutely a top horror director with The Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Those are the only movies that ever gave me nightmares. And People Under the Stairs is one of my favorite movies.

  97. Oh, and Brandon Quintin Adams who played Fool in People Under the Stairs was in a couple Michael Jackson videos (and had nothing but nice things to say about MJ after he died)

  98. From the way Feldman describes events back in the day, my guess is that he wasn't always the victim, but sometimes accomplice or abuser. If he started being groomed at drug/sex parties at age 14, and that was the lifestyle, was he likely to give it up when he turned 18 or start asking for IDs? And these people liked to film each other for safe-keeping. So I wouldn't be surprised if he's on film doing some bad things, maybe things that would ruin his credibility.

    Imagine if he accused some beloved actors/directors, and then video of him doing similar things surfaced. Many fans would be glad to turn their ire against him rather than face the allegations against their favorites. There would be a lot of, "No, not him, I won't believe it," and then, "Look at the source, he's a scumbag, obviously lying." He might accomplish nothing except to out himself.

    I think there's a real danger of that scenario, whether or not his actual life is in danger. Of course, he can't say that if that's the real reason he's staying quiet, just as he can't say he's holding out for more money.

    That's all total speculation on my part.

  99. Compromised Teen actor Corey Feldman
    Messed up actor Stephen Geoffreys
    Producer who screwed him up badly Speilberg
    TV show Geoffreys worked on Twilight Zone
    Twilight Zone Producer Spileberg

    #1 ?
    #2 Roman Polanski (foreign born many Horror films)
    #3 Joel Schumacher Move 95% Men/Noys Lost Boys

  100. Feldman, I'm sure at one point was trying to seek justice, but now he's simply trying to ride the attention as long as he can and milk it for money. I don't know what happened at the D.E.N. M&C Estate or Alphy's, but I have talked to people there in person during the time portrayed in An Open Secret and every one said that it's not true.
    What happened in the "VIP" parties with Alphy Hoffman I don't know (probably was pedophilia and molestation. I don't doubt that happened at all, just not like described)

    1. You've talked to people who were at DEN parties that claim the sexual abuse of boys didn't happen? Because Marc Collins-Rector was found guilty for the sex abuse and lost his civil case to Michael Egan.

  101. @Mag I did my research. It's not stupid to think this. Just last month LAPD opened another investigation into molestation allegations against Polanski.


    I realize he's still married, but it doesn't mean she'll stick by him this time. It only says the wife left him recently. Isn't it possible she has?

  102. MrDarkDC - thank you, there is NO WAY ON EARTH this would be GDT. But what's the answer to the blind YOU mentioned??? C'mon, can't lay that on is then not give us the answer... lol

  103. I'm pretty sure that #2 it's not Roman Polanski. There is not many kids in his movies, and I don't think that he ever was into boys. I'm kind of confused by lack of "A/B/C list" in the blind though.

  104. [Because the former teen actor won't come through with the goods, I will.]

    Go Enty, go!!

  105. I like when enty uses "initials" as clues. At least it's a little extra to go on

  106. #1 I agree with Crab, John Carpenter. He was A list and was a horror film director. Look at the messy death of that Hogan's Heroes guy. I'm sure Carpenter did it, there is a picture of brain tissue from inside Carpenter's rental car and they couldn't make it stick.

  107. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Just throwing this out there, my immediate thought for #3 was Platoon, with Oliver Stone. His name never comes up here, but maybe that's because of big checks he's written. "Mostly movies" - Stone has directed TV.

    But The Outsider's is a good guess too. Coppola is def perm. A list.

  108. @TV Annie

    John Henry Carpenter (Bob Crane associate & murder suspect) and John Carpenter (movie director) are two different guys.

  109. Anonymous3:47 PM

    MrDarkDC...respect your deep knowledge of the Realm, but come on. Craven and Barker are absolutely "A" horror directors. Practically the only horror directors the average person could name. You are too close to the subject to grasp the man-on-the-street perspective.

    And wasn't Clive Barker notorious for sketchy, drug and deviancy themed parties? I wonder who else was part of that scene?

  110. The pay TV show that became a movie, Sex and The City. The producer Darren Star also produced original 90210 and Melrose Place. Maybe the teen was Brain Austen Green, living off Megan Fox.

