Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Today's Blind Items - A Life Destroyed

This actress is far more famous now, than she ever was while alive. At her peak, she might have been a B- lister on a very generous day. She was an actress full of promise and full of life, but a series of men destroyed her before finally killing her. We will call her A.

It started on a show I wrote about earlier today. She was booked to be a recurring for most of a season but only ended up filming a few episodes of the pay cable show. Apparently she was abruptly terminated when she complained about the way she was being treated. She told a fellow actress on the set who had been there since day one and was on the show through the run, that this A- list actor forced A to perform oral sex on him. She told the other actress that she felt like she had no choice. Two hours later the actor was forcing her to have sex with him. She called her agent who apparently called someone. The next thing you know the actress is fired from the show.

For a few years she didn't get any paid work after she complained. She knew that because she complained she was blackballed. When she finally had the opportunity to land a part in a big movie and the director wanted to have sex with her first, she agreed. She just assumed this was how it was going to be until she was a big enough star to say no. She had sex with the director every day for two weeks in return for what she thought was going to be a fairly decent speaking role.

It probably would have but she got caught by the director kissing this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who was on the film. A was really into the actor and liked him a lot. The director didn't like this at all and cut her from every scene she was in as retaliation.

Because the A- list actor liked our actress he made sure she got an invitation to a big award show. At the award show, the director treated her like crap. He made her cry. She started drinking heavily and was not in control of herself when she was raped at the event.

The A- list actor heard about it and got her into a cab to the hospital but he never spoke to her again.

Think things couldn't get worse? This foreign born A list movie actor who likes to direct too traded sex for a part with her. He made her also have sex with another woman in front of him and was going to give the bigger part to the woman he thought did a better job. The other actress won the larger role. During the filming of this movie, our actress began to drink more and also to start using drugs.

During the filming of the movie, she started talking about the experiences she had endured. She started talking about being raped and started naming names. One of the people she told was this A- list mostly movie actress who would rather be a singer. That actress told some people at an organization who then used that knowledge to try and blackmail the rapist.

That actress and A started working together on a new movie and A started telling her more and more details about the men in the industry and what they did to her. One of those men killed our actress. All the other stories are just cover. One of those men didn't want his secrets to be exposed because A was not his only victim.


  1. Misty Upham-A?
    Juliette Lewis friend at the end?

    1. She was on 2 episodes of Big Love so Bill Paxton/maybe Chloe Sevigny the confidante

  2. Juliette Lewis the $cio fink.

  3. Benicio Del Toro for A- actor she kissed?

    1. Yes movie was Jimmy P

    2. FB A list film actor who directs could be Garcia Gael-she lostva smaller part to Nadine Valesquez in Within (her last film)

    3. *Gael Garcia Bernal ... not sure of their connection though

  4. From wiki:
    On October 15, 2017, in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations, Upham's father, Charles Upham, went public with allegations that his daughter was raped by a member of Weinstein's production team at the same Golden Globes ceremony where she was honored, and that other members of Weinstein's team had not only witnessed the rape but had cheered the rapist on.

  5. Bill Paxton as the A list actor on Big Love the pay cable show

  6. Would love to see justice for Misty.

  7. Django Unchained, Quenton Tarantino and Christophe Waltz for her big movie chance

  8. The a- list actor could have been ewan mcgregor or benedict cumberbatch, she was in August:osage county, may have been benedict

    1. I don't think anything happened to her on the August:Osage County filming. It's just that that's where she worked with Juliette Lewis.


  10. Never heard of her before but a quick google search and she fits the blind.

  11. Ppl keep guessing Benicio Del Toro for foreign born actor on CDAN. Puerto Rico is not a foreign country.

  12. I just read an article about her death. She died from blows to the head but authorities ruled it a suicide??!! Wow.

    1. LAPD can be bought. The only time they weren't was OJ investigation.

    2. she didn't die in LA. She died in Auburn, WA. If I remember right.

  13. Misty's story fits this perfectly.
    No way was Bill Paxton involved in this. Doesn't fit him at all.
    Juliette Lewis had to be the friend.
    I would love to know who killed her - so would law enforcement. If the person who wrote this knows, they have an obligation to expose the murderer.
    I can't believe, in general, how many serious crimes are discussed on this site as though they are just "scandals".! Rape and murder are serious crimes, so whoever knows the identity of these people has an obligation to bring them to prosecution. Hard to believe Hollywood has so many serious criminals in it. What a cesspool.

