Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Graves

Slightly over three decades ago, there was a meeting on a yacht in the Med. A very important meeting. Things were dire and the whole escapade was crumbling and was going to leave some very important people with some very public egg on their face.

Attending the meeting were several world leaders, two of the richest people in the world, and several others, all of whom who were being catered to by a group of teens from the country of  one of the world leaders.

The focus of their discussion was half a world away. To see what they were discussing, we need to take a step back.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, G was one of the wealthiest men in the world. Although he could have any one in the world to have sex with, G enjoyed the company of young girls. Very very young girls. Under 10 was his preferred.

He imported the girls from a foreign country and housed them in the annex of his home which he reached via an underground tunnel. The girls were supplied by a very close friend of his who we will call M. It turns out M also had a love of young girls and provided them to other people like G all over the world.

In return, M was protected in power and also enriched himself personally from these men who gave him gifts of not only cash, but also paintings by the masters and so much more. They also arranged for other governments to prop his up in the face of rebellion.

When G died, things started to go downhill. Although one of his children (J) also was a fan of the young girls and availed himself frequently, he also ended up taking things too far and some of the girls ended up dead. J also had some big drug issues and was not of the same caliber connection wise that G had been. J was also under a great deal of pressure from siblings and bankers to do something with the annex to the house. The same annex where the young girls were located.

Fast forward a few years. The same men in power like G that had helped prop up M were all dying off. They were being replaced by other men who had their focus on other areas of the world. All too often they didn't care about young girls and had other vices that they could fulfill from other dictators. The problem was what to do about all the girls all over the world that were in place or dead? That was the purpose of the meeting on the yacht.

What was decided was everyone who had a girl in their possession could keep them in place but could never let them go. If they wanted them killed, they could send them to J and he would make arrangements to kill them. In total, about 50 of these girls were killed. They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex.

If you ever want to know why a hit was never put out on the spouse of M or any of his own kids it is because that meeting on the yacht was recorded both via audio and video and M made sure that everyone knows she has a copy of them. She also made it known that if she, or her kids were to die, that the recordings would be released. M's spouse is very old so people are worried that she has not made any plans to not release it when she dies. Apparently this recording discusses many world leaders and titans of industry who all had their own young boys or girls from this country they abused.

Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. This is too important to not be revealed.


  1. Was G John Paul Getty, the Getty oil Barron?

  2. Imma say G is John Paul Getty and J is JG II?

  3. Is M male or female? In para 6 it's him himself, but in para 10 M is a woman.

  4. I think para 10 is talking about Ms spouse, a woman

  5. M is Moammar Kdaffahi and one of his wives eithernuri or safia?

  6. M could be Imelda and/or Ferdinand Marcos.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Will this involve Balthazar Getty and Lord of the Flies?

  9. I thought M might be the Shah of Iran, who was propped up for a long time by powerful people before it all came crashing down in 1979 and had a really stupendous art collection. His last wife, born in 1938, is still alive.

  10. I was thinking Getty and Marcos. Imelda is old now.

  11. John Paul Getty sounded like a great father... (I don't know if this clears JPG II of the blind, or the kidnapping was more than just a kidnapping)

    John Paul II then rarely saw his father, but wrote to him. His father never answered the letters, but returned them with spelling mistakes underlined

  12. Getty is my initial reaction too but using G for him seems to obvious

  13. Sutton Place, Getty's home in England, had tons of outbuildings. And Getty Jr had plenty of drug problems.

  14. G = Getty Sr.
    J = Getty Jr.
    M = Ferdinand Marcos

    1. I'd be willing to bet that you're right, especially about Marcos.

  15. On one of the more lunatic conspiracy theory sites (Sanada) there's an article about Getty museum having a huge underground building within it where children are abused, tortured and eaten by Satanists.Excuse me while I put my tinfoil hat back on, I can hear the aliens calling again.

  16. Ok, but why don't you go to the police, enty?? Or some other media outlet?? You apparently have evidence?

    Please, reveal this as fast as you can!

  17. Getty, marcos or Ceaușescu? i'm guessing these types wanted white girls.

  18. Robert Maxwell rings a bell....

  19. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I guess there could be some truth to this:

    Justice Department May Have Something Big in the Works: Over 9,000 Sealed Indictments

    "Ruskin said that among the causes mentioned for the surge of sealed indictments, the most plausible, he believes, is that it is related to human trafficking."

    One can hope, right?

  20. I was reading about HL Hunt to see if he would fit because of the political connections and the JFK conspiracy but no dice. It is funny to mention, though, that he had his first son lobotomized because of erratic behavior.

  21. This is Shah of Iran and J Paul Getty. The M stands for Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (Shah’s real name).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Imelda has to be the wife of M.

    She was dead in the cross hairs of several corruption cases that seemed to evaporate, the least of which was stealing government funds out of the Philippines, 10 billion I think, to spend on art, shoes or whatever in the USA. This was all while she was a Congresswoman, btw.

    Imelda has something protecting her, something or someone or many someones.

  24. The Shah is also an interesting candidate as he of course was connected heavily to the oil industry where Getty (obvs) made his money. And even more closely to British oil needs--Getty was an Anglophile.

    Still, for some reason, Marcos sounds to me more likely just because of the SE Asia thing where it seems more likely to be able to get little girls to import. I hope we don't have to wait till July 4 for a reveal.

  25. I like Phil's detail about the Shah, since Getty established the Middle East oil pipeline.

  26. They were meeting in the Mediterranean and the focus of their discussion was "half a world away." Doesn't that mean the "annex" was in the Western Hemisphere?

    About the annex, apparently it wasn't fully hidden, since there was pressure from others to do something with it. So probably not a secret underground bunker. Maybe a boarding school or orphanage, somewhere kids could be housed without drawing suspicion?

    Alternatively, it was fully hidden, but on a valuable piece of land that the siblings and bankers wanted to sell.

  27. JP II and JP III could fit for G and J, although that's entirely a guess on my part.

    Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos make a ton of sense for M and his widow-there's a long history to this day of tolerating child prostitution in the Phillippines, Marcos took power in 66 and was overthrown in 86 (almost exactly 31 years ago), he was famously ruthless and his widow is still alive.

    (M)ohammed Pahlavi could certainly also make sense, as his widow is also still alive. The Middle Eastern connection would fit in with Getty's background. The timeline wouldn't be nearly as precise though (the Shah assumed the throne in '41 and was overthrown in 79), although we have seen Enty fluff that from time to time.

  28. Would any of the people involved with this tape still be relevant?

  29. @John: if it was you who posted the charts of all the indictments/sealed, etc. I remember them!! I scanned through them, computer crashed and lost them, unfortunately. I was going to track them. If it WAS you will you post those charts again from you google docs?