  111. """"embarrassed"""""""Thanks Jeff Gee

  112. Craven is dead. Why would he be a blind item? I interviewed him several times, found him professorial and modest, but I have no idea what to look for in that predator sense. Salva is not A-list, did time for his illegal lusts, and is nobody's idea of a "blind item." He is what he is. Tobe Hooper seems to fall outside of the item's presumption of status. Polanski has a gathering storm of once underage victims coming forward, again not a secret. The only "A-list" and "foreign born" horror directors that seem to work are kinky Cronenberg and fanboy fave Del Toro, who don't often work with kids. Spielberg seems a reach, too. Peter Jackson was a horror director before LOTR, and what happened in New Zealand stayed in New Zealand on those hobbit sets. Supposedly.

  113. Brian Austin Green didn't do porn, that I know of - send a link if he did.
    Also, he would be described as C List Actor/A+ list Rapper

    1. It said the kid that was suppose to make noise was A list. Idk about the porn. Just guessing.

  114. I know. I just wanted to make a joke about his "rap career"

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. I think #1 could be Tom Holland, like Boogieman said. He directed Child's Play and Tales from the Crypt, so I guess he was A+ list for a moment in 80's - 90's?

    #2 Could be someone who maybe directed many horror movies, but his name isn't well known, certainly not someone big like for exemple Guillermo Del Toro . Or Enty didn't put "A list" on purpose. Trying to find horror movies with many kids or teenagers in it and then checking directors.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I tried to post this earlier, right after MattDaddy in fact, but my phone kept erasing. anywauy, we are getting led astray by the Craven/Geoffreys guesses. Craven was, by all accounts a nice guy and a gentleman, and the only Geoffreys film produced by an A lister pre-porn was Moon 44 -- and Emmerich never made a TV show.

    Feldman is spot on as the sellout A list teen. However I think the A list producer is Richard Donner, who produced Tales From the Crypt, which aired for 7 seasons on HBO (a hit tv show on a pay-cable network.) Crypt later inspired two movies: Demon Knight in 1995 and Bordello of Blood in 1996.

    Anyway, Donner -- who also directed The Goonies, starring Feldman, Sean Astin (who has backed Corey's claims) and Brolin (who was at Chris Cornell's funeral; if you believe the Web, than maybe Brolin is not SB, but has reasons to be friends with Chris) -- also exec produced The Lost Boys. Which stars Feldman and Alex Winter (who has cliamed his own abuse), and is directed by Joel Schumacher -- who is on the imdb Alleged Pedo list. Their costar in that film, Chance Michael Corbitt, who played underage vampiure Laddie, has had only two minor imdb credits since 1991, though an article about him I read says he just signed to a horror film called The Grounded House. Maybe he's done some porn under an assumed name since then.

    Schumacher isn't quite a horror director, though he's done several high profile ones, but he was A+ ist at one point, and maybe Enty is pointing us to a particular film?

    i think, in reality, that
    A list teen -- Corey Feldman
    A list producer -- Richard Donner
    Messed Up Kid-- Chance Michael Corbitt
    A+ director -- Joel Schumacher

  119. I'm not one to quibble (well, maybe a little) but sometimes these posts are hard to read, due to the punctuation.

    Punctuation matters. I had to re-read the first paragraph twice to make sure I got it.

    Still, love CDAN!

    Haters, don't come at me! I was just making constructive criticism!

  120. Remember guys: Joel Schumacher and Roland Emmerich frequented the same pedo orgies parties that Brian Singer. It's probably one of them or both.

  121. "Maybe Joe Dante for #1?"

    Dante was never A+ list. His moment of studio fame was with GREMLINS, his later EXPLORERS tanked, GREMLINS 2 (though a shitload of fun) wasn't as successful as helped, and he became a studio guy for hire with middling success after that. He's done interviews where he noted that on his LOONEY TUNES film the studio changed "the beginning, the middle and the end", so basically everything. He then had a long hiatus before some TV movies, and THE HOLE with Bruce Dern, which flopped.

    As noted, Stephen Geoffreys is a onetime horror actor (from FRIGHT NIGHT and a couple of teen comedies) who later did gay porn. If there are any others, and there may be, I don't know of them. The other references and background noted by others (MOON 44 etc) seem to fit.

    MrDarkDC's commentary on the horror genre and various names is on target.

    "Craven and Barker are absolutely "A" horror directors."

