Thursday, January 18, 2018

Himmmm Blind Item #4

This permanent A list rock group has apparently agreed to do something they said they'd never, ever do.  Make another record with (most of) the original lineup.  They just signed a deal with one of the top five most famous producers of all time to take the helm of the project.  Among his stipulations was that every member of the band cede control to the producer, and if any single one member of the band departs or screws up? It is over.  According to one member, no more half-hearted collaborative efforts for that band.  At this point, why would they even try? Aside from the expense of paying off past lawsuits and alimony, they want the money. Apparently all that recent concert money they've recently earned has reminded them they were once that good.  This should be interesting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. Or Van Halen. Possibly more likely.

    2. VH just put out a crappy album in 2012. No news there.

      GnR / Steve Albini is my guess. He’s the only producer I can think of so high on himself he’d demand complete control.

    3. GNR and Bob Rock is my guess.

  3. KISS wish it was Pink Floyd or Kinks. Wouldn't surprise me if it's Oasis though.

  4. Led Zeppelin maybe hmmm

  5. Oasis is a good guess since the brothers recently reconciled.
    Himmmm is our Wonderwall....

  6. Definitely Guns n Roses and I am on board.

  7. Black Sabbath is going to do one more "final" album, with Rick Rubin producing.

    1. I hope it's Black Sabbath. I would love to see them live again.

    2. Not with rick Rubin producing though. That guy is about 30 years past it

  8. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Yeah I'm going with GnR

  9. Van Halen is another good guess. Black Sabbath is amazeballs, btw.

  10. Backdoor Boys or NKOTB

  11. GnR seems to check most of the boxes.

  12. So vague-so many have said “never again”.
    The Eagles are possible...they did the “When hell freezes over tour”, but said they’d never make new music....and several major ,original band manners are gone-hence original line up

  13. Nickelback. To be different.

    1. Well that's going to encourage Creed to reunite and we can't have that lol!

  14. GnR is my guess as well.

  15. Probably not Van Halen. As I recall, in 2015 Eddie said in an interview that Dave kept coming to him asking when they were going to do a new album of new material, but Dave was interested in "dance music" (meaning old-fashioned Americana) and would not "come to the table" to write new music that was appropriate for the band. So both Dave and Eddie were signaling a willingness to make another album.

  16. Eagles actually DID record a new album, "Long Road Out of Eden." It was a double, and too long. Cut down to a single album, it would have been their second or third best.

    Only band that fits this bill--reunited to tour, but no new material--is GnR. In their heyday, there were, indeed, the best in the business. That weird Axel solo-sorta album, "Chinese Democracy," had a few good tracks, but if they actually get clean, work hard, maybe they'd deliver. It would be glorious, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

  17. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I say Guns N’ Roses due to that “recent concert money” they made over 200 million a year or two ago on that tour

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. There are rumors of a Smashing Pumpkins reunion. No news about D'Arcy though...

    1. This would be awesome. omg love this band. We need Ms. Wretzky-Brown, however.

  20. Van Halen?? The concerts made a ton.
    GnR would also be amazing


  21. I'll take GnR for $500, Jack ...

  22. Guns and Roses, the beardy weirdy guy for producer, Rick Rubin? Could have the name wrong.

  23. I am thinking Guns N roses

  24. Hope it's Oasis❤ really don't care about GNR, Bon Jovi, Eagles or Black Sabbath. Robert Plant has no desire to be in Led Zep and I don't blame him

    1. Please let it be oasis ❤️

    2. Yes please that would be a champaign supernova in the skyyyy with diamonds. 🥂👩🏻💎

  25. Immediately thought of GnR given their history and the egos in collision that has historically ruined much of their output.

  26. Stillwater!
    It's all happening...!

  27. Pink Floyd or Zep doesn't need the money.

  28. This is definitely G'n'R. All other guesses are wrong.

  29. Van Halen has made another recording with DLR It was called A Different Kind of Truth and they toured behind it. It was good, but didn't sell much. If this was reuniting with an original member it would be Michael Anthony, their original bassist whom they split with acrimoniously at the same time as Hagar. SO the wording of this ""he has one condition" doesn't make sense

    I am full on board with GnR tho....alimony...lawsuits..sounds more like them.