  30. Also could the Getty fortunes be seized due to old criminal behavior?

  31. The one who would have been "In the late 1960's and early 1970's, G was one of the wealthiest men in the world" would be JPG Sr, if it is the Getty family. JPG II didn't have enough money to pay for JPG III ransom in 1973 and JPG Sr refused to pay at first. So I don't think JPG II is the wealthy man mentioned.

    1. Sorry, I mistyped in the above-had meant JP I and JP II in the above

  32. Could the M with the very old spouse be her Majesty, the Queen?

  33. Could G be Muomar Ghadafi? There are many spellings to his name.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. The stories I've heard about how children in the Philipines are trafficked are horrific.

    My husband worked with a man who loved to go there when he was in the Navy. He had an arrangement with a woman who would let him rape her daughter in exchange for, of all ridiculous things, five gallon buckets.

    I'm with the Getty guesses and Marcos guesses.

    Don't they have a ridiculously young age of consent, as well?

  36. It's John Paul Getty? Omg total mindfuck. And You mean this will be revealed to the public? Waiting for it.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Also, they were in the Med but the issue was half a world away....this is not Iran, then or any country in the ME.

  39. Natasha, I don't think the blind makes sense for the Queen, but perhaps M could be Philip Mountbatten, otherwise known as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Ferdinand Marcos also works, though. Saudi princes also would fit.

    Mohammed Reza Pahlavi doesn't work because he died in 1980 in Cairo.


  40. Age of consent in the Philippines is 12!!!

  41. In the Philippines, all birth control is illegal. This leads to hoards of disposable children, all living in extreme poverty. Sick situation all around.

  42. This one is going to get ugly, I think.

    Lots of sacred cows going to get tipped over here.

    American government was a HUGE supporter of Marcos until Begnino was assassinated.

  43. Remember: the blind states that the spouse of Mrs. M is very old.

    Imelda's spouse kicked off in 1989. He's older than old: he's dead. She never remarried. Also, the Marcos Regine was not propped up. In the end, they fled.

    Phillip Mountbatten, Prince Phillip is older than old. And Lizzie is getting up there too.

    That's why I picked their Majesties.

  44. What about Getty's Pacific Palisades home and the the Getty Villa as the annex?

    From wiki: In 1954, oil tycoon J. Paul Getty opened a gallery adjacent to his home in Pacific Palisades. Quickly running out of room, he built a second museum, the Getty Villa, on the property down the hill from the original gallery.

  45. There's absolutely zero reason for Elizabeth and Philip to supply underage girls to rich men. That's ridiculous.

    And the blind states that the spouse of M is old. Imelda is 88.

  46. It says Mrs. M is very old. It doesn't specifically say Mr. M is dead, but I think it heavily implies it. Mrs. M wouldn't need those tapes to protect herself if Mr. M were still alive, and he would be the one making arrangements to either destroy or release them.

  47. There is confusion about M and a typo in that last paragraph or so. Mr. M (the procurer of children) is dead. Mrs. M is old.

    They fled because with the assassination, they could no longer be propped up and excuses could no longer be made. Even with the assassination, some in the US government (as per the NYT article I cited) still wanted to support them.

  48. @roxy, back then, US intelligence and the Gov't was so blinded by their fight against Communism that they ended up supporting several awful regimes.

  49. It is beyond ironic that Spacey was supposed to play Getty in that film All The Money In the World.

  50. @polo

    How about the old Getty museum, know as the annex and the new museum built some miles away in the '90's?

  51. Read this:

    1. Before it's news is one of the original fake news sites, from way before fake news was even a thing. Can't believe it's still going tbh

  52. Anyone else see this coming out via press conference and major arrests since Trump just declared January Human Trafficking and Slavery Awareness Month?

  53. @roxy,

    I see what you mean; if you replace "he" for "she" in the last paragraph, then yes, the Marcos would fit.

  54. Ugh- I always have my posts disappear when they are long..
    anyhow. I don't believe in pizzagate in the sense of shape shifters/ occult and rituals but I believe unmitigated power and wealth can bring out some evil tendencies if they lurk. Those who commit these deplorable acts get away w it. Because people are either indulged, others join in or, they look the other way. It'll come out because these ppl are old and dying off. It takes away from the real, current, human trafficking that is happening

  55. Could M refer to a member of the House of Saud, releative of Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud, founder of Saudi Arabia.

    from wiki:"Beginning in 1949, Getty paid Ibn Saud $9.5 million in cash and $1 million a year for a 60-year concession to a tract of barren land near the border of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait."

  56. Ghislane/prince Andrew, Epstein. These people prove money makes their shit go away or at the very least get minimized. The power and connections keep them relevant and the dirt they have on each other keeps them 'friendly'. This is nothing new.. just fill in the blanks.. maybe embellish for dramatic impact but the horrorible abuse? Continues

  57. @Polo, nice catch. I saw he owned a home in Malibu, but didn't know about the gallery. Fits with the mention of paying M with art. Also fits with the idea that siblings and bankers wanted to do something with it, since it could be very valuable. On the other hand, you'd think he'd want them close by, and Wikipedia says he moved to the UK in 1950. Getty was 58 then, so probably not too old for that kind of thing. Flying halfway around the world every time you want to visit your "collection" seems like a lot of trouble.

    Looks like an option, though. Getty died in 1976. They announced the purchase of the land for the Getty Center in 1983. Construction began in 1989.

  58. King Saud, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, was his successor as King of Saudi Arabia. He had 115 children and multiple wives.

    Here's a family tree if you want to spend all day

  59. The Getty Center as the 'addition to the annex'.

  60. Nine miles from Getty Villa to Getty Center.

  61. Polo and Roxy nailed it: The Getty Villa was the original location of the annex, the Getty Museum wing. The Getty (Center) is several miles away as the crow, or helicopter, flies.

  62. Did some googling, indeed some CIA agent said that kids were held captive under Getty museum. But he also talked about satanic ritual abuse, no wonder nobody took it seriously or ignored it.

  63. @totaji, I can think of some living people who were already power brokers by 1980, which sounds like the earliest the meeting on the yacht could have taken place. If it happened somewhat later, say in response to the Marcos ousting in 1986, even more so. If they aren't as personally relevant as they used to be, their children are.

    So a lot depends on how complete the reveal is. Revealing G and M would be big. Revealing the rest of the members of their little cabal would be massive.

  64. Ferdinand and Imelda fit the timeline, and they apparently amassed a nice collection of artwork:

    ("Marcoses' art collection ... valued by the Filipino government at up to $500 million.")

  65. One more Brit connection if you'd be so kind to indulge me:

    Getty fell in love with all things Brit. He lived and died there at his estate, Sutton Place. Per Wikipedia, he entertained Rothchilds and middle eastern royalty.

    Back in the day, another place to procure young talent was in Hong Kong. The Brits were in charge of it until 1999 you know.

    Regarding the Getty: I never liked going there. Out of town relatives would clammer for a trip but I hated being in the place. I felt a creepy, evil vibe. Now I know why.

