Thursday, January 18, 2018

Today's Blind Items - How The Pedophile King Made His Money

When we talk about the pedophile king, I think we all know who we are talking about. I will throw in some celebrity names to make the guessing more fun as this goes along, but wanted you to know how this insanely rich pedophile made all his money.

It probably will not shock you that he made his money illegally. He made it off the backs of regular hard working people. People who were swindled out of their money and were left with nothing. The pedophile was in the right place at the right time and took money that should have been given back to as many of those people as possible. Instead, he used almost half a billion dollars to finance his life as a pedophile.

There is one more component to his financial well being. One of the people who was swindled was a very rich person who owned a massively large corporation and was one of the richest men in the country. He lost a great deal of money in the swindle and our pedophile saw that he got every cent of his investment back. In return, the very rich man has always provided cover for the pedophile and vouched for him with other billionaires and investors which has allowed the pedophile to accumulate even more wealth. He has helped gloss over and erase from memory anything about the swindling just like it never happened.

Now, there is something else about that very rich man. He was the very first customer of the pedophile. He was in a horrible marriage and wanted someone young. Very young. The pedophile knew just the right person and the life of the rich man was changed forever. He started embracing life again and has kept that woman in his life ever since as a mistress. He ended up marrying again, but the love of his life is the mistress.

In return for bringing that young woman into his life, the very rich man gave our pedophile a very valuable piece of property as well as a list of names of other very well off men who also would enjoy the companionship of very young women. At this point the very young women became the almost legal teens that have been discussed in several Island posts.

A celebrity that I haven't mentioned in any of the Island posts is a permanent A list actor who called all the young teens by the name of his daughter which is pretty sick in itself.

A former director of a very very important government agency was blackmailed for years because two of the young women who were underage at the time he had sex with them ended up selling their information and photos to what they thought was a tabloid, but was a foreign government.

This Emmy winning director actually cast a 15 year old he had sex with for a role. That 15 year old is still working today and is close to or at A list.


  1. Geffen for Pedo King?

  2. Thought Geffen to start with but sounds like Epstein!

  3. I'll say Epstein's benefactor was Ted Turner.

  4. Man who calls his mistresses by his daughter's name. Could only be Donald Trump. That was written extensively in all NYC newspapers this week.

    1. It says A list actor.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. You saying that scene in home alone 2 doesn't qualify him for A list actor?

  5. Perminant A list actor- Alec Bladwin?

    1. That's the first person I thought of, too (Especially after yesterday's blind portending his demise....Which I am still anxiously awaiting...)

    2. I'm waiting for that...after calling his daughter a disgusting pig... pretentious POS

  6. You guys are right, Epstein, because Island.

  7. Alec Baldwin for permanent A list?

  8. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Trump is not an A list actor.

  9. No matter how much you hate Drumph!!!!! he's not an A list actor. Try again.

    1. But he does want to fuck his daughter.

    2. AKA is correct. There is no sugarcoating that.

    3. It sure is....Aka

  10. Boo Trump isn't an actor but he is fixated on Ivanka. So not him.

    1. He acted on The Apprentice, Home Alone 2, and currently, as POTUS. Freeh for the G-man.

  11. BTW, it's interesting to learn where all his money come from.

  12. Hehe... Boo, your TDS is showing.

  13. Freeh or Comey for Director of FBI

  14. Emmy winning director Alan Ball?

  15. Epstein

    Not sure, but they should all be gelded with a butter knife.

  16. So the feds were protecting epstein then?

  17. Claire Danes starred in My So Called Life at 15...

  18. If Claire Danes for My So Called Life, then the director would be Scott Winant?

  19. Can't be Wexner. It says he was in a horrible marriage and later married again. Les has only been married once, and is still married.

  20. Yeah just throwing it out there as a possibility. She's the first person I thought of when I saw the age and seems to fit the rest of the description. I haven't really heard much about Winant but he is an Emmy winning director from the show

  21. Yes, the feds protected Epstein with a slap on the wrist. Remember how the Island blind said they interviewed the subjects in that blind, who said they were just there for the fishing and tanning? Obviously the feds knew there was more going on than that, or they wouldn't have been investigating in the first place, but they let it go.

