Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy New Year

2017 was a year of a lot of change. After months of fighting of DDOS attacks, staying on WordPress was just not a possibility. Going back to Blogger and letting the people at Google fight off all the attacks turned out to be a much better option.

This was a year where, those of you have been reading for years and telling your friends what kind of scum are trolling through Hollywood were vindicated. I don't see how 2018 will be any different in exposing the worst of the worst. One of the great things about this coming to light is more people feel safe coming forward and sharing the stories of things that happened on sets or they experienced themselves. I think 2018 will have bigger names taking bigger falls and people getting jail time.

As always, 2017 confirmed to me that all of you are the best audience. Everyone seems to have adjusted nicely back into Blogger and the community is more lively than it has been in awhile. As always I have some people to thank.

On Blogger there is no link to the Crazy Days And Nights Facebook Fan Page. I say fan page, but really it is a complementary page that has lots of fresh things to read each day. A companion site if you will. I am grateful for all the hard work that goes into that and you can visit the page and like it by clicking this link. 

Himmmm and Mr. X stepped up and delivered some really good gossip the past six months. Although you don't always see Mr. X's items, he provides  lot of tips and is still the go to person for a lot of different parts of Hollywood. With Himmmm coming back, the last few months really have seemed like old home week which was great because of the return to Blogger. It was all full circle.

If you want to follow me on Twitter or be personal friends on Facebook, you can click on the links on the right side. I hope each of you has an amazing New Year and find the time to come say hi when you can.

Love & Bacon,



  1. Thank you, thank you Enty! Keep fighting the good fight and shining the light!
    Happy 2018 and best to all the readers.

  2. Definitely feels like old times!

  3. I love you Entry 😘🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓

  4. Happy New Year Enty - who was the QVC host in the S&M club????

  5. I missed the old site so much. Happy to be back with new and old friends here.

    Snark you all in 2018!

  6. Love back, Enty! Thanks for all you and Himmmm and Mr. X do.

  7. Thank you Enty for another great reveal day. Thanks to all the posters both new and us old timers who make this site such a fun place to visit. A great and wonderful New Year full of great health, peace, love and CDAN.......

    Love y'all

  8. Enty the best thing you have ever done was come back to blogger and all these old posters are returning. Also the past few months you have come back to life and after 2 or 3 years of teen moms, KTrash b.s. and a lot of crap, the molesters have made you extremely relevant again. You even got press in your favorite paper the DM! I am glad I read here and that you really care about us too. 2018 here is going to be great. Happy New Year Enty and the Enterns!! Even you Mr. X and welcome back hmmmm (not RDJ).

  9. There were some sizzling reveals today. Thanks.

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Thank you Enty, especially for going back to the original format, and for keeping me entertained, and informed all these years.
    Kisses, love & lots of bacon to you too.

  11. Thank you, Enty!
    Happy new year to you, too!

  12. I might friend you on Facebook, but I don't know if I want you to know too much about me yet. I don't want to piss you off and become a blind.
    But, seriously, Happy New Year enty!

  13. Ever since the return to Blogger I've been kind of obsessed with this site - I even had a dream about Enty the other day, and in my dream he was a young, fit guy wearing a baseball cap instead of a fat guy eating bacon! Whoever you are, Enty, thanks for making the site a must-visit every day.

  14. Happy New Year Enty! Looking forward to what 2018 will bring!

  15. Does anybody know who the A list musician is, who has 3 women worshipping him in an LA cult? Gotta know

  16. Sue T - enty probably really has a sexy Paul Ryan type body

    1. Haha
      This is absolutely my guess as well

  17. HAPPY NEW YEAR, ENTY! And thank you. 🥓

    Love and ramen,

    –Scandi Sanskrit 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

  18. Muah, Love ya Enty! I've been around since the beginning and I look forward to a fun and juicy 2018. Love that you went back to Blogger. Now what do we have to do to bring back FFF and VIP Blonde???

  19. I am so glad I checked the site again after leaving for a while because of the format change. It does feel like old home days here again :) Love the blinds, although, some are so dark and disturbing. Life can be scary! Thank you for keeping it real!

    Happy New Year!

  20. happy this page is back tbe way i found it in 08. nice to not just be a lurker anymore

  21. Thanks for the information and posts by readers, Happy 2018 from a former lurker :)

  22. Thank you, Enty! Happy New Year!!
    You're doing a lot of good in a realm not known for it. That takes something special. We've lost the magic of Hollywood, but you're the new magic. Can't thank you enough.

    And thank you to Mr. X and to the four m's of himmmm. Keep the fire going. 🔥

  23. I've been reading since about 2012. Love the old blog setup because the reason I stopped being able to read was something about the newer site was making my computer crash. Thanks for all your hard work, as well as Mr. X and Himmmm. I do hope people come forward in these horrible situations and shine the light on bad people.