  66. @Krab, seriously? The royals are all up in this disgusting pedo business. Just google the royals and pedo rings and see what you get back. They absolutely could and probably are involved.

  67. @Natasha might have just mentioned the "two of the richest people in the world" at the time who weren't world leaders.

  68. What is wrong with the world? If any of this is true, wow. Sad. Why can't people just enjoy their money without hurting other people? :-(

  69. I also want the people behind anally raping and killing heather o'rourke to rot PUBLICLY.

    also I voted for obama, and Im liberal, but by GAWD i would love if ari emmanuel and him were outted for knowing about the two boys killed to hide their bisexuality before the campaign.

    fuck you. just bc I have political belief that align with yourself doesnt meant I wont disavow you HARD. al franken, that old black guy that died that sexually harassed women for decades - could care less if you blue, you deserve to be BLACK AND BLUE.

    sorry, rant over. the world is sick. democrats and republicans.

  70. @Don

    "John Paul II rarely saw his father, but wrote to him. His father never answered the letters, but returned them with spelling mistakes underlined"

    lol savage

  71. Thanks Ente. I asked and you delivered.

  72. Marcos is a better fit for M than the Shah--at least two of the Shah's children have already come to unfortunate ends, and his widow is not that old. Meanwhile, Imelda is still alive but up there--and more importantly, she and her children all seem to be rich, successful, and untouchable.


    Ok, Enty, could you please come over and address whether or not there is a typo in the last paragraph? Cause after reading the attached link, I'm back to Queen Lizzie and her Prince!

    JP Getty 2 was given an honorary knighthood by her Majesty in 1986 for "loyalty and services to the crown" and support of the conservative party. The honorary knighthood became real knighthood when JP moved to the UK for good in 1997.

    Guys, Imelda may be a force of nature, but she ain't the force that the crown is.

  74. Manafort, Marcos, and the missing millions.

  75. US President State Visits to The Mediteranean

    Pres. Y/Ago Visit Date Country City
    Carter 39 March 7–9, 1979 Egypt Cairo,
    Carter 39 March 7–9, 1979 Egypt Alexandria,
    Carter 39 March 7–9, 1979 Egypt Giza
    Carter 39 March 10–13, 1979 Israel Tel Aviv,
    Carter 39 March 10–13, 1979 Israel Jerusalem
    Carter 39 March 10–13, 1979 Egypt Cairo
    Carter 38 June 19–24, 1980 Italy Rome,
    Carter 38 June 19–24, 1980 Italy Venice
    Carter 38 June 19–24, 1980 Vatican City Apostolic Palace
    Carter 38 June 24–25, 1980 Yugoslavia Belgrade
    Carter 38 June 25–26, 1980 Spain Madrid
    Carter 38 June 26–30, 1980 Portugal Lisbon
    Reagan 36 June 2–7, 1982 France Paris
    Reagan 36 June 2–7, 1982 France Paris
    Reagan 36 June 2–7, 1982 France Versailles
    Reagan 36 June 2–7, 1982 Italy Rome
    Reagan 36 June 2–7, 1982 Vatican City Apostolic Palace
    Reagan 33 May 6–8, 1985 Spain Madrid
    Reagan 33 May 6–8, 1985 France Strasbourg
    Reagan 33 May 8–10, 1985 Portugal Lisbon
    Reagan 31 June 3–11, 1987 Italy Venice,
    Reagan 31 June 3–11, 1987 Italy Rome
    Reagan 31 June 3–11, 1987 Vatican City Apostolic Palace
    Bush 29 May 26–28, 1989 Italy Rome,
    Bush 29 May 26–28, 1989 Italy Nettuno
    Bush 29 May 26–28, 1989 Vatican City Apostolic Palice
    Bush 29 July 11–13, 1989 Hungary Budapest
    Bush 29 July 13–17, 1989 France Paris
    Bush 29 December 1–3, 1989 Malta Valletta,
    Bush 29 December 1–3, 1989 Malta Marsaxlokk
    Bush 28 November 18–21, 1990 France Paris
    Bush 27 14-Jul-91 France Rambouillet
    Bush 27 July 20–21, 1991 Turkey Ankara
    Bush 27 October 29–30, 1991 Spain Madrid
    Bush 27 November 6–8, 1991 Italy Rome
    Bush 25 January 3–5, 1993 France Paris
    Clinton 24 June 2–4, 1994 Italy Rome,
    Clinton 24 June 2–4, 1994 Italy Nettuno
    Clinton 24 June 2–4, 1995 Vatican City Apostolic Palace
    Clinton 24 July 7–10, 1994 Italy Naples
    Clinton 24 October 25–26, 1994 Egypt Cairo
    Clinton 24 October 26–27, 1994 Jordan Aqaba,
    Clinton 24 October 26–27, 1994 Jordan Wadi Arava,
    Clinton 24 October 26–27, 1994 Jordan Amman
    Clinton 24 October 26–27, 1995 Syria Damascus
    Clinton 24 October 27–28, 1994 Israel Jerusalem

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. So what happened to all of the girls after they aged over 10 before the end of this arrangement?? Were they and all of the current "...girl(s) in their possession..." were murdered?

    This really doesn't make sense in a technical way. No one employed by G or J ever said anything about cooking, cleaning, transporting burying or destroying these girls.

    I just can't with these mass conspiracy blinds.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Hillary IS "M"??!!!!! OOoooooh!!! Been hearing about this on underground talk radio....everybody's talkin' about how some big people are about to go down....stay tuned kitty cats!

    I hope this whole pedo ring/s are destroyed. I pray for those sweet little babies who are being raped, tortured & tormented on a daily basis. Those responsible should be set on fire.


  81. Anonymous1:24 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Marcos. Aint no pedos on the hunt for a collection of Iranians. Filipinos though? LBFM.

  83. Anonymous1:36 PM

  84. OK, so why on earth would Queen Elizabeth and Philip get involved in this? They have all the money in the world (srsly) and everything to lose.

  85. @natty

    The Clinton house is on fire right now as we type.

    Evidence going bye bye?

  86. Okay this is getting a bit crazy and off topic because girls vs. Spacey (boys)? I also wouldn't be surprised if a country from the Middle East was involved since we have propped up quite a few there (Mubarak-Egypt too). Would tie to Getty and oil, propping of gov't (Mubarak rose to power during the 60s/70s and assumed Presidency when his predecessor was assassinated by an Egyptian military officer). Britain/antiquities too? The Mubaraks are estimated to be worth 50-60B now. Or am I too far away from the typical conspiracy we've spiraled down to right now?

  87. I don't know who did what to whom, but Adnan Kashoggi was in the mix somewhere. And, by the way, Bill & Hillary's upstate NY home caught fire today. Sadly, it's still there. I was typing this, there was a shoot-out across the street from me and I now await all the sirens and ambulances. Dayum. And everybody was bein' so good since the New Year!