    The agency director could have been Comey -- he certainly acted like someone who was controlled -- but it could be someone else who was an agency director for a long time. If you had that kind of material on someone, you'd probably be very confident that any investigations he did would turn up exactly what you wanted them to, wouldn't you?

    1. Not Comey. He was not Director at that time.

    2. Mueller. FBI director 2001-2013.

    3. That’s funny.

  22. Just Google about the Epstein Black Book.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Branson is British and Virgin Group is headquartered in the UK, so not "one of the richest men in the country"
    Spielberg would be described as Oscar winning, not Emmy winning.
    Not them.

    Baldwin would need to be a quite recent customer, given the age of his daughter, unless we believe he wanted to fuck her when she was still a child, not an adolescent.
    Probably not him, and there are not enough clues to actually figure out the actor at all. We can only keep naming permanent A list actors with daughters ;))) I say Sean Penn, because why not ;)

    At least Epstein is obvious.

  25. Jon Voight for the actor

  26. @TeaMer - Claire Danes has been acting since 10 or 11 and has 8 acting credits prior to MSCL. I though this would be someone who got her start in the business at 15 through sex, but who knows.

  27. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Claire Danes was actually 13 when MSCL started filming. And I know everyone reacts to abuse differently, but she seems really well-adjusted. I have no reason to believe that she is an abuse victim.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @cat, just ignore the morons. The same people who complain about the alleged political bias on this blog are the same ones desperate to make any BI about someone conservative (hence the stupid insertions of Trump and Voigt here.)

  30. Maybe JLaw for the actress

    Her first roles were in a TV show and movie released in 2006. She would have likely been 15 when they were made and possibly when they were released. Her first (TV) movie was Company Town directed by the Emmy-winning Thomas Carter.

  31. "Will no one rid us of this manipulative child rapist, pervert and pimp?" Maybe the next meteor can hit "the Island."

  32. Wexner gave Epstein the Manhattan Strauss Mansion in 1995, apparently.

  33. @MKL fair enough, I was unsure about the age during filming. I agree that she seems well-adjusted. I'm really curious about who the actress is though

  34. J. J. Abrams
    Super 8
    Elle Fanning??

  35. SDaly is right, the benefactor is 100% Les Wexner -- any disparity about marital history is a mistake or a red herring. Wexner is believed to have transferred his home in Manhattan to's the largest private home in the city. There's some dispute about the ownership but this is the property Enty refers to.

  36. @Phelps: Thanks for the name calling, entirely unnecessary. FYI, I am a Conservative and don't care that Voight is too, if it walks like a duck and quacks lick a duck, I will voice my opinion regardless of their political party.... Dick`Wad.

  37. @Beth JLaw has been referred to as A+ list quite a bit. Even if he were to downgrade her to keep it more vague, I doubt he'd describe her as almost A, but who knows

  38. Can't believe some people so quick to name Trump. The fact is Trump is the one draining the swamp of all these no marks. Guaranteed that if Hilary would have won the election, this Hollywood scandal thing would never have become a thing, Weinstein and Spacey and other sorts would still be getting away with it.
    People should broaden their horizons to 4chan and Reddit to pick up on what's really going on. Believe me, it's not long now, this perv train is being derailed real soon.

    1. Are you being ironic? Is this a joke?

    2. God willing!!

    3. Absurdity is so hot these days.

  39. epstein
    murdoch (married jerry hall 2015?)
    a-list actor j.Voight
    no idea about the emmy winner

    1. +100 Wendy Deng was Murdochs miserable marriage. Vanity fair did an excellent article on their marriage. I think he is the New York political power family as well in the other blind.

  40. Sounds like Epstein/Wexner, but I can't find a first marriage for Wexner, unless you count his business as his first marriage.

    Epstein' s current residence in Manhattan -- a 45,000-square-foot eight-story mansion on East 71st Street -- was originally bought by Wexner for $13 million in 1989. Wexner poured many millions into a full gut renovation, then turned it over to Epstein in 1995 after he got married. One story has Epstein paying only a dollar for it, though others say he paid full market price, which would have been in the neighborhood of $20 million. Epstein then undertook his own $10 million gut renovation (special features: closed-circuit TV and a heated sidewalk in front of the house for melting snow), saying to friends: "I don't want to live in another person's house."

  41. "this foreign born Tony award winning actress..."