    1. Well said. It's one this to have us guess who's getting a boob job or divorce but it is quite another to tell us about rape and murder. Jesus. That's insane.

  14. Upham, Tarantino, Django, Waltz, an actor and actress from Jimmy P, Juliette Lewis, and Weinstein?

  15. I dunno, but the director made me think of Hitchcock.

    1. Dead before Upham was even born.

  16. I remember there being a lot of confusion about her death at the time, and reading a lot of conspiracy theories. This all makes sense now.

  17. Juliette didn't exactly speak up for her. In fact after her death Juliette tweeted "Misty told me about horrible violence she suffered on NA reservations She felt she coul be murdered! Bcuz she was vocal"
    Sorta sounds like she's pointing at reservations not the horrors she experienced in Hollywood!!

  18. I hate to believe that Bill Paxton was a predator, but he's the only one on Big Love that would fit A- rating.

    I agree with the Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino & Christopher Waltz guesses.

    But Juliette Lewis wasn't in Jimmy P. I read this as the "foreign born A list movie actor who likes to direct" was on the same movie as the confidante " actress told some people at an organization." I can't find a male on August: Osage County that fits the blind.

  19. The only pay cable show Misty was on is Big Love and she was in 2 episodes. The A list actors could be Paxton and also Aaron Paul was in it when she was.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Kld, Saw Aaron Paul but they didn't appear in the same episodes, so presumable didn't have much contact.

  22. Ewan McGregor was in August: Osage County. He'd fit the foreign born A list movie actor who likes to direct (American Pastoral, 2016)

  23. Does enty ever give his evidence to the cops? I hope he does.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @Ulf, I presume Enty's sources end up at CDAN b/c law enforcement, can't or won't help them. The sources might also be afraid of coming forward & are testing the waters here. In Misty's case, it looks like her dad has been pretty vocal but her death was surprisingly ruled a suicide.

  26. +1 Very Mad B. Not sure why Matt B deleted his post. Amalric and Arnaud Desplechin, Director of Jimmy P. are pretty tight. That would explain why someone with a relatively minor part in the movie can make casting decisions.

  27. Maybe Misty had psychological issue and the stories she told are a bit far fetched. She's repeatedly raped in Hollywood and on the Reservation. Rape is real, but what woman have you heard of that is raped everywhere she goes?
    Plus, I think an A list actor would be noticed on an Indian Reservation in Washington. There would be a plane trip, car rental, gas stations, food, hotel...someone would have noticed he was there during her death.

    1. That reservation part is bullshit. I believe she was raped and I can believe she was killed but one thing I'm certain: there's no reason to believe shes was even on a rez, left alone to get raped especially. Maybe I'm small town, but the one's I've known would never welcome and outsider like this in. Its so bizarre.

    2. And now that I think of it and I'm three glasses in, its rathet offensive they'd even suggest as much. Why would they say rez?? Is that like "it was a tall black man/dark features/curly hair"
      Its shameful if this is the case. But ironically, if anyone knows anything at all about indian reservations, theyd automatically know this is bullshit. And juliet lewis said this?
      Wow I need to put the wine down or go back and read it with one eye shut and one foot on the ground

  28. @ Citizen S, I couldn't agree with you more.

    So much up here constitutes crimes not salacious scandals. There's a big difference between kiss-and-tell and kill-and-tell. My God, it's like the palette of entertainment is being expanded into too real sh*t. Are we still being entertained? The entertainment value of what we are paying for is rapidly being eclipsed by inky black karma. I see maybe one movie a year anymore and barely watch TV (except very selectively via Youtube). I wonder if on some subconscious level I was being repelled by something I hadn't quite yet identified. The joy is gone. Even the go-to themes of Hollywood are being steadily overrun by endless satanic/demonic movies and Illuminati stuff. Is Hollywood trying to tell us something

    I'm not being holier-than-thou, though I think I might come across that way sometimes. My apologies if that's the case. There is a morbid fascination that draws me to this site just like everyone else. I would urge everyone to be careful, self-monitor, and not to become jaded enough to make this stuff just one more genre of titilation.