  88. 1974 "G", JP Getty opens an art museum in the annex to his home, a "re-creation of the Villa of the Papyri on his property in Pacific Palisades". He uses it to house the girls supplied to him by Ferdinand Marcos.

    Ferdinand Marcos, "M", President of the Philippines, supplies very young girls to rich and powerful men around the world. They repay him with art and money and help propping up his kleptocracy which is under constant threat from revolutionaries.

    1976 "G", JP Getty dies. His druggy son "J" has accidentally killed some of the young girls he shared with his father and buried them beneath the annex. He is under pressure from other heirs & banks to liquidate some of the estate.

    1980's More of the old men who received girls from Marcos are dying, replaced by men with other vices (boys). They meet (along with Getty Jr, "J" and Marcos, "M" on the yacht in the Med to discuss what to do with the children who are stashed around the globe. Having Getty's son "J" kill and dispose of them in California is an option.

    1984 ground is broken for "The Getty" in Brentwood, several miles from the original "annex". The construction site provides a handy location for "J" to dispose of many more bodies.

    1989 Ferdinand Marcos dies. His wife Imelda knows everything because "M", Ferdinand had recorded the meeting on the yacht and given her a copy. "M"'s wife, Imelda is very old, 88, but still has her wits, being elected as a senator as recently as 2016. It's not known if she's made arrangements to protect the tapes after her death. If they come out they'll expose world leaders and titans of industry.

  89. beebopcowboy sez -

    "also I voted for obama, and Im liberal, but by GAWD"

    mmmmm....yeah....sure you are.

    Tell us a liberal policy point then that you agree with and why.


  90. 'Anyone else see this coming out via press conference and major arrests since Trump just declared January Human Trafficking and Slavery Awareness Month?"

    You mean from the investigations started by Obama in 2009?

    Sure am.

  91. @natty:

    "The Clinton house is on fire right now as we type.

    Evidence going bye bye?"

    Contained to the bedroom, it appears. Friction from disuse?

  92. "Or am I too far away from the typical conspiracy we've spiraled down to right now?"

    The meeting on a Mediterranean was supposed to be around the world from the location of the annex, according to the BI. The Middle East is right on the Mediterranean.

  93. @just sayin' - Thanks for putting the pieces together. I'm sure the other ME connections named here were also on that yacht but I agree that M is Ferdinand Marcos, & G is Getty Sr.

  94. plot: "The meeting on a Mediterranean was supposed to be around the world from the location of the annex, according to the BI. The Middle East is right on the Mediterranean."

    Enty wrote, "The focus of their discussion," perhaps Getty's home in CA, "was half a world away." He didn't state that M resided half a world away.

  95. ... though I do think M is Marcos.

  96. Not Queen Elizabeth nor Phillip.

    However, Imelda Marcos was a piece of shit. 2,000 pairs of shoes. I mean at what point is there 365 days a year and you need 5 pairs a day to wear? She and her husband were horrible thieves... They get my vote.

    To be fair to J Paul Getty, he thought his grandson devised the plot to get the money with some friends. Here is the scoop narrative........

    Days later his kidnappers demanded a $17 million ransom from his mother. She asked his father and grandfather for help, but they suspected the unruly teen had devised his disappearance to raise money. Police were also skeptical, although Harris had received a desperate letter from her son, and a phone call from a man who offered to send a severed finger as proof he was still alive. The note began, “Dear Mummy, Since Monday I have fallen into the hands of kidnappers. Don’t let me be killed.”

  97. @Mark

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but missing children of poverty in the Philippines would not be missed (probably just paid for) as opposed to dozens of missing children in California. See my post about what outlawing birth control has done to the poor of the Philippines.

  98. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Those poor children. I wish someone could have saved them. It breaks my heart to hear children being abused like that. I hope all their rapists get punished in Hell.

  99. plot: I don't see any evidence that we don't agree.

    M = Marcos
    G = JP Getty
    J = JP Getty II
    Annex 1 = Getty Villa / Museum in Pacific Palisades
    Annex 2 = The Getty Center off I-405


    I was simply stating that the contention that M was from the Middle East did not conflict with the meeting on the yacht being "half a world away" from Getty's burial grounds.

    I also think that Enty didn't try to make the initials obscure because he is intentionally not trying too hard to make this BI difficult. (Not that I'm an expert on Enty's thought process.)

  100. @plot

    More kids probably come from 3rd world countries for sure.

    But why has the fbi never compiled kidnapping statistics in the us?

    They track crimes such as hate-crimes, murders, and car theft

    But neither kidnapping or missing persons.

    Food for thought.

  101. Aw man, the Getty Center is one of my favorite places to go. They have my favorite Munch painting.

  102. I think you're all off with the California stuff and they're referring to Getty's English estate. For one thing, it's very secluded. For another, Getty lived in England almost all the time in the timeframe specified, late 60s to 70s. Not California. It's a lot easier to hide a bunch of girls in the rural English countryside than it is Pacific Palisades. And his estate there is bigger.

  103. Look up the name Peter Gerard Scully or Sully. Philippines seems the right way. Marcos had the art collection. However, how does Duerta fit into this. The Arabs and Euro Trash pervs are always a good bet for the johns and murderers.

  104. [Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. This is too important to not be revealed.]

    Yesss biatch yesss!

  105. Why is everyone stating 60's/70's? The blind says a little more than 3 decades ago. That would place this in the mid to late 80s.

  106. @Schneiderisnext, I think the FBI does compile those statistics. Here they are for 2010, the first year that came up in a search.

    1. Yes & No, it's a voluntary reported number, the fbi doesn't actually seek out/investigate/even record newspaper reporting (though given what we know about NSA's data center/fusion centers, they absolutely have the capability)

      From 2015:

      Federal authorities are attempting to convert hundreds of law enforcement agencies to an alternate reporting system that would account for perhaps scores of offenses that have never been recorded in the bureau's annual summary of crime in the USA, part of its Uniform Crime Report.
      Murders may be the most consistently tracked offenses in the summary portion of the report. But an unknown number of other crimes often committed in the course of those deaths — rapes, robberies, assaults, arson and others — go unrecorded. Long-standing reporting limitations allow for tracking only the most serious single offense from each incident, regardless of how many other offenses have been committed
      "We don't have a good sense at all of the relationships involved in crime because we are still using a 1930s tool,'' said University of South Carolina Professor Geoff Alpert who specializes in law enforcement research. "It's horrible that we have had the ability to do this, but for some reason, we just haven't done it.''
      it could take "years'' to expand the NIBRS system to produce a more representative sample of crime in America. Just 6,300 of nearly 18,000 U.S. police agencies funnel the more detailed crime information to NIBRS, while about 10,000 agencies provide the basic summary data.
      Morris said at least 400 agencies are needed to convert the summary systems to the richer data delivery method under NIBRS for the FBI to produce a sound national report.
      Among the police departments that do not participate are some of the largest in the country: New York, Chicago and Philadelphia.
      The most difficult of the obstacles is that agencies have never been required to report, analysts said. Despite the consequential nature of national crime analysis, the submission of local crime data remains voluntary. Since 2013, for example, when Congress mandated that the FBI begin tracking human trafficking for the purpose of commercial sex or involuntary servitude, only five of the nearly 18,000 agencies have provided information, according to FBI records. As many as 1,500 agencies provide no crime data at all.
      "For whatever reason, police departments have not been willing to expend the extra effort to do it,'' said Carnegie Mellon University Professor Alfred Blumstein, who has spent decades examining crime statistics. "How the FBI is going to get that extra cooperation is unclear right now.''
      Some communities are resistant to contributing more detailed data out of fear that it could depict a more serious crime problem than is reflected by the summary reporting system, said one researcher familiar with the reporting process.

