Monday, January 29, 2018

Today's Blind Items - A List Mafia

Everything is about to come crashing down for this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee. Not only is she going to get busted for sleeping with this married CEO for much of the past two years, she is also going to be busted for her part of a money laundering scam that is about to be blown wide open from coast to coast. She has known this married CEO for a long time. They have hooked up on and off again over the years many times. She has never let any boyfriend or long term partnership stand in the way of hooking up with him. In return he would throw millions of dollars over the year at her and a very close family member. The money was supposedly for possible financing of a movie. The actress would even provide a bunch of fake receipts and scripts worth $10 that she said she paid $200K for. The CEO has already gone down and will be busted soon.

She even introduced him to her A list ex (F) who had his own relationship with the CEO and to that infamous A+ lister that brought down the A+ lister. F has been trying to make up for that by introducing the wife of the A+ lister to those close to him in celebrity and political circles. The problem is that once again, F is looking out for himself and wants to save his own skin and spin the story to the feds that he had no idea where all the money he was given for charity came from. F will say that all of the receipts he wrote were actually done by someone else and he had no idea that the money was never given to the charity.


  1. I need the Enty-to-English translator.
    Also would be helpful if everyone here got a code letter. 🤔

  2. Infamous A+ lister that brought down the A+ lister...uuhh..who dis?

    1. If Kate Winslet is correct, ex is Sam Mendes who directed American Beauty

    2. But then the "wife of A+lister" could only mean the one who brought him down. Unless they mean Harvey, not sure if he financed any of his films

  3. Charlize? I think it's somebody not married because he only mentions "boyfriends and longterm partnership".

    F could be Sean Penn.

    1. I think it’s Charlize, Sean Peen for F, maybe Weinstein for the CEO?

    2. If it is Charlize, was checking out her exes. Quite the professional beard for years!

  4. I thought Weinstein too, but for A+ lister who was brought down lol.

  5. Juicy! I wish I understood it tho

  6. Eric Schmidt from Google for the CEO.

  7. Charlize /Sean Penn/El Chapp(infamous A lister

    1. Emma Aisparo is the wife he’s been introducing around Hollywood/political circles

  8. Strangely enough, I think the A+ Lister brought down is EL Chapo.


  9. So @Tricia13 ... are we to understand that Charlize Theron is going to be arrested for money laundering from this blind? Didn't other blinds reference Huma Abedin w/ El Chapo's wife as well?


    1. Yes that connection was mage @Woodman!
      We need faustian STAT lol. I don’t think the day will come when she’s indicted, but is is a scrapper for sure and I Buy most of what Enty put out here...

  10. If its Charlize I am going to be so sad :(

  11. Charlize for actress, Sean penn,for F? Weinstein the A+ guy with the wife getting into the political connections, the CEO that is going to be in big trouble the Google guy,but then how could an A+ person be the one who brought Weinstein down? Who would Enty think brought him down?

  12. Jeez, this almost sounds like the plot of that awful Trading Up.

  13. Maybe the story is even weirder and the CEO is Sherman, and this is going to involve the AIDS drug charities.

  14. Still going with Charlize and Penn though, the discriptions fit.

  15. Didn't Bob bring down Harvey?

  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    IS there a link to a A-F listers with possible names? A table of these blind identities?

  17. Ayy, everything comes to light now after Weinstein, like domino effect lol. Waiting for this train wreck to surface, we'll see.

  18. Actress - Charlize
    CEO - Eric Schmidt
    F - George Clooney
    A-lister (1) - Sean Penn
    A-lister (2) - El Chapo
    Wife of A-lister (2)- Emma Aisparo
    Political Friends of F = Huma, et al.

  19. Sounds like Charlize, but I hope it isn't.


  20. If the actress is Charlize Theron, then the CEO might be Marcus McGilvray, who runs Whizz Kids United Team, a charity based on South Africa focused on children born with HIV.