    The endless drip-drip in politics is a similar phenomenon. There's one 'bombshell' after another drip-drip. But closure never seems to arrive: lynch mobs, jail, criminal trials. I'm not advocating vigilante justice, but where is just ONE outraged father who marches into Tinfoil Town to hunt down one of these creeps? We watch and gasp and watch and gasp. But nothing ever HAPPENS.

    I said this recently and it was probably taken offensively. So be it. I'm more old than young. So I'm electing myself a well-preserved village elder. Anyway I couldn't help but notice the pictures of quite a few attractive young people who frequent this site. For all the world, many of them looked like they're trying to GET INTO THIS BUSINESS! I dunno, they just had that glossy thang goin' on. Which returns me to my original concern: is this stuff going in one ear and out the other? Are you listening, really listening?? America need surgeons, engineers and physicians. Study harder kids! Join community theater to get your tame fame jollies.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Disgusting that so many people were complicit in silencing her. I can see Sevigny for the rat on Big Love.

    But who killed her? Dern or Tarantino or someone else?

    Juliette and all of those involved should be called out and made to pay. How many involved were CO$ and how many just creeps?

    I assume that most of the time, Enty just has word of mouth, and nothing evidentiary that he could give to police.

  30. I don't want to watch movies thinking the actress is getting raped between scenes. The suspension of belief suspends a little less with every one of these tales. We all get implicated in some karmic way. It oozes onto us.

    Okay, I've more than said my piece. Lights. Camera. Infraction!

  31. @Jon,people with mental health problems are easy targets, and are both likely to put themselves in a situation where they become victims and be chosen because they won't be believed. Look at Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd,well known to be"crazy " or druggy, Paz as well. Maybe everything she said wasn't true, but this young woman had a very strange death. Even if it was suicide, there are still questions as to why and how it happened.

  32. Extremely sad story.
    And to @Jon please believe that there are women who get raped wherever they go. Even twice in the same night, in different places. Just not long ago a teenager in the UK was raped by 3 different men. While walking away from the first rape, she stopped the 3rd man to ask him for help, only to be taken advantage of once again.

  33. Damn "Star Whackers," getting worst that Scientology or that pigeon infestation at LA City Hall Building. way too many postings on offed starlets.

  34. The violence on NA reservations cannot be understated. The alcohol and drug problems cannot be understated.

    I knew something was wrong with how she died.

    This is a tragedy that the police have apparently decided to ignore the facts and blame the victim.

    I effin' hate Hollywood now. I just hate it. I can't bring myself to watch anything anymore knowing what goes on.

    I went back to the library for the first time in years last week and I'm back to books.

    1. I know what you mean. These industry practices need to be aired out and I hope Hollywood feels the financial pinch. Only loss of money will force some kind of change, though I can't say I'm hopeful.

  35. @Jon: in my experience, most women who got raped got raped more than once, especially if the first rape happened in childhood. It fucks you up so you become an easy target again, and again, and again... until you find your strength or you die. I'm not dead.
    Justice for Misty.

    1. 🙏🏻Strong woman you are grumpy💕

  36. And I already loathed that tool Tarantino who I totally do not understand why people think he's a genius because to me he's very one note and not so much edgy as "I think I'm edgy and arty so I'll do this and everyone will ooohhh and ahhhh and kiss my rear."

    Now I loathe him more.

  37. Thank you everyone who eduacted Jon on rape survivors, bc I just didn't have the spoons to do it.


  39. This is obviously Misty Upham but it stops making sense towards the end.

    The only person involved with August: Osage County who could fit "foreign born A list movie actor who likes to direct too" is Ewan McGregor, but 1: he's also on TV and is usually listed as "A- list mostly movie actor", and more importantly 2: he would have exactly zero influence on casting, or on how big anyone's roles would be. Clooney was a producer on the movie, and is an A (or A+) list actor/director, but he's not foreign born.
    But also, is it saying that he was choosing which actress played which part, or just deciding how much they would be featured in the final cut? Because it sounds like the former, but Upham was the only Native American actress playing the only Native American character. It's quite blatantly the only part she was ever going to have. If it's the latter, the role was exactly as big as it was in the original play. So if the movie is indeed August: Osage County, that paragraph is obvious bullshit.

  40. Following on from that, I think August:Osage County is the wrong movie and maybe the foreign born actor/director is Mathieu Amalric. Is he A list? Again I doubt he would have much control over casting, but it makes more sense that Jimmy P is the movie.
    "That actress and A started working together on a new movie" - that's the only part referring to August: Osage County.