    2. The FBI and thousands of police departments are complicit in this cover-up.

      We live in a world where people prefer to maintain the illusion of security, than confronting the unpleasant evils we are afraid to confront.

    3. *rather than confronting the unpleasant evils

    4. Again, this bears repeating

      "Among the police departments that do not participate are some of the largest in the country: New York, Chicago and Philadelphia."

      The biggest cities have the most trafficking and missing persons do not send stats to the fbi

      Why don't they?

  107. @Natasha, I don't know how you get the Queen and Prince Philip are involved. "M was protected in power ... They also arranged for other governments to prop his up in the face of rebellion." They don't have a rebellious government.

    Imelda and Ferdinand jumped out at me. I found this article online:

    Long, but it shows how absolutely dirty they were (still are) and interestingly, they contributed to both Jimmy Carter's and Ronald Reagan's election campaigns.

  108. John Paul Getty left California for England in 1951 and never came back because he was afraid of flying.

    Two options remain: Sutton place or Marrakech. The Getty's had a palace there. A recent book had been written by an aide of Yves Saint Laurent, book in which the author descibes homosexual paedophilia in YSL's Villa Marjorelle.

  109. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Throwing out Ari Onasis (G in Greek) to be different,

  110. M= Muammar Gaddafi, was known to have kidnapped many young teen Libyan women for his own harems.
    G = Gianni Agnelli the grandson of founder Giovanni Agnelli, was Fiat's chairman from 1966 until 1996; he then served as honorary chairman from 1996 until his death on 24 January 2003. Very power magnate, friend of world leaders.
    J = John Elkan, Gianni's grandson. His brother Lapo Elkan has been in various drug and prostitution scandals, faked kidnapping.

    If this seems far fetched, then ask yourself how, and why President Bush in 2008, bailed Chrysler and pretty much gave it to the Italian Agnelli family's FIAT group. That would be an interesting reveal.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. The Sultan of Brunei.

    Pablo Escobar.

  113. Speaking of the 1980s and Ronald Reagan- have any of you ever heard of the Franklin Scandal? Here's a documentary that was suppressed by the Discovery Channel.
    Basically, very similar to what went on in Britain with Jimmy Saville.

    I personally believe that the reality is that there are people in power(regardless of party) in Hollywood, titans of industry, and our government who are doing really bad things, if any of this is true.

    I'm sure there are important people who have no idea,though. There would be so much long-term grooming that would have to happen. Or if someone saw something off, they could be threatened.

    Please let this come out. I also think everyone is on the right track with Marcos and Gettys.

    1. I recommend the podcast Sword and Scale episodes 5&6 for a concise overview of the scandal.

  114. Rev. Kevin Annette brought a lot of attention to the fact that queen and prince visited an Indian boarding school in Canada. They asked for 10 children...which they took into the woods. The children did not come back. An elderly Native man remembered the incident...and accomanied Rev. Annette to England to bring queen and prince to trial...(some off brand justice system) The native man got extremely sick, had to go to hospital there and died.Many many people are aware of this incident.

  115. The blind mentions M's wife, not one of his wives or "1st wife", so I don't think M is/was anyone with multiple wives.

  116. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Molly, I'm sorry but I laughed out loud.

  117. I do fully believe that rich and powerful men have molested and murdered children for decades, even generations.

    I also firmly believe that they'll never be charged, convicted or in any way punished.

    Lots of talk about sealed indictments, but I don't believe a word of it -- unless it's just a way to shake down the bigwigs.

    If Epstein's "Lolita Island" didn't result in criminal charges for the johns, then nothing will.

    I really wish this wasn't true.

  118. So if we follow the blind and use JP “born stone cold” Getty as G, Getty Jr. as J, and Ferdinand “fuckface” Marcos as M - there are 50+ Murdered Child sexual Slave Filipina Girls buried under the foundation of the Getty Center. It was built in the mid 90s and opened to the public at the end of ‘97.

    Wouldn’t it be far easier (particularly for an oil baron) to dispose of corpses in the middle of the ocean? Just put them in sealed oil barrels or even sealed shipping/cargo containers and drop them off of oil derricks, supertankers/cargo ships, hell even cargo helicopters/planes? To the bottom of the ocean they go.

    Regardless, this is right up there with the most horrific blinds ever posted. Oh and I wouldn’t limit the world leaders to Presidents...I’d say V.P. At the time/ex-head Spook and probably very bad actor GHWBush would be more likely to have attended this “alleged” meeting in the mid/late 80s (say around 86-88, as Marcos was being shitcanned) than Ronnie.

  119. I have to laugh at the trolling going on here lately. It used to be all PR flacks. Now it's Trump apologists.

    The reason Trump is naming it human trafficking month is the same reason he had scalp reduction - to hide the truth. Trump is child trafficker #1.

    The FBI has tried for ages to stop it. The powerful blackmailers like Trump have become hideously rich in the blood and tears of children.

    1. Ya...seriously weird vibes around here 🙄

  120. A lot of doubters about California. So the burial grounds moved from Sutton Place to Wormsley Park, which JPG II bought and renovated in 1986? And his cricket playing friends, including Jumpin' Jack Flash and 'awrence of Arabia? I read "half a world away" as referring to distance from the "annex," though, not the source of the human beings.

  121. It has nothing to do with political parties and everything to do with money which equates to power. We are getting away from the point that there's a mass grave somewhere and why can't someone expose it all.

  122. The Shah was a well-known womanizer - of actual women. He most faously liked women who seemed dominant and much taller than him, actually. He also had a little Swiss gay guy he imported into Iran and kept in luxury in his palace for years whom everyone, especially the Sha's wives, *hated* as he was a sly, nasty piece of work who seemed to exert an odd influence on the Shah. Some cast aspersions on the Shah's sexuality for this, others believed he kept him around to make himself feel more manly in comparison to this effeminate creature. The Shah was very insecure due to his upbringing by his rather unpleasant father who belittled him for many reasons, including not being tall enough. I've read extensively about the Pahlavis and nothing suggested an interest in little girls or boys, even tangentially.