    What successful horror films did Barker direct again, after the mid-80's production of HELLRAISER? NIGHTBREED was heavily cut by the studio and Barker (justifiably) moped for years about the lost footage. LORD OF ILLUSIONS was also cut down by the studio for its release. Barker later tried to direct a movie for New Line - AMERICAN NIGHTMARE - and they declined to fund it. 'A' list horror directors tend to achieve some box office success, and to be able to get their movies made. Barker's films since the low budget HELLRAISER were generally flops, he hasn't directed for 22 years, and two of his three total features were financial disappointments. James Wan (who went to my old Uni in Melbourne) is an A list horror director. Barker is a greatly esteemed writer, but an A list horror director he's sadly not.

    "Lmao you're a horror guy but you can't think of a Tobe Hooper film with teens in it besides Poltergeist? I guess the victims in Texas Chainsaw were all elderly eh?"

    All the actors in Hooper's original TEXAS CHAINSAW were in their 20's, or older. None of them were teens. As an example, Marilyn Burns was born in 1949. Hooper's film came out in 1974. THE FUNHOUSE is maybe a better fit, but barely. Berridge was nearly 20. Her boyfriend in the film, Cooper Huckabee, was 30 when the film was released. Miles Chapin was in his late 20's. So much for the blind's insistence on things being kept to folks under 18.

  122. Back to Craven.

    "If you were over 18, then you didn't make the cut for many of his earlier movies."

    Sandra Peabody from Craven's LAST HOUSE was born in 1948, and the movie came out in 1972. She wasn't a teen when they shot it. Lucy Grantham from LAST HOUSE was born in 1951, so she was 20 or 21 when they shot it. Sharon Stone was in her early 20's when she appeared in Craven's DEADLY BLESSING. Susan Buckner was in her late 20's when she appeared in that movie. Maren Jensen was in her mid 20's when she appeared in it, as was Lisa Hartman. A teen film it isn't.

    References to John Carpenter being a successful A list horror director are hilariously off target. HALLOWEEN, an indie production, was a huge hit. After that, Carpenter, among others directed THE THING (huge flop for Universal), lower budget genre entries like THEY LIVE and PRINCE OF DARKNESS (fun films, not huge hits), back to the studio payday efforts like ESCAPE FROM LA (which tanked), cheap telemovies for the BODY BAGS anthology film, GHOSTS OF MARS (which tanked) and unloved stuff like THE WARD, which would have been better if he'd done the music score for it. Lovely guy, apparently quite self-effacing and humble in real life, but there's a reason he's now happy leaving the directing struggle behind and touring with his son's band.

    Victor Salva is a creep but he's not A-list. Cronenberg might very possible be an asshole (Carpenter, in an interview, mentioned how Cronenberg nastily blew him off at a Masters of Horror dinner), but Cronenberg has also been heavily interviewed and profiled and scrutinised and followed by the fan and genre press for decades. If he'd called some actress a cunt on set, it'd be in every biography. Cronenberg also rarely worked with teens - RABID, THE BROOD, SCANNERS, VIDEODROME, THE FLY, DEAD RINGERS all have largely, or entirely, adult casts. When Cronenberg found the money to pursue a personal passion, he didn't make a teen movie - FAST COMPANY, his uncharacteristic drama, is set in the world of hot rods and auto racing.

  123. "Peter Jackson was a horror director before LOTR, and what happened in New Zealand stayed in New Zealand on those hobbit sets. Supposedly."

    The Peter Jackson gossip I've heard from film industry folks in NZ and Oz (I'm in Melbourne) is all amusing and good-natured. He spent big bucks buying and restoring WW2 biplanes as a lark, he imported a print of MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 2 for a private screening with himself and DOP Andrew Lesnie so the pair of them could marvel at how terrible it was. (Lesnie had been fired from that movie - PJ's response, "So I bet you're glad you didn't have to work on THAT film huh?"). PJ also once flew a Melbourne fanzine editor friend of mine over to appear as a zombie in BRAINDEAD when he was casting zombies for that movie, and you can see the guy in an early party scene making an entrance and then rudely grabbing for food.

  124. Just finishing on the note of Carpenter, I'll note for the record that IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS is a great movie. Wonderful Lovecraftian atmosphere, amusingly circular storyline, clever Metallica-style main theme, a fun Sam Neill performance, and a cast by and large full of adult performers, few if any teens. Keith Gordon played a teen in CHRISTINE, but was 23 or so when they shot the film. Alexandra Paul played a teen in that movie, but was 20+. John Stockwell played a teen in it, but was also 23.