  41. +1 GrumpyOldCatLady. Also self-medicating with drugs & alcohol, probably makes rape victims like Misty an even easier target. Rapists are predators in every sense, they can sniff out vulnerable prey.

    @roxy, though I enjoyed Inglorious Basterds, I agree with your sentiments re:Tarantino

  42. Just to clarify, I am not shaming victims for self-medication & can understand why many cope this way. Just pointing out why Jon isn't seeing the whole picture.

  43. Have no clue, but this is disgusting to happen to any human.

  44. @TimC, Randy Quad looks more and more sane the further you get into this stuff.

  45. @jon: An outsider on ANY Reservation is noticed from the minute his car crosses over the line into Indian Country. You are right on the money.

    On my Reservation in South Dakota, you have to be invited to live on The Rez. We have an excellent university and many of the professors are invited from other States to come live and teach there.

    I distinctly remember answering a knock on my door at home to see a young man wanting to come inside to talk with me about Verizon versus Spring. Brought him in, sat him down, and explained where he was and what he could and could not do while on our land. He was stunned. He didn't even know he was on a Reservation. He was from S. Louis. He said he wondered why the people he had visited that morning were so rude and had slammed the door in his face.

    I fixed him lunch and he thanked me profusely for the education. Gave him a print-out of our Pow Wow Season dates and places and asked him to come back then and we'd make sure he had a great time. I drove behind him to the edge of the Rez and he happily moved on to Rapid City. He did come back in July for one of our Pow Wows and had a great time.

    Yes, anyone not from the reservation would stand out like a pork chop at a Bar Mitzva. To come there to murder a member of the Tribe and just drive away? The Tribe would hunt him down. Period.

    1. This is exactly correct Boo Hearne

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Verizon vs SPRINT. Sorry.

  47. I luv Tarantinos' movies. He's pretty good as a director but if this is him I'ma be sick. Hate what happened to that woman.

    1. I gotta ask, is your name an homage to Amanda Plummer's character in Pulp Fiction?

      I feel the same way as you. Up until the past couple months I have been a fan of Tarantino...But if this blind is indeed about him, that is the cherry on the shit sundae of dealbreakers.

  48. I just assume Enty has turned over any actual evidence he has to the authorities. It's also possible that law enforcement is his source sometimes. That doesn't mean there will be immediate legal action, or any public action at all. Even if the authorities aren't part of a cover-up, they have to put together enough evidence to get warrants and indictments. It takes time, and has to be a lot harder when crimes are years or decades old.

  49. @Boo Thanks for the insight, but they could have done it in a more shrewd way, by paying insiders for example? Does it seem feasible to you? Anyway the harm they did to her was enough to kill her one day or another.

    @Tricia Maybe but some say it makes me a bit grumpy 😁

  50. GRUMPY: A reservation is a microcosm of gossip. If you sneeze at the breakfast table, by lunch everyone knows you have a cold. I could not share with anyone, including my best friend. There is nothing to do there. Before the casino arrived in '94, you would sit in your back yard and watch the flies land on the dogs. Paying insiders? You mean ask a tribal member to kill another tribal member? One who is famous? I am sure Tricia would agree that on Anguilla, almost everyone born on the island is related to someone. That's the way it is on tribal land, too. You can't ask the Police Chief to arrest someone for breaking into your barn because he is the Police Chief's nephew. Anything is possible, Grumps. Not on my reservation, though. I cried for days after she died. Such a beautiful, talented Soul.

    1. Not really-it’s extremely International /Cosmiooltan here-St. Bart’s is a 10 minute flight and our neighbor,same guests,visitors...
      My daughter goes to the International school here-filled with children from all over and it’s tereificaly impressive.
      Sorry to hear about your lot in life—hopefully between your” urban life on NYC / the reservation you also live(ed) on ,you have managed to find an IHOP

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Cosmopolitan/terrifically*
      Again good luck with that “move” and “book”. It can’t write itself ,you better get on that guuurl:)!🤙

  51. Anonymous3:41 PM

    @Jon - its tragically common for some rape survivors to be raped repeatedly throughout their lives for a number of reasons, one of them being predators can sense their vulnerable personality.