    Of course, after the Islamic revolution and to this day in Iran, the age of consent is nine - if you're married of course. A truly Islamic Republic is a pedo paradise.

  123. It's not Onassis. His son died way too early for the blind.

  124. Until Enty corrects the typos in that last paragraph, I'm sticking with the only two who fit the profile given exactly how he/she wrote. I know you all have a hard on for the Marcos angle but the smudge print of Brit is strong on this one.

    Also, the Getty fits the bill along with the smaller museum that was often referred to as the annex.

  125. @Natasha, I don't see a typo in that last paragraph. It's worded a little awkwardly, but that's Entylish for you. Rewriting it with fewer pronouns, as I read it:

    If you ever want to know why a hit was never put out on Mrs. M or any of M's own kids it is because that meeting on the yacht was recorded both via audio and video and M made sure that everyone knows Mrs. M has a copy of them. Mrs. M also made it known that if Mrs. M, or her kids were to die, that the recordings would be released. Mrs. M is very old so people are worried that Mrs. M has not made any plans to not release it when Mrs. M dies. Apparently this recording discusses many world leaders and titans of industry who all had their own young boys or girls from this country they abused.

    @Schneiderisnext, thanks for the info. I wasn't aware there were large cities that don't contribute data. I wonder how much that overlaps with sanctuary cities, which are natural hiding places for traffickers.

    In any case, I don't disagree with your premise that the FBI has helped to cover up things like this. We're only starting to get a glimpse at how corrupt the 3-letter agencies have gotten. They may have many well-intentioned people working in them, but there were those that made sure certain investigations didn't happen. Apparently the FBI questioned visitors to Epstein Island and were told they were just there to get a tan, and left it at that. Did they really buy it, or were they going through the motions to limit the damage?

  126. As I was reading this blind, I was thinking Getty, then a trailer for All the Money in the World came up on tv

  127. Came here to make a joke that Hillary did it but I see someone posted it in all seriousness. I miss the days when the comment section here was sane...

  128. - But why has the fbi never compiled kidnapping statistics in the us?

    Because kidnapping is a complicated legal diagnosis. One thing can be deemed a kidnapping and 10 years later we find out it wasn't. Most kidnapping actually becomes custodial interference with a plea bargain because a huge majority of what is termed kidnapping is interfamilial.

    Mark said...
    "plot: I don't see any evidence that we don't agree.

    M = Marcos
    G = JP Getty
    J = JP Getty II
    Annex 1 = Getty Villa / Museum in Pacific Palisades
    Annex 2 = The Getty Center off I-405"

    I don't think these dozens of children could be kidnapped in California without anyone noticing or their bodies ensconced in the Getty Center secretly , either. The Marcos had a museum, too, with an extensive art collection bought with funds stolen from the Filipino state. I think it would be far easier to make this BI (IF TRUE) happen there.

    TheDemimondeOne said...

    "I personally believe that the reality is that there are people in power(regardless of party) in Hollywood, titans of industry, and our government who are doing really bad things, if any of this is true. "

    Yep. Perhaps these horrible vices are also a way to command loyalty in one another, too. They can't trust one another, these very powerful men, unless they are all indulging in heinous things together.


    I'm not sure that we really and truly want a centralized crime database. Though it sounds grand, the reality might be something different.

    1. The fbi has had a centralized crime
      Database since it's inception...thats the entire function of the fbi...but if not kidnapping why not missing persons?

      Why was this policy changed only in 2015. Why is it still voluntary? State's are held hostage by conditional block grants all the time. They bow down to federal policy in exchange for money for infrastructure.

      Family and divorce courts also exist for a reason. I'm normally against federal government overreach, but minors need advocates. Most kidnappings are interfamilial

      We need transparency. Especially from public sector servants

      I think human trafficking is a necessary federal level issue. States are inherently limited as it involves interstate/international border crossing, waterways, ports, and airports/airplanes.

      Human Trafficking should be one of the only things tracked by the government.

  129. plot: "I don't think these dozens of children could be kidnapped in California without anyone noticing or their bodies ensconced in the Getty Center secretly , either. The Marcos had a museum, too, with an extensive art collection bought with funds stolen from the Filipino state. I think it would be far easier to make this BI (IF TRUE) happen there."

    No, no, no. Kidnapped in Asia, kept in California. Cali is the first stop for every Asian "masseuse" slaving away at a truck stop or strip mall somewhere in the US, isn't it? As for being secretly buried at a construction site, is it that hard to hide a body under several feet of concrete? If it were that difficult, we Michiganders wouldn't still be looking for Jimmy Hoffa more than 40 years later.

  130. Something bad has happened to the comment section on these longer, out there blinds recently. You guys are amazing at solving many, but this type of post seems to draw conspiracy theory people that seem to show up only for these. Which are also mostly unsolvable and/or are always going to remain unconfirmed.

    I have never posted here (or probably once or twice (?)) but have been reading for many years. I didn´t read during the messed up format period, and maybe I missed something then, but most people visiting a gossip website (even if there are very serious subjects being discussed) don´t want to enter the world of extreme conspiracy theory claims with almost nothing for backup. Or perhaps I am only speaking for myself :).

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. There’s a lot of noise in the comments it looks like. The Gettys and the Marcoses fit the timelines, the scenarios and the initials perfectly.

    One thing worth underscoring is that the Philippines had a long tradition of tolerated child prostitution under Marcos-if you google “Philippines Child Prostitution,” one of the first things you get is this article

    It’s from 1989, only three years after the Marcoses were forced from power. Unfortunately not a lot has changed in the Philippines since from some other articles.

    The Shah of Iran remains a possibility, but it strikes me as a lot less likely. Iranians in general and the Shah in particular are very proud of their culture, and not ones to to genuflect easily. The Shah also always had oil in his favor-he didn’t need to genuflect to beg to foreign actors for money to stay in power as long as the populace was behind him in the same way. Marcos was never in that strong of a personal or national financial position and making extra cash through illicit dealings, of a type
    Widely accepted in the Philippines,makes a lot of sense.

  135. I agree AZ. I actually had a pretty big meltdown at Enty when one day the blinds turned the corner in the past week to provably false (the Macaulay Culkin says there are shoes made out of children story that appeared on a couple of fake news websites). I theorized that Enty was resorting to clickbait, or that he was upping the fake stuff to cover his a$$, take focus off of his true blinds. Or that he and Himmmm were playing good cop, bad cop, to make it seem they were not fully in agreement, again to deflect possible lawsuits.

