Thursday, January 11, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Back On Drugs And Back Being An A-Hole

So, for the day at least, lets get away from the dark and macabre and enjoy a real Hollywood jerk acting like a jerk and taking every chance possible to be the biggest jerk in jerk town. He is A list. You know what? Actually let us make him A+ list. It is very possible he could win some Oscars this year. Not for anything in front of the camera, but behind. For someone who is behind the camera, all of you know him anyway, so that shows just how A list he is.

He has been on an award show binge this winter. To every show he has brought a different escort or stripper. He has a loooooooong history with escorts and hookers and strippers. Anyway, at a recent event he introduced the woman he brought as, "My b**ch for the night."

At about award show number four with different bottle blonde escort someone asked if he ever dated anyone of color. He said, "If they are not pale white, I am not touching that s**t."

There was the award show where one of the women dared to speak and he said the only speaking she was allowed to do was in bed and if he had wanted someone smart he would have stayed home and masturbated.

He is back on drugs in a big way and is doing all kinds of coke and pills. He has been sweaty and messy and is not doing his movie any favors. It shocks me that his lead actress would work with him. It shocks me she still smiles and takes pictures with him every night at these award shows knowing what she knows. I would think she at least would skip some of these events. Catch a cold or pneumonia or something. I know he makes her skin crawl. No one says anything to this guy.


  1. Aaron Sorkin - actress Jessica Chastain ew!

  2. John! Zombie John Huston.

  3. Looks could be receiving Guillermo looks like a good guy but I don't think much of Benicio.

  4. This is Sorkin - past drug issues a giveaway

  5. I googled Guillermo del Toro and red carpet an didn't see a lot of blondes, bottle or otherwise, in the pictures. Hopefully it's not him.

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Sorkin launched many careers. Look at West Wing alone. Could see him being scary in that super white male menacing way. Now my skin is crawling!

  7. Hello? This is why the sex harassers continue to fluorish!
    No amount of after the fact editorials and symbolic protests are going to fix this situation unless it is confronted directly, which means people who still generate valuable product must be told to knock it off or pay the consequences.

  8. If you google Sorkin, you'll see countless pics of him with different blonds..some identified and others not. So, I'll +1 on Sorkin.

  9. Sorkin obviously, i'd love to hear a chapo trap house ep. on this blind.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ya Sorkin....he has that bloated coke face looking and looks constantly sweaty

  12. So I looked up Aaron Sorkin cuz everyone said there were pcistures with different blondes, but the only blonde young girl I kept seeing was his daughter roxy who has changed her hairstyle often but maintains the bottle blond. I don't see what has been commented here, am I missing something?

  13. If this blind item is indeed Sorkin as you all guessed, then this piece that I just read is very interesting (interesting as in full of shit). He's playing the doting caring director in this article...

    Greta Gerwig and Aaron Sorkin and why Hollywood Must Change

  14. I hate it if this is Sorkin. So very talented.

    1. The only thing he ever did worth while was west wing. Everything else is overrated drivel. The newsroom show was complete garbage

  15. And if Chastain is grossed out, but able to do all these photo calls where she is hugging him, posing with him, leaning on him, then she REALLY deserves an award, because there's just a ton of pictures of them being very comfortable-chummy.

  16. The only blonde I can think of being associated to Sorkin is Kristin Chenowith and they had a bad break up around 2008 I wanna say.

    He was in a long term relationship with Kristin Davis, a la Sex and the City.

    I really hope it's not him. I LOVE Sorkin and have followed everything he's done. Plus his date for the Globes was Molly Bloom - inspiration behind Molly's Game

  17. I see nothing out of line here. Whores arent human, so there is no reason to treat em like anything besides pretty fuck meat.

  18. I cracked myself up pretending the answer to this was Woody Allen. Try it.

  19. HitchCOCK's reincarnation?

  20. Yeah, I don't see any sexual harassment here. He's just being a huge jerk, like the blind says. My only knowledge of Sorkin is from the great show Sports Night, which did a very thoughtful episode on racism, so it would be funny if it's him. What is it with these celebs who preach so eloquently to the rest of us about racism being so blatant about it among their own kind?

    I don't know much about awards shows. Do stars really bring hookers as dates? I thought the front rows were usually full of recognizable faces, or at least people the commentators would know as their spouses. Or do hooker-dates have to sit in the back rows?

  21. "If they are not pale white, I am not touching that s**t." That's an... interesting comment if it came from Sorkin, another of Hollywood's holy-than-thou "progressive" Democrats.

  22. Secrets is right. Chastain will smile and hug anyone who can get her closer to an Oscar. Her morals go right out the window.

  23. He likes white women whoever it is....why is that an issue?? We all have types. Doesn't make him racist. The issue is more how he treats women in general and his wording but then again he is drugged up....

  24. If Sorkin likes white meat, they don't come any whiter than Kristen Chenoweth, his former girlfriend.

  25. As a black woman I would just like to say, THANK YOU SORKIN! You worthless piece of s#@%!

  26. I googled Sorkin and red carpet. Lots of photos of him with Jessica Chasten. LOTS of them. Are they dating?

    And, lots of photos of him with his blonde daughter(s). Did not see any other blondes that could be his "sex date for the night" except maybe one women who looked intelligent, so I doubt this is him.

  27. I meant "Jessica Chastain" - stupid spell checker!

    My biggest problem with Sorkin is his fast dialogue always sounds really fake. People don't talk like that.

  28. PapayaSF, other liberals also hate the kind of "liberal" you mentioned, but we use the word Racist.

  29. I imagined the guy saying all the things in the blind as jokes and I thought they were funny. It doesn’t say if he said them dead serious or with a laugh. I can’t imagine a guy saying this is my bitch for the night not joking. And if he was serious, she knew what she was getting into and I’m sure was very happy as she strutted down to the check cashing place next to the packie and laundromat.

  30. I wouldn't recognize Sorkin and the description said everyone would though he is behind the camera now. I say Benicia Del Toro. Scarlett and Kim Stewart are both former flings of his

  31. One of his former call-girls wrote a tell-all in 2006 and included him (Sorkin) in it. She said they had a drug-fueled relationship for two years...

  32. Amy +1. We never get blinds about rappers who are only into Black girls. This is stupid. I have never been into Asian men, am I anti-Asian? He sounds like a total ass, but still, that's it? He likes blonde hookers and calls them bitches? Someone quick, fetch my clutching pearls.

  33. Who dared suggest G. Del Toro? Del Toro is sweet