  52. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Oh a million people posted what I said already, in much better ways. Heartens me to see compassion and understanding for survivors.

  53. they said that she fell off of a cliff but had gone missing on numerous occasions and then surfaced so the police wouldn't respond. Per Wikipedia, the local NAs formed a secret search party to find her - a citizens search kind of thing. so police may have been paid off or didn't want to get involved.

  54. I cant decide if I want to throw up, or just want to die, reading these blinds.

    justice seems like such an illusion.

  55. I am not sure if I am the person you were talking about in the above comment. I was not talking about the international set on Anguilla. I was talking about the native born West Indians on the island. When I lived on St. Thomas VI, this was the case. Of course that was a while ago.

    My lot in life? I am just really confused, Tricia. When I read about the earthquake off Honduras and the possible tsunami, I immediately thought of you and your family. The projection of the tsunami, if it had happened, was all the way to Puerto Rico and beyond. It would have affected Anguilla. Thankfully, it did not happen. To be stuck on an island in the Caribbean during a category 5 hurricane or in the path of a tsunami, is a sobering reality. I am glad you are safe and sound.

    Why would I want to go to an IHOP when I make primo pancakes myself?

    Aside from the reservation, I have lived in: NYC, Atlanta, Miami Beach, Mexico City, Madrid, London, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Utah, Vietnam, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. If this is my lot in life, I have been incredibly blessed. And now, with my move to Santa Fe, and my book coming out, how could it get any better?

  56. That would be terrible.
    Having never been in one, I cannot really speak that overly verbose response to my simple post:)
    We get warnings and my husbands company flies allnits executives off island 24 hours advance of such an event, but your “sincere” concern in appreciated in absolute abundance Malibu/Boo.

    Also here to help the wonderful people restore their resorts and livelihood ,so hopefully nothing happens ... (although Anguilla managed to maintain 75-90 ofbits power post storm.Now at 100... wonderous place 🙏🏻
    That’s an awfully exciting life you’ve lived....
    It’s almost like you’ve lived many lives/many -screen names”?

  57. Not for nothing, but I call bullshit on the “native Americans know the instant any outsider sets foot on their reservation/tribal land” etc. Complete and utter horseshit, particularly in this instance.

    Look at the map of the “official” Muckleshoot reservation/tribal land. It is multiple non-connected hectares/square miles of land, only touching each other at corners, with the 164 cutting through these squares and non-tribal land. Last seen when she left her sister’s Apartment “near the casino” on foot, although I can’t find an address or the site her body was found. Some reports state she left to “escape into the woods in order evade police attempting to place her in an involuntary psychiatric hold”, and was later found at the bottom of a ravine by the White River. That river runs throughout the tribal and non-tribal lands as well.

    Anyone really think she couldn’t have left and met up with someone(s) either on tribal land or the non-tribal land nearby without anyone knowing or it easily covered up? She could have been taken elsewhere, beaten to death, then dumped where she was eventually found, or killed there.

    1. That’s because you aren’t dealing with someone that lived on one,no more than they live(ed) in NYC.... it’s a troll named malibuborebee, who is well known to most who have been here a long time ,unfortunately.

      I appreciate your actual knowledge and share though about a subject which most deem, quite serious 🙏🏻

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Or Mexico City,Vietnam and Lebanon ,Egypt and .....😆

    4. Muckleshoot??? Holyshiiit this is up by me. Wow I guess I dont know much at all about Hollywood gossip and celebrities. Im just here for the party, like I said. And clearly I should of read through all of these before posting in sequence.
      But okay, to a degree you are correct, Itttt, there IS A LOT of land over near muckleshoot, its near Seattle where I'm at. But still, her people and family that knew her and the tribe as a whole, word would get out quick.
      Its a very small community however big. If that makes sense.
      I remember this because its so close to me, but thought nothing of it at the time.

  58. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Add me to the list of people who aren't watching movies ot TV any more. Books and the internet are enough entertainment...

  59. lttt: I do not know the reservation she died on. I am talking about mine in SD.

    I am not, nor have I ever been Malibu. Although, I remember him/her very vividly. Malibu was an incredibly smart, witty, viper-tongued poster. The names I went under were mundane and boring like: Dianavonthirstybird and bettybotox, among others. Silly, sure. I guess I shouldn't say this, but I am really flattered that you think I was Malibuborebe. Or however else they spell their name.