    The infamous A-lister who was brought down is El Chapo. Enty is saying Penn in introducing El Chapo's wife to celebrities & politicians to make up for inadvertently leading the cops to El Chapo's hiding spot. The second charity/fundraiser is Sean Penn & Friends HAITI RISING.

  21. The way I read this, F (A lister) and the "infamous A+ lister who brought down the A+ lister" are different people. It does sound like Penn and El Chapo for the two A+ listers, so F is not Penn (if the actress is Charlize). Clooney is another of Charlize's ex, and he does have a lot of political connections and connections with Eric Schmidt.

  22. so,someone on twitter suggested :

    Actress: Charlize

    CEO: Roy Price (ousted Amazon CEO)

    Ex: Sean Penn

    A+ Lister: El Chapo

    Movie: Gringo, Amazon Studios prod. By Charlize

  23. Eric Schmidt ran a fund called TomorrowVentures, which invested in Relativity Media, which has been referenced in other blinds as being a Ponzi scheme.

  24. well, everyone seems latched onto charlize. who is the very close family member who's also having millions thrown their way?

  25. @MJ, Roy Price was not CEO of Amazon. That's Jeff Bezos. Price was the head of Amazon Studios. I don't we've guess the CEO yet.

  26. @nancer. Charlize's mom as the relative.

  27. Yes F is Sean Penn, his charity being the Haitian Relief Organization...

    I hope he and Charlize both go down, it couldn't happen to two nicer people

  28. Boy, I love shit like this but there are too many initials and potential bad guys and gals in play. I do like the matter-of-fact assertions that all these people are going to take a fall soon. I hope it's true!

    I met Charlize Theron once. She was stunningly beautiful and cold. I heard her say one incredibly cruel thing to a person who was trying to be kind to her. It was so ugly.

  29. Until this is cleared up a bit, none of the guesses make a bit of sense.

    Funny how Enty drops these mangled blinds and everyone jumps in to try to clean up his mess with their favorite Most Hated Celebrity Of the Moment.

    These are deliberately obscure, to fit many different people, so why bother on these?

  30. Calling @fustian, your audience awaits your translation...


      *Bribes Fustian with some cake* 🍰

  31. I can only see this fitting Charlize.

  32. @plot, I support your inclination not to bother with this one...

  33. Sounds like Penn, Del Castillo, El Chapo and maybe Emilio Azcárraga Jean for the CEO. One or two others missing. How many money laundering actresses have been in the news?

  34. @Ddonna, people have said this many times about her,very rude to fans.

    1. You know, Guesser, knowing what I know about people in my own circles, I can sort of tolerate people who are "transparent" with their rudeness. I'm not condoning it—it's never okay to be rude to the people who got you where you are in the first place, but I figured that it's better than being fake.

      In my neck of the woods, all the "darlings" and the actresses who play the ingénues are really mean IRL.

      And at least they're her own fans, who she gained in her own right. Not riding on her "best friend's" coat-tails... (et tu, Brute?)

  35. Firstly, remember that I do not know who the blind refers to so I may make subtle errors. I may also completely gloss over important clues in the original blind that I don’t realize are clues. Always go back to the source. Also, there is almost no snark in this translation since it seems a little more serious… Hope this helps!

    Cast (renamed alphabetically by their appearance in the blind)
    Amy: A list actress, foreign born, mostly movie. Sleeps w/married CEO
    Ben: CEO. Married.
    Chuck: A-list actor. Amy’s Ex.
    Don/Donna: A+ lister. Brought down Ed. Boy or girl? Not clear from the blind.
    Ed: A+ lister. Now brought down.
    Fran: Wife of Ed (I think)

    Everything is about to come down for Amy, who is either an Academy Award winner or a nominee.

    Her first problem is that she’s been sleeping around with Ben for the last two years, and Ben is married.

    She’s hooked up with Ben off and on over the years many times, boyfriends or long term partners be damned. Is she nuts about him? Enty doesn’t say. He DOES say that Ben throws millions in cash at Amy and a close family member. This IS Hollywood remember and love is quite pricey there.