    1. Well yes if the world knew she wanted to sleep with her daughter. Kinda left out the defining characteristic there Matty

  42. Epstein and Voight, for sure. And no, it’s not because of any political leanings. 🙄

  43. Jon Voight as the perm A list actor who called all the young teens by his daughter's name. (Angie). He was in a blind not long ago that said he made a bunch of prostitutes always call him Daddy.

  44. I agree with the A list actor being Jon Voight, not because he's a conservative but because he is a creep who is known to like them young. Politics has nothing to do with whether a person is a pedophile.

  45. The Wexner/Epstein connection resonates. Wexner nearly lost The Limited in the late 70s by over-leveraging - a public explanation for the swindle?. But Wexner has only been married once. She was thirty one when they wed, him his mid-fifties. Ted Turner has been married three times, not two. I think love him or hate him the reason Trump is being mentioned is pretty obvious. I think details are purposefully being smudged to keep this vague.

  46. The Wexner/Epstein connection resonates. Wexner nearly lost The Limited in the late 70s by over-leveraging - a public explanation for the swindle?. But Wexner has only been married once. She was thirty one when they wed, him his mid-fifties. Ted Turner has been married three times, not two. I think love him or hate him the reason Trump is being mentioned is pretty obvious. I think details are purposefully being smudged to keep this vague.

  47. The Wexner/Epstein connection resonates. Wexner nearly lost The Limited in the late 70s by over-leveraging - a public explanation for the swindle?. But Wexner has only been married once. She was thirty one when they wed, him his mid-fifties. Ted Turner has been married three times, not two. I think love him or hate him the reason Trump is being mentioned is pretty obvious. I think details are purposefully being smudged to keep this vague.

  48. Sorry about the repeat posts.

  49. No doubt in my mind that Epstein’s patron and one of the richest men in the U.S. is Les Wexner. Absolutely ZERO doubt. Look into that guy’s history and the skeletons in his closet. While I can’t find ANY mention of a previous marriage, doesn’t mean it never happened or that it couldn’t be a bit of calculated misinformation for plausible deniability by Enty, and that the current marriage is the one described here.

  50. Wexner’s name is everywhere in Columbus. His Arts center on campus is very popular. I’ve never heard anything good from people who have worked at their corporate office.

  51. Can we all just agree that sexual predation know no political boundaries?

    Because it doesn't.

    1. Thank you, Maude. The political banter on here is exhausting. Clinton and Trump are both linked to Epstein. Let’s just say they both suck and move on.

    2. +10000 in order for these evil doers to to ever be brought to any kind of justice people will need to stop trying to prove that republicans and conservatives are somehow morally superior (they are so obviously not, what with scandal after juicy sex scandal tumbling out almost daily: i.e. the conservative Christian married homophobic senator found having sex in his office with........come on we all can guess we've been here before countless times...,,yes..par for the course... having relations with a ever did ya guess?) point being there are many websites to get your Trump worship jollies from. We're here to help enty uncover the truth not to play which integrity free rich billionaire is more pure than the next integrity free bloated consequence free rich dude.

  52. Jon Voight for the predator who calls girlfriends by his daughter's name.

  53. It is Wexner. Anyone been folowing Epstein saga for years knows Wexner was the money man behind him. Wexner also gave him NY house and Epstein had it wired etc, so as to brownstone politicians, actors etc. Epstein also works for mossad or is at least on the payroll.

    TheFBI and DOj helped cover up his multitude of crimes including child sex abuse and murder. Why? Because they are compromised? Because govt is part of sex trafficking worldwide? Epsten is just a front. Big money in drugs and child sex. Big opportunity to blackmail and control powerful people

  54. Google Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump.

    Trump: "Jeffrey is a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side".


  55. Trump was in the black book of the Epstein.

    Virginia Roberts, ex-slave sexual in Epstein Island, was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell in Trump's Mar-de-Lago golf club.

    Just google it.

  56. Btw, Les Wexner owns one of the largest yachts in the world. And check out the Tower Financial Corporation Ponzi scheme, for which Jeff Epstein’s mentor Steve Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in the Fed pen for bilking investors out of $450 MM - almost half a billion as mentioned in the blind. Did Epstein make Wexner whole/repay any losses he may have suffered in that one? And in turn Epstein was protected and provided a list of other people who would be interested in other services?