    I am going to continue to contribute to this site regardless of what is written about me. Believe me, don't believe me. Everything I write is the truth. I realize not everyone has been as fortunate as I to live the life I have. But I did it on my own. I was not married to anyone while on this adventure. My parents were not in the Armed Forces. I did it by myself. You can all continue to belittle me. When I get to Santa Fe, I will have even more time to contribute. The book is done. It's at the printer. All I have left to do is relocate to New Mexico. They have earthquakes down there, but not hurricanes or tsunamis. Until I move down and they will have all three.

    1. Don’t you live in NYC at present?
      How is SF,NM down from you....
      Unless you’re in-Canada,say?

    2. Never heard an East Coaster “of a million years (“or even 1 call the southwest “down there”. It’s “out there (as in other coast....🤔😏)

    3. Wait ....”Crickets??”......

      A =creativity
      F= reality

      Oh Boo.... tsk tsk.

    4. I completely agree with you. I grew up in Oklahoma. My best friend is Cherokee. The people that live on the reservations know everything that is going on. Also, sadly there are a lot of drugs, Alcohol abuse, breakdown of family, unwanted pregnancies, con men, bookies. You name it. Once you get caught up in that shit, it’s difficult to escape. I know this first hand.

  60. Agreed with most of you guys, with a few extra comments:

    Big Love - Bruce Dern (as in the previous blind) and prob Chloe... maybe Ginnifer (she seems like someone you’d think you could confide in)

    Django/Tarantino - all signs point to Waltz, but he’s 25+ years older than Misty. Not a dealbreaker, but then again, maybe not so odd considering he’s known in most Hwood circles as a really good guy (something lacking in Misty’s life)

    As for the “foreign born A list actor who also likes to direct” who traded her role for sex and made her have sex with another actress, I’m STUMPED. If it were August OC, I was (reluctantly) thinking Clooney, but he’s not foreign born. And Cumberbatch and McGregor don’t direct... right?

    The rapist could be Paul Haggis. He’s under a lot of fire re assault accusations that are no doubt coming from Scio... although who knows if they’re true or not?

    1. Was thinking the other actress forced to compete for a role could be Michelle Thrush in Jimmy P. She’s billed one role above Misty’s and they’re both similar Native American roles.

  61. Everytime i read this and attempt a comment, all i can think of is Johnny Cash singing Drunken Ira Hayes. He was a kooked out injun they found drunk in a ditch too.

  62. Oh no, Tricia's teeth are away!

    You've been commenting here for almost 12 hours today, maybe it's time to take a break and go get some of that blissful island air for awhile. Not everyone who dares to question your online presence is Derek of Malibuborebee, and picking on a 75 year old is not a good look.

    1. Forgive me if I fail to take advice from someone whose screen name is based on a Shannon Dougherty character.
      I know exactly who I am speaking to....

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  63. Gee, Tricia 13, if Boo Hearne grew up in SD, maybe NM would still be "down there" (if it ever was)?

    Where in Madrid, Boo Hearne? My youngest currently lives in Malasaña.

  64. Well, I'm not buying the Rez story. It sounds like whoever wrote it made a stop in Whiteclay. And yes, I know Whiteclay ain't what it used to be. But that "anyone driving on to the reservation is watched bit? Nope. Drive into Pine Ridge, you might get noticed. Not elsewhere. Half of southern SD is reservations. Did all the whites have to get permission to live there? Drive from Yankton to Rapid City and you're on rez land nearly the whole way, and no one's gonna notice. And "the tribe will hunt you down" bit, well, that's fully imaginary. Her brother, or father, or cousin, maybe.

    But the good news is that Santa Fe is free of hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, red tides, bomb cyclones and honestly, earthquakes. Oklahoma has them, not Santa Fe. So there's a savings on your insurance!

  65. My rather large family on the Rez knows the moment a stranger especially a white stranger is wandering about..they usually assume it’s an undercover cop or a new social worker. Hi Boo Hearne..Big wave from a Canadian neechi.