    The money was theoretically to be used to finance a movie and the actress would send fake receipts and bogus scripts to Ben she would claim cost her $200K or so to acquire. It’s not clear from the blind whether Ben is getting cheated, or if this is just a ploy to fool the accountants.

    Now Enty tells us that Ben has already “gone down”, but things will be worse soon. He’s going to be “busted”. I interpret that to mean: so far, all he’s lost is his job, but soon he’ll be facing trouble with the law. But I’m guessing here.

    Problem two for Amy is arguably much worse. She has been part of a money laundering scam that is about to be blown wide open from coast to coast. Enty does not make it clear (at least to my reading) that Ben is part of the money laundering scam, but I’m assuming that he is.

    Amy introduced Ben to Chuck, her A list ex. And Chuck apparently continued his relationship with Ben.

    Chuck also has a relationship with A+ lister Don/Donna and Don/Donna brought down A+ lister Ed in some way not specified in the blind.

    Chuck is trying to make up for his relationship with Don/Donna by introducing Fran (Ed’s wife) to celebrities and politicos.

    But Chuck doesn’t really care about anybody else. He’s just looking out for himself and will claim that he had no idea where all that money came from that he was given to donate to charity. Money that never actually made it. Chuck is going to say that all those receipts HE wrote were actually done by someone else and he had NO IDEA that money never actually went to charity.

    1. Ah there you are, my love, the light at the end of the tunnel... ✨ #ThankYou

  36. Long time lurker...first time poster.

    Wasn't there a blind about Brad Pitt being the behind the scenes guy that took down Weinstein?

  37. @cody

    I thought it was Weinsteins brother that started the whole thing off.

    One can also argue that Ronan Farrow played a big part too.

  38. A dumb idiot said...
    "Eric Schmidt ran a fund called TomorrowVentures, which invested in Relativity Media, which has been referenced in other blinds as being a Ponzi scheme."

    This is interesting because guess who was involved with Relativity Media, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

  39. Are any of these celebrity foundations regardless of which political stripe legit anymore, just another money laundering scam for the rich because the IRS can't keep up and Trump hates the IRS so he wants to cut their resources even more which means him and his rich friends, also of both political stripes, can get away with more evasion and fraud. They don't care if the US goes into bankruptcy once they are finished. They'll just take their money and move out of the US. Maybe buy an island.

  40. I'm sorry, I cannot imagine Charlize getting with Eric Schmidt. Let's find a more dashing CEO

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. +1 for Charlize...being from South Africa. But I think the relative is her mother...

    "In return he would throw millions of dollars over the year at her and a very close family member."

  43. @gossblogger, google norman dodd on youtube. He was an 'insider' and gives a very detailed info about purpose of so called foundations starting with the early ones - Ford, Rockerfellla, Whitney, Guggenheim etc etc.

    By the 1950's the power and influence the foundations had was so vast that congress set up to investigate what was going on. Dodd was lead investigator and if you watch the youtube video you will learn a lot and how the FOUNDATIONS shut congress investigation down. The more recent 'foundations' are just iterations of the originals and their purpose is to control key people/countries, launder money/drugs, etc etc. The IRS has never had any power over them. EVER

  44. Bob Weinstein being the CEO.
    Charlize Theron involved, somehow.
    Sean Penn involved in a scheme involving Haiti, but that is separate from this scam.

    ATTN: Fustian: I sent a DM to Enty that all future postings are to be sent to YOU prior to posting for you to translate. You will then return them back to him to post on CDaN. K?


  45. Addendum:
    Should've said reason I believe Charlize Theron involved: remember she sent her kids to live with momma back in S. Africa for awhile? Wonder if things were getting "too hot" over here and sent them there for a spell????

  46. @ I'll have a Martini, straight up, or lying down. Makes no matter.