  125. @InCatNeto - Nothing is impossible, but this is Enty' BI writing. Enty leaves enough clues for people to figure out the subjects of the BIs. Go through yesterday's reveals - almost all of them had been correctly guessed before the reveal. Now, the clues given here are that #2 is foreign born, a horror director and his most recent wife left him (also meaning he had been married at least twice, and probably more times). If you want to make it work on the assumption that the marital split has not been made public yet, you're free to pick any foreign born director of any rating whatsoever who has ever made a horror movie and been married more than once, because every one of them will fit. You can try, of course, just as you can try to make Polanski work here despite all that points to the contrary (although it would really be useful to remember that we are looking for someone who had a lot of opportunities to audition "young boys and girls"). Recently someone tried - against all reason - to prove RP was the subject of the "monster icon" blind, just because he is a Holocaust survivor. Other people tried to prove that Kubrick was the person making loads of sex scenes tapes while filming simply based on the fact that Enty mentioned "an iconic movie". LOL. Guesses are fun when they are based on some logic and argumentation, not purely on the fact that someone is the first or only person that comes to your mind when you think about sexual assault on a minor". Lack of logic is not what this community has been known for.
    PS: RP has been married to his current wife for nearly 30 years and was unmarried for 20 yers prior to that. Calling her "his most recent wife" would be a peculiar wording, indeed. ;)

  126. Oh and mr horror "your guesses all suck people in horror look out for one another" (lol, the casting couch is HUGE in horror and for crappy z list stuff no less ) was referring to Josh Stewart from The Collector films as the almost horror icon who messed up, more like cult horror icon as the Collector films were known well in horror circles but not becoming a household name like Freddy or Jason and it's unlikely the third film would've changed that.

  127. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Bogan, great points. What I am trying to say, perhaps badly, is that a genre like Horror has, for the general public, a few faces which---whatever the harsh truth of their commercial bottom line---are accepted as top figures.

    I don't know how many albums the Sex Pistols actually sold, but if a blind mentioned an "A+ punk rock band", I wouldn't rule them out.

    Jose Canseco had as many weaknesses as strengths, but if a blind mentioned an "A former slugger" I wouldn't rule him out.

    I stubbornly submit that to the clueless Normie, Craven, Barker, and yes Tobe Hooper are "A" level horror directors.

  128. Fascinating that so late in the day this blind continues to have a frenzy of posts trying to take the focus off of the ones that Enty is outing.

  129. @mag I was trying to point out that I was using logic and had more reasons for that argument. I was not the first person to mention his name on this thread. I was just trying to add to the conversation. Sorry. I thought I was helping.

  130. Has anyone who is claiming Tales From the Crypt ever actually SEEN the show? It's basically a horror version of Twilight Zone. The only recurring character in the entire series is The Cryptkeeper. As in there's no actor to throw away because the cast is a revolving door from episode to episode. Demon Knight & Bordello of Blood were 2 completely different stories with completely different casts & characters.

    1. It doesn't say he was in the tv show. Tales started in 89, Stephen Geofferys last mainstream movie was 90, started porn in 89.

  131. And I suppose names can't be named because big bad Feldman will bring a massive libel suit will all the money he has "stolen" from fans... If Schwartz is the source... Meh.

  132. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What if the foreign director (#2) is Renny Harlin? Dutch-born, numerous horror films on his cv, even worked with pre-fame A listers Viggo Mortenson (1988's Prison) and Sebastian Stan (2006's The Covenant). Who knows how many A listers he auditioned but didn't cast in movies lie A Nightmare on Elm Street 4? (He even recast future A lister Patricia Arquette's role from part 3 for that; maybe she turned him down?)

    #3 could be Coppola for The Outsiders (Sofia? Roman?) or Spielberg for Hook (with his daughter Jessica Capshaw as the informant?)

    [oh, and Mr. Dark was talking about Andrew Bryniarski, the Leatherface in the 2003 remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Known asshole amongst horror fans; I personally got into it with him on social media a few years ago.]

  133. #3 Is Spielberg and Saving Private Ryan. As Damiana said, Tom Hanks, a father of kids who have gone into show business, is surprisingly unalarmed by systemic pedophilia. There are rumors about him. His son Colin does not appear to be a big fan of his dad. Just sayin'. Allegedly.

