Monday, January 08, 2018

Himmmm Blind Item #7 - Golden Globes - Kindness

A kindness item here.  I was exiting the Beverly Hilton/Waldorf Astoria area after another of the after parties and this actor (A list mostly movie actor who is a shoo in for an Oscar nomination) and I were walking outside. His lady, who is a dear sweet friend of mine whom I've known forever, was stuck inside talking to some friends.  I asked him where he was heading, and he pointed over to the little park fountain square across the street. 

He said one of his management team told him that a girl was having a bad night.  She had been at the awards as a guest because she was an aspiring costume designer. Just another young lady with dreams, and this was her first event she'd ever attended.  She'd hand made her own black dress for the awards show then someone had stepped on the hem of her gown and ripped it about halfway up.  She'd been hoping people would see her dress and use it as a way to maybe get new work.  Now, she was so embarrassed she'd literally run away from everyone, almost like Cinderella at the ball.  Apparently her date (who had gotten her into the awards) was a tool who didn't notice or didn't care she'd disappeared. She was by herself crying and hiding across the street until her date finished partying. 

Hearing this from the manager, and seeing the manager busy with another client, this actor I'm with wanted to check to see if she's okay.  After hearing the story, I agreed to go too. I walked over with him (playing Frogger darting across traffic), and she was there by the fountain looking like a girl left alone at the prom.  The actor then asked if she'd mind if we shared her fountain? She was shocked, and looked up at us.  "Uhh...oh my...uhhh".  Yeah, she was starstruck.  First she said "Oh gosh please ignore my dress - it's been a bad night".  She then began laughing and wiping her eyes. Within a few minutes, the actor's lady and two of her female friends had arrived as well, with a bottle of champagne. They passed it around and shared with the girl, as the actress examined the dress and told the girl she loved it.  As I was leaving them, the young lady was still saying "this is the best thing that's ever happened to me".

About an hour later I saw the young lady again, and she was with the actor, the actress, and they were introducing the girl to their friends, managers, publicists and she looked happier than any human alive.  Later on, I got a message from the actress that he and the actress had said they'd love her to do the actresses dress for her next awards event they attend.  Yes, there are indeed still some good people left in Hollywood who will use their position to help another...without forcing them to do anything evil in return. 


  1. Hugh Jackman...❤️

  2. Great story, glad there were good people there last night, too.

  3. Great story. Thank you for sharing.

  4. It is uplifting....
    Love the Frogger reference Himmmmyou are killing It✊️

  5. <3 thank you for sharing this great story. Please reveal it later so we can love on the nice people and support the girl!

  6. Wow, dreams can come true sometimes. Amazing.

  7. I'm guessing Daniel Day Lewis.

    1. That would be sooo funny if it were him, though! #AllTheMetas

  8. After a day of reading horrible stories about horrible people and losing even more faith in humanity this one kicked me right in the feels. Thanks for sharing. I think we all needed it.

  9. Now THIS... this is what I always hope for, the fact that there really are good and kind people in Hollywood. Reading a lot of the other stories kind of smashes my belief in people. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Please let us enjoy this in full. Reveal!

  11. Sam Rockwell/Leslie Bibb (Bibb co-starred with RDJ)

    1. I second this. This couple just gives off genuinely good people vibes.

  12. I’d love for it to be Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb.

  13. The GGs left me feeling like they just couldn’t get this #metoo thing right. Now my heart feels happy. Thank you for this blind❤️

  14. Please let us enjoy in full. Reveal!

  15. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Oh my lord. You are a child.

    2. I really don't know what that is/means 😶😂 oh well, nevermind haha!

    3. omg hahaha Youre sweet, this is funny. Frogger is a video game thats one of the first video games to ever come out.
      Lol this was cute, great blind Himmmm!

    4. Oooooh...I see now! thank You Rosie for explaining!
      Ay, that's so funny hahaha!

  16. After all the stuff we read around these award shows, this is a welcome change.

  17. oh gosh, don't mind me, i just have something in my eye. This is so sweet.

  18. One minute you feel like the world is against you and lo and behold the next minute you feel like you are on top of the world.

    So goes life and this was a nice story.

  19. With all of the horrible things in the world,
    stories like this bring tears to my eyes.

    Beautiful story. Beautiful people.

  20. This is a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing.

    I feel like Himmmm and some of Enty's spies are giving away a lot of clues today about who they are. Don't blow your cover!

  21. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I love Sam Rockwell... would be great if it were him.

  22. If it is Rockwell and Bibb then Himmmm is Mario Lopez. Lopez and Bibb have been in over two shows together back in the day.