    "I sent a DM to Enty that all future postings are to be sent to YOU prior to posting for you to translate. You will then return them back to him to post on CDaN. K?"

    Actually no.

    I don't actually have the time. There's a lot of this stuff and it takes me a while to figure it all out. Plus lots of the blinds are already crystal clear and there really isn't much for me to add.

    And I actually like reading the Enty blinds. They are remarkably compact. It's a kind of art form.

    This is Enty's show. Now and then a blind strikes my fancy and, if I have time, I may enjoy playing around a little. But it will be catch as catch can and I dunno how long I will sustain this. I'm amazed that Enty does this and a real job at the same time.

    I VERY much appreciate the vote of confidence though!

  47. Keep in mind: Relativity Media was owned by ...
    Steven Mnuchin/Ratner/Packer/Deutsche Bank/Brian Ross
    They purchased a small theatre company owned by...Kevin Spacey, et al, in 2016 Spacey didn't remain on the new board.

    These people are ALL tied Hollyweird into politics!!!
    Relativity Media emerged from bankruptcy in 2016 eventually sold to ... China

  48. @Fustian: Was kidding! I sent him the DM as kidding as well.

  49. @ I'll have a Martini, straight up, or lying down. Makes no matter.


  50. Well, the biggest CEO to just crash and burn is Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts and head of the RNC. There's an obvious connection with money laundering here, but I'm not sure people here will consider it.

    Who the actress is in this scenario, I have no idea. I know that he's a buddy of Clooney's, but that's about it.

    The most plausible sounding CEO is the Amazon guy. I know he's no the CEO, but he was head of a large "studio," so in the world of enty-fudge, he's CEO-ish. The biggest clue supporting that a film company was involved was $$ going to make movies and fake receipts were provided for given to the company for these fake films.

  51. On what planet would El Chapo, a criminal, be A list?

  52. Sorry, for the proofing know what I mean.

  53. Actually - Roy Price wasn't married, he was engaged. His fiance dumped him after he got busted. Steve Wynn is definitely married.

  54. I like the Eric Schmidt guess. I don't think this totally fits, but would Gina Gershon be considered A-List? Because her A-list ex, could be Bill C. who did have some relationship with Weinstein. And I hate to even mention him, because this site has gotten way too much political trolling, but that's who leapt to my mind.

  55. none of this means shit. when everyone's super attorneys finish with the back story it just seem like a merry mix up. something to make a silly comedy farce over. vanity fair will have spun a 6 page story on it that'll read like a PR press kit instead of any form of investigative reportage.

    "welcome to the jungle we got fun and games..."

  56. I'm sure Eric Schmidt is into shady stuff, but I don't think this blind refers to him. Why would he need to launder money? He's worth over $11 billion. He could sell some stock and pay only 15% capital gains tax. Surely that is less than the money laundering mark-up, not to mention less effort. I agree with others, that the CEO mentioned here would be involved with creation of media content.

  57. Charlize is the actress
    Sean Penn her ex (F for FuckFace)
    the A+ lister (poorly worded but referred to twice in the same sentence) who Sean Penn aided in bringing down (unintentionally or otherwise) is Chapo Guzman
    Guzman’s wife Emma Aispuro is being introduced to Penn’s Friends
    CEO is Eric Schmidt, who resigned immediately after POTUS EO 12/21 was executed.

  58. Here is a list of foreign-born academy winners (besides Theron):

    Emma Thompson
    Natalie Portman
    Kate Blanchett
    Marion Coltillard
    Kate Winslet
    Helen Mirren
    Catherine Zeta Jones
    Rachel Weis
    Tilda Swinton
    Penelope Cruz
    Lupita Nyong
    Alicia Vikander
    Maggie Smith (definitely her)
    Juliet Binoche

  59. Agree with itttttt

    It is eric schmidt

  60. @Catsup, "Academy Award winner/nominee" means someone who has at least one nomination and might or might not have won the award.