  134. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Going back to my last comment, Harlin was last divorced in 1997 -- not recent, but hIS most recent -- from Geena Davis. Maybe she heard something?

    so my guesses:
    a list teen: Corey Feldman
    A list producer: Richard Donner
    Messed Up: Chance Michael Corbitt
    A+ director: Joel Schumacher
    Foreign Director: Renny Harlin
    perma A+ lister: Coppola or Spielberg

    (that said, the A+ director could be Joe Dante of Gremlins/Explorers fame, if its Spielberg connected at all.)

    (Not to start anything, I am probably also a bigger horror nerd than Mr. Dark -- my name is from a credit from Stuart Gordon's Re-Animator)

  135. Enty's been saying for a loooonnnnggggg time, Corey ain't naming any real big names and the GoFundMe is a scam cuz he spend the money he was paid to keep quiet.

  136. This list makes the most sense to me, but I like some of the other guesses. It definitely seems like Coppola has been into some things that he's never been called on, and even when he was called on being the money man behind Victor Salva's movie and defense attorneys for Salva's pedophilia, it never got big in the press.

    A list teen: Corey Feldman
    A list producer: Richard Donner
    Messed Up: Chance Michael Corbitt
    A+ director: Joel Schumacher
    Foreign Director: Renny Harlin
    perma A+ lister: Coppola

  137. Even if 3 isn't Coppola, you have to remember he has some pretty seedy ties to the abuse community.

    He funded Salva's movie where he raped a teen and ended up doing time. Despite being a known sex offendwr, Coppola still funded his first 2 Jeepers Creepers movies.

    He also owned Hollywood Center Studios until 1985, which was the studio where all the sex abuse of kids was happening. After O'Rourke died (a year after the abuse), it took only 2 months for Michael Jackson to purchase the Neverland Ranch, which became the new abuse spot. I don't know if Coppola and Jackson or Spielberg ever had any close tiws, but it would be interesting to examine them.

  138. I keep coming back to the Outsiders. All boys except for Diane Lane. The main cast is a list of future big stars.... Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Matt Dillon, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Machio and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Premiered in 1983.

    That is a hell of a list of up and coming stars. Anyway, it was my first thought when reading the blind.

    Disappointed to learn that Feldman is actually profiting from the abuses of Hollywood. That does nothing for his credibility, even though I do believe he was abused. I am disgusted at the thought of the powerful abusers who think they are above the law. I don’t even understand how they can live with themselves for destroying so many children’s lives.

  139. For your consideration for Messed Up: Jamison Newland. Played Alan Frog in Lost Boys, good friend of Corey Feldman, married, missing from mainstream projects till 2015 (so that doesn't work, sorry), staring in upcoming movie Tale Of Two Corey's- The story of teen heartthrobs Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, whose lives were forever changed by the glitz, glamour, and the darker side of show business. His revenge against A list producer (Richard Donner)? And here's a quote from his Facebook page on April 25, 2011 ·
    "Hello all my dedicated fans who are still checking in, even though i've been off the radar. Here's something I'll just throw out there for everybody to chew on. I feel like vampires have been chasing me since I did Lost Boys at age 16. I think they've been chasing all of us from the movie in one way or another. Take a close look at the pictures of actors from the Lost Boys. You might see it."

    1. @Bunny
      Wow, what a revealing quote. Thanks for finding that. Sad.

  140. 1. John Carpenter

  141. "That producer made tens of millions from a very hit pay cable show which later became a movie" Darren Star for Sex in the City

  142. I 100% don’t believe it’s Coppola. I knew him back in the day. He liked women and gave off a hetero vibe.

  143. #3 I do believe is Joel Schumacher. He's homosexual and I've read somewhere that Coreys were passed around by him and rumors about his casting couch.

  144. @bunnyzenpeace Nice find! Stephen Geoffreys, as far as I can find, has never been married and is gay. If he has a life partner, he keeps it private. Also, has a fairly recent pic of himself and Emmerich on his facebook and calls him an old friend. He does have posts supporting the vilification of Weinstein.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. 1. I hate to say but Wes Craven fits

    2. Ridley Scott- maybe?

    3. Joel Schumacher

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Anonymous3:00 AM

    For number two remember that it says these are audition tapes. It doesn't mean the five or six future A+ listers were actually in the films. There could have been situations where they were only casting for one teen/child character but held lots of auditions.