    In the end, with this blind, I decided just to go with the flow and guess the answer as if everything Enty said was true. (I posted a timeline with my guesses above somewhere.) I fear it's based on the outrageous claim that there's a dungeon beneath The Getty where children are killed and eaten in Satanic rituals. I do not believe that, but can believe there's truth in some of the rest of the blind. His disclaimer covers all of us, and it's impossible to know what truths he may be fudging, so I'm just going to look forward to the reveal.

  136. If this blind is even remotely close to true, then these folks (those who remain, and their more recent "converts") won't hesitate to kill some more folks to keep this out of the public eye. That means Enty, and even Trump, assuming that Trump has an interest in going after them. That's why it doesn't make sense to me that there isn't a quick reveal here. If M's wife needs a 'dead-man switch" to release info in the event of her untimely demise, then so does Entertainment Lawyer. He has just made himself a target. I'm not threatening anyone... just saying that these are truly dangerous and deranged individuals, if any of it is true. It would be good to be cautious.

  137. Mark sez -

    "As for being secretly buried at a construction site, is it that hard to hide a body under several feet of concrete? If it were that difficult, we Michiganders wouldn't still be looking for Jimmy Hoffa more than 40 years later."

    Dozens of children's bodies hidden in concrete? You bet that would be more difficult to hide. There is a lot more sentiment for dead kids than there ever was for Jimmy Hoffa. Also, it would have taken more than a couple of laborers to accomplish it. With LA zoning laws, some of the strictest in the nation cuz earthquakes, a chunk of the foundation isn't going to be mysteriously filled in a couple hours and allowed to cure without notice.

    AZ sez -

    "most people visiting a gossip website (even if there are very serious subjects being discussed) don´t want to enter the world of extreme conspiracy theory claims with almost nothing for backup. Or perhaps I am only speaking for myself :). "

    No you aren't alone. It's fun to think about the decadent lives of Hollywood celebrities and all their foibles. It's another to seriously slander public figures under the veil of a Blind Item to sew discord. Conspiracy theories are doing terrible things to our political landscape and hurting the country as a whole.

    I don't know why CDAN is suddenly full of them, none of which can be proven but still stick in people's minds.

  138. Natasha, agree the typo is annoying HOWEVER the blind specifically states that M’s country/regime was propped up by rich and powerful men like G, and once these men started dying off, the new generation of powerful men had other vices which they could get fulfilled from OTHER DICTATORS (meaning that M is/was a dictator). While I’m no fan of the British royal family, dictators they are not. “President” Marcos on the other hand?

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. Enty, can we move on to a James Garner BI, hopefully a kindness? Please tell me there isn´t something bad to read here that I´ve missed ( there probably is).

  141. Anonymous2:12 AM

    It appears that many of the shocking blinds are based on information/conspiracy theories from other websites rather than Enty having access to inside information. In which case the blinds are only as credible as the original source.


    Henley/Geffen blind - likely true but the story has been out there for many years.
    Obama/Rahm blind - the victim's mother accused Barack.
    The Web blinds - sounds like a less ridiculous version of the conspiracy theory that Chris and Chester were trying to expose "pizzagate".
    This blind - sounds like a less ridiculous version of the conspiracy theory that JPG murdered kids in satanic rituals.

  142. A mass grave of little girls. Please call the press and let these people be known.

  143. J Paul Getty's English estate was sold in 1980. Surely in roughly forty years under new ownership, several of whom extensively renovated the estate, someone would have noticed something?

    1. I've worked with In The House of the Rich and Famous to see how quickly and perfectly the tracks get covered. Fame is an aphrodisiac and usually part of the paycheck for those who work for the famous. The worker bees are quick to cover cover for their masters. Many of the worker bees are mind-controlled.
      I have read this read in-depth because I feel like I finally know what happened to my dear friend who worked at the Getty.

      His sudden death never made sense. it was 30 years ago but I found myself hiking to the spot where we had his memorial in Pacific Palisades only a few weeks ago.
      He was salt-of-the-earth good guy while he idolized me telling me I was going to be a big star ( thanks to God's grace I escaped the Jaws of hollywood) he never told me about his work at the Getty. never offered to give me a tour. Looking back I realize how out of character that was as he also worked was a world-renowned musician at the time and was always bringing me into the recording studio getting me backstage passes to his events Etc.
      My friend was healthy as an ox and the last one to die suddenly nobody in his family ever talked about it remained a subject of non discussion to this day I don't know how he died ...just suddenly on a hike.
      I believe I was led to this discussion to finally have peace about his death.
      I have this sudden knowing that while working at the Getty he saw or heard too much and was disposed of.
      For years I have intuited there was Foul Play, but never knew anything about the Getty museum until reading this.
      You know that's sudden aha you get when you realize the truth about something and you exhale and realize oh that's what happened"
      May truth be fully revealed. may this evil end.
      May all children be raised in safety and innocence and love.

  144. Thanks for this blind, Enty. It only firms up my belief that this pedogate stuff is global and that it has been going on for decades. I disagree with one thing though: this stuff will not be revealed. The people at the top who perpetrate these kidnappings and rapes of children are rich, and old, and powerful. They blackmail people, or pay them off to keep their mouths shut about it. Those who talk are likely to end up missing or dead.

    The media ignores these stories for a reason. They are owned and controlled by the same rich old pedophiles, and what they report as 'news' is what they are told to report or allowed to report. Anyone who breaks rank is retired. The people who mostly get arrested and sent to prison for this kiddie sex stuff are the ones at the bottom of the food chain. It is rarely ever the elites, and if they do get arrested they get short sentences and spend most of it luxury settings---isolated from other prisoners---and are allowed out to attend their business and social functions (i.e. Epstein).

    The other reason they get away with this stuff is because many people have closed minds and will believe only what they see on 'the news'. They simply refuse to believe that any of this stuff actually happens because, to them, it is impossible that such high-profile, educated, well-respected, extremely wealthy and important people could be pedophiles. But a whole lot of them are. The media calls the stories alt right conspiracy theories and they ridicule the people who talk about it, but this is something that has been going on for decades before the so-called 'alt right' existed. A lot of the child sex stuff is connected to occultism---which many people don't believe is real either, but it is. They have been subliminally attempting to normalize pedophilia over the years, and this can be clearly seen in much of the so-called modern art...particularly in the dissociative identity disorder paintings. I don't know how anyone can look at that disgusting shit and want to frame it and hang it in their house.

    You don't have to look too hard on the dark web undernet to find enclaves where people are sharing photos and videos of child porn/torture/rituals. Some of it is well hidden but a lot of it is there. The feds have been busting more of these people lately but the undernet is vast---much bigger than the internet that most people know, and pretty much every illegal thing that you can think of can be found and is bought, sold, and exchanged there. Most people don't even know what the dark web is and wouldn't believe the things that can be found there either.

    If none of this is real then where do you think they get the children from to make these kiddie rape and torture videos? And why would the feds be arresting them on these charges? People believe what they want to believe, and they ignore the parts of reality that don't matter to them. And rich and powerful people mostly get away with whatever they do. That's the way the world has always been.