  66. redronnie: And a big Lakota hug from NYC! My Rez is small. Only one semi-large grocery store. A couple of gas stations, both serving pizza. We like it like that. Closest movie theater is 99 miles away in Pierre or the smallish theater in Nebraska 40 miles away. Only a couple of laundry places and no dry cleaners. Tall grass as far as the eye can see. We do have really great schools and a state-of-the-art hospital for the Lakota. Dentist? No. 711? Nope. I go back twice a year. In August for the Sundance and the last Pow Wow. Going to Santa Fe because my close family have finished the Red Path and have gone to their reward. There's no way an undercover cop can creep on our Rez cuz we're a Sovereign Nation. The FBI can come down from Pierre but have to have a federal warrant and a damn good reason to be down there. The social workers are all female and middle-age so they're easy to spot. They come to my Rez because they love the Lakota. And my question is: What's not to love?! May Wakan Tanka bless you and your Oyate. Much love, Boo

  67. Just an aside . . . with all the rape or alleged rape going on in Tinsel Town, how come nobody is every getting shot in retaliation? I mean, if I knew what I seem to know now about actresses being raped all the time, I'd carry a gun. But then, they seem to want the work so they can't shoot the director. So I can't figure out if it's sexist to assume women want work in movies so bad they will be sexually harassed, abused and raped repeatedly makes them dumb.

    I don't get it. If I was in an industry where rape was normalized, I would either get bodyguards, a gun, or find something else to do with my life. Is the compulsion to be an actress so strong that they lose all common sense?

    I did some reading tonight on Bill Paxton, RIP. By ALL accounts he was one of the most standup, decent actors in movies and TV. It's impossible for me to believe he was a predator. It had to be someone else, but if you look at Misty's IMDB timeline, she was working pretty steadily. There were a couple of 1-2 year gaps, but not after Big Love.

  68. The thing that trips me up w/ Misty & Big Love is that her scenes weren't with any of the A (or A-ish) male stars. In fact, different filming locations, units, times. Paxton wasn't involved with her storyline at all. POSSIBLY Aaron Paul - but I think his involvement was tangential in the storyline. It was all about her, the women, and her baby.

    (I'm sort of a big fan of this series).

  69. @german alverez Totally get what you are saying. I have chosen to not watch so many films because I don't want to support a bunch disgusting pedo/rapists. It's heartbreaking to have children and not even want them to watch some of the movies that made you so happy as a child.

    As a side note: I have never lived on a reservation, but I did grow up in a small town in the mountains. There were always rumors about what roads in the hollers (hollows) that you should never go up into because they kept watch and would do you serious harm if you ventured into their area. Law enforcement can be a total joke in smaller towns, so people saying that murders don't go on without being seriously investigated must be very happily sheltered or delusional. (I know of a horrific local story and the police wouldn't even listen to the witness)

  70. Yes there is Johnny's Ira Hayes. I think too of The Mohican.

    Sadly it's more truth than stereotype.

  71. This is depressing. As someone said yesterday on Facebook, I think Hollywood needs to clean house and start afresh. Surely there are loads of talented people both in front and behind the camera, who don't abuse their power, to take over?!

  72. This story really stuck with me. As I was thinking about it last night, I was wondering why the A list actor stopped talking to her after what happened at that event? How was that any of her fault?? Why didn't he do something? I guess he was just another Ahole after all.

  73. +1 Citizen S ... I have to agree that I'd be carrying my gun everywhere and most probably wouldn't last out there very long. Also agree about Bill Paxton.

  74. @Jean Pennie and Citizen S

    I agree about bill. I have friends of 40+ years who've worked with him and swore up and down that he was one of the good guys.

  75. She wasnt murdered. She suffered from mental illness and had extreme paranoia. She went running out into the woods that night because she thought someone was coming to "get her" (the police?). She lost her way, fell, and died from her injuries.

  76. Chopp, if you keep making sensible posts that are based in reality and not histerics, you wont be making many friends around here.

  77. chopp: This is the story that went out over the wires. You are the only poster here who remembered it.

  78. Anonymous6:24 PM

    So this is wht happen we give up on clues n concentrate on politics...smh 100 n summinn comments i was hoping to see if we were on to summin rest in paradise

  79. rosie riveter--I'm in Sea-town too, where do you live?

  80. First-time poster, I have donned my deer-stalker and like the subject, I have deduced who one piece of the puzzle is.

    Benedict Cumberbatch is totally the A-list "mostly" movie star that was into her and nice to her and got her to the hospital after the Golden Globes.