  57. @Maude, we could agree on that, but it wouldn't matter. Wexner was a supporter of both Romney and Jeb!, but no one wants to make partisan jabs about that. The obsessed are obsessed with one man, and only one.

  58. Anonymous1:01 PM

    This definitely sounds like Les Wexner and Epstein. I read this article about their connection before the holidays. My sister works in fashion in Columbus, and has definitely heard some rumors about Wexner.

  59. Didnt Freeh try to keep the Epstein thing down played to keep the Clinton connection out of the investigation

  60. Newsweek offices were raided by FBI. The owners are connected to a controversial Christian Church ? I wonder if it’s connected somehow

  61. Anonymous1:30 PM

    A couple things about Wexner, as I grew upon Columbus. First of all, the Limited didn’t become a big chain until the 80’s. That’s when he built his distribution center off Morse Road, and in the late eighties when he built up express and bath and body works. Growing up in Columbus, and having a family member in the society scene in Columbus, I had always heard Wexner was gay. It was widely assumed he married his wife as a beard and to finally have the kids he needed for his legacy. Not saying he isn’t the one, just throwing in what I know.

  62. Jeffrey Epstein's benefactor Leslie Wexner gave him his Manhattan townhouse, but he has only been married to his current wife. Wexner did not marry until he was in his 50s

  63. Someone in the thread mentioned Newsweek Offices in NYC being raided.
    With all of the Enty posts about Christian Churches Fronting for Human Trafficking,
    and the fact that this detail was mentioned in the NYPost,
    this may very well have to do with Human Trafficking and possibly child pornography.
    Who knows? But it's odd.

  64. @p keel ...

    Do you mean Alan Greenspan?

    Interesting guess, actually.

  65. "The fact is Trump is the one draining the swamp of all these no marks. "

    Except he isn't.

  66. Everyone agrees that Trump knows what Epstein's all about, even those who don't believe that Trump shares Epstein's tastes and/or activities, and who believe Trump is arresting pedophiles, right? So why is Epstein still in business?

    I'll just leave it at that and ask people to consider this question from an impartial, apolitical point of view, and won't bother posting all the evidence I have countless times before that indict Trump as Epstein's co-conspirator. This isn't a political issue.

    1. This isn’t a political issue either by bill Clinton raped Juanita and is also besties with Epstein.

  67. I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees the accusations against Trump here as obvious wish fulfillment fantasies. Sad.

  68. Did some ass really say Trump is draining the swamp? HE IS WRAPPED UP TIED UP AND TANGLED UP WITH THE SWAMP, shit for brains people really are making a comeback

  69. Thadj, it does no one any good to ignore the facts when investigating these stories. Trump is not a God. He's also been a Democrat most of his adult life -- he opted to run as a Republican for many reasons we don't need to go into here.

    Does it make it easier to see him as a sex criminal knowing that he was a registered Democrat when he was accused of pedophilic behavior? I try to be very fair, I am willing to believe loads of bad stuff about the Clintons and I condemn members of the Hollywood left, liberal elite every day. Protecting any vile politician against sex crime accusations goes counter to the spirit of this site.

  70. Epstein made the deal before Trump was prez didn't he? The same people accusing Trump are probably the same people defending Woody. There's no political bounds, just gender bounds. Apparently.

  71. Trump gave the Prosecutor who agreed to Epstein's lax non-punishment a spot on his cabinet. Alexander Acosta, U.S. Secretary of Labor. Why? Part of the plea deal says the govt. will not prosecute any one named as a witness or co-conspirator of Epstein's at a later date. That is NEVER a part of a normal plea deal.

  72. @urban reader: Great catch. The FBI raid on Newsweek is ALL over Manhattan! Can you imagine? Boring, moldy, tight-assed Newsweek! "Step away from the Xerox machine! Now!!!" God I hate being retired!

  73. Needless to say, Trump was one of the named witnesses, possible co-conspirators in the case. As was attorney Alan Dershowitz who defended Epstein. Dershowitz has gone from being the Anti-Christ-level-ACLU-loving-Harvard-Law-School-Commie-lawyer in the eyes of the right to a conservative Fox contributor and Trump defender.

  74. Murdoch as the New York billionaire/ mentor? One of the wealthiest members of the bloated billionaire boys club. Very unhappy marriage to Wendy deng at the time. She humiliated him many times publicly with the way she treated him. She blatantly cheated. He has been selling off his empire (everything except Fox News) as if it's all on fire ??? Actor is extremely creepy voight .