  30. Its smashing pumpkins. Corgan, Iha and Chamberlin were pictured together in the studio. I am not sure what D'Arcy is up to. This has been long rumor

  31. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Has to be GnR after their recent tour.

    i WISH it was led zeppelin. Fuck Gn R

  32. My gut instinct was Zeppelin. Definitely could be wrong though

  33. Pink Floyd doesn't need the $ and btw they actually own the copyright to both their songs and recordings, a rather rare distinction in music that they share with a few other including Neil Diamond.

    Robert Plant would not be my choice to drop by for tea, but I totally respect his decision that Led Zep is in the past and he's not living in the past. Of course their enormous wealth makes that decision easier, but you still have to like it. Ditto for ABBA -- I'm not an arch-fan but much respect to their decision to move on.

    G'n'R sounds like a good guess.

  34. Fingers crossed it's the Oneders.

  35. Eddie and Alex van Halen aren't going to fire Eddie's son, bassist Wolfgang van Halen, to reunite with Michael Anthony.

    Robert Plant can't sing most Zeppelin repertoire any more.

  36. clearly this is Guns and Roses.

    Who is the Top 5 producer?

    Mutt Lange
    Rick Rubin
    Steve Albini (j/k)

  37. Slash of GNR recently went through an expensive divorce - not sure if he has alimony payments or not, but it's no coincidence that the reunion tour was announced immediately after his final divorce judgement.

    Duff has plenty of cash. He has an accounting degree (which he studied for after he got sober) and ran an investment fund for awhile. He actually took a lower percentage on the reunion tour because Slash needed the money more than he did.

    The lawsuits are probably Axl's. Still waiting on that Axl autobiography: Slash, Duff, and Steven Adler all wrote good books.

    Steven wasn't healthy enough to tour; he had a (probably drug-induced) stroke a few years back. Not sure if he will be part of the album.

    Izzy is a solid songwriter, but I'm not sure he's willing to put up with Axl long enough to be part of an album process.

  38. Guns n Roses....they need the money, it's all about the money, they only toured for the money and they will now put out a garbage record and tour to support it so they can make more money.

  39. BTW, I saw them on tour and they were excellent. Played for nearly 3 hours and Axl's voice was in great shape except for a little wear and tear on the low part of his range.

  40. Yeah, well, stay home then. I saw them with a large stadium full of people who would be happy to hear some new music.

    It'll be hard to match "Appetite for Destruction" - they're not broke, stoned, gutter rats any more. Hard to make a good record about how your stock portfolio isn't maximizing its potential vs. an index of similar funds. But they can try.

  41. if this is GNR, then it's ALMOST its original line up, Izzy ain't joining (not now not ever) so the sound won't be as great as it was back in their Appetite era.

  42. "Hard to make a good record about how your stock portfolio isn't maximizing its potential vs. an index of similar funds."

    Totally true. Emotional Rescue by the Rolling Stones was a whole album about how Mick's investments had just not done well in the previous five years. While critics didn't love the LP, it did foreshadow how Jagger's fortunes would soar in the 1980s, and sold quite well. Economist Arthur Laffer cited the album as inspiration for the famed Laffer curve, which was a foundation of Reaganomics.

  43. I'm going to be the only person here who desperately wishes it were The Smiths but A) yeah right and 2) never bloody likely, also C) nothing in this BI would even hint at that. I'll be over looking at myself and crying into a mirror. ;)

  44. It's obviously GnR, I don't know why people are still guessing.

  45. @oldsguy65: Yes, don't I wish! But they're waiting on their bass player to get out of the USMC, and that slut Faye broke up the band! Worse than Yoko! Besides, I think Jimmy's now doing solo stuff for Playtone Records. (Great - now I'll have that damn theme song stuck in my head all day! haha).

    @Nutty: I agree totally about Izzy! Talented genius and the best songwriter of the era. It's like he sobered up one day, looked around and said..."fuck this" and went to hide. I liked his JuJu Hounds stuff too. It's a shame Adler vegetated himself, because if you had those 2 back with the core of GnR they could possibly keep making music to rival the Stones longevity. Guess we'll never know.

  46. Guns & Roses, saw them last year. They didn’t really interact with one another - but they put on a damn good show!

  47. @ Nutty, Ha ha ha! That reminds me of an interview with Kerry King where he said that despite Slayer having become rich and successful he still finds anger to inspire his angry songs (many of which I love btw...). For example, he gets really angry about the fact that he pays more road tax for his expensive car than the next guy with a cheaper car, despite occupying the same amount of road. Rich guy problems. Life never gets easy, ya know?