  24. It’s great to be back again!

  25. Thanks for a great day, Enty! Feels good to be back "home" at the OG CDAN!

  26. Enty, I've read and commented here since the beginning, when a friend of mine who is an entertainment lawyer in Hollywood told me about your blog. It's been an amazing ride over the past bunch of years and got even better this fall. I'm a huge fan, always have been, always will be, and New Years and July 4 are always extra special days for me.

    Love & Bacon,

  27. Go get ‘em this year. You are the leading edge, the one who can cut through the NDAs and money and nasty lawyers to shed light on the awful open secrets in the industry. Thanks for all you do and all the best for 2018.

  28. And YES! Full Frontal Fridays again!

    1. Ahh yes! Some light hearted Friday fun! That would complete enty 2.0 back bigger and better than ever! Xo

    2. Yes, fff need to come back. It's good to see Rosie and timebomb even count jerkula. Good old times

  29. Thanks for the big reveals today...the return to the old format, Himmmm blinds, and meaty blinds that allow for collaboration has really made this site a lot more fun this year even though some content was pretty rough to read. It's been great to see old commenters return and new people add to the conversation, and man are you guys easy on the eyes! Great job, Enty! And Happy New Year to all! 🍾🥂🎉

  30. Thank you for the hard work you put into this website, Enty. Your effort is appreciated.

  31. Enty, about to direct my first feature film from an original script I wrote. CDAN helps me navigate in the system, and who to avoid in terms of stars, and some agents. Although I hardly know the depth of creeps, I have already put a kibosh on a few actors CD's have suggested for my film. I definitely do not want to be in bed with regulars on CDAN.

    Happy New Year and Thank you!

    Spider B Demille.

  32. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Thanks Enty! Long time reader:) sometimes commentor:)

  33. Thank you for years of great reveals, fun gossip and exposing the filth that persists. I tell my husband some of the more awful blinds and he says you've been saying this 'child stuff' for years, you'd think it would be revealed by now.. and one can only hope! But I remind him since old Hollywood horrible things have occurred at the hand of those in power.. thanks to you, X and himmm for shining the light! We can only hope the damn bursts
    Hugs and bacon!!

  34. Been around in the beginning of the site. Left with the format
    change.Great to be back :)

  35. Thanks to Enty, Himmmm, Mr X and all of the regulars and super sleuths around here. May you all have a fabulous New Year!!

  36. May you have a strong and vindictive 2018 Enty, Himmmm and the mamy others that use this site to bravely shed light on the unbelievable reality of the many victims who are surpressed, have an unheard truth or are seeking the support to bring justice to the atrocities of the criminals, predators and manipulators who pray on the innocent and disadvantaged. I hope you stay the course and don't relent. After all these years of being a member of this blog, there is no doubt 2017 was the year that will go down in history as the year that started a massive change to an unregulated industry and despicable behavior that will not be tolerated any longer. Thank you for the many reveals and dedication to doing the right thing. The CDAN family you have created will only get stronger. Take care. XXOOXX and wishing you a buffet of bacon always!

  37. I'm back now that the old site is back...

  38. Enty,

    I've been a loooong time :-) I've finally come out of the shadows to say thank you thank you for your site. CDAN kept me entertained and intrigued while I was sidelined from life for two years with cancer treatments (way back in the beginning of CDAN).

    And then the dreaded format change. I will not lie, I mourned. Okay, so that's a little dramatic, but I mourned to the extent that one can miss a website.

    Then, what the heck? I return in 2017, and witness some sort of resurrection. Happy dance! The old format was back, and so is my addiction.

    Thank you Enty, Enterns, the collective Himmmm, and Mr. X. for all of your dedication to CDAN. I can only imagine (and hope) what changes you'll bring about in Hollywood this new year. Love & bacon to you all!

    P.S. I love the Old Hollywood blinds, even though I'm an 80's girl at heart.

  39. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Wishing all the predators and the rest of the evil dwellers in Hollywood hell on earth. Hoping all their victims find some measure of peace and happiness in 2018. CDANers are the best online community around--love you guys. Enty deserves an Oscar for his bravery. What a beautiful, 300-pound, bacon lover he is.

  40. Bravo once again Enty👏 prefer the Entertainment blinds and leave the political crapola to the Enquirer globe and radar online. Bring it on about perverts, yatchs,and dishonest a holes who need their payback! Boycott Singer and Pals!

  41. Seems that the most damning reveal today about a living person is the one about Sean Kingston. No Monster Icon reveal, alas.

  42. Enty and Himmmm (and Mr X)
    Truly i appreciate you and ALL you do!! I am grateful for you guys and your courage. I am in awe. The highlight of my fall - LOVE IT TOO MUCH!!!

  43. Enty and Co

    Love this place! Keep fighting the good fight and keep those old Hollywood blinds a coming!
    (I'm old too. Most of the new names are a mystery to me but old H'wood trash; I got it down cold!)