  75. If trump is draining the swamp he gonna be first down that drain. How many women have come forward to say he has assaulted them? 11? 16? Who's even counting anymore. And that porn star who he was cheating on his wife with who he paid off ( 100,000) who said in spin magazine he said she reminded him of his daughter. Icky icky icky. Don't search that hashtag on twitter or you'll get an eyeful of orange sociopath with beginning stage dementia going to pat his grown daughters ass in many a gif. Again icky. Very icky. How can you drain the swamp if you're the biggest billionaire swamp monster of all? It's not logical.

  76. Jeffrey Epstein/George Soros/Alec Baldwin

    Not sure for the government official or director and actress.

  77. This was a Florida case, not Federal. Holder wasn't involved to my knowledge. Do you have evidence that he participated in the settlement?

  78. It was a DOJ case and it protected Epstein from Federal charges. Also it was agreed to in 2008, while Bush was still President. Eric Holder wasn't in office until 2009.

  79. I really don't like to argue politics here, but I can't stand to see misinformation about Epstein. Too evil, too important.

  80. It’s “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot” Donald Trump.

  81. No way is it Wexner. I live in Columbus and have friends very high up at Limited Corporate. Wexner is widely known to be gay and his wife Abigail is his knowing beard.

  82. @halloweenie , I will refer you to the blind where some schmuck tried to blackmail an athlete with fake accusations. this, in the middle of #metoo. If you can’t see that this entire cabal of apparently extremely evil people absolutely HATE him, you’re deaf dumb and blind... and i doubt you can play a mean pinball.

  83. Where does Ron Burkle figure in this?

  84. @cheeseburger 15 - "gelded with a butter knife" is perfect, but only if it's recorded for their victims' viewing pleasure.

  85. Not sure how Burkle fits into this story, pusssykatt. He's similar to Epstein in tastes and wealth and Clinton friendship, but as I understand it Epstein and Burkle aren't friends -- quite the opposite. But I don't know.

  86. Keep connecting the dots... just came across this article from 2016 in the Louisiana Voice while reading about Steven Hoffenberg. Check out the photo of Steven and his "new" wife, Maria Santiago (Post? Publisher... New York Post?) in front of Trump Tower.

  87. Why did Rupert Murdoch's name jump out at me when I read this?

    If someone had Trump's name in anything, that book would be paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue with Nancy Pelosi and Gloria Allred demanding he resign at this exact moment, so stop. Not Trump...

  88. Great find, TSA -- Steven Hoffenberg's ponzi scheme seems like the point of this blind (money made illegally off the backs of hard-working people). Excellent article.

  89. Anonymous6:21 PM

    TSA- that was spot on. That article was a who's who of all the people we keep hearing about in all the blinds.

  90. @Boo, any word on the street about what they were looking for at Newsweek?

  91. Anonymous6:42 PM

    For the Emmy-winning director...

    Barry Levinson cast Kirsten Dunst in Wag the Dog when she was 15. Though, I'd think Enty would also note his Oscar...

    Gregory Hoblit cast Zoe Kazan in Fracture at 14. (Enty fudging ages?)

    Either of these work?

    The problem is that its hard when you don't know if the 15 year old was cast in a movie or tv show. Most of these guys worked on multiple episodes of multiple shows.

  92. @just sayin'

    Epstein and Burkle had a falling out only 2007 when Epstein got busted. Everyone tried to distance themselves from Epstein at that point. Up until then, Gawker was saying they worked together on flying "pretty young things" cross country.

    If you check out the documents in the Jared Paul Stern case against Burkle, Stern said he had info on Burkle (and Bill) that they were involved with minors in the complaint he filed under oath. Speaking of government abuse, Jared Paul Stern got shafted hard in that fake extortion setup (which still came up empty but ruined his reputation regardless).

    Also sidenote: anyone think the three letter person former director could be William Colby? I'm trying to remember his story, but I think he was involved with that pedophile priest Marcial Maciel and also the Knights of Malta. His connection would be in the 80's or 90's but this blind involves stuff from that era. The government would be the Vatican or Malta.