  23. @Alexandria Anna- Frogger is an old school arcade game :) It as before my time too, but I know it from Seinfeld lol

    As for this blind, YAY!!! This was wonderful to read. Thanks for sharing & I also hope this is revealed!

  24. This made my heart swell so much ! PLEASE reveal ASAP !!! I may have to end my movie boycott and support THESE TWO wonderful people :)

  25. Definitely got the good feels 💙

  26. I'm surprised people are waiting for the reveal on this, I'm an awful guesser but I imagine A list actor shoe in for oscar nomination this year, married and neither person in the couple are toxic would be a pretty easy one to guess.

  27. Hope to God this is real, I also needed hope that there is even a sliver of good left, especially in what seems like a cesspool.

    Thanks, Himmmmmmmmm, for sharing and being one of the good guys.

  28. Thanks for sharing this himmmm :)

  29. ^^^^^
    Some people can make a really good "educatedguess".
    (and thank you all as well. it was fun to make her smile and that couple deserves good things coming their way).

  30. FYI I'll ask Enty to officially reveal this one before Oscars. That way, if any of you follow Oscar red carpets - you can hear the young designer girl's name on the pre-show "so who are you wearing?" thing when they ask the actress).

    1. Yes! Fingers crossed for my fav Sam Rockwell!

    2. Okay, now please remind Enty to reveal this! Thanks @himmmm

  31. From the bottom of my cold black heart I thank you for this story :)

  32. By the way, y'all Mario Lopez's first kiss was with Fergie, whom he met on the set of Kids Incorporated.

  33. Bless Hmmmm and Hmmmm's friend and group for being good kind real people!!

  34. Re: Frogger (what is)...

  35. @Alexandria Anna to add, in Frogger, you're a frog who's only goal is to cross the busy street by avoiding cars. Gotta love simple video games.

  36. This was cool, until someone decided they needed/wanted to guess who Himmmmm is....just don't get it, I guess.


  38. Love this story. I have a friend in NYC who styles for Maggie Gyllenhaal and she has some horror stories about crappy actors at award shows that would curl your hair. So, in this day and age (aka rude Trumpworld), it's refreshing to hear the there are truly good people left in America!

  39. This is honestly the best blind today and I hope more people see it

  40. So she didn't wind up becoming the sex slave to a Chechen mercenary in one of the last remaining ISIS strongholds in Syria slated for a Russian massive ordinance air blast bomb then?

    What on earth is the world coming to?

  41. Great story and how refreshing to know that there are lovely, nice couples in Hollywood. Not just the man of woman but both.

  42. Thanks for the sobering reminder that not everyone in that community is a total waste of breath!

    If only there were more like you and your friends. Hollywood if not the who!e state might shape up!

  43. I love this and I can’t wait til the reveal.

  44. This needs to be revealed!

    I think it's Rockwell. What about Willem Defoe? Is he geniunely thought of positively?

  45. This feels like a Hugh Jackman story - he and his wife are known for being lovely people. This really made me smile this morning.

  46. Ooooh so Himmmm was a Frog who was avoiding cars 😄 hahahaha I understand now, thank You guys for explaing, everyone!

  47. Thank you, Himmmm, I love this!

  48. betty whites's niece, gabriella, and america's greatest actor, writer, producer, and director and great guy in general, tim conway. beautiful story of life and redemption. this crazy kooky town does have a heart.

  49. betty whites's niece, gabriella, and america's greatest actor, writer, producer, and director and great guy in general, tim conway. beautiful story of life and redemption. this crazy kooky town does have a heart.

  50. Sam Rockwell was at the Fox after party.. Jason Bateman and his spouse were at the Netflix party.

  51. Don't be upset if himmmmmm is exposed, he has a heart.
    Less than Zero

    And go Back to School, damn this rain is strong

  52. Himmmmmm, you are the closest thing I will ever get to a Hollywood party, premier etc. THANK YOU so much for the great story. After working all day it's nice to read something good.

  53. Any good news about good people leaves me weepy with relief. I honestly had bad dreams last night after reading some of the stories on this blog. Back in the 90s, I was attending a television taping and was approached about getting my toddler involved in television/movies. Thank heavens I didn't pursue it.

    Bless you good people, wherever you are!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Dammit, who's chopping onions in here? Wonderful read!

  56. Think it's Rockwell/Bibb combo, as they're not married and blind specifically says "his lady" as opposed to wife or spouse.

    Great one. Made me all warm and fuzzy up here in the frozen NYC metro.