  44. Happy New Year! I have been following for years this is a great site

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Thank You Enty, Himmmm and Mr.X for all the work that You're doing to expose all the bad people, and help the victims, it takes courage to do that. You guys are such Superheroes!
    Also thanks for all the shocks, chills, scares and laughs that You're providing us on CDAN.
    Looking forward to 2018 and what it will bring us!

    Happy New Years everyone and much luv!❤🎆🎉
    And bacon hahaha!🥓😀

  47. Lurking since the get-go, but an infrequent poster. Just wanted to give a hearty nod of appreciation to you, Enty, and all your compatriots for your efforts here! I’d like to say it’s fantastic to escape here for a while every day, and it often is, but sometimes, you make my head, and then my heart, hurt. But in the interests of intellectual enlightenment that’s ok, right? 😜

    Happy 2018 to you, and all the readers here, whose comments I so enjoy! May it be filled with bacon and champagne cocktails. Or bacon flavoured champagne?

  48. Happy New Year, all! Thank you so much Enty, Himmmm, Mr X. So grateful for all you've done to expose the worst of Hollywood. May 2018 be a radically transformative year for Hollywood, for the protection of all.

  49. Thank you Enty for a great year of blind items and reveals that in some cases have stunned me. I hope you have a wonderful New Year and kudos to all of your posters and all do any amazing job.

  50. Thank you & Happy Bacon New Year Enty! You're the BEST!

  51. I used to lurk on and off through the years but, since this fall, I never miss. You think I'm addicted if I keep refreshing every morning waiting for the first blind to be published??

    Thanks so much Enty, the Himmmm's, Mr. X for all your dedication to CDAN. And to all you brilliant sleuths and fabulous story tellers, all the best for 2018!

  52. Thanks for all the awesome blinds and reveals, Enty!! Happy New Year to all!!

  53. Happy new year Enty & co!! Thanks for always giving us reason to question and challenge what’s presented on the surface and for standing up against some of the worst behavior in Hollywood. For years people unknowingly supported rapists and abusers in Hollywood because they didn’t have enough information to make a choice...I’m sure we’re only 10% of the way there, but you and this community you bring together are such an important part of the change that’s coming. xx

  54. Thanks to you Enty, X and the four M's. And all the commenters.

    I have been reading for years & years... I honestly dont recall how long. You once personally wished me a happy birthday on FB, and I'll never forget it :) haha.

    Thanks for going back to this format, soooo much more user friendly.

    Cheers to the New Years to all & any who took the time to read this.

  55. Thanks a lot Enty ♡

  56. Happy New Year Enty!

    I've been reading every day for two and a half years and love it! Thank you for everything!

  57. Love & bacon to all, indeed... what more could you ask for?

  58. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Happy new year, love you enty! Thanks for all you do.

  59. Happy New year Enty! Hope it's a great one for ya.

  60. Thanks for all of your hard work, Enty!

    It's Much Appreciated!


  61. This is a lot like it was years ago before the redesign and the mass exodus. I'm a long time reader that returned about a year ago. Feels good to be home. Happy Holidays to everyone.

  62. @twounstable2 cosign on the "even Count Jerkula" I appreciate his insights on a few things. They sound outlandish sometimes but his thought process and what he says are always on point.

  63. I'm not on facebook but i follow you on twitter, happy year everyone!

  64. Happy New Year, Enty! Thanks for all that you do. CDAN is so addictive! Yesterday's reveals where better than the Black Friday reveals.

  65. It feels good to be back. It is nice to see old snarkers on here from back in the day. It is pretty crazy to think that in 2006 was my first time coming onto this site. Wowzers. Are my dates right? Anyway, good luck to you Enty! Glad you went back to blogger.

  66. Guilty Pleasure!!

  67. All the best to all! Here's to a happy and productive 2018!

  68. Wow, it´s been a ride! Thank you Enty for the hard work you put on this site and have a wonderful New Year:)

    And a Happy New Year to all of you guys! May you continue to be the finest team of detectives on the whole planet (seriously, I couldn´t believe almost ALL of the New Year blinds were solved/guessed correctly months ago)!:)


  69. @enty mad love for you all.

    LOVING YOU BACK ON BLOGGER- makes me genuinely nostalgic.

    please be careful - its gonna get a whole lot meaner and uglier before it gets better. i would compare them to cornered wild animals but that is unfair to wild animals.

    even if you had that kind of dough&bacon- you can't go to most security companies [who are all on retainer to turn you in,] for a contingency plan, your only recourse is a dead man-switch type protocol with a distant law firm you trust.

    another option would be a wikileaks like organisation with some kind of way of tweeting/texting them an SOS-go code for a Deadman switch protocol

    sorry just thinking aloud - can't turn off the paranoia when off duty cause i am on the sweet green MM!!

    mucho love and bacon sexy!

  70. I don't do Facebook or Twitter anymore, but I have a strange addiction to this site. I just can't get enough.

  71. @John Doe

    the truth is addicting!

  72. Thank you for going back to the old format! I was a big fan for years, and I am happy to be back!



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