    My guess for above, Guns 'n' Roses and maaaaybe Rick Rubin. Might even be good!

  48. Sorry, meant @Carolina too.

  49. @Nutty_Flavor - I'm 100% with you on this. I love them! 30 years later this music is just as amazing as it was when first released.

  50. It's not Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin, unless they're bringing Syd Barrett, Rick Wright or Jon Bonham from the dead. :(

  51. Not Van Halen. Only one member was paying alimony (Alex Van Halen) at some point in time, and both Eddie and Dave have said they want to do another album, but...
    And has already been pointed out, no way does Eddie fire his kid (he seems to truly enjoy performing with him) for a guy he never liked nor respected (Mike Anthony).

  52. Guns n roses...I was at the filming of thier first video, Welcome to the Jungle filmed at the Scream club, downtown LA...1987...30 years ago...dammnnn, at the time, never woulda believed how HUUUUGE they be...saw them on halloween 1986 at UCLA...opening for The Dickies and red hot chili peppers...The Dickies headlined...I was there for rhcp...anthony was so hot back then!! Not a huge fan of gnr, but alot of good memories of that time period in LA.

  53. Kikibunny - The Dickies? As in The Incredible Shrinking Dickies? Wow. I bought that album based on the cover alone, lol!

    1. Ya...i was new in town and stan lee gave me a ride home that night cuz i was fucked up and didnt know where i was...nice guy.

  54. GnR, Not In This Lifetime Tour, 480 million gross to-date, and it's going on through this Summer.

    They are all still alive, and even original drummer Steven Adler (who could easily have died a million times already) sometimes comes onstage with them.

    And if you notice: people are wearing GnR merch non-ironically, even teens/college kids.

    So, yeah. It could be a great album or it could be cheap crap, but GnR is my guess.

  55. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I'm torn between GnR and Kiss. All kinds of rumbling from the Kiss camp about Ace being back. One last tour/album with Kiss? There's a insane (and dumb) rumor that they're bringing everyone back for a 7 member band, except Peter.

    GnR makes total sense, too - Izzy back, Matt on drums. Slash just got divorced, and there's always lawsuits floating around with that band - but Axl has commitments to AC/DC, I'm pretty sure. Big interest from fans in them making new music, and this tour that just ended made them a mountain of money and did huge, huge business.

    VH a distant third, there's a big demand for the return of Michael Anthony. The thing they said they'd never do is another album with Sammy, or a co-headline tour with Sammy/Dave - and there's a big anniversary for the Sammy era coming up.

    No way it's Pink Floyd or Zeppelin. If i Had a gun to my head, I'd go with GnR.

  56. Guns n Roses because they’re the most alimonies to pay. I suppose Motley Crue could count though.
    Promoters ensure you have Izzy Stradlin back if you want me to give this effort one minute of my attention or a single of my dollars.

  57. Very excited for whoever it is. Eagles possibly because they are touring with Glenn's son so maybe make an album, but I'm leaning toward Guns. Because it's saying that they have all gotten together and seeing how great they still sound so it means they have performed more recently. Which takes Journey out, who I was thinking of.

  58. By no means am I fat-shaming, but ol Axl's gonna need to drop at least 40 if he intends to make it past day 3.
    Homeboy's gotta be pushing 275.

  59. You are all wrong, it's the Smashing Pumpkins!!!

    1. Billy Corgan could hire 3 midgets and no one would notice the difference between that performance and w/ the original band. Besides, he is busy trying to get a wrasslin company off the ground.

  60. I thought Guns'N'Roses and but I'm stuck on "halfhearted collaborations." Black Sabbath fits, too. "Never, ever" sounds like part of the chorus to "Never Say Die," their 1978 final record with original lineup. Could be Van Halen, but I don't know if they have alimony problems. That fits Guns'N'Roses.

  61. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Mutt Lange / GnR. Butch Vig putting up with the handful that is Axl I just can’t see.

  62. It’s GnR. In a TMZ bite years ago, Axl was asked if we’d see a reunion in the future and he said “not in this lifetime” and they did a reunion tour called [drum roll please] Not In This Lifetime. They toured the entire world and even came to my little country. They were absolutely ravishing and punctual. They also, played beyond their set time. They seemed to really have enjoyed themselves at every single concert and also reflected in the rave reviews and people's social media I've been following.