  57. WOMAN. If she is over the age of 18, she is a woman, not a girl.

  58. JC Taylor, you moron: Trumpworld seems to be the moment all these pedos, rapists, pimps and whores got exposed. Trumpworld seems to be doing well: over 100,000 new jobs created, financial market doing better than in years, fortified border control, tax breaks for tens of millions - wtf are you upset about?
    You think all this shite would have come out if Clinton (Weinstein donator, Oprah donator, etc) were potus?

    Get your empty head out of your arsehole.

  59. HUGH JACKMAN IS THE BOMB!!! Class act all around. I believe this is him.
    Eat a bag of dicks bored at work. 45 is a psychopath.

  60. Urban, say the psychos who have answered a democratic election with burning down college campuses, threatening people, beating up people, attacking police, screaming like lunatics, marching with terrorist supporters, marching with gay lynchers, and listening to pedo and rapey dregs of Hollywood about who should lead a country.
    Watching the unhinged insane behaviour of your ilk this past year, and now you inbreds are accusing somebody else of being a psychopath?
    LOL Trump 2020 you turdball.

  61. Lol. Trump hasn't been in office a year but all these horrible, debauched people and their shenanigans are directly related to him. You can't make this shit up. The echo chamber must be full of hot chocolate and safe spaces. And hypocritical monsters.

  62. exactly week kitty +1

    they were frothing at their mouths over Trump saying something in a locker room 20 years ago and started fucking marches! With TERRORISTS!

    Where are the marches against the pedos in Hollywood motherfuckers?

  63. Trump has power for 12 months and in those 12 months we've seen more of the rapists, abusers and slimy look-the-other-way cunts of Hollywood exposed and called to account than in its entire history.

    So if we're talking about today's world or 'Trump world', I think it's actually better than the one five years ago in some respects. Perhaps people actually preferred it when people were allowed to applaud Polanski without critique? When we didn't know how many kids were abused? When Bryan Singer and his pederast friends could operative openly and everyone looked the other way?

    Obviously last night's Globes was just a wretchedly ineffective PR exercise. They still don't get it. We all know now. They haven't changed. They can't. They've just rearranged the furniture on the sinking ship and rolled out some fat black female billionaire closet case who hangs on Geffen's yacht and has been photographed with her tongue on Harvey's face, thinking it will appease us, because we're apparently THAT stupid.

    1. Whoa. This was actually one of the most spot in things I’ve ever read in the comments. Well said!

  64. Hey Rinky, your bigotry is showing.

  65. Aww!! I wish the kindness ones didn't have to be blind items.. I wanna know who these nice people are!

  66. Hey Rinky, don't make so much sense please, liberals' tiny minds might explode, for inability of computing logic.

    After all, under Obama and Hillary as foreign secretary, ISIS was CREATED, my friend.....

    After a year of hysterically trying to find a Russia connection, now they have all forgot about Russia, and Trump's got dementia. LOL

    I still can't get the fuck over these foul turds marching with a female genital mutlilation fan, gay-lynching supporter, child marriage advocate and terrorist supporter....leftism is a mental illness.
    Stalin used to call then 'useful idiots', as did Goebbels.

  67. "WOMAN. If she is over the age of 18, she is a woman, not a girl."

    To those of us of a certain age, in a certain place that isn't Hollywood, 18, 19, 20, ... 25 is not a woman. A more paternal attitude -- unless one happens to be Woody Allen -- would eliminate a lot of problems. Having stated that, I prefer "young woman" to "girl."

  68. Thank you, boredatwork boredatwork. You've just proved my point.

  69. Jc Taylor - got nothing substantial to say, so just write any old shite, huh?

    Thank you for proving MY point :)

  70. I really loved reading this. Thank you so much for posting it!

  71. I think this is Jackman. Sam Rockwell is fucking fantastic.

  72. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕

  73. Scroll up, y'all. Himmmm revealed it with a wink. Educatedguess got it with Sam Rockwell & Leslie Bibb. I love this story.

    "Himmmm said...
    Some people can make a really good "educatedguess".
    (and thank you all as well. it was fun to make her smile and that couple deserves good things coming their way).

    2:59 PM"

  74. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Love this :)

  75. No way Himmmm is Mario Lopez. Love this blind though!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Agreed with most people, this totally reads at Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb. They seem like genuine and cool people. Plus, they both did one of the Iron Man movies

  78. Um... Enty, will you reveal this THIS weekend please?
    Thank you:)!

    (for what is worth, I´m going with the Hugh Jackman guess. He´s a class act all around)

  79. Himmmm: Sam Rockwell & Leslie Bibb. The young lady designer is Leslie's stylist for the night but not sure who she is wearing to the show. (sorry this should've been revealed already. Thanks!).



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