    As an out of left field guess for number two - Ridley Scott. I know he's not known as a horror director but he's foreign born, Alien is one of his most famous films and he's been married three times. His most recent in 2015 so fairly new and with the potential for his wife to still be finding things out about him.

    Ridley Scott is the only one I can think whose films would attract the best young talent that could go on to be A+ listers.

  149. @InCatNeto - Sorry I lashed out at you like that. Love your photo :)

  150. #3. The lost boys. Joel T. Schumacher. Sorry, my last comment was incomplete.

  151. Gertz definitely knew what was going on while filming Lost Boys (which makes me sick and while she may have had to endure much of the same and felt like it was 'normal' enough to turn a blind eye, no respect there) and I totally agree that #3 is Schumacher.

  152. I also have to wonder about Kiefer Sutherland as being the A list movie and television actor who abused Corey. He was also in The Lost Boys.

  153. Sorry, meant to say Stand By Me.

  154. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Great thread guys, some really good information, as usual.

    Glue - thanks for the goss :)

  155. For some reason, after I read this I immediately flashed back to that old chestnut "The Tutor". Re-reading it in this day and age gave me a few shivers.


    I would think if you took all of the Corey F. BIs and put them together in one narrative you would have a helluva narrative with lots of clues pointing to the exact pedophiles.

    1. no one ever followed up on the tutor/ welfare worker jack tice?

  156. what is the tea on brooke mc carter? imdb says he lived with and managed haim... passed in '15

  157. I also always wondered, regarding Lost Boys, what made Jason Patric practically disappear.

    Wasn't he related to someone famous?

    I remember looking, and looking, and waiting for his next big movie because I thought he was so good in this one and nothing.

  158. @asb that is EXACTLY who I was thinking of. He worked on an awful lot of Corey movies. And then he sort of ...disappeared. A Google search shows up with limited results, one of which is a page that says he is worth approximately 1.4 mil or so. Not sure how accurate those websites are though.

  159. Jason Patric is Jackie Gleason's grandson. His IMDb filmography shows steady work taking small parts. Probably doesn't need the money.

  160. The young actor who was messed up badly can't be Stephen Geoffreys. Says this person lived off his wifes salary. He is openly gay.

  161. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Going back to the foreign director, which no one seems to guess....I thought Renny Harlin, but Paul Lynch (born in England, did most of his work in Canada) did a lot of horror movies at that time (Humongous, Prom Night) and worked with a pre-fame Keanu Reeves on a movie called Teenage Dreams, Carrie Ann Moss on a tv show called FX: The Series, and has done a lot of tv over the years....generally a lot of chances to audition a lot of actors and actresses.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Here Corey Feldman is thanking him and Corey Haim's molester at a youth award. This would have been a perfect opportunity to expose one of his molesters yet he is thanking him. He might could have saved another victim from Marty Weiss yet he is throwing them to the wolves. He is full of shit ! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kLgElouV7AA

    He is on his 5th fundraising campaign, last one raising over 300,000 he is using being a victim to scam people who genuinely want to help. Corey Feldman is a fraud!

    8:52 AM Delete

  164. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Messed up actor: Stephen Geoffreys

    Compromised Former Teen Actor: Cory Feldman

    Joel Schumacher, "Lost Boys"

  165. @mag thanks for that. Just wanted you to know I had good intentions, but I see the clear arguments against my suggestion. I honestly had no idea that was a "cop out" suggestion so to speak. I hunt hard, but I'm a newb to this community. He checked a lot of the boxes. I'll get better as I go. :)

  166. @Melvin The Reanimated, totally minor thing but Renny Harlin is Finnish, not Dutch. Still foreign so a contender?

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  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. @Maurice Agonistes
    Twillight Zone was not the show/ movie in the Barsi blind.
    Shockingly (to me anyway) it appears to be The Tracey Ullman Show. James L. Brooks as showrunner, Nancy Cartwright as actress who has played the same character for 30 years: Bart Simpson. Brooks produces The Simpsons, which started out as shorts on Tracey Ullman Show. Who knew JLB was a pedo??

  170. Have to agree with Drumstixx. I was initially supportive of Feldman but, after looking into the events and him a bit more, I get the impression he is compromised, untrustworthy, and probably paid off to make a noise about nobodies to protect somebodies.