  63. Don't you do it Motley Crue. I love Sixx,but if it's them his credibility is shot to hell. Please don't let it be them. Maybe Zepplin? Not GNR IZZY!!!

  64. Metallica with Mustaine and Newsome? I love puzzles!!!!

  65. The blind says "all that recent concert money" so we should be able to eliminate a lot of the guesses.
    Black Sabbath and GnR have both toured recently, so I guess GnR is the most likely guess.

  66. Aren’t Led Zepplin facing a breach of copyright law suit for iconic Stairway to Heaven riff? That would be a big payday for a successful claimant!
    Would love it to be The Smiths but that will never happen as Morrissey’s head disappeared up his own backside years ago.

  67. If only this was about The Smiths, but "alimony" and "Morissey" are two words that will never go together. Journey is also not the answer, not with the acrimony between Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain, which doesn't even take into account the fact that Steve Perry seems very content to live out his days as a normal person. He`s also a perfectionist who knows he can't live up to people's expectations for "The Voice".

  68. appetite for destruction is last CD I ever bought. I bought it few years ago as replacement for sole purpose of listening to Rocket Queen in my car. song was a jam. still is!
    if this is them I hope they produce quality pride involved record

  69. I hope to God it's KISS especially since Gene and Ace have been hanging out heaps lately... And Ace was writing songs with Gene and Paul over the last 2-3 years... And Ace is going on the KISS KRUISE 8 this year but I don't think they'd bring Peter back since he's retired, he's in his 70's and he never stuck to his contracts so they definitely wouldn't bring had m back if they toured again. Ace (especially in the last few years) has been saying that he would love another KISS reunion and Gene has always said it won't happen but over the last year or two (and in recent weeks) they've been EXTREMELY friendly so I really hole they'll reunite again!!!!!!!!

  70. Definitely GnR. Everyone posted good reasons to back this. I want to add the band members need the money because Axl screwed them over big time on things like who gets credit, who gets royalties, etc. Everything was set up in his favor. Axl is also a major asshole according to everyone who knows him. Why tour with a guy who owns the rights to your songs and whom you think is an asshole if you do not need the money?

  71. I wanted to add younger people as a whole know GnR. Some might be familiar with some of the other bands but we know GnR.

  72. Gn'R without izzy and rubin producing. I hated them at the time, an awful spinal tap band on MTV while i was a cool pixies/sonic youth indie fan but they do have abut 5-6 of the best american rock songs ever made. Saw them at milton keynes bowl in the early 90's during the 'ginger beard axl' years and they were f***ing awful. Count me out.

  73. Guns and Roses. I really hope so. I saw them at their very peak in the 90's in NYC at the Garden, with Soundgarden as the opening act during the Use Your Illusion years. They came on late, and played a magnificent show. One of the few acts who are better live than on record. My ears were ringing for 2 days after that. They truly were electrifying, and very nice to the audience. There again, NYC is the toughest audience, so you'd better be 1) at peak form, and 2) very nice.

    Slash just went through a recent divorce w/no pre-nup (ouch), and was married at least 10 years, during which he made a lot of money with his Snakepit band, so I'm sure he lost a pile. The ex was his manager, and soon as she was out of the way, the GnR current tour happened. Axl had said it was because of Slash's ex controlling ways that he put off doing a reunion tour.

    Don't know about the lawsuits though...

  74. Anonymous12:22 PM

    GnR has had lawsuits from day one - most bands who get big do, people come out of the woodwork with lawsuits. The last public lawsuit was settled last year, from Chris Pitman, who sued for $125K or so. I've heard that the royalty situation for Chinese Democracy was so fouled up because nobody really knows who played on what track, and there could be lawsuits there. If you want career security, do music law. There's plenty of work!

    @T.W. Axl doesn't own the songs. He's a shareholder of GnR Inc. with Slash and Duff. There were lawsuits over the control of the band's assets over the years. It's complicated. Everything with that band has always been complicated.

  75. Just saw GnR this past summer and they put on a great show. Axl is definitely not fit like he was, but I wouldn't call him huge. He still ran around the stage and put on a great performance. The stage also was shared by Axl, Slash, and Duff. They don't have the original lineup and there was a few new ones added to the mix,so maybe it's mainly the three that people are talking about. Who knows, but they'd prob be successful just on curiosity alone.