  61. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Google "foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee" and you will learn 1. this is most likely Charlize and 2. DAAMMNNN so many website's steal Enty's shit. F would obviously be Penn with Guzman (don't find my IP and kill me; eh, it's a vpn so who cares). The CEO is interesting, because what if it refers to someone at Vanity Fair or Netflix? Vanity Fair published the original article and Penn allegedly begged Netflix not to produce the special. But Weinstein makes sense bc he had the free access to cash to pay the A list mostly movie actress for her bullshit scripts

  62. @Doug Oops, sorry. I thought winner/nominee meant they had achieved both and there was a separate category for nominee. Admittedly, I've taken the time fully comprehended Enty's categorizing system.

    As others have said, this one is too vague - though, the whole Penn/Chapo thing sounds vaguely correct. Ive enjoyed researching El Chapo's money laundering operations - fascinating.

  63. Anonymous4:45 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. For the CEO, what about David Guillod?? He was the co-CEO of Primary Wave Entertainment, which also happened to produce ATOMIC BLONDE, which Charlize was in and a co-producer of? Plus he's younger, and fairly good-looking. He had to step down in November. Not sure if he's married, though.

  65. OK, David Guillod was married from 1996-2009. Not sure if that counts or if he's gotten remarried since then.

  66. @Catsup, that question is a rite of passage here. I went through it.

  67. Re read thinking Charlize, Harvey and Sean Penn in your mind. It makes much more sense.

  68. Is this connected to the 'church' and the Canadian Pharma couple who were murdered , that blind seems have been thick with South African guesses as well as charities, a money laundering well known woman and HIV drugs.

  69. @emeraldcity, good points!

  70. Having just finished reading a story on the $400million heist of digital Ethereum coins in Japan (probably by Fatboy Kim). I'm wondering why people need to travel to lauder money these days, Bitcon is much easier to transport ,holds little danger of being traced and is relatively easy to manipulate into numerous holding pockets/accounts for someone with the know how and they have been around for almost a decade.

  71. My fucking teeth hurt.

  72. So many CEOs have quietly (some not-so-quietly) resigned/retired in the last year (coincidentally, I'm sure) that it's hard to know where to start on that end.

    Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I was entranced the first time I saw her in an SNL bit years ago. Don't have a clue whether she's the type of person who would run a charity scam.

  73. emeraldcity, despite the term "crypto-currency", difficulty tracing bitcoin transactions is widely over-rated. Lots of articles on the topic, but here's one I do agree though, that money can be moved faster and easier once you get it out of cash.

  74. Having re-read the blind,the part about el Chapo and hooking up the wife with A list politicians,etc,I think it is just to help guess Sean Penn. The F might be Clooney, forgot he was an ex. If true,Charlize might be in trouble on her own.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.


  76. A few years back, I believe it was January 2013,
    I was at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
    Guess who was the BIG CELEBRITY at Davos that year?

    You guessed it... CHARLIZE THERON.
    Guess who she was seen with at Davos?

    You guessed it... Eric Schmidt.
    Publicly not exclusively but in proximity.
    Hookups happen back at the private chalets
    transported by private and very discreet drivers.

    Charlize was there for some philanthropic something.
    I don't remember because I didn't care.

    Having worked closely with some of the richest people in the world, LITERALLY,
    It's truly amazing how f+cking fascinated they are with celebrities.
    Shocking to me really because I could care less.
    Charlize would be a prize for these billionaires.

    On a side note: When the Charlize's of the world are unavailable,
    they have a stable of Russian Prostitutes on call.

  77. what do all of them have in common: they all supported Hillarious Clinton. LMAO

    I have to admit the swamp drainage is mighty entertaining. Who knew it was so vast...?

    All connected, different entertainment industries, political leanings, media outlets, countries, charities....
    What's next?

    Such fun!

  78. I wonder if this has anything to do with that BI from a few weeks ago about the celeb being roughed up by a family member that people guessed as Charlize and her Mom. It would make more sense now.