    1. "dissociative identity disorder paintings"--googled. This is an actual THING.
      I thought this was hyperbole.

  145. "Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. This is too important to not be revealed."

    You're damned right. Who wouldn't give up their Internet guessing-game fix if you were to sprint to the appropriate authorities with this one?

  146. +1 to everything John Doe said.

  147. Billionaires during this era. Interesting list of names.

  148. @Here ButnotThere, check the ownership of the NY Times, WaPo, and other MSM. They are the "elites that control countries/industries." If they buried stories on someone like Weinstein for all those years, they were far less likely to expose their own owners.

    @just saying', that's how I do it. If Enty is mixing in bad blinds or bad facts, there's no chance that I'll be able to tell which ones they are (maybe some of you more experienced at this can, but I can't). All I can do is take the puzzle pieces as presented and try to fit them together into a picture. If the picture is wrong because the pieces were wrong, that's on him, and if that's something he has to do to protect him, I don't mind.

    I don't have any illusions that what we're doing here is important. Enty already knows who the blinds are about, because he wrote them. We're not discovering anything that isn't already known. If crimes like this are prosecuted, it will be because people with actual evidence took it to the authorities, and the authorities were willing and able to proceed with it. Or alternatively, because someone with actual evidence found some maverick in the media willing to expose it. It won't be because we figured out who G and M are. We're just having fun and staying informed.

  149. It's Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump!!! Ewwww...pedo alert

  150. @John Doe, very well written!

    To those who question how could they get away with burying bodies in concrete?

    Human cremains are the color and consistency of kitty litter. A little late night ritual, a little sprinkle in the industrial mixer and viola! Instant foundation laid to their god.

  151. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Read about the UK's Jimmy Savile, and what he was allowed to do, and who his pals were, and you might gain some insight into this bloody business.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Guys....

    Second comment here only. Have been reading for five years.

    If it is indeed Getty.... here is some questionable, however believable information, especially with all of this darkness coming to light - things are not what they seem.

    Read these links:

    Eyes Wide Open <3

  154. +1 Cail Corishev. We're not solving any mysteries...the facts are already known by the powers that be or Enty wouldn't know. By creating these puzzles and letting us speculate, the names and issues have a forum on the internet, and by spreading the news I believe it "helps" a little. If only to raise cultural awareness. Cdan is just puzzles that let us feel like detectives for a moment. What we do with the information is another thing. As Himmmm has implored us, we can go out and make noise on social media, to reporters, file FOIAs to police, etc. Cdaners like drumstixx are giving Corey Feldman a hard time on twitter this week and he's
    noticing. His "campaign" needs to stop.

  155. @DreamLand

    About your links, people who make their arguments and build evidence on Remote Viewing can't exactly be trusted.

    Titillating, sure, but hardly what we'd call evidence of any crime.

  156. This is Getty, and I seriously love that CDAN is crossing with #Qanon on Twitter. I've read CDAN for 10 years now, have never seen this site become so politicized as FINALLY blinds are leading back to Geffen, Rothschild, Getty, and yes, FINALLY, Hillary & Bill Clinton. Pedogate is real, intertwined with Hollywood, actors, producers, and politicians. It's so big and so horrible, people really don't want to know. But, The Web Chester and Chris blind should convince folks here it's not tinfoil hat time. This is real.

  157. @just sayin', until Corey Feldman pays someone a few bucks to clean up that mess of a twitter feed, it all looks like noise.

  158. Oh, and I forgot to mention Giustra.

  159. I got lost in this one last night. The Getty Marcos connection seems spot on. I don't think J.P. III was the son though. It seems off that his grandfather would take him into his confidence after refusing to pay ransom. I do wonder if his kidnapping was a pay back for some deal gone wrong and J.P. III found out more about pappy than he cared to know. At any rate, he suffered a profound stroke in his early 20's so I don't know how he could have taken care of the remains so to speak.

    I do think Armand Hammer and his sons should be included in this little group although they weren't mentioned (or were they? :), they definitely intersect with both parties named. I remembered in the 90's a big FBI bust in Woodside at the house of Imelda's daughter and SIL. They pulled out beaucoup paintings. Imeda purchased art from Victor Hammer of Knoedler Hammer, Armand's son. Armand was also good friends with John Paul Getty and like him, owned an Oil Company. A theme is developing.

    Just made me think were back to Art. Frauds passed in friendly deals as precious. Is the art component a way to pay for 'other' services?

    I originally was going to say Robert Maxwell and one of the Baron Coyne Guiness's and Headington Hill Hall, a good guess for a different circle, likely one that also intersects. A number of the other guessers also had good guesses that were, in my opinion, completely correct but not in the context of this blind.

    Art raid

    Victor and Imelda art

    Demise of Knoedler Hammer

    J.P. III kidnappers

  160. Getty is a good guess because of the art collection, but wasn't Getty notoriously into little boys? That's what transpires from the biography of Cardinal Marcinkus if I remember correctly. The whole Getty's ancient Rome/Emperor Adrian fantasy was to diddle young boys greek-style I think.

    I like HushHush guess of Gianni Agnelli. Lots of skeletons in that family, starting from the death of Gianni's son Eduardo. However the blind states that J was one of his children, but Eduardo was his only son and he died young and before Gianni so it's not the right guess. Besides Gianni was famously into beautiful women but never rumored of liking little girls.

    There's more than these two this blind can apply to, though.

  161. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Rachewbacca: There are no blinds about the Rothschild family or Hillary Clinton. What gave you that idea? The web blinds are not about "pizzagate" (although they are similar to the conspiratard theory that Chris & Chester were murdered for trying to expose "pizzagate"). Himmmm has stated that he doesn't believe in pizzagate.

  162. I'm glad you're here, John the Savage, you funny.

  163. I'm going to leave this here in case anyone is still recieving comments...
    Marcos owned the Lindenmere estate in Center Moriches, Long Island, NY from sometime in the 70s to 1987, when the Philippine government took it over.
    I came upon this property last year, finding that it had housed scientists from all over the world, post WWII, who had worked at the Brookhaven Laboratory, amongst other things that I found interesting.
    I tried to find a connection as to why they decided to buy a property 10 miles away from the Hamptons, where other billionaires would have a home, but couldn't.
    Maybe someone else can find a Rothschild, Getty, Morgan, Rockefeller
    or the like with nearby properties.
    I just can't understand why - Center Moriches, of all places.

  164. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Love this site, been here for about three months. However, this is another post that is like a plot for True Detective Season 3 (bring back Matthew and Woody!). Maybe it's true, maybe it's fantasy.

  165. this is now being reported on the news at least as of this morning

    1. What part of the story is being reported and where?

  166. hillary has leverage on hollywood and a lot of powerful people



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