    Django was the 2012 Golden Globes. Misty went to the 2013 Golden Globes.
    Her role in Django really had no way of being a substantially bigger role that got cut down. But her role in August: Osage County totally could have been. It was also up for nominations for the 2013 Golden Globes. And what do you know it was produced by the Weinstein company as well.

    Out of the cast, only 2 fit the bill for a foreign-born A-list actor. Cumberbatch and Ewan McGregor. Now McGregor has been married to the same woman since like the 90's. They have a bunch of kids and anything I've ever seen of the man says to me that he is in love with his wife still and wouldn't canoodle on set. Also, I think he does almost exclusively movies (I could be wrong), I know he's a musician, but his band isn't really A-list. I'm counting him out.

    Now Cumberbatch who is a British born A-list actor who got his first big leg up in the industry from a TV show perfectly fits the bill. Cumberbatch (who was sack dab in the middle of his rise from a star, to superstardom) was unattached at the time and he seems to be very thoughtful and curious man, I can see him being interested in Misty and her Native American heritage. He seems to be a genuinely kind man and I can see him making sure she had a seat with the rest of the cast so she could attend. And he would make sure she got to the hospital and was at least somewhat safe at the end of the night.

    Now, this is pre-Weinstein era and while Cumberbatch was already a pretty well-established actor with a lot of connections he was still in a foreign market and was still somewhat "new" on the scene. (I mean in the public mind at least, principle photography would have been shot in like 2009-2011ish time period and at that point, Cumberbatch was still a rising star, none of his big projects (Star Trek, Hobbit, Assange, Tinker Tailor whatever whatever) had been released yet. He Had Sherlock under his belt, but that was just his audition for his career in America. It makes me sad that he would cut off contact with her because of something so horrible, but maybe it was mutual or maybe she instigated it. I really don't know.

    1. Django was 2013 Golden Globes. They're at the beginning of the year. Also produced by TWC.

      Mcgregor just publicly left his wife for his co-star, but I don’t think it was him either because I doubt AOC is the movie.

  81. No Chopp, you haven't done any research on her death. There's no way she 'fell' and suffered the injuries she did but don't let that stop you from throwing out your opinion, ignorant as it may be.
    I don't know if this whole blind is bullshit, but she, undoubtedly, was murdered by someone.

  82. Grow up, Mary.

    "Upham’s family’s theory about her death is that she slipped and fell off of the embankment.

    “We believe that Misty’s death was accidental. She did not commit suicide,” a the family said in a statement. “We believe she ran into the wooded area behind her apartment to hide from the police. The area in question has a hidden drop off and evidence suggests that she slipped and fell off of the steep embankment when she tried to get out of a view from the road. She simply did not see the drop off.”"

    She fell 150', so yes, her injuries would be severe.

  83. Count Jerkula: I see what you mean. LOL

    Boo Hearne: At the time, I read several articles about her death and saw a video or some photos of the wooded area where she fell. I also believe her family has her best interest at heart. So, if they think it was an accident, I see no eason to doubt them.

  84. There was a guardian article that said she was pregnant after filming August:Osage county. She was very excited and then "lost it" within a month. Probably doesn't mean anything, just an interesting tidbit.

  85. Heya badseed- I'm actually up north now-Bellingham 😊 I just said "Im from here!"because (1)I was drinking and (2) I mean, basically its Seattle right? Lol

    1. @rosieriveter I’m near you! I’m very upset by reading this about Misty fir personal reasons, and community connections. I feel sick about this.

    2. Hey @Kitchensink, very cool you're up here too. Its a wonderful place to be :)
      This blind killed me, her story was just so sad. She had such promise and its so rare for what and where she came from! It made me sick all over again, to read this.

  86. Haha yes Rosie! Love Bellingham, it's so cute--and, you don't have to deal with the hellish traffic in Seattle.

  87. Looking forward to Boo's book!

    In response to the poster who said that the aspiring actresses can't shoot the directors and would be assaulters.... They could tase them (autocorrect suggested they "taste" them, but that is what they are trying to avoid)

    Instead of #metoo they should #tasethesob or #shootthebastard

  88. A couple red flags:
    1. Previous history of mental illness.
    2. Falling off a cliff will cause severe injuries.
    3. A lot *much* bigger names weren't killed.

    *We only hear about the tragedies/scandals in these blinds. There are a lot of very good people in the entertainment field who do a lot of good works.



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