  93. Thanks! Longtime reader (since 2011), rarely post. Looks like former NY Post Publisher, Steven Hoffenberg, married Maria, NY Post President???, in 2014. Follow the money!

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Steven Hoffenberg's former wife's name was, Susan. His current wife, Maria, is President of New York Post Publishing, not the NY Post.

  96. fairylights: Just woke up from my evening nap. (10 PM NYC time) Have been trying to find out the real deal info. So far, not makin' much progress because all my journalist friends are at a NYC Irish Pub that is closing tonight after a million years off-Broadway and none of them are sober, aware, give a shite or answering their cell phones. I was invited but declined. I don't drink beer. Will keep trying.

  97. Wexner's BIL was Ken Duberstein a very prominent 80s era Reagan official. Brings in many Reagan and Bush officials as the "Director."

  98. This is long before that. Read up on Epstein/Wexler.

  99. @Fairy Lights: N Y Post Keith J. Kelly

    "The probe (the FBI removed computers) is believed to be tied to Olivet University, the San Francisco school tied to South Korean Pastor, David Jang."
    Could this be 'The Church' Enty has been talking about? Also, this university was running a lot of ads on WCBS-AM Radio here in NYC of late. Hmmm.

  100. @TSA

    Thank-you so much for finding that article! Fascinating stuff and well written. So Hoffenberg spent 18 years in prison, came out, and hit the ground running back into his old ways of ripping people off and associating with some of our favorite sex offenders.

    I wonder why Hoffenberg didn't squeal about Epstein for a lighter sentence? Yet is suing him now? Weird.

    Something I did not know - Ken Star defended Epstein down in FLA along with Dersh. Ain't that a kicker!

    Thanks again. I'm going to reread it and follow all the links this time.


    The LDS. The Flds. Dr3am city church+ dream centers.

    All are involved in sexual ab7se, and sex trafficking

  102. boo hearn, trump is not an actor

  103. @Halloweenie Nice red herring - the swamp is deep and stretches across the aisle and into every sphere of culture. No one is defending tara taea yada. But across the political spectrum there is a unified front of hatred for Trump & if you think they are above trumping up charges against him, you haven’t been paying attention and your confirmation bias is showing

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Y'all, can we stop with the political bullshit? Dump isn't in this one. Yes, he's a horrible racist shitpile, and I really hope somebody kills him, but I'm sure there's more than one millionaire who wants to fuck his own daughter.

  106. Anthony Wilfred Fragglefrock ...the only thing Trump is draining is his bladder after consuming those 11 diet cokes a day.

  107. I'm going to guess Sandy "Those are documents in my pants" Berger for the head of the Government agency.

  108. " if you think they are above trumping up charges against him"

    Nobody has to. Donny is nakedly corrupt from every angle.

  109. If you read the post in a literal sense - it says " A list actor who CALLED ALL THE YOUNG TEENS by the name of his daughter"

    To me, that means "refers to all the the girls" - not just the ones he may or may not have slept with.

    I say - Bruce Willis - referring to all of the girls as -- Rumors

  110. It´s Trump. Lock him up!

  111. Enough of the partisan bullshit, people. It is nothing more than the ultimate method of dividing US and keeping US from forming the united front that these piece of SHIT in power truly fear - and rightfully so.

    As if the veneer of “choice” is of any significance - in a two party system where both sides are MUCH more similar than WE THE PEOPLE think/suspect/know, while in private and behind closed doors these “Republicans” and “Democrats” are far closer than appears. The vast majority, at least 2/3rds if not 3/4ths, of both parties are utterly corrupt. These are the ones that deserve our spite, hatred and condemnation en masse. The past 4 administrations almost collectively deserve at best life in prison but preferably death for high treason. And if Trump and/or members of his administration are found to be criminals then they deserve no quarter either.

    You are all my fellow humans, my brothers and sisters (except for maybe you bots out there). I implore you to wake up, do not be blinded any longer, shake off the shackles of political and any/every other bias that is no more than a prison locking up your mind, ask the tough questions of everything with logic and reason - use the Socratic method, and free yourselves by having an open mind.

    The democrats vs. republicans, conservative vs. liberal labels and engineered “war” needs to be replaced with US (good people) vs. THEM (the EVIL NE’ERDOWELLS).

  112. Veneer of choice????

    You don't think we'd be better off without Donny being president now?