    The thing that I don't get about the whole idea of a network of child abusers though is wouldn't they sell each other out when they got busted individually, or have some material on their computers which, when searched by police, would show the existence of a network? If there was a group then they would have to be very savvy technologically and/or have friends in such high places that they are above the law.

    Continuing that thought...Michael Jackson. I know this topic divides people so I'll just state my opinion. I think he was an abused child who became a child abuser, he was connected to other child abusers, and he was hung out to dry by them when he got a bit too wacko to hide his inclinations, or perhaps they thought he might crack under pressure because his mental state and drug abuse were making him unreliable. I go back to the voodoo curse he put out. At that time he had paid off a few alleged victims (I think - certainly one). It was reported as a bizarre story where we are led to believe that those 25 names on his list were just professional disagreements. Perhaps there was more to it than that? What would MJ have been most angry about at that time? His career possibly - sure - or maybe not being protected as he had been before. It would be interesting to know the full list of names as I can only find two.

    At this point I remember that I'm usually too pragmatic to be overly conspiratorial (it quickly goes a bit mental for me). It always comes down to the same thing - what would stop someone selling out the others if they were captured? They would have to know that exposure would result in something unthinkable so maybe families are threatened too? It's all a bit dark really.

  171. It's not Cronenberg. For starters, he's never made movies with young boys in them and when there has been a child in the movie, they've never grown up to be big stars. So it doesn't fit. Besides that, he has an excellent reputation, especially among actresses. If he had been disrespectful, it would have come out before now.

  172. MrDarkDC

    Want a horror blind? What iconic killer actor was on track to be the next horror legend but derailed it due to being a generally abusive, drug-addled douchecanoe? After headlining two hit films, he all but vanished due to his terrible behavior on set and at fan events.

    Andrew Bryniarski

    I had a run in with him on Facebook, and to say he was drug addled would have been kind.

  173. It's not Cronenberg. For starters, he's never made movies with young boys in them and when there has been a child in the movie, they've never grown up to be big stars. So it doesn't fit. Besides that, he has an excellent reputation, especially among actresses. If he had been disrespectful, it would have come out before now.

    For the record you are wrong. Watch Shivers, and The Brood. They both feature young children and both have scenes that look damn near like kiddie porn.

    You are correct though it isn't Cronenberg, most likely it is Dario Argento.

  174. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Feldman is the first actor mentioned. Scott Schwartz is the actor who knows the names and did a porn.

    3- Schumacher

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. ????????

  177. Sad that the kid who finally got Weiss prosecuted was not supported by other victims. Mr F. Saw him with the kid at the young artists award show and gave him a shoutout from the stage. Could have gave the kids a heads up by pulling him aside or warning Weiss that he was watching him or told the parents or showed up in court to support the kid who ended up being abused for three years until he was 15. Read Schumacher IMD and his remarks about the goat!

  178. I for the life of me cannot find someone who fits this first criteria. The person has to be someone who primarily hires teens and had underage actors in many of his older movies. This barely fits Wes Craven as most of his starts were in their 20s or older. There were also no underage actors I could think of in his earlier work. I did however find a name that could closely match up:

    Sean S. Cunningham

    He is the director of the original Friday the 13th movie, and also a collaborator of Wes Craven working as a producer of some of his movies. A-list? I don't know, but his work is indeed known and icon to the horror genre even if most people remember Craven. He also done two kid friendly sports movies before Friday the 13th called Manny's Orphans and Here Comes the Tigers. Both of them mostly have kids. Is this the guy? This one is the closest I could find.

    The only other horror movie director I could think of is David Seltzer who did the Omen franchise, Willy Wonka, and Lucas. However, he was a writer for most of these. The Omen movie also focused on the adults too. I think Cunningham fits better.

    As for Corey Feldman. Most of the names on his side have been reported to the LAPD. He has said this in a few interview on the subject. The only one who may have gotten away for now is the molester who raped Corey Haim at 11. I do think he might be the Hollywood Mogul originally. I can't find anyone from Corey Haim's history who could fit that description. Corey Haim also said the guy was "42 years old" which unfortunately could be anyone in his life(even Charlie Sheen). I think it could be the director of Firstborn who was 43 at the time. I don't know.

    Also I find it frustrating how Enty talks shit about Feldman, but refuses to name the A+ Director is some of his blinds. You know who I'm talking about.



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