    Don't fall for this game of false equivalence. It's lazy and it is a method for killing our influence on government. The parties are not equal and we have never had a more corrupt, more venal, racist, blatantly ruling for the rich, criminal, Congress and president then we have at the moment.

    Saying that it would be the same under Democrats is asinine.

  113. It would be worse under democrats, and it was.

  114. How was it "worse" under Democrats?

    Oh, you mean how every democrat administration has brought down the national debt and increased the individual rights of Americans? Like that?

    Or do you mean like how every GOP administration has created debt, disastrous international conditions, and done NOTHING for the citizens of the USA without a 7 figure income?

    Is that what you mean?

  115. Oh interesting, @Boo, makes you think doesn't it?

  116. Everyone, please ignore this asshole "Plot." He or she (betting $$$ a HE) is here only to make things political and to distract from the more important issues at hand. When "Plot" posts, don't respond, don't antagonize, don't acknowledge. Plot is an intentional cancer, sent to infect and wound this site. We should also be suspicious of anyone who gets involved in an running "Back and Forth" with "Plot," because that is a classic propaganda/distraction strategy from the Bad Guys.

  117. Good guess @Joel Theriot. Certainly explains why he would try to obscond classified documents. Also makes more sense that a foreign gov’t would blackmail NSA head as opposed to FBI.

  118. It's about making sure everyone is compromised, through the use of young boys and girls, so that no one will turn on each other.

  119. Well there is certainly a connection between Burkle, Mnunchin and Trump

    So Mnuchin worked with both Soros and Trump, interesting....

  120. Well there is certainly a connection between Burkle, Mnunchin and Trump

    So Mnuchin worked with both Soros and Trump, interesting....

  121. Well there is certainly a connection between Burkle, Mnunchin and Trump

    So Mnuchin worked with both Soros and Trump, interesting....

  122. Someone mentioned that Spielberg would be known for an Oscar, not an Emmy but he won an Emmy for his tv miniseries "Taken". That's all I wanted to say.

  123. Rodney bingenheimer

  124. Wow, you lecture someone on false equivalency while exposing your bias and obvious brainwashing.

    The president we have at the moment is nowhere near as corrupt as the four that preceded him.

    Obama and the corrupt political establishment in Washington DC employed the unlimited assets of the global surveillance apparatus, installed a corrupt investigative attorney who surrounded himself with 49 other corrupt attorneys (and hundreds of govt/NGO operatives), all of whom spent in excess of $50 million dollars of tax-payer money in an attempt to depose a duly elected president and you know what they came up with after two years of trying to remove him?

    Nothing! They fucking got nothing!

    They had NSA access to Trump going back decades and found fuck-all!

    They had the surveillance assets of the UK, France, Australia, New Zealand and Canada and they came up empty!

    If Trump had been involved with Epstein in any of this he would have never been elected in the first place.

    You know how many times the swamp ran that game on independent threats? Many!

    Don’t believe me? Ask Herman Cain.

    In the past they’ve been able to remove credibile threats through wrap-up smears. And when that didn’t work against Trump they threw the kitchen sink at him... and came up empty!

    So when you post this stupid bullshit about Trump being the most corrupt president, understand this... Trump passed the most corrupt and in-depth investigation into a presidential candidate ever undertaken in the history of the planet! Fact!

  125. Kate Winslet for the 15 yo actress?

  126. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The former director of a very very important government agency with the biggest hard-on for President Trump is John Brennan.

  127. Trump had trillions, TRILLIONS of dollars (collectively) AGAINST him. Also, as was said here above, every major player countries intelligence/surveillance assessments spanning DECADES bears NOTHING untoward or criminal in both personal and business profile. Fast forward to WINNING and becoming POTUS, the DAILY onslaughts of lies, mis-truths and mirror accusations from every media, Hollywood, political, special interest group and manufactured crisis action entity and still, he endures and gets STRONGER.
    Trump is no 'pedophile', enabler, profiteer or protector of the Satanic possessed/guided dregs of humanity that he is clearly going after and vigorously so. There is only one explanation for President Trump's unprecedented success and continued commitment to MAGA and that's GOD. God put him in that office. The prayers of love and protection for Trump and his family are the armor that has saved his life on more occasions than we will probably ever know or be told about. It's almost 'supernatural', this administration's ability to produce the results it seeks to